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Topic: So...
Totage's photo
Mon 07/11/11 02:35 PM
I did. I sent out some other apps an resumes though.

I'm going to go back to school for hospitality and business management and move back down south.

Kenneth1969's photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:07 PM

When you do a phone interview, and they say they'll call you, that means you blew it, right? indifferent

It means they will call one of the 5,667 applicants that they had an interview with, and the other 5,666 applicants won't be called.

This is the hardest of rejections, when they give you some sort of hope with no real practical grounds for hope.

I been there, done that, so I went on welfare and have lived on it for twenty years now. Screw them. If there are no jobs, it's not my fault. And there are no jobs. It's not the big oil's fault, it's not the pharmaceutical's fault. It's not the government's fault. It's the fault of the present system which needs rearrangement very badly. There are no jobs, coz there is nothing to do. We have the wealth, the goods, the services, without society's needing many people do do the jobs to maintain their level of production. The jobs are not there but the goods are, and the people who are not in jobs are not rejects, but society ought to realize that, and change its own internal culture and wealth distributive systems if it is to survive.

I mean this. All economists and financiers know this, but they are scared to say this. Everyone is scared, because in a flash they can be called communist pinkos, whereas they are not. It's just that there is no need for people's work in this country, for the country to stay rich and offer plenty of goods and services to everyone and then some.

I can see no other solutions, but to raise welfare income, and to teach society that that is fine. But that can't be done, no way.

I see no other solution. Maybe there are some, but I can't see them.

But unless we change something in the system that does allow us to feel pride and fully worthy without having a job even; and which does allow us to live well and not have constant headaches due to financial hardships without having a job, we will have one financial crisis after another, one social crisis after another. Country-wide, nation-wide.

We have to choose between dropping our old protestant work ethic values, and continuing with the very miserable current societal status quo.

I consider myself to be lucky for I am able to maintain a healthy level of self-esteem and financial independence despite living on welfare. I need very little, I use very little. I want very little, and what I want, I can get at my income level. The only thing I would want but can't get is women, because a man over 25 who has no job, no house, and not even a car, is SOL in the real dating scene. This Internet dating is BS, as far as I can tell. Real dating doesn't happen either, people couple up and stay that way. So I am lucky that the social norms of promiscuity have reverted to monogamynism, because I am very strong in my tendency for promiscuity. I would rather have a lot of lovers, then the next on the preference list is no lovers, and finally as a last-ditch effort, which I will never go to, is to have 1 (one) lover. That'd be death for me.

I am also rather competitive in nature, (well, duh), so having been forced to celibacy at a time when everyone else is, is not a HUGE problem for me.

So I am a lucky devil, but I can see how others could not live a life that I do.

While all this has been happening, I got used to being celibate, and alone; I can't remember what love is, and what it feels like. And that's just as well.

It's one of the fringe benefits of being a philosopher, and being a person who can self-induce laughter for himself, for entertainment.

Ecce homo, folks.

WOW!! Maybe I am misunderstanding this post but, this is the most ridiculous and damaging thing I have ever heard.

"financial independence despite living on welfare." I will have to remember how independent you are every time I have to cut a check to the IRS. I believe that being productive and creative are vital to the human spirit. Without it we would have become extinct long ago.

With that being said, keep plugging away totage. In my experience, at the very least, things sometimes seem to happen when we need them most. In the eleventh hour if you will. I wish you good luck.

Totage's photo
Mon 07/11/11 04:39 PM
Yeah, I have a ton of open doors right now, the only problem now is deciding which one to walk through.

Kenneth1969's photo
Mon 07/11/11 04:57 PM
That's awesome, man. That is a good problem to have.

Totage's photo
Mon 07/11/11 05:08 PM
I'm focusing on a path though.

My nephew is only four and he's already going to college. Ok so he's going to a special program for autism, but still, if he can go to college, I can go back. lol

Aries151's photo
Mon 07/11/11 05:21 PM
Edited by Aries151 on Mon 07/11/11 05:23 PM

Aries151's photo
Mon 07/11/11 05:22 PM

When you do a phone interview, and they say they'll call you, that means you blew it, right? indifferent

I'm confused, are you talking about a job interview or a woman?

Totage's photo
Mon 07/11/11 05:24 PM

wux's photo
Mon 07/11/11 06:15 PM

What? I could have a paycheck? :tongue:

Actually, the bad news is,
apparently your phone rings.

Great minds think alike.

I bought a cell phone after
my Skype service proved to be
unusable. I set the cell phone
to ring high, and to vibrate.

It never rings, never vibrates,
even if someone calls.

It's a faulty piece.

And it has made me happier
than any woman has ever before.

And that's not because of the
lack of vibration. It's because
of the serenity and peace I
finally found in my life.

wux's photo
Mon 07/11/11 06:36 PM
Edited by wux on Mon 07/11/11 06:39 PM

We have to choose between dropping our old protestant work ethic values, and continuing with the very miserable current societal status quo.

I consider myself to be lucky for I am able to maintain a healthy level of self-esteem and financial independence despite living on welfare.

WOW!! Maybe I am misunderstanding this post but, this is the most ridiculous and damaging thing I have ever heard.

"financial independence despite living on welfare." I will have to remember how independent you are every time I have to cut a check to the IRS. I believe that being productive and creative are vital to the human spirit. Without it we would have become extinct long ago.

This is exactly what I am talking about. The values of people, which are diametrically opposed to present reality.

BTW, I said "financial independence". I am still depending on society to keep me.

Is that a sin? When nearly 20 million people are unemployed? I think it's more a reality than a sin.

Also... I figure it this way too: I don't drink, don't own a gun, don't do crime. People in jail each cost eighty thousand dollars to you, my friend, to the cut of your paycheque for the IRA. I cost society twelve thousand. I get rewarded for being a peaceful, quiet guy, who don't do crime, don't break into your home, don't rape you or your daughter, don't steal your money, don't rob banks, don't smoke dope.

I think that paying one-sixth to keep me in peace is a much better deal than having me have to fend for myself in a time in history when that is actually impossible, and which would result in a life of crime... eventually costing you, as a tax payer, each year $80,000 to keep me behind bars.

But this is not at all what I was saying. I am not staying away from crime to make you save $68,000 every year. But it is POSSIBLE for me to stay away from crime, because you and everyone else pays in the country to keep me.

One day someone was bugging me so much about this, that I sat down with a pencil and paper, and did some calculations.

I get roughly twelve thousand dollars a year for beign idle.

I have lived like this for twenty years, and will live for another ten maybe, even maybe twenty.

That's roughly $350,000.

There are 100,000,000 people in the United States who work and pay taxes that go toward my income.

This means, that each person contributes less than half a dollar in total toward my well-being and happiness. This also means, that each year each person in the United States of America who pays taxes, donates to me, personally, two cents of their tax paid money.

Compare this to the rest of the moneys that go somewhere. I GUARANTEE that most people who are taxpayers in the USA pay way more than 2 cents each year in taxes.

So think, man. Am I unfair?

Also, think about it this way: My point was not that I am an idiot and a free loafer. My point was looking at the big picture, which you completely missed. You completely zeroed in on the fact that I was proud to live on welfare.

But the big picture is, that more and more people will live on welfare, and not because of an economic crisis. The economy produces the goods that people need. If you discounted the lawyers, the government workers, the office staff, the bankers, the real estate agents, and only counted the productive workers, the transportation workers, and the distribution workers, then you'd find that there are about five million people who provide goods and services (like hair cuts and movies) to the 300,000,000 million in america. I don't feel shame at all for sucking only twelve thousand out of the system, for the people who make a hundred thousand dollars more than I, lawyers, politicians, bank executives, presidents, do the same thing. Yes, they work; and work hard. But their work contributes exactly the same to the economy as my idleness.

This is the most important point, my friend: Bank workers, lawyers, secreteries, government workers, executives, etc. etc. all are contributing the same amount of goods and services to the ECONOMY as I do. They take more than I do, but their contribution in terms of useful stuff provided to the common good is the same. There is also the difference of their working hard, much harder (obviously) than I.

I wish you can read this and internalize this.

I don't want to be blamed for something that I ought not to be blamed for.

This economy is the strongest, healthiest, wealthiest in the world and in the history of the world. It is reality that work is not needed at all, or at least very little, to keep it in this shape. The values of American society will never admit to the truth of this, and this is what makes a lot of people like totage unhappy and miserable.

winterblue56's photo
Tue 07/12/11 11:21 AM

Totage's photo
Tue 07/12/11 03:27 PM

We have to choose between dropping our old protestant work ethic values, and continuing with the very miserable current societal status quo.

I consider myself to be lucky for I am able to maintain a healthy level of self-esteem and financial independence despite living on welfare.

WOW!! Maybe I am misunderstanding this post but, this is the most ridiculous and damaging thing I have ever heard.

"financial independence despite living on welfare." I will have to remember how independent you are every time I have to cut a check to the IRS. I believe that being productive and creative are vital to the human spirit. Without it we would have become extinct long ago.

This is exactly what I am talking about. The values of people, which are diametrically opposed to present reality.

BTW, I said "financial independence". I am still depending on society to keep me.

Is that a sin? When nearly 20 million people are unemployed? I think it's more a reality than a sin.

Also... I figure it this way too: I don't drink, don't own a gun, don't do crime. People in jail each cost eighty thousand dollars to you, my friend, to the cut of your paycheque for the IRA. I cost society twelve thousand. I get rewarded for being a peaceful, quiet guy, who don't do crime, don't break into your home, don't rape you or your daughter, don't steal your money, don't rob banks, don't smoke dope.

I think that paying one-sixth to keep me in peace is a much better deal than having me have to fend for myself in a time in history when that is actually impossible, and which would result in a life of crime... eventually costing you, as a tax payer, each year $80,000 to keep me behind bars.

But this is not at all what I was saying. I am not staying away from crime to make you save $68,000 every year. But it is POSSIBLE for me to stay away from crime, because you and everyone else pays in the country to keep me.

One day someone was bugging me so much about this, that I sat down with a pencil and paper, and did some calculations.

I get roughly twelve thousand dollars a year for beign idle.

I have lived like this for twenty years, and will live for another ten maybe, even maybe twenty.

That's roughly $350,000.

There are 100,000,000 people in the United States who work and pay taxes that go toward my income.

This means, that each person contributes less than half a dollar in total toward my well-being and happiness. This also means, that each year each person in the United States of America who pays taxes, donates to me, personally, two cents of their tax paid money.

Compare this to the rest of the moneys that go somewhere. I GUARANTEE that most people who are taxpayers in the USA pay way more than 2 cents each year in taxes.

So think, man. Am I unfair?

Also, think about it this way: My point was not that I am an idiot and a free loafer. My point was looking at the big picture, which you completely missed. You completely zeroed in on the fact that I was proud to live on welfare.

But the big picture is, that more and more people will live on welfare, and not because of an economic crisis. The economy produces the goods that people need. If you discounted the lawyers, the government workers, the office staff, the bankers, the real estate agents, and only counted the productive workers, the transportation workers, and the distribution workers, then you'd find that there are about five million people who provide goods and services (like hair cuts and movies) to the 300,000,000 million in america. I don't feel shame at all for sucking only twelve thousand out of the system, for the people who make a hundred thousand dollars more than I, lawyers, politicians, bank executives, presidents, do the same thing. Yes, they work; and work hard. But their work contributes exactly the same to the economy as my idleness.

This is the most important point, my friend: Bank workers, lawyers, secreteries, government workers, executives, etc. etc. all are contributing the same amount of goods and services to the ECONOMY as I do. They take more than I do, but their contribution in terms of useful stuff provided to the common good is the same. There is also the difference of their working hard, much harder (obviously) than I.

I wish you can read this and internalize this.

I don't want to be blamed for something that I ought not to be blamed for.

This economy is the strongest, healthiest, wealthiest in the world and in the history of the world. It is reality that work is not needed at all, or at least very little, to keep it in this shape. The values of American society will never admit to the truth of this, and this is what makes a lot of people like totage unhappy and miserable.

Actually no, that's not what makes me unhappy and miserable. Who says I'm even unhappy and miserable?

Kenneth1969's photo
Tue 07/12/11 04:27 PM
Edited by Kenneth1969 on Tue 07/12/11 04:30 PM
Man, there is so much going on here that I only have time to respond to a couple of points. After all, I have to go to work and earn your two cents.

Is that a sin? When nearly 20 million people are unemployed? I think it's more a reality than a sin.

Also... I figure it this way too: I don't drink, don't own a gun, don't do crime. People in jail each cost eighty thousand dollars to you, my friend, to the cut of your paycheque for the IRA. I cost society twelve thousand. I get rewarded for being a peaceful, quiet guy, who don't do crime, don't break into your home, don't rape you or your daughter, don't steal your money, don't rob banks, don't smoke dope.

I think that paying one-sixth to keep me in peace is a much better deal than having me have to fend for myself in a time in history when that is actually impossible, and which would result in a life of crime... eventually costing you, as a tax payer, each year $80,000 to keep me behind bars.

But this is not at all what I was saying. I am not staying away from crime to make you save $68,000 every year. But it is POSSIBLE for me to stay away from crime, because you and everyone else pays in the country to keep me.

Oh...Now I see the light! You are actually saving us money. You missed your calling wux, you could could make a killing in politics with with that load of BS.

By the way, I have never given any of part of my paycheck to the Irish Republican Army.

But their work contributes exactly the same to the economy as my idleness.

This is the most important point, my friend: Bank workers, lawyers, secreteries, government workers, executives, etc. etc. all are contributing the same amount of goods and services to the ECONOMY as I do. They take more than I do, but their contribution in terms of useful stuff provided to the common good is the same. There is also the difference of their working hard, much harder (obviously) than I.

Flawed logic and outright justification.

This economy is the strongest, healthiest, wealthiest in the world and in the history of the world. It is reality that work is not needed at all, or at least very little, to keep it in this shape. The values of American society will never admit to the truth of this, and this is what makes a lot of people like totage unhappy and miserable.

It wouldn't be the strongest, healthiest and wealthiest if our ancestors didn't work hard so their children could reap the benefits of a better life.

It is quite simple. I buy a loaf of bread from my local baker, who buys the flour he need from the mill that grinds the wheat, whom in turn buys the wheat from the farmer, who pays somebody who is a good mechanic to fix his machinery...etc....etc.

Simply put, that is the "Big Picture and Reality" my friend. It's called doing your part so we can all survive. That is what I meant when I said "I believe that being productive and creative are vital to the human spirit. Without it we would have become extinct long ago."


wux's photo
Tue 07/12/11 04:32 PM

Actually no, that's not what makes me unhappy and miserable. Who says I'm even unhappy and miserable?

I don't know why you make me defend myself by having to prove that you are miserable.

But you are right, I can't prove that. I can only show you that that's the air you give out. Otherwise you would not find posts such as this to your thread:


I want you.
I need you.
I want your paycheck.
I need your paycheck.
I love your paycheck.

It could be worse.


Sez here, "could be worse". That means it's bad already.

I believe that you are happy if you say so. I believe you are not happy if you say so. I believe that one moment you are happy and another you are not if that's what you say.

But I know (sorta) that you are looking for a job, because you want to, and you have to, and you are not finding one yet. And because you need and want one, that puts some damper on your happiness. Correct me again if I am wrong, please. What I am saying is that society and the economy does not need your input; your work is sought by you because of your values and society's values, which are blind to the fact that your work (not yours, personally, but of 95% of all workers in America) is make-belief busi-work, wich is done in order ONLY to satisfy your and everyone expectations that work is good, noble, expected, and a person is a lazy bum who don't work.

So those who don't work have to fight tooth-and-nail the branding of being a lazy bum, as well their inner voice.

Now take imagine this change in the scenario of expectations:

Imagine that you don't get a job, but you still can provide for yourself and your loved ones; and it will be accepted by you, your loved ones, and your community that you don't have to work, and can't, coz there are no jobs.

I know this is hard to imagine, but try at least.

So if you somewhat succeed in imagining this scenario, will you find that people, in your family, community and the nation are going without something that they could have if you worked?

No, you will not find that, because if you are one of the 95 out of every 100 working American, your job would not make them get food, clothes, music, movies, technolgoical products, schooling for the kids (or yourself), medicare, housing, oil, etc. etc.

So in fact you will be taking AWAY from the system as much as when you were working; and you will PUT BACK into the system as much as you were when you were working. The amount you take and give back to the system does not change for you, whether you work or not; and for the entire nation, for 95 percent of workers this is the same. Whether they work or not, in banking, in government, in law offices, in factory offices, etc. etc., they are basically not contributing to the ECONOMY, only working. Working hard.

I actually don't see the point in your values, as a nation. It is antiquated, and it is out of place. It is counterproductive to the wellness of your nation, and to the wellness and happiness of the individuals in your nations.

I am beginning to see how hateful I sound to you. I am not ashamed of it, because I am fully convinced I am saying the truth and the right thing. I can but start to imagine and see that my words you consider damaging, poisonous words, that undermine the very structure of you society.

Whereas in truth, I am prophetizing what should happen now, and could and ought to have been put into motion some thirty-forty years ago, by way of changing the values of people.

I guess the government was too busy making other important value-changing realities, like eradicating the open demostration of racist values. I fully support that. The goverment has too many values to change, and it can only make so many to change. I as an individual certainly fight a Quixotic battle by doing it. One man can't an entire society change.

Why do I do it? Because someone has to do it, and someone has to start doing it. I have nothing else to do, actually.

Yes, I can see you see me as a harmful little worm, or termite ant, gnawing away at the support beams of your moral suprastructure.

But I am not, actually. I bring good news to you, and I see the difficulty I face for you to accept good news.

That's all.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/12/11 04:34 PM

When you do a phone interview, and they say they'll call you, that means you blew it, right? indifferent

only if they are unprofessional knuckleheads (and there are plenty of them unfortunately)

a professional interviewer will let you know that they will call you 'if' you are a fit for the job and if you are not they will usually keep your resume 'on file'

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 07/12/11 04:37 PM

I know rejection when I hear it. :tongue:

Maybe they are looking for someone with a more positive attitude.

Totage's photo
Tue 07/12/11 04:40 PM

I don't know why you make me defend myself by having to prove that you are miserable.

I was just curious as to what made you think I was miserable and unhappy is all.

wux's photo
Tue 07/12/11 04:45 PM

I don't know why you make me defend myself by having to prove that you are miserable.

I was just curious as to what made you think I was miserable and unhappy is all.

Okay... so you understand now?

Now I am just curious if whatever I said made any sense to you. I don't want to prove to you you are miserable... I can't, it would be stupid to try. But do you see now how your posts made me to think that you were miserable? I am curious.

wux's photo
Tue 07/12/11 05:11 PM
Edited by wux on Tue 07/12/11 05:20 PM
Oh...Now I see the light! You are actually saving us money. You missed your calling wux, you could could make a killing in politics with with that load of BS.

By the way, I have never given any of part of my paycheck to the Irish Republican Army.

Flawed logic and outright justification.

These two replies by you are not arguments, they are unfounded assertions, they are just there, they don't state anything but your opinion; you don't support them with reasoning. I can reason against reasoning, but I can't reason against outbursts of emotional opinioning.

I say reasonable things, I understand reasonable things, and I expect my debating partners to be reasonable, and act accordingly.

This economy is the strongest, healthiest, wealthiest in the world and in the history of the world. It is reality that work is not needed at all, or at least very little, to keep it in this shape. The values of American society will never admit to the truth of this, and this is what makes a lot of people like totage unhappy and miserable.

It wouldn't be the strongest, healthiest and wealthiest if our ancestors didn't work hard so their children could reap the benefits of a better life.

I fully agree with you on this point. Absolutely. Our ancestors did that, and we would not be here in the present form if they did not do that.

But we don't live in a world that is similar to the world our ancestors lived in. The values America holds, on the other hand, are the values that were very useful and necessary for the embetterment of the American society THEN. Now, however, those values no longer are needed, but it's hard to change the values of a society.

It is quite simple. I buy a loaf of bread from my local baker, who buys the flour he need from the mill that grinds the wheat, whom in turn buys the wheat from the farmer, who pays somebody who is a good mechanic to fix his machinery...etc....etc.

Again, you and I agree. What I see, and you don't agree, and I don't know why, is that for every baker, farmer, mechanic and steelworker, people who transport the iron ore and those who mine it in the first place, are outnumbered by those people who also work hard, but their work is not a contribution to the production of goods and services available to all Americans with money.

You see... there is a little difficulty considering a senator or a hard-working congressman who considers the pros and cons of a bill to make it into law, and gives his very informed vote, yet who produces nothing, and definitely would be waaay out of place, rightfully so, if he was in first-person hard working in the process of grinding flour.

It is not easy to imagine a movie actress as a natural, necessary, and irreplacable person in a steel mill or iron ore mine.

It is hard to see for me that the office cleaner who washes the floors at a bank is in any way or mode essential for the bread to get from the bakery to my table.

What I am saying is that there are all these workers in America, who work hard, but each does not contribute to the economy. Each do not produce goods and services that others need or want. Only five out of every one-hundred of hard-working, honest, American make something happen that are useful or wanted by others.

Simply put, that is the "Big Picture and Reality" my friend. We all work hard, I mean not I and another twenty million, but all Americans want to work hard. That's fine and dandy, it makes everyone happy. But not at a time when work is no longer needed to still keep everyone happy and rich and well-provided for.

You see, the present situation of unemployment is not going to change, or improve. It can change, yes, but only for the worse. It is not jobs we need, but a way of looking at life, which state that holding down a job is not an essential part for a human being in America to be considered and integral and respectable citizen.

The only alternative to the value change is to give everyone jobs.

You know what that will produce? People will come in, in shift one, and sort cards in numerical order. For eight hours a day, sometimes in overtime when the demand is hight.

In the afternoon shift, the other set of workers will replace you at the desks and benches, and turn over the cards, and sort them by alphabetical order, which will require a different ordering from the earlier numerical one.

Then next morning you and your co-workers, proud, working Americans, will come in, and turn over the sorted cards in alphabetic order, and sort them in numeric order.

This is what will be the job, or variations on it. Maybe extreme variations, so that the make-belief work will be believed to be improtant, and thus preempting the chance that people feel like fools who vie for promotions because they can sort cards faster than others.

I see no other alternative. Be idle and change you values to remain happy; or be busi and be the laughing stock of the rest of the world, doing treadmill jobs that satisfy only hampsters.

Simply put, that is the "Big Picture and Reality" my friend.
It's called doing your part so we can all survive. That is what I meant when I said "I believe that being productive and creative are vital to the human spirit. Without it we would have become extinct long ago."

yes, at the risk of repeating it, we would have become extinct long ago, but that was long ago and this is now.

And being creative and productive can be accomplished by not working, and rise above the rest and show the way, even if you are a welfare-recipient, who is living off the fat of the land, who is living off the back of the workers.

Being creative and productive, and very accomplished, can be done by any welfare recipient who stops for a second, gets out of the box, looks at the box from the outside, and says to himself, "...hey... this is stupid. The stupidity can only be stopped by changing the values."

I got this far. On my own, without help. The American spirit of independent thinking and innovation speaks in me. Now we need another creative mind, with productivity and accomplishment on his mind, who can make this sound convincing to others.

Why don't YOU become that one?

I understand that you are at work. I'll check back tomorrow to see what you think.

Again, I wish for reasonable arguments, the debating must not devolve to names calling. If we can keep it at an intellectual level, and even allow emotions, but emotions purely should not guide what we say. I admit, there is nothing any man says that is lacking in emotion.

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