Topic: Hives
boredinaz06's photo
Thu 07/21/11 08:50 PM

Whatcha need is epinephrine! That will boost you adrenaline and fight your bodies reaction to whatever is causing the hives. You've changed something recently and that is what's causing them. Different deodorant, laundry detergent, fabric softener, eating something out of the ordinary.

redhead44613's photo
Sat 07/23/11 10:24 AM
I haven't changed anything.

I ended up going to the ER Thursday morning, I woke up completely covered in hives. From my chest down to my thighs prob had close to or over 1,000 hives. They gave me a cocktail of meds an got rid of them for that day. But yesterday I started to break out again, ER doc gave me some meds which I have been taking an so far I'm ok. got an appointment with a doc on Monday afternoon. Just hope we can figure out whats going on. ER doc seems to think I may have an auto immune issue. My body seems to be attacking itself for no reason. I'm sure I will be going through lots of tests to see whats going on. frustrated

soufiehere's photo
Sat 07/23/11 10:42 AM
Another source for hives=medication.

My dentist put me on Penicillin in preparation
for a root canal.
!0 days prior to surgery, you take the meds.
Then he cancelled the appointment, after my
10 days of medicating.
For the new appointment, a week later, he set
me up for another 10 day regimen of penicillin.
The body went into shock and the hives ran amok.
(This is also, by the way, the reason you never
interrupt your 10 day regimen, the body mistakes
it and turns on itself.)

I have had to switch to non-Penicillin products
or risk bad reactions. And all doctors must be

Hives are a reaction to something the body rejects.
Boredinaz is right, you must find the source. I would
check meds.

no photo
Sat 07/23/11 12:39 PM

I haven't changed anything.

I ended up going to the ER Thursday morning, I woke up completely covered in hives. From my chest down to my thighs prob had close to or over 1,000 hives. They gave me a cocktail of meds an got rid of them for that day. But yesterday I started to break out again, ER doc gave me some meds which I have been taking an so far I'm ok. got an appointment with a doc on Monday afternoon. Just hope we can figure out whats going on. ER doc seems to think I may have an auto immune issue. My body seems to be attacking itself for no reason. I'm sure I will be going through lots of tests to see whats going on. frustrated

So glad you went in.Will be praying that all turns out okay!flowers flowers flowers

redhead44613's photo
Sat 07/23/11 01:26 PM
I don't take any meds. Just the ones I started on Friday that the ER doc gave me. Nothing new in my little world, I don't take meds. I am eating the same things. I really don't like its anything in my environment. Believe me I have thought an thought bout possible causes. At first I thought it was my b/f at the time, when they first started it was right after we started to hang out but he is long gone an I'm still breaking out. I washed everything he touched and sat on so nothing could be left.

Can't wait to see what the doc thinks, so far the meds the ER doc gave me are working. But we will see how I am tomorrow, I get the hives real bad in the morning after a day of sweating (like today)

WolfEyez's photo
Sun 07/24/11 12:55 PM

I don't take any meds. Just the ones I started on Friday that the ER doc gave me. Nothing new in my little world, I don't take meds. I am eating the same things. I really don't like its anything in my environment. Believe me I have thought an thought bout possible causes. At first I thought it was my b/f at the time, when they first started it was right after we started to hang out but he is long gone an I'm still breaking out. I washed everything he touched and sat on so nothing could be left.

Can't wait to see what the doc thinks, so far the meds the ER doc gave me are working. But we will see how I am tomorrow, I get the hives real bad in the morning after a day of sweating (like today)

You might be allergic to your own sweat and have some issues with going out into the sun. I was told a long time ago that I am allergic to my own sweat. If my feet sweat too much I start out with a couple of hives on the bottom of my feet and because they itch so much they turn into blisters. I've learned to manage it over the years so now I don't have the problem anymore.

If it's very hot out or the sun is beating down on me, my arms will also break out into small hives. I am beginning to think I am somewhat allergic to the sun. But the reaction isn't alarming enough for me to seek help.

I am a fan of cold water. It brings my body temp down and helps with whatever allergy issue is bothering me. Also, if you have access to a pool .. swim often because I have noticed that I have no allergy problems while in the pool and for the whole day after swimming.

I found this intriguing. I went away for a week one summer to Wildwood, NJ. My allergies were NON EXISTENT down there. I didn't even want to leave. I'm still perplexed.

Hope you get this sorted out. I know how it feels to be driven crazy by your own body.

redhead44613's photo
Sun 07/24/11 02:31 PM

I don't take any meds. Just the ones I started on Friday that the ER doc gave me. Nothing new in my little world, I don't take meds. I am eating the same things. I really don't like its anything in my environment. Believe me I have thought an thought bout possible causes. At first I thought it was my b/f at the time, when they first started it was right after we started to hang out but he is long gone an I'm still breaking out. I washed everything he touched and sat on so nothing could be left.

Can't wait to see what the doc thinks, so far the meds the ER doc gave me are working. But we will see how I am tomorrow, I get the hives real bad in the morning after a day of sweating (like today)

You might be allergic to your own sweat and have some issues with going out into the sun. I was told a long time ago that I am allergic to my own sweat. If my feet sweat too much I start out with a couple of hives on the bottom of my feet and because they itch so much they turn into blisters. I've learned to manage it over the years so now I don't have the problem anymore.

If it's very hot out or the sun is beating down on me, my arms will also break out into small hives. I am beginning to think I am somewhat allergic to the sun. But the reaction isn't alarming enough for me to seek help.

I am a fan of cold water. It brings my body temp down and helps with whatever allergy issue is bothering me. Also, if you have access to a pool .. swim often because I have noticed that I have no allergy problems while in the pool and for the whole day after swimming.

I found this intriguing. I went away for a week one summer to Wildwood, NJ. My allergies were NON EXISTENT down there. I didn't even want to leave. I'm still perplexed.

Hope you get this sorted out. I know how it feels to be driven crazy by your own body.

Me an the sun do not get along at all. I had melanoma twice last year but caught it in time. I avoid the sun as much as I can, I always have a fan on me to help with the heat, lots of cool showers as well. The meds seem to be doing great! Im not itchy at all, did wake with a few spots but took my meds an poof their gone. :)

WolfEyez's photo
Sun 07/24/11 02:34 PM
yeah but you can't stay on strong meds for the rest of your life! LOL .. trust me .. I've been put on some steroids to help with some of my allergies when they get bad ... I wish I could have stayed on them! It was relief in a bottle.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 07/29/11 06:37 PM
If you spend a lot of time indoors it could be a reaction to mold!

redhead44613's photo
Sat 09/10/11 08:00 AM
Edited by redhead44613 on Sat 09/10/11 08:02 AM
Well guess I should give an update.

Went to see 2 docs, they both tried meds but didnt work. So now I have to find a doc that knows bout hives..that should be fun trying to find. the hives continue to effect my day to day life. And slowly getting worse. Docs think its not allergies, like I have been saying for the longest time. So they think it may something a little more serious. Joy.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 09/10/11 02:51 PM
Red, have the doctors given you any referrals? I hope you get to the root of the problem soonflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:56 AM

Well guess I should give an update.

Went to see 2 docs, they both tried meds but didnt work. So now I have to find a doc that knows bout hives..that should be fun trying to find. the hives continue to effect my day to day life. And slowly getting worse. Docs think its not allergies, like I have been saying for the longest time. So they think it may something a little more serious. Joy.

Wow girl!I hope you find out what is going on sooooooooooon.
Prayers sent your way!flowers flowers

redhead44613's photo
Mon 09/12/11 04:00 AM

Red, have the doctors given you any referrals? I hope you get to the root of the problem soonflowerforyou

My mom did a little research and found some for me that have 40+ experience. Going to call them today.

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 10:27 AM

Red, have the doctors given you any referrals? I hope you get to the root of the problem soonflowerforyou

My mom did a little research and found some for me that have 40+ experience. Going to call them today.

Great! Let us know what you find!flowers flowers

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/07/11 07:38 AM
Well today I am going to see a Allergies/Immunologist. The hives stay the same. Still painful and effecting my day to day life. Hoping to get some answers today. flowerforyou

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 10/07/11 10:19 AM

Well today I am going to see a Allergies/Immunologist. The hives stay the same. Still painful and effecting my day to day life. Hoping to get some answers today. flowerforyou

Best of luck with your visit and hoping they can figure out what is wrong.flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 10/07/11 10:44 AM

Well today I am going to see a Allergies/Immunologist. The hives stay the same. Still painful and effecting my day to day life. Hoping to get some answers today. flowerforyou

All the best to you.praying that they have an answer!slaphead :banana: :banana:

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/07/11 09:23 PM
Well she thinks its an autoimmune issue. Which is what I was thinking for the longest time. Only treatment is four different kinds of antihistamines. Oh joy. But she has a plan if the meds don't work. She was great! Answered all of my questions and didn't talk down to me like so many other docs do. I am very happy with her as one of my docs and happy to find out what was going on, get some answers and a treatment. Only time will tell if the meds work out or not.

It feels great to know I was not going crazy lol. Someone listened to me and agreed. She didn't brush me off!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Fri 10/07/11 11:54 PM

Well she thinks its an autoimmune issue. Which is what I was thinking for the longest time. Only treatment is four different kinds of antihistamines. Oh joy. But she has a plan if the meds don't work. She was great! Answered all of my questions and didn't talk down to me like so many other docs do. I am very happy with her as one of my docs and happy to find out what was going on, get some answers and a treatment. Only time will tell if the meds work out or not.

It feels great to know I was not going crazy lol. Someone listened to me and agreed. She didn't brush me off!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: flowers

Jenknee's photo
Sat 10/08/11 01:25 AM
I can only tell you my situation to see if it helps you at all.

Over a year ago I got Poison Oak. I didn't know I had it at first and that made it a lot worse. You are suppose to wash EVERYTHING like your sofas, bedding, anything you came in contact with. I also had reactions to pencillin and a few others that were severe.

When it gets into your blood (systemic), it will travel all over your body and could come back over and over. I had it really severe for 4 months but have had it for a year and it has gotten a lot better.

Only a few things helped, allergy pills, oatmeal baths where I would pack it on my skin like mud in the worst spots. I took 5-7 long baths a day. A very expensive scrub ( I will have to look for the name later)and ice cubes to numb it out.

There are these decorative plastic cubes that you freeze that people use in their drinks to keep it cold because they don't melt and dilute the drink. I used to use them sometimes instead of ice cubes because they don't get everything wet.

I now take massive doses of iodine/iodide and that has also helped. Hypothyroidism can cause dry, itchy skin.

The allergist I went to was absolutely useless. An allergist may very well help you, just my experience wasn't good. Allergy tests and weekly shots may work? Sorry I didn't read every previous comment. I would get a blood panel done with an endocrinologist,if he or she is any good, it could give you the answers you need.

Let us all know what's happening. Good Luck !!!