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Topic: Wisconsin Anti Union Law To Take Effect
Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/22/11 06:35 PM

I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

That's sort of what I was saying. Everybody prioritized their interests. You employees would fall rather low in your list of priorities.

No because that has nothing to do with greed so it wasn't really what you were saying. You said if they wanted to do good things for their employees they wouldn't vote republican. I was pointing out how that was false.
For some reasone that wallmart documentary came to my mind, the one were the wallmart personal managers tell their employees who cannot afford health insurence how to apply for state or federal aid.

yes our tax money goes to support wallmart workers and in a sence supporting the Walton family who cannot find in their rich, filthy rich hearts to give their employees affordable health care.


Well I am sorry abut a minimum wage job with unskilled workers usually don't get company health insurance. Walmart can make its own choices for that and people can chose to work there or not. It still has nothing to do with voting for politics. If someone is republican or democrat before they have a business they will more like be the same thing after they have a business.
Pitty isnt it the ownership class moved all the jobs to China lowering the commodity of labor to their advantage. I am suprised that most companies dont bring in more skilled help from other countries, oh say like India. I am sure they will eventualy after they get done working over the unions they will betray everyone else.

You can't just bring skilled workers over to this country. Its not that easy to get visas. Outsourcing unskilled labor is easy because it is "unskilled". America has its own accreditation for many professions that you just can't get from those countries. Hell my engineering professors always complained about the Indian grad students because they didnt know jack.
realy? my experience with them has been they are verry good and also verry descent people.

The type of people who would help the less fortunate, we need more people like that in this world.

FYI were would you be without unskilled help? the roads you drive on are tended by them. The water you drink, the food you eat. Your verry existence depends on them. Why shouldnt they make enough money to support themselves? I admire anyone who goes to work every day and puts in an honest days work.

I despise the type that thinks they are better than others because they were accidently born into the middle class.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 06/22/11 10:52 PM
It is amazing to see that some people still will not quit blaming the Republicans for everything.


Failing on immigration control is one part of how the DNC is failing us so badly!

Oh but I am a NEO-NAZI REPUBLICAN NOW cause I don't like the Democratic party!

Fools can't see it is the global corporate structure that is our worst enemy and the educated people here keep falling into their plans and blame the rest of us for seeing their forest for their trees.

Sucks wearing glasses, I can see clearly and I don't like what I see!

jrbogie's photo
Thu 06/23/11 04:16 AM

I think selfish wealthy people are evil. They want to reap the benefits of their enterprises' successes, but they don't want their employees to share in the benefits, because that would mean more for them and less for themselves. From truman to Reagan, the wealthy simply weren't allowed to behave so selfishly. Now it is Conservative dogma to encourage this ethos.

are the selfish poor people no less evil when they steal from other poor people? do the rich kennedys not adhere to this "conservative dogma" of which you speak? when did evil greed become a conservative only trait???

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 01:10 PM
are the selfish poor people no less evil when they steal from other poor people?

Yes they are. poor people are more likely to steal out of need. Selfish rich people steal just because they can.
do the rich kennedys not adhere to this "conservative dogma" of which you speak?

No. Just being rich does not make you selfish. Lots of wealthy people advocate policies that benefit poor people. George Soros, Warren Buffet. Even Bill Gates. Here's an article that tells us about the plans of some wealthy liberals.
I guess you never heard any of Ted Kennedy's speeches about greed.
When did evil greed become a conservative only trait???

I don't recall making such a claim. However, can you name some wealthy conservatives who advocate policies that actually make life better for anybody other than themselves? I'm sure there must be one or two.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 06/24/11 02:56 PM
I was always curious why White Collar Criminals get preferential treatment when they should be in with the gangtas, thugs, and Smuggaluhs! let them get a taste of some man on man. Keepn' it real.

All crime should be treated as just that. If it is a crime the criminal gets a time out in Pokey Oaks Reform School.

Where are the power puff Girls when you need them?

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