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Topic: Thank you for Not "Serving"
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Fri 07/08/11 01:42 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 07/08/11 01:43 PM
I service a manufactured product to keep it working. If it didnt work, it would be useless, it would not bring money to the people who purchased it, without that service the items being manufactured would not be worth the money they cost to make, becuase they would fall into disorder shortly after being manufactured and would not end up netting a profit for the buyer and thus would never get bought.

I make radiological equipment manufacturing jobs profitable.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 07/08/11 06:43 PM
I find it oh so interesting that those who bash my ideas don't seem to have any of their own on how to solve the mess we are in.

I see things like this, the solution to all of this is VERY bitter medicine no one wants to face taking. Years ago when the illness was not so great it could have been solved with less expensive and less painful medicine to cure. Now America has cancer and dealing with that will be the harshest most painful thing this nation will have to endure. And what is far worst is the reality it takes war to end war most of the time. I want to see one time in history where cooler heads prevailed before weapon's exchange was issued to some degree.

But likewise I don't like the idea that the Military Industrial Complex leads us by our noses like they do through our government and the UN. But right now we got to work with what we got. And some countries just need to get smacked with a bomb (AND NOT NECESSARILY NUKE EITHER! A good 500 lb bomb dropped in the right place can scare the crap out of anyone!) to get them to begin negotiating!

donthatoneguy's photo
Fri 07/08/11 08:06 PM
I never claimed to have solutions, but I'll argue against a nuclear one because I don't feel I have any right to deny innocent bystanders their own right to live. I don't believe you or anyone else has that right either. Just as no one has that right to condemn you or I, either ... so long as we're bystanders and not instigators. :shrug:

You are far too quick to judge entire populations based on their governments. Its selfish, barbaric and emotionally juvenile. Defending yourself is one thing ... going to someone else's house who's a friend of your worst enemy and beating the $#it out of and crippling or killing their entire family is completely different.

So, call me a bleeding heart if you wish, but even if the above example happened to my own family, I'd not vote to condemn the assailant's entire family. Would you?

Think about it.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 07/08/11 08:20 PM

I never claimed to have solutions, but I'll argue against a nuclear one because I don't feel I have any right to deny innocent bystanders their own right to live. I don't believe you or anyone else has that right either. Just as no one has that right to condemn you or I, either ... so long as we're bystanders and not instigators. :shrug:

You are far too quick to judge entire populations based on their governments. Its selfish, barbaric and emotionally juvenile. Defending yourself is one thing ... going to someone else's house who's a friend of your worst enemy and beating the $#it out of and crippling or killing their entire family is completely different.

So, call me a bleeding heart if you wish, but even if the above example happened to my own family, I'd not vote to condemn the assailant's entire family. Would you?

Think about it.

No, I am sick of humanitarianism perpetuating a war that has gone on far too long and with a nation that has on more than one occasion threatened preemptive nuclear attacks on us. Russia has not threatened us since the 1960s. Hell, China recently made veiled threats too. And they spend more energy than Russia pissing blood on our Anti Ballistic Missile capabilities and research. Unless N Korea gets its act straight soon they will get themselves into it.

And as you said you have no solution. And you want to argue fine points with me over this? I have spent a lot of thought about this and even tried to think of peaceful ways out but we cut them off from aid and China gives them more. There is no peaceful answer and if the artillery begins to fly into Seoul how do you propose to get N Korea to stop? Ask them politely? FUQUE THAT! MORE HUMAN LIVES WILL BE LOST UNLESS WE USE NUKES TO ELIMINATE ALL OF THE ARTILLERY IN ONE BIG SERIES OF BLASTS! So now what? You would let 10+ thousand people? 100 thousand people? or even 1 million or more people die over your anti nuke sentiments and principles?

And again you admit you have no ideas to bring to the table.

whoa WEAK SAUCE!whoa

Don't give up smoking the Chronic! No ideas are worst than bad ones!

donthatoneguy's photo
Fri 07/08/11 08:24 PM
One last thing:

We don't make a point of having Military bases among population centers. Also Naval Harbors tend to be isolated anyways as well.

The follow are bases I've lived on or been to and their relationship to population centers:

1) Fort Bragg - home of the 82nd Airborne and basically the launchpoint on the eastern seaboard. It is surrounded by the city of Fayetteville, NC.

2) Lackland AFB - surrounded by San Antonio, TX

3) Fort Worth - Dallas, TX

4) Barksdale AFB - Situated directly between the metropolitan areas of Shreveport and Bossier City, LA

5) Fort Campbell - Surrounded by Clarksville, TN on the southern border and Hodgensville, KY on the northern.

These "military towns" are not only filled with the military and their dependents, but also business owners, civil servants and people from surrounding areas that enjoy the larger population centers and job opportunities.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/08/11 08:57 PM

One last thing:

We don't make a point of having Military bases among population centers. Also Naval Harbors tend to be isolated anyways as well.

The follow are bases I've lived on or been to and their relationship to population centers:

1) Fort Bragg - home of the 82nd Airborne and basically the launchpoint on the eastern seaboard. It is surrounded by the city of Fayetteville, NC.

2) Lackland AFB - surrounded by San Antonio, TX

3) Fort Worth - Dallas, TX

4) Barksdale AFB - Situated directly between the metropolitan areas of Shreveport and Bossier City, LA

5) Fort Campbell - Surrounded by Clarksville, TN on the southern border and Hodgensville, KY on the northern.

These "military towns" are not only filled with the military and their dependents, but also business owners, civil servants and people from surrounding areas that enjoy the larger population centers and job opportunities.

dallas/fort worth is not a military town.... there is a small naval base in fort worth, but niether is considered a military town... ft. hood in kileen is a major military town, maybe the only one in texas...

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 07/08/11 10:16 PM
And most of these towns grew around the base. But since these people choose to live there they chose to live in a target Zone. I live in the target zone of N Korea. I would bet not one single lib here would weep for me if LA got nuked preemptively or old man Kim decides to get cocky and show us he can do it.

All the libs would say is "OMG! THEY NUKED US! SUE FOR PEACE! SUE FOR PEACE!"

Bremerton Harbor sits in an arm of Puget Sound. Olympia is near by. So?

Mission bay is south of San Diego. But Fort Irwin, Desert Mobile Infantry training grounds for the US ARMY is in the middle of a desert. SAC NORAD is built under a mountain. China lake has a town NEAR it but the base is not within the populated zone. Heck, we had Air Force Strategic Command operating in El Segundo here. Sorry but I LIVE in a target zone. I don't like it but that is reality. Am I supposed to whine about it? If I hear the nukes are heading my way early enough I could find shelter if I can get to the LA river fast enough to get deep enough into the storm drains to not get killed by pressure shock! At l;east I can try to survive unlike most of the others living here who will cry that we should have invested more into anti missile systems sooner. Obama stripped weapons defense research harshly, actually pretty close to zero. Obama is a screw! I don't feel any safer living under his world policy!

And GEE! Islamic extremists want to get a nuke and use it on major population centers in the name of Allah! I wonder where they will get it from? N Korea? PAKISTAN MAYBE???? Pakistan = Oh we are your friend USA (But behind the scenes, make sure our friends get some of the uranium we enriched so they can make a you know what and use it on you know whom!) and we are a peaceful nation (sorry about knowingly harboring Osama Bin Laden) and Islam is about peace (Unless you are an infidel and we are going to kill you when we get the chance).

And now for a drum solo!

donthatoneguy's photo
Sat 07/09/11 06:39 AM

dallas/fort worth is not a military town.... there is a small naval base in fort worth, but niether is considered a military town... ft. hood in kileen is a major military town, maybe the only one in texas...

The point being that these military bases are located close enough to (if not surrounded by) population centers that any attacks on those bases will have dire consequences for the surrounding populations. I lived on base at Lackland (San Antonio) for a year and know well its proximity to San Antonio (within the I-410 loop) which is a large city and not a "military town".

Arlington is more or less a military town and lies between Dallas/Fort Worth. This is still a major metropolitan area.

And most of these towns grew around the base. But since these people choose to live there they chose to live in a target Zone. I live in the target zone of N Korea. I would bet not one single lib here would weep for me if LA got nuked preemptively or old man Kim decides to get cocky and show us he can do it.

Maybe not for you specifically (:tongue:) but the civilian targets would indeed cause an rage throughout ALL the population, I'm sure.


I don't like it but that is reality.


I can try to survive unlike most of the others living here who will cry that we should have invested more into anti missile systems sooner. Obama stripped weapons defense research harshly, actually pretty close to zero.

A) Why don't you move? (curiosity)
B) So, again, why wasn't GWB focusing on N Korea rather than Iraq (who didn't have WMDs)? You keep spouting anti-Obama now, but were you equally pissed that Bush ignored N Korea?

Chazster's photo
Sat 07/09/11 08:48 AM

I service a manufactured product to keep it working. If it didnt work, it would be useless, it would not bring money to the people who purchased it, without that service the items being manufactured would not be worth the money they cost to make, becuase they would fall into disorder shortly after being manufactured and would not end up netting a profit for the buyer and thus would never get bought.

I make radiological equipment manufacturing jobs profitable.

Well I think the bigger issue is that they are manufacturing a cheap product that doesn't last well thus low quality. You can't complain though because it keeps you working.

Chazster's photo
Sat 07/09/11 08:50 AM

B) So, again, why wasn't GWB focusing on N Korea rather than Iraq (who didn't have WMDs)? You keep spouting anti-Obama now, but were you equally pissed that Bush ignored N Korea?

The same reason everyone else in the world ignores N. Korea. Because they are allies with China and everyone has huge trade relations with China.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 07/09/11 09:16 AM

dallas/fort worth is not a military town.... there is a small naval base in fort worth, but niether is considered a military town... ft. hood in kileen is a major military town, maybe the only one in texas...

The point being that these military bases are located close enough to (if not surrounded by) population centers that any attacks on those bases will have dire consequences for the surrounding populations. I lived on base at Lackland (San Antonio) for a year and know well its proximity to San Antonio (within the I-410 loop) which is a large city and not a "military town".

Arlington is more or less a military town and lies between Dallas/Fort Worth. This is still a major metropolitan area.

And most of these towns grew around the base. But since these people choose to live there they chose to live in a target Zone. I live in the target zone of N Korea. I would bet not one single lib here would weep for me if LA got nuked preemptively or old man Kim decides to get cocky and show us he can do it.

Maybe not for you specifically (:tongue:) but the civilian targets would indeed cause an rage throughout ALL the population, I'm sure.


I don't like it but that is reality.


I can try to survive unlike most of the others living here who will cry that we should have invested more into anti missile systems sooner. Obama stripped weapons defense research harshly, actually pretty close to zero.

A) Why don't you move? (curiosity)
B) So, again, why wasn't GWB focusing on N Korea rather than Iraq (who didn't have WMDs)? You keep spouting anti-Obama now, but were you equally pissed that Bush ignored N Korea?

First of all this is where the money is at. At least I got a job and work here. Also I am not going to live the life of a paranoid.

Next. I never liked The Bush regime either but now we have Obama to focus on. So I unlike so many other here am not stuck in the past.

Likewise I see so many people like you who spend so much time complaining how you don't like things yet you have no idea how to deal with them. So while everything goes to hell you would just sit and complain instead of taking some kind of action or coming up with an idea that even remotely makes sense.

When China forced that P-3 Orion down Clinton SCREWED UP BADLY! He should have had a cruise missile targeted on the plane and blasted it to little pieces and he should have told China, no no, no trying to steal technology! Then again Clinton GAVE China our patent data base. So how about CLINTON'S FAILURES? OH NO, Lets just focus on the Republicans!

Again let me spell it out, a bad idea is better than none at all. But Diplomacy is not working! So what next? Complain to the UN?

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 07/09/11 06:02 PM
I dont know why I am posting this here maybe its just some historical information.

Today I went with my girlfriend who is of Lithuanian heritage to her mothers house to get her yard and house ship shape for a family reunion that is next weekend.

Her mother and two of her sons live in the same neighborhood on the shores of lake Erie in an old ethnic community on the east side of Clevleand. Verry verry nice community.

Anyhow her mother was a small girl durring ww2 in Lithuania she is 80 now and edits the US version of a lithuanian newpaper that ships all over america. she raised 7 kid.

today while we took a lunch break from our chores she told the tale of her journey accross Europe.

First the russians came and it was bad, then the germans and not so bad but still bad were her words.

Fleeing from the fighting her family fled accross europe after of course her brothers who were of fighting age were either drafted by the russians or the germans depending on who was in occupation at the time.

Imagine fleeing a city under attack and being a civilian and being shot at by planes because you were fleeing towards berlin and not russia.

She recalled how she would beg for food or milk at differant farms in Germany she was with her mother and father who basicly had what the could carry after the planes shot their horse pulling the wagon.

She still is sad she stole an onion from a farmer and remembers how many times she prayed for forgiveness. She still has the little suit case she carried accross Europe.

She said dead boddies were as common as dead animals next to a freeway and every day she would wonder if tomorrow someone would see her dead body and think nothing of it.

Her family eventualy got to america after the war many were lost and some missing in the work camps of russia for 25 years.

I suppose all this applies in the fact that in every war there are stories like this , sad hungry scared little girls scrambling to stay alive while we blow our horns and thump our chests.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 07/09/11 11:15 PM

I dont know why I am posting this here maybe its just some historical information.

Today I went with my girlfriend who is of Lithuanian heritage to her mothers house to get her yard and house ship shape for a family reunion that is next weekend.

Her mother and two of her sons live in the same neighborhood on the shores of lake Erie in an old ethnic community on the east side of Clevleand. Verry verry nice community.

Anyhow her mother was a small girl durring ww2 in Lithuania she is 80 now and edits the US version of a lithuanian newpaper that ships all over america. she raised 7 kid.

today while we took a lunch break from our chores she told the tale of her journey accross Europe.

First the russians came and it was bad, then the germans and not so bad but still bad were her words.

Fleeing from the fighting her family fled accross europe after of course her brothers who were of fighting age were either drafted by the russians or the germans depending on who was in occupation at the time.

Imagine fleeing a city under attack and being a civilian and being shot at by planes because you were fleeing towards berlin and not russia.

She recalled how she would beg for food or milk at differant farms in Germany she was with her mother and father who basicly had what the could carry after the planes shot their horse pulling the wagon.

She still is sad she stole an onion from a farmer and remembers how many times she prayed for forgiveness. She still has the little suit case she carried accross Europe.

She said dead boddies were as common as dead animals next to a freeway and every day she would wonder if tomorrow someone would see her dead body and think nothing of it.

Her family eventualy got to america after the war many were lost and some missing in the work camps of russia for 25 years.

I suppose all this applies in the fact that in every war there are stories like this , sad hungry scared little girls scrambling to stay alive while we blow our horns and thump our chests.

While these days we face information pirating, artificial virus and bacteriological weapons, Bombs with almost the same killing potential as nukes (FAE), dirty nukes, Non conventional energy weapons (HARRP, Advanced Land Denial Radar Weapons Systems ((The Russian "COOK THEM WITH RADAR" weapon, banned by treaty as a WMD and not associated with HARRP which is American) Satellite weapons, cruise missiles, and a host of other neat munitions and ways to kill that employed in a war would compound frustration and despair.

Such is the madness we try to contain. But the fact still remains, nothing will change until someone can convince humans to change. it is the human heart that is the problem. We live for conflict. We create conflict. We profit from conflict. Hence part of my frustration with humanity! Instead of making weapons to obliterate asteroids that could kill us or ways of cleaning up radiation we make more and better ways of killing each other.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/10/11 05:21 AM
"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/10/11 10:00 AM
Martin Luther King Jr. had a brilliant outlook towards dealing with a violent situation with non violence but unfortunately look at how Jessie Jackson perverted his ambitions. Even Al Sharpton got on board with the Hate Whitey thing.

Unfortunately in a violent world you must be ready to get violent. But when conquering violence one must be able to show restraint in victory. The vanquished must comply becasue my answer to a vanquished foe who refuses to lay down their arms is to put them down in the most public and humiliating way possible. In this case the foe is the people like Farrakahn, Sharpton, Jackson, Duke, and a host of others who allow their hatred to lead them around by their noses. If they are told to desist and they don't they deserve to be stuffed into a hurt locker and forgotten! it is time people like these learn to shut the hell up.

It is the people fighting the hardest for more equality and civil rights who actually are the problem!

I have a dream. I have a dream where ALL men of any color can call themselves American and have a nation where they can be proud to be a part of.

I have a dream where America can be a nation worthy of respect. Where no man by gratis of finance or social standing is better than any other man (or woman) living among us.

I have a dream where our government serves us an not the world at large who does not serve us at all.

I have a dream of a nation that is a leader not in military strength but in a way of life other wish to have for themselves.

I have a dream where America leads by example again and not through brute force.

I have a dream of an America where power players and ultra rich cannot use money to leverage our government and insert themselves above the law.

I have a dream of a prosperous America where poverty is done away with becasue people decided to finally stop depending on government to save them from themselves.

I have a dream where people are held to account for their actions and cannot hide behind the shield of law or corporations.

I have a dream of an America having a justice system where there is really justice for all!

And lastly I have a dream of an America where our leaders are not insulated from the nightmares we have to endure!

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