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Topic: Hives
Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 10/08/11 11:33 AM

Well she thinks its an autoimmune issue. Which is what I was thinking for the longest time. Only treatment is four different kinds of antihistamines. Oh joy. But she has a plan if the meds don't work. She was great! Answered all of my questions and didn't talk down to me like so many other docs do. I am very happy with her as one of my docs and happy to find out what was going on, get some answers and a treatment. Only time will tell if the meds work out or not.

It feels great to know I was not going crazy lol. Someone listened to me and agreed. She didn't brush me off!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I am so glad you found a doctor that listens. That makes such a big difference. I am happy for you Redflowerforyou

redhead44613's photo
Wed 10/12/11 06:26 PM
So the meds did work...for 2 days. An now I am broke out again frustrated The doctor just called in another med that she said has great results. Its only been a day but nothing has changed. Going to give this new pill a week to see if things get better.

Jenknee's photo
Wed 10/12/11 07:38 PM

So the meds did work...for 2 days. An now I am broke out again frustrated The doctor just called in another med that she said has great results. Its only been a day but nothing has changed. Going to give this new pill a week to see if things get better.

That sucks! Are you taking Zyrtec? It's suppose to be one of the better allergy pills for hives.

no photo
Sun 10/16/11 07:21 PM
I had seven years of horrible hives that just about drove me mad! Cortisone, collodial oatmeal, prednisone, dexamethasone...you name it I was treated with it. Tested for Lupus and all kinds of allergy tests...FINALLY!!! I am severely allergic to yellow dye #5! That craps in just about everything: Pickles, cheetohs, Most of your foods from fast food places. If its yellow, orange, green, and sometimes red, its probably in there. Its only use is to make food more colorfully appealing, especially since yellow, orange and red colors stimulate hunger in the brain. Basically its toxic waste, a coal tar derivitive that can cause a lot of problems. Chronic hives is one of them.

no photo
Sun 10/16/11 07:28 PM
Seriously, before committing to the thought of an autoimmune disease or taking potent steroids (which are just as harmful) try changing your diet to raw fruits and veggies, stay away from canned, frozen, and other foods that contain dyes and perservatives. When eating out be very careful, the stuff is laden with taste enhancers and chemicals worse than any cigarette smoke!

Jenknee's photo
Sun 10/16/11 09:54 PM

Seriously, before committing to the thought of an autoimmune disease or taking potent steroids (which are just as harmful) try changing your diet to raw fruits and veggies, stay away from canned, frozen, and other foods that contain dyes and perservatives. When eating out be very careful, the stuff is laden with taste enhancers and chemicals worse than any cigarette smoke!

I'm glad you finally found the culprit! I did almost die from second hand smoke though. A massive tumor in my chest and cysts in my lung so I had open heart surgery and my upper left lobe closed off. Unfortunitely smoke can cause major damage or death to those who breathe it in.

All kinds of toxic chemicals everywhere, it's hard to avoid them all.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 10/17/11 12:46 AM
Sorry to hear you are suferring so. Defintiely no fun for sure.

Could be the boyfriend who has been gone for long enough for them to incubate has exposed you to Scabies. They look like what you describe and tend to be worse at contact points especially if you have protective covers on your bed that tend to cook the skin. Heat generally makes them worse while cold will ease them because they are a microscopic parasite that buries itself under neathe the upper layers of your kin. If you have a sharp pricking pain it means they have found a nerve point. Good new is the treatment, a cream, works fast.

Someone already mention softner but I have seen some serious painful rashes from dryer sheets that went diagnosed as shingels for months. Since yours tends to be popping up in cycles and on your feet (same chemical in foot doderizers, my guess leans that the dryer sheets are kicking in some kind of allergic reaction.

The other thought is when you went to a school sometime they gave you a measls vacination after you already had one. And now you are having a shigkes reaction.

Since it sounds like they are hammering you with lots of prescritions you may want to look up this site;
freemedcine.com Phone 1-888-812-5152 and ask the hospital for an application for a Hill Burton Act Grant a financial assistance plan for middle income people to pay hospital bills.

If the Doctor gives you a diagnosis of which auto-immune disease I can probably give you specific referrals but there is the National Organization for Rare Disorders email orphan@rarediseases.org (800)999-6673 or National Institute of Health @ rarediseases.info.nih.gov (Free written info). And if your Doc doesn't get with it contact help@Patientadvocate.org (800)532-5274

Will keep you in good thoughts.

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/18/11 04:52 PM
I am taking Zyrtec, Claritin, Allergra, and Singular. Doc added another med which I cant remember the name off hand. None of them seem to help me yet. I am now getting some joint pain but I was already tested for Lupus. I did the all raw diet an it did not effect me at all.

Thank you PacificStar I will deff look into it.

Jenknee's photo
Tue 10/18/11 05:10 PM

I am taking Zyrtec, Claritin, Allergra, and Singular. Doc added another med which I cant remember the name off hand. None of them seem to help me yet. I am now getting some joint pain but I was already tested for Lupus. I did the all raw diet an it did not effect me at all.

Thank you PacificStar I will deff look into it.

Here's a short article that may be useful


The best allergy pills I've read about in several articles are Zyrtec and Benedryl. I would take benedryl in the early evening and before bedtime because it may knock you out.

Regardless of why you have your hives, I cannot stress enough that oatmeal baths help tremendously. Hope u get better soon!

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