Topic: Next Tuesday...
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Sun 07/31/11 09:30 AM
Sending prayers to ease your pain& a speeeedy recovery!flowers :angel: flowers :angel: flowers

thewaterbearer's photo
Sun 07/31/11 12:38 PM
Get well soon Suzanneflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 08/01/11 06:36 PM
hey kids, just got another text from suzanne...

can you post an update for me next time you go mingling

my reply: why do you keep bothering those weird people

just that i am feeling better everyday. still have the drain tube, but hopefully i will get it out next monday. the only reason i can't get online is because i am still weak and need help transferring, so i have been laying down after my shower every evening. hopefully i can get on soon. most of all i appreciate the prayers and well wishes.

my reply: whatever

end of transmission

axl_rose40's photo
Tue 08/02/11 07:19 AM

hey kids, just got another text from suzanne...

can you post an update for me next time you go mingling

my reply: why do you keep bothering those weird people

just that i am feeling better everyday. still have the drain tube, but hopefully i will get it out next monday. the only reason i can't get online is because i am still weak and need help transferring, so i have been laying down after my shower every evening. hopefully i can get on soon. most of all i appreciate the prayers and well wishes.

my reply: whatever

end of transmission

laugh laugh

Nice to know suzanne is feeling better everyday. Her total recovery is in my daily prayers.

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 05:21 PM
hey kids, got another update from suzanne. the following is actual transcript of the text messages

me: hey girl, i'm on mingle for a bit. do you have any updates for the eagerly waiting masses that follow your every move

suzanne: ok, got my drain out today, but i picked up a bad cough about a week ago. nurse says its a side effect of an antibiotic i just finished

me: so the doctor dedrained you, and the drugs make you cough right

suzanne: lol, no just coughing up a lung. want me to mail it to you

me: no thanks, i don't need "slept with a lung" as part of my sexual resume. besides the last body part you sent me came with postage due

suzanne: party pooper

suzanne: oh and please tell everyone i miss them too

suzanne: can i call you later, i really need to hear your sexy voice

me: can you please wait for me to respond to a text before you text again. you do that all the time and it really annoys me. i've told you repeatedly not to do that and you continue. so, now, yes i will tell everyone that you miss them even though we both know you don't even care about us little people here on mingle. about calling later, you can if you promise not to ask me what i'm wearing and don't ask me if you can listen to me masturbate to the theme song to h.r. puff n stuff

suzanne: just remind me to tell you what the doctor did before i got the tube out. it's funnier to hear than to read

me: if he took "liberties" again don't text back

she stopped texting

soufiehere's photo
Mon 08/08/11 05:25 PM

no photo
Mon 08/08/11 05:37 PM
flowerforyou :heart: Your in my Prayers and thoughts,,,,KEEP GETTING STRONGER!!!!!!YEAHHHHHH:heart: :heart: :heart:

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:32 AM
Too funny glad to hear she is doing better..

H.R Puff n Stuff huhhhh:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Tue 08/23/11 10:24 PM
ok people, chatted with suzanne for a bit today, but her telephone line must have gotten cut because the call ended abruptly. i called her and we were having some pleasant conversation about how men and women work. she mentioned how women can multi-task better than men. so i said, well if women are so good at multi-tasking, how come they can't make a sandwich and open a beer at the same time. that's when i think a freak power surge burnt the telephone line, because the connection went dead

no photo
Thu 08/25/11 03:40 PM
get well soon suzanne

Alibobs's photo
Thu 08/25/11 06:07 PM

ok people, chatted with suzanne for a bit today, but her telephone line must have gotten cut because the call ended abruptly. i called her and we were having some pleasant conversation about how men and women work. she mentioned how women can multi-task better than men. so i said, well if women are so good at multi-tasking, how come they can't make a sandwich and open a beer at the same time. that's when i think a freak power surge burnt the telephone line, because the connection went dead

laugh laugh laugh laugh

My son's fave saying at the moment is "if women are sooo good at multi tasking why can't they sit down and shut up?"

I frequently beat him with a rusty stick around his head....where there's no sense, there's no feeling. It had better be "just a phase" he's going through!!! laugh laugh laugh

I hope Suzanne feels much, much better, real soon :smile: :smile:

Suzanne20's photo
Fri 08/26/11 07:39 PM
Hey guys, not sure how long I can stay online. I actually got a connection from my room. Anywho, I am feeling much better. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

no photo
Sat 08/27/11 12:19 AM
Good to see you feeling better sweety! drinks :banana: flowers

no photo
Thu 09/01/11 02:59 PM

Hey guys, not sure how long I can stay online. I actually got a connection from my room. Anywho, I am feeling much better. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

it was mostly me, but i think a couple of other people stopped by

RhonLynn's photo
Thu 09/01/11 03:06 PM
Glad to see you back & surgery is now a thing of the past.
Wishing you a speedy recovery & Much Happiness & joy flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 09/15/11 10:52 AM
well, it's been a bit. where's the update suzanne

no photo
Fri 09/16/11 08:51 AM
as usual i had to text suzanne to remind her that all of mingleland was eagerly awaiting some news of her health. she said she had gotten an infection and had to go back in to the hospital. now she is recovering again, but has been going to sleep early. she still has not fully healed and will need to recover fully before she can grace us all with her presence. she said, "thank everyone for the prayers and continued concern blah blah and please something something are you even listening to me"

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 09/30/11 05:22 AM

Prayers sent babeflowerforyou

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 09/30/11 05:34 AM

Suzanne20's photo
Sat 10/01/11 05:24 PM
Hey guys, back for a bit. Still recovering from this infection I got, courtesy of afforementioned surgery. Don't ever get cellulitisohwell