Topic: Wisconsin Anti Union Law To Take Effect
no photo
Tue 06/21/11 07:24 PM
Here's what Iowa Senator Stephen King think of working class people.

KING: If you wanna do as many Democrats have said on this floor, and that is that any relationship between two consenting adults the federal government shouldn't be involved in, well this is a relationship the federal government should not be involved in. For the federal government to tell me that I can't say to my own son, I'd like to climb in the seat of your excavator and sit there for $10 an hour, federal government says I can't, he's gotta pay me some $28 rate or whatever that is. But the government has no business interfering and no business driving up these costs. And we must go through this period of austerity. That requires that we not impose federal union scale on federal construction projects. [...] And I think the free market should set the wages. Labor is a commodity just like corn or beans or oil or gold, and the value of it needs to be determined by the competition, supply and demand in the workplace.

mylifetoday's photo
Tue 06/21/11 10:37 PM

I think the rich getting richer idea is kind of funny. I mean if someone is making more than they spend then I would assume their wealth would grow. So you would only be stating the obvious.

Uhh, I think the point is that only the rich are getting richer, while the not-rich have been getting poorer for 30 years. Unlike the period from 1945 to 1980, when beverybody got richer.

I am sure lots of middle classers got richer. My parents did. My grandparents did. My uncle, my cousin. Hell my cousin never went to college and has over 1 million dollars. Mark Zuckerberg was not rich and now he is. Lots of people got richer.
Lots and lots of people got poorer the vast majority in fact. The survival of the american middle-class will be led by the labor movement, it wont be by millionares or millionaire wanabes. I am just wondering when it will pill up so high that we will have revolts as in Greece.

WHen it explodes it wont be pretty.

The only reason it will explode is because of attitudes like yours.

"It isn't fair they have so much compared to me. I want my fair share and they won't let me have it!"

Question: do you spend more than you make? Does your debt continue to increase every month? If you say no, your statement about the middle class getting poorer does not pertain to you. The only way you get poorer is to spend more than you make.

Why is it such a crime in this country to be successful. The way you talk about millionaires, you make it sound evil. I am guessing you would turn down an opportunity that could make you a millionaire. Because if you didn't, you would become one of "Them!"
The big lie about capitalism is that anyone can be a millionaire imagine if we were all millionares? who would do the work necessary to keep society functioning? How would people be forced to do distastefull but necessary jobs? The vast majority of us are poor and will allways be poor, all one can ask for is that an honest days work keeps you out of poverty.

Hate to burst your bubble but there are a lot of people that are millionaires that work inthese jobs you say are worthless. Intelligent planning for your future early on in life and anyone can save a million.

I am sure you would say teachers are the lowest paid and are in the poor house. When I worked for a CPA firm I filed taxes for quite a few teachers, most of which had over a million in net worth. If these poor underpaid teachers can do it, anyone can.

Don't forget, taxes are paid on income, not net worth.

mylifetoday's photo
Tue 06/21/11 10:52 PM

Why is it such a crime in this country to be successful. The way you talk about millionaires, you make it sound evil.

Kind of a misleading question. Obviously, it is not a crime to become wealthy. The political elite are working hard to ensure that the wealthy get even wealthier through any means they desire.

I think selfish wealthy people are evil. They want to reap the benefits of their enterprises' successes, but they don't want their employees to share in the benefits, because that would mean more for them and less for themselves. From truman to Reagan, the wealthy simply weren't allowed to behave so selfishly. Now it is Conservative dogma to encourage this ethos.

Um, What?

Conservatives believe in selfish behavior? Really? Since when?

No one I know that is conservatives believes in selfish behavior. I personally believe the only way you can be successful and remain successful is to continually reinvest your income.

All the employers I have worked for had the same attitude about their employees. One said it best. "I see my company as supporting all the families of those that work here. I wish I could pay them more."

He couldn't without raising his prices above the market rate. He owned a pizza company. He made about 2% profit after everything was paid. With payroll being 35% of he revenue, any real increase to employee wages would mean a real increase in his pizza prices. You feel everyone should be paid like he was. He was taking the risk that sales would drop and he would lose money every year he was in business. If he paid them the way he was paid, one pizza would cost about $60. Are you willing to pay that?

I worked for one employer that lost over $300,000 a year for five straight years. That is in a five year period, he put$1,500,000 of his money into the business. Would it be fair to ask his employees to contribute to his losses? If not, why is it fair for them to take part in his successes? A lot of employers have a profit sharing plan as well when they are doing well.

Just who are these selfish business owners that you are talking about?

mylifetoday's photo
Tue 06/21/11 11:00 PM

I am sorry but the majority of people are not poor.
There is no comparison to you and the extremely wealthy. Its as if your on another planet, private jets, private schools, personal chefs, accountants, yahts etc etc. You have no idea how rich some people are, ya know the top 1% and then the rest of us.

Once Again, this is just crying that it isn't fair they have more than you. I really don't care that they have this money. Money is not finite. It isn't like at some point they will have all of it and no one else will have any. So they are successful. So what. So they can buy an airplane like you buy McDonalds. So what. Why should that bother me? What they do does not impact my daily life. I am the only one that impacts my daily life.

If no one ever told you they had so much more than you, would it affect your life? When one of these guys buys a yacht does it make a difference in your life?

As far as I can tell, it is only jealousy that drives this attitude.

I can't remember the last time I saw one of these people let alone have what they did that day impact my life.

mylifetoday's photo
Tue 06/21/11 11:20 PM

Here's what Iowa Senator Stephen King think of working class people.

KING: If you wanna do as many Democrats have said on this floor, and that is that any relationship between two consenting adults the federal government shouldn't be involved in, well this is a relationship the federal government should not be involved in. For the federal government to tell me that I can't say to my own son, I'd like to climb in the seat of your excavator and sit there for $10 an hour, federal government says I can't, he's gotta pay me some $28 rate or whatever that is. But the government has no business interfering and no business driving up these costs. And we must go through this period of austerity. That requires that we not impose federal union scale on federal construction projects. [...] And I think the free market should set the wages. Labor is a commodity just like corn or beans or oil or gold, and the value of it needs to be determined by the competition, supply and demand in the workplace.

It is a commodity. Every time you apply for a job or ask for a raise, you are selling your skills to your employer. Why is this idea such a problem?

Chazster's photo
Wed 06/22/11 08:35 AM

I am sorry but the majority of people are not poor.
There is no comparison to you and the extremely wealthy. Its as if your on another planet, private jets, private schools, personal chefs, accountants, yahts etc etc. You have no idea how rich some people are, ya know the top 1% and then the rest of us.

Once Again, this is just crying that it isn't fair they have more than you. I really don't care that they have this money. Money is not finite. It isn't like at some point they will have all of it and no one else will have any. So they are successful. So what. So they can buy an airplane like you buy McDonalds. So what. Why should that bother me? What they do does not impact my daily life. I am the only one that impacts my daily life.

If no one ever told you they had so much more than you, would it affect your life? When one of these guys buys a yacht does it make a difference in your life?

As far as I can tell, it is only jealousy that drives this attitude.

I can't remember the last time I saw one of these people let alone have what they did that day impact my life.

I would say it does if you are the guy selling or building yachts XD. You get more money.

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 08:52 AM
Um, What?

Conservatives believe in selfish behavior? Really? Since when?

No one I know that is conservatives believes in selfish behavior. I personally believe the only way you can be successful and remain successful is to continually reinvest your income.

All the employers I have worked for had the same attitude about their employees. One said it best. "I see my company as supporting all the families of those that work here. I wish I could pay them more."

He couldn't without raising his prices above the market rate. He owned a pizza company. He made about 2% profit after everything was paid. With payroll being 35% of he revenue, any real increase to employee wages would mean a real increase in his pizza prices. You feel everyone should be paid like he was. He was taking the risk that sales would drop and he would lose money every year he was in business. If he paid them the way he was paid, one pizza would cost about $60. Are you willing to pay that?

I worked for one employer that lost over $300,000 a year for five straight years. That is in a five year period, he put$1,500,000 of his money into the business. Would it be fair to ask his employees to contribute to his losses? If not, why is it fair for them to take part in his successes? A lot of employers have a profit sharing plan as well when they are doing well.

Just who are these selfish business owners that you are talking about?

I'll tell you who these selfish business owners are. Watch what they do, not what they say. If they truly wish they could pay their employees more, they would be supporting policies that allow them to prosper while, at the same time, paying their employees more. They would be supporting policies that were in effect in the period between Truman and Reagan. They would not be voting Republican.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 06/22/11 10:21 AM
Let us bash upon Republicans over Corporate greed some more why don't ya?

Again the big fail here is so many people want to blame republicans for this mess when clearly it was our GOVERNMENT including the Democrats that caused this mess in the first place.

Who caused the trade imbalance? Clinton. A Democrat.

Who has done anything about it? No one including the Democrats. they are too busy with other things.

Who stuffed mandatory Healthcare insurance down our throats? And a poorly thought out plan at that... Democrats.

Who has granted Unions more power than they deserve (for votes)? The Democrats.

Who has been inflaming the whole divisive Minority Complex on us and making the schism between classes greater with their policies? The Democrats.

Who shoved Affirmative Action, A racist and segregationist policy down our throats when it was CLEARLY counter intuitive and likewise UNCONSTITUTIONAL? One more time, THE DEMOCRATS!

Yeah, go ahead and blame the Republicans for everything the Democratic Party does.

So why is it none of the Pro Dems here recognize that Obama is a Bush Jr. Redux? Actually one or two lately have seen OPama for the failure he IS.

And what exactly has Obama done for the economy and the situation we are in in general? He is a Democrat too....

The answer is NOTHING!

Obama is a microwave reheated Bush.

Now back to the topic at hand. Skilled Labor costs. Unskilled labor is not expensive. There are so many unskilled workers out there that offer nothing but a pair of hands and a back. How much do they deserve vs. someone with skills, training, and knowledge in their fields? NOT NEARLY AS MUCH!

What costs business so freaking much they want to leave to make money? Taxes, Pensioning, Insurance, Benefit packages that are demanded by Unions, FEES, and penalties, Legal costs, unnecessary and redundant regulations, Over the top RED TAPE, and all these granola eating tree hugging peace QU***S who are constantly trying to get them shut down becasue of owls, penguins, and sad eyed titmice.

So what is so hard to understand? Well, this is where the business owners are separated from the laborers.

So many big egos, so little effective work on a solution.

At least creaming the power the Unions have is a start! But it is not the Fix All everyone is assuming!

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 10:39 AM
Who caused the trade imbalance? Clinton. A Democrat.

In your desperation to blame everything you can on Democrats, you have ignored the 30 years prior to Clinton.

The U.S. has held a trade deficit starting late in the 1960s. Its trade deficit has been increasing at a large rate since 1997 [40] (See chart) and increased by 49.8 billion dollars between 2005 and 2006, setting a record high of 817.3 billion dollars, up from 767.5 billion dollars the previous year.

I believe that that huge increase in 1997 was probably a consequence of Corporate-backed NAFTA.

Oddly, Milton Friedman (your guy) didn't feel that the trade deficit is a problem.

Chazster's photo
Wed 06/22/11 11:54 AM

Um, What?

Conservatives believe in selfish behavior? Really? Since when?

No one I know that is conservatives believes in selfish behavior. I personally believe the only way you can be successful and remain successful is to continually reinvest your income.

All the employers I have worked for had the same attitude about their employees. One said it best. "I see my company as supporting all the families of those that work here. I wish I could pay them more."

He couldn't without raising his prices above the market rate. He owned a pizza company. He made about 2% profit after everything was paid. With payroll being 35% of he revenue, any real increase to employee wages would mean a real increase in his pizza prices. You feel everyone should be paid like he was. He was taking the risk that sales would drop and he would lose money every year he was in business. If he paid them the way he was paid, one pizza would cost about $60. Are you willing to pay that?

I worked for one employer that lost over $300,000 a year for five straight years. That is in a five year period, he put$1,500,000 of his money into the business. Would it be fair to ask his employees to contribute to his losses? If not, why is it fair for them to take part in his successes? A lot of employers have a profit sharing plan as well when they are doing well.

Just who are these selfish business owners that you are talking about?

I'll tell you who these selfish business owners are. Watch what they do, not what they say. If they truly wish they could pay their employees more, they would be supporting policies that allow them to prosper while, at the same time, paying their employees more. They would be supporting policies that were in effect in the period between Truman and Reagan. They would not be voting Republican.

What you are saying are just because people vote republican they are greedy. Yea thats a real logical thought process there.whoa

Maybe they are really religious, anti abortion, pro gun, anti amnesty etc etc etc. Lots of reasons for people to not vote democrat.

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 12:21 PM
What you are saying are just because people vote republican they are greedy. Yea thats a real logical thought process there

I don't appreciate having my remarks mischaracterized. No, what I am say is that If employers truly wish they could pay their employees more, they would be supporting policies that allow them to prosper while, at the same time, paying their employees more. They would be supporting policies that were in effect in the period between Truman and Reagan. They would not be voting Republican because republican policies are exactly contrary to that goal.

Maybe they are really religious, anti abortion, pro gun, anti amnesty etc etc etc. Lots of reasons for people to not vote democrat

That's kind of a "duh" statement, isn't it?

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/22/11 01:03 PM

I am sorry but the majority of people are not poor.
There is no comparison to you and the extremely wealthy. Its as if your on another planet, private jets, private schools, personal chefs, accountants, yahts etc etc. You have no idea how rich some people are, ya know the top 1% and then the rest of us.

Once Again, this is just crying that it isn't fair they have more than you. I really don't care that they have this money. Money is not finite. It isn't like at some point they will have all of it and no one else will have any. So they are successful. So what. So they can buy an airplane like you buy McDonalds. So what. Why should that bother me? What they do does not impact my daily life. I am the only one that impacts my daily life.

If no one ever told you they had so much more than you, would it affect your life? When one of these guys buys a yacht does it make a difference in your life?

As far as I can tell, it is only jealousy that drives this attitude.

I can't remember the last time I saw one of these people let alone have what they did that day impact my life.
It only bothers most sane people because so many others are doing without the minimum necessities of life.

Things like health care. Houseing, food, things like that.

Last time I checked it wasnt the teachers or union workers or poor people that wrecked a once great economy.

All we are realy saying is that before you cut peoples food stamps or medicair or social security lets tax those who can most afford it a little more.

Chazster's photo
Wed 06/22/11 02:53 PM

What you are saying are just because people vote republican they are greedy. Yea thats a real logical thought process there

I don't appreciate having my remarks mischaracterized. No, what I am say is that If employers truly wish they could pay their employees more, they would be supporting policies that allow them to prosper while, at the same time, paying their employees more. They would be supporting policies that were in effect in the period between Truman and Reagan. They would not be voting Republican because republican policies are exactly contrary to that goal.

Maybe they are really religious, anti abortion, pro gun, anti amnesty etc etc etc. Lots of reasons for people to not vote democrat

That's kind of a "duh" statement, isn't it?

Again you just said the same thing. You make it sound like their business is the only thing they worry about when they are voting. They don't care about their personal freedoms of believes. They don't take into consideration anything that isn't related to their business. I find this a very blind view. If I had a business I would run my business with my employees well being in mind. I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 03:06 PM
I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

That's sort of what I was saying. Everybody prioritized their interests. You employees would fall rather low in your list of priorities.

Chazster's photo
Wed 06/22/11 03:29 PM

I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

That's sort of what I was saying. Everybody prioritized their interests. You employees would fall rather low in your list of priorities.

No because that has nothing to do with greed so it wasn't really what you were saying. You said if they wanted to do good things for their employees they wouldn't vote republican. I was pointing out how that was false.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/22/11 03:46 PM

I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

That's sort of what I was saying. Everybody prioritized their interests. You employees would fall rather low in your list of priorities.

No because that has nothing to do with greed so it wasn't really what you were saying. You said if they wanted to do good things for their employees they wouldn't vote republican. I was pointing out how that was false.
For some reasone that wallmart documentary came to my mind, the one were the wallmart personal managers tell their employees who cannot afford health insurence how to apply for state or federal aid.

yes our tax money goes to support wallmart workers and in a sence supporting the Walton family who cannot find in their rich, filthy rich hearts to give their employees affordable health care.


Chazster's photo
Wed 06/22/11 03:52 PM

I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

That's sort of what I was saying. Everybody prioritized their interests. You employees would fall rather low in your list of priorities.

No because that has nothing to do with greed so it wasn't really what you were saying. You said if they wanted to do good things for their employees they wouldn't vote republican. I was pointing out how that was false.
For some reasone that wallmart documentary came to my mind, the one were the wallmart personal managers tell their employees who cannot afford health insurence how to apply for state or federal aid.

yes our tax money goes to support wallmart workers and in a sence supporting the Walton family who cannot find in their rich, filthy rich hearts to give their employees affordable health care.


Well I am sorry abut a minimum wage job with unskilled workers usually don't get company health insurance. Walmart can make its own choices for that and people can chose to work there or not. It still has nothing to do with voting for politics. If someone is republican or democrat before they have a business they will more like be the same thing after they have a business.

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 03:53 PM
Harking back to my earlier quote, "Labor is a commodity just like corn or beans or oil or gold". Thet's the Conservative way. Let the market decide. Base it purely on supply and demand.

I have trouble drawing an equivalency between a working person with a mortgage, health bills, food bills and kids to educate with beans or some grains corn. But hey! That's just me.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/22/11 05:03 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Wed 06/22/11 05:04 PM

I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

That's sort of what I was saying. Everybody prioritized their interests. You employees would fall rather low in your list of priorities.

No because that has nothing to do with greed so it wasn't really what you were saying. You said if they wanted to do good things for their employees they wouldn't vote republican. I was pointing out how that was false.
For some reasone that wallmart documentary came to my mind, the one were the wallmart personal managers tell their employees who cannot afford health insurence how to apply for state or federal aid.

yes our tax money goes to support wallmart workers and in a sence supporting the Walton family who cannot find in their rich, filthy rich hearts to give their employees affordable health care.


Well I am sorry abut a minimum wage job with unskilled workers usually don't get company health insurance. Walmart can make its own choices for that and people can chose to work there or not. It still has nothing to do with voting for politics. If someone is republican or democrat before they have a business they will more like be the same thing after they have a business.
Pitty isnt it the ownership class moved all the jobs to China lowering the commodity of labor to their advantage. I am suprised that most companies dont bring in more skilled help from other countries, oh say like India. I am sure they will eventualy after they get done working over the unions they will betray everyone else.

Chazster's photo
Wed 06/22/11 06:30 PM

I would not chose my politics based on my employees.

That's sort of what I was saying. Everybody prioritized their interests. You employees would fall rather low in your list of priorities.

No because that has nothing to do with greed so it wasn't really what you were saying. You said if they wanted to do good things for their employees they wouldn't vote republican. I was pointing out how that was false.
For some reasone that wallmart documentary came to my mind, the one were the wallmart personal managers tell their employees who cannot afford health insurence how to apply for state or federal aid.

yes our tax money goes to support wallmart workers and in a sence supporting the Walton family who cannot find in their rich, filthy rich hearts to give their employees affordable health care.


Well I am sorry abut a minimum wage job with unskilled workers usually don't get company health insurance. Walmart can make its own choices for that and people can chose to work there or not. It still has nothing to do with voting for politics. If someone is republican or democrat before they have a business they will more like be the same thing after they have a business.
Pitty isnt it the ownership class moved all the jobs to China lowering the commodity of labor to their advantage. I am suprised that most companies dont bring in more skilled help from other countries, oh say like India. I am sure they will eventualy after they get done working over the unions they will betray everyone else.

You can't just bring skilled workers over to this country. Its not that easy to get visas. Outsourcing unskilled labor is easy because it is "unskilled". America has its own accreditation for many professions that you just can't get from those countries. Hell my engineering professors always complained about the Indian grad students because they didnt know jack.