Topic: Mint 11 LXDE RC2
RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 07/21/11 05:28 PM
I am really impressed that I am willing to give up Gnome for this. And that is saying a lot. All of things I found lacking in most versions of LXDE is not lacking in this version of LXDE. It loads fast. It has almost the latest Nvidia drivers that are easy to config. It has a lot of what I call the advantages of Puppy. Kudos.:smile:

no photo
Fri 07/22/11 06:06 PM
Wise decision: Gnome and kde are both dreadfull desktops, even worse than enlightenment Mint debian xfce isnt bad for relaibility despite coming with some gnome gnome stuff but it is still a debian based one (with funny file permissions and unreliable sound)

Id like to be able to find some PROPER instructions on how to install .tar files instead of being reliant on the dyslexic package manager. For Now win 7 is the best system i have used so far

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Fri 07/22/11 06:08 PM
Puppy would be nice if only they stopped it being so buggy and they tidied up the menu system a bit

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Fri 07/22/11 06:11 PM
PC linux os kde supprisingly good for kde 4.x
Pc linux os xfce problems with my LAN port
Open suse just works but is very power hungry and like most distros falls to pieces with supprisingly little tinkering

no photo
Fri 07/22/11 06:21 PM
Fedora, ubuntu, knoppix, vector, dreamxfce, altlinux, debian, are all **** for different reasons.

I found as well that the alsa sond system is crap, pulse or oss is much better but neither of these will work with flash player. Gnash will be work instead but wont work with flash 11.3 as used by you tube.

As you can see if you want one thing in linux you will find you cant have another:(

no photo
Fri 07/22/11 06:29 PM
I am still interested in sabayon and ccux but i made/burnt the disks using brassero (gnomes so called disk burner)having decided k3b (kde) is even worse :( Linux is too half baked for me,

The only way for me in linux is if sabayon and ccux dont work is too learn how to build on top of a minimal distro like arch or tiny core and make my own distro with without all the unreliable crap that most distros seem to come with. I imagine this to be difficult without adequte documentaion being available online

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 07/22/11 07:31 PM
Have you tried the mini KDE by PCLinuxOs, yet? I haven't tried that. Was fond of the Legacy2 by Puppy which used to be teen pup. I have tried a lot of versions of Puppy. I once had PCLinuxOS installed. Wasn't fond of the 1.5 grub even though Mepis had a pretty good version and it is KDE. I have tried Sabayon. Haven't tried Tiny Core.

ZevenOS is an Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution with focus on providing a fast and easy-to-use system with BeOS-like user interface and support for older hardware. The distribution is built on top of a recent Linux kernel and includes a large number of popular open-source software applications for office use, multimedia playback and software development. ZevenOS also ships with MAGI, a tool for starting applications and managing the system. (But it is a very large download.) I am curious about BeOS but not that curious. LOL)

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 07/22/11 07:36 PM
Linux Desktop articles are all over the place. I can hardly open up a browser without tripping over one. Most of them are negative whine-fests, complaining that Linux is too hard for new users, or has become too dumbed-down for technical users, or the fonts are ugly, or the next generation desktop environments are too different, or... well I could go on, but I think you get the point. So today, I feel like whining about the whiners. Give em' some of their own medicine, and bring something a bit different to the table: A positive viewpoint on the state of the Linux Desktop. Don't look so shocked, just keep reading.

We have what we need folks! The Linux Desktop has arrived. The solid foundation of GNU's tools and the Linux kernel; topped with many desktop environment choices and all the wonderful Linux desktop applications has got us there. Due to the hard work of the entire Linux developer community there is now a viable, open, free, full desktop computing alternative for those who seek it out. There are user friendly distributions out there for non-techies, and highly technical ones for those who prefer to build a custom desktop experience. Available in your favorite distribution's repositories are three modern and beautiful desktop environments to choose from. Ubuntu's Unity is becoming more polished and user friendly. KDE is mature and highly configurable. And Gnome 3 takes the minimal, "get out of my way so I can get stuff done" desktop philosophy to new heights. For those that prefer more classic desktop experiences there is the fast, stable, fully featured xfce4; and the super-fast lxde desktop. For the nerdiest of the nerds there are multitudes of fully configurable window managers out there; from tiling powerhouses like Xmonad, to flexible floating window managers like Openbox. Linux users have never had more choice and quality available for their desktops.

Desktop applications on Linux have also matured greatly in past few years. No matter what your task is, Linux truly has an application for it. In many cases I find that I can get what I need to do done faster on Linux than the other two popular desktop platforms. For text editing, scripting, light programming, and writing I use Geany; my favorite text editor. For music management I use Quodlibet. For editing and sending documents to those other two platforms, Libreoffice does the trick. The latest versions of Thunderbird and Firefox handle email and browsing duties flawlessly. And for the curious, I use two different laptops, my work lappy runs Arch Linux and Gnome 3, and my personal lappy runs Arch and Xmonad.

Is the desktop experience on Linux perfect? I reply to this question with a question, Perfect for whom? Apple's OSX is perfect for folks who can conform to that restricted environment. Windows 7 can be perfect for some folks, that is until their computer falls prey to malware or a virus. The flexibility, configurability, and numerous distributions and desktop environments on Linux give you the greatest chance to find or create the perfect desktop for you. Some call it fragmentation, but I call it choice. As a multi-community driven open-platform, Linux is a different beast than the closed platforms offered by Apple and Microsoft. Different in the best ways possible: user focused, community contributions encouraged and essential, and the only price of admission is a bit your time. So why all the whining about the state of the Linux desktop? I'm smitten with what our community has achieved, and I'm ecstatic about the future.