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Topic: too serious lately...
mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/19/11 10:31 AM

When it comes to Adam and Eve in the Hebrew creation fables I feel a very strong need to ask the following question:

When God created a woman as a helpmate for Adam why didn't God create a woman like Mary? (the mother of Jesus) She was supposedly a sinless perfect woman.

But no, instead God creates a bimbo like Eve for Adam.

In other words, the fate of all humanity seems to have depended entirely upon the character and intelligence of the woman that God created for Adam.

That doesn't seem fair to humanity, as far as I can see.

Why should we suffer because God fixed Adam up with a bimbo? spock

lol and if god knows everything, wouldn't he have known what she was gunna do beforehand?

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/19/11 11:41 AM

Since it has been so serious lately about religious views, I have an interesting question that I thought up just for fun....

What if Eve had been created first? Would things be the same as they are or would they be different?

spiritually , i dont think it would

unless God designed different roles for them it wouldnt really matter in what order he designed them

he made two, and one was first, BUT he did make them to help each other if one reads through the entire book

although the mostly man dominated culture has done a good job focusing on bits and pieces and convincing themself that eve being created second means she is inferior or less than,,,

Actually MsHarmony this brings me to an extremely important question.

God creates Adam as a man.

So what is Adam's purpose? He can't procreate. He has no purpose other than to enjoy himself. He can never expand beyond what he is - a single individual.

So what would be the purpose in having created a Man, and more importantly why would he need a helpmate if he has no purpose to begin with?

That male-chauvinistic patriarchal approach to a creation myth doesn't even make any sense at all really.


However, if we turn it around and have God create the woman first it makes far more sense!

Imagine the following:

In the beginning God created Eve and blessed her with the ability to procreate automatically every nine months.

Eve was raising all of her daughters and trying to tend to the Garden of Eden and finally asked God, "Could I have some help here? With all these kids to raise I really don't have time to be tending to the garden. If you expect me to be a good mentor for these children I can't be spending all my time working in the garden."

So God put Eve to sleep and from her he took a rib and created Adam as her helpmate.

"It will be Adam's job to tend the Garden", God said and then he left.

Life went on, but it wasn't long before Eve noticed that Adam was lazy and not tending the garden. So Eve called upon God once again and said, "Adam is just sitting around drinking wine and not tending the garden".

God thought about the problem for a moment and then in his infinite wisdom he said, "I have an idea! I'm going to make it so that Adam has to have sex with you before you can procreate children. I will make it very pleasurable for him and he will be very willing to please you and do whatever you say."

Then God left again.

Adam was thrilled with the new arrangement and was doing God's will trying to get Eve as pregnant as she could possible be.

For a while he was working ambitiously in the garden and doing everything that Eve suggests he should do. But after a while things got old and Adam once again became slack in his gardening duties.

Eve called upon God once again, and told God that things aren't working out very well. God replied, "Well it surely isn't my fault I made sex as enjoyable as I possibly could".

Eve replied, "I'm not blaming you God. Adam is just a bum is all. Can't you create me a better man?"

God pauses for a moment to look at his creation manual and then replies, "Nope, I'm sorry but that's the best I can do when creating a man".

Then God in his infinite wisdom says, "I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll fix the garden so it no longer needs to be tended. Just have Adam tend the fruit orchards. That's and easy job. Just tell him that he's not to eat any of the fruit!"

Then God left again.

Things were going along fairly well for a while, but then one day Eve found Adam sitting in the orchard eating the fruit from the fruit trees, and so she screamed at him, "What are you doing! You're not to eat the fruit from these trees it's for our daughters only!"

Adam replied, "But the serpent told me that if I eat this fruit I'll be able to have longer orgasms".

Eve, knocked the fruit from Adam's hand and said, "You idiot! Don't you know that snakes always lie! That's why they have to crawl on their bellies!"

"I didn't know that", Adam grumbles.

God returns and see what Adam has done. "You have disobeyed me son, I must cast you out of the Garden into the thorns and thistles. And you have to go with him Eve too because you are his wife".

Eve objects, and says to God, "But that's not fair!"

God reprimands Eve saying, "Don't tell me what's fair, I'm God".

So Adam and Eve are taken to the gate of the Garden, and forced to leave.

Outside the garden is an eerie-looking jungle and Eve is sore afraid so she says to Adam, "You go first".

Adam replies, "Me go first. Adam always go first".

And they left the garden with Adam leading Eve into the jungle and chanting over and over to himself, "Adam always go first, Adam always first".

And this is why humans now have a patriarchal society. flowers

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/19/11 01:16 PM
its an interesting story,,we wont know until we die

what I take away from the bible regarding the purpose of Adam was that he was created as caretaker to Gods other creations on the earth

Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth . . .”

in following with their being one God who is overseer , I feel Adam was a mortal creation meant to mirror God

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/19/11 03:09 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Tue 04/19/11 03:09 PM

its an interesting story,,we wont know until we die

what I take away from the bible regarding the purpose of Adam was that he was created as caretaker to Gods other creations on the earth

Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth . . .”

in following with their being one God who is overseer , I feel Adam was a mortal creation meant to mirror God

But that still implies that Eve was an afterthought created as a mere helpmate for Adam.

And that in turn then implies the the ability to procreate and have babies was also an afterthought. slaphead

Was it God's intention to create people who could multiply and procreate in the first place?

If so, then Eve should have been the STAR of the Opera and Adam would be the mere 'helpmate' as an afterthought.

It just makes no sense to me that God would have created a Man first, and then created a woman who can give birth to childern afterward as an afterthought.

At the very LEAST God should have created them simultaneously as an egalitarian pair.

The mere fact that Eve was an afterthought pretty much destroys this story's credibility for me.

It clear to me that whoever made this story up was a male-chauvinist pig who wanted to claim that women were the following:

1. An afterthought.
2. Actual property of the man (made from HIS rib)
3. Guilty for leading us into temptation and evil.
4. Created by God to be the HELPMATE of a Man.

That's nothing but patriarchal male-chauvinistic hogwash.

And WOMEN are the one's who make procreation possible!?!?! slaphead

This story necessarily has to be a lie made up by a male-chauvinistic pig.

I'm sorry for having such a strong opinion on this, but truly, if I were a woman I'd reject these stories in a heartbeat and tell any man who tries to claim that they are the "Word of God" to go jump in the ocean. They are clearly the made up lies of a male chauvinistic society that tries to make women out to be the property and helpmate to men, guilty of leading men into sin, and they were created as an afterthought too boot!

And the male chauvinism just continues throughout the book. Women are bought and sold as 'wives' they aren't to speak out on important social issues and only confide in their husbands, etc.

They even need to go through a spiritual cleansing process after they have given birth like as if they had committed some sort of sin for having a baby! And they have to go through that process TWICE as long if they had a girl than if they had a boy, once again the males are favored over the females.

It's just male-chauvinistic pigism all the way through.

In the 1960's when women were burning their bras in protest against male-chauvinism they should have been burning their Bibles instead!

Totage's photo
Tue 04/19/11 03:12 PM

Since it has been so serious lately about religious views, I have an interesting question that I thought up just for fun....

What if Eve had been created first? Would things be the same as they are or would they be different?

Interesting... I think in some ways things would be reversed, in others they would remain the same.

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/19/11 03:28 PM

its an interesting story,,we wont know until we die

what I take away from the bible regarding the purpose of Adam was that he was created as caretaker to Gods other creations on the earth

Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth . . .”

in following with their being one God who is overseer , I feel Adam was a mortal creation meant to mirror God

But that still implies that Eve was an afterthought created as a mere helpmate for Adam.

And that in turn then implies the the ability to procreate and have babies was also an afterthought. slaphead

Was it God's intention to create people who could multiply and procreate in the first place?

If so, then Eve should have been the STAR of the Opera and Adam would be the mere 'helpmate' as an afterthought.

It just makes no sense to me that God would have created a Man first, and then created a woman who can give birth to childern afterward as an afterthought.

At the very LEAST God should have created them simultaneously as an egalitarian pair.

The mere fact that Eve was an afterthought pretty much destroys this story's credibility for me.

It clear to me that whoever made this story up was a male-chauvinist pig who wanted to claim that women were the following:

1. An afterthought.
2. Actual property of the man (made from HIS rib)
3. Guilty for leading us into temptation and evil.
4. Created by God to be the HELPMATE of a Man.

That's nothing but patriarchal male-chauvinistic hogwash.

And WOMEN are the one's who make procreation possible!?!?! slaphead

This story necessarily has to be a lie made up by a male-chauvinistic pig.

I'm sorry for having such a strong opinion on this, but truly, if I were a woman I'd reject these stories in a heartbeat and tell any man who tries to claim that they are the "Word of God" to go jump in the ocean. They are clearly the made up lies of a male chauvinistic society that tries to make women out to be the property and helpmate to men, guilty of leading men into sin, and they were created as an afterthought too boot!

And the male chauvinism just continues throughout the book. Women are bought and sold as 'wives' they aren't to speak out on important social issues and only confide in their husbands, etc.

They even need to go through a spiritual cleansing process after they have given birth like as if they had committed some sort of sin for having a baby! And they have to go through that process TWICE as long if they had a girl than if they had a boy, once again the males are favored over the females.

It's just male-chauvinistic pigism all the way through.

In the 1960's when women were burning their bras in protest against male-chauvinism they should have been burning their Bibles instead!

I understand if the assumption is order of creation is necessarily an indicator of order of importance

when we are creating more than one thing, we naturally are going to create some first and others second, thirc, whatever

I dont see where that means that their significance is more or less

man is interchangably used to refer to mankind,,,so I believe(as the bible says) he created THEM,,,,but one was first and the other was second because she came FROM him as a way of uniting their purpose while keeping their physical forms seperate...

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 04/19/11 03:57 PM

Since it has been so serious lately about religious views, I have an interesting question that I thought up just for fun....

What if Eve had been created first? Would things be the same as they are or would they be different?

spiritually , i dont think it would

unless God designed different roles for them it wouldnt really matter in what order he designed them

he made two, and one was first, BUT he did make them to help each other if one reads through the entire book

although the mostly man dominated culture has done a good job focusing on bits and pieces and convincing themself that eve being created second means she is inferior or less than,,,

Actually MsHarmony this brings me to an extremely important question.

God creates Adam as a man.

So what is Adam's purpose? He can't procreate. He has no purpose other than to enjoy himself. He can never expand beyond what he is - a single individual.

So what would be the purpose in having created a Man, and more importantly why would he need a helpmate if he has no purpose to begin with?

That male-chauvinistic patriarchal approach to a creation myth doesn't even make any sense at all really.


However, if we turn it around and have God create the woman first it makes far more sense!

Imagine the following:

In the beginning God created Eve and blessed her with the ability to procreate automatically every nine months.

Eve was raising all of her daughters and trying to tend to the Garden of Eden and finally asked God, "Could I have some help here? With all these kids to raise I really don't have time to be tending to the garden. If you expect me to be a good mentor for these children I can't be spending all my time working in the garden."

So God put Eve to sleep and from her he took a rib and created Adam as her helpmate.

"It will be Adam's job to tend the Garden", God said and then he left.

Life went on, but it wasn't long before Eve noticed that Adam was lazy and not tending the garden. So Eve called upon God once again and said, "Adam is just sitting around drinking wine and not tending the garden".

God thought about the problem for a moment and then in his infinite wisdom he said, "I have an idea! I'm going to make it so that Adam has to have sex with you before you can procreate children. I will make it very pleasurable for him and he will be very willing to please you and do whatever you say."

Then God left again.

Adam was thrilled with the new arrangement and was doing God's will trying to get Eve as pregnant as she could possible be.

For a while he was working ambitiously in the garden and doing everything that Eve suggests he should do. But after a while things got old and Adam once again became slack in his gardening duties.

Eve called upon God once again, and told God that things aren't working out very well. God replied, "Well it surely isn't my fault I made sex as enjoyable as I possibly could".

Eve replied, "I'm not blaming you God. Adam is just a bum is all. Can't you create me a better man?"

God pauses for a moment to look at his creation manual and then replies, "Nope, I'm sorry but that's the best I can do when creating a man".

Then God in his infinite wisdom says, "I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll fix the garden so it no longer needs to be tended. Just have Adam tend the fruit orchards. That's and easy job. Just tell him that he's not to eat any of the fruit!"

Then God left again.

Things were going along fairly well for a while, but then one day Eve found Adam sitting in the orchard eating the fruit from the fruit trees, and so she screamed at him, "What are you doing! You're not to eat the fruit from these trees it's for our daughters only!"

Adam replied, "But the serpent told me that if I eat this fruit I'll be able to have longer orgasms".

Eve, knocked the fruit from Adam's hand and said, "You idiot! Don't you know that snakes always lie! That's why they have to crawl on their bellies!"

"I didn't know that", Adam grumbles.

God returns and see what Adam has done. "You have disobeyed me son, I must cast you out of the Garden into the thorns and thistles. And you have to go with him Eve too because you are his wife".

Eve objects, and says to God, "But that's not fair!"

God reprimands Eve saying, "Don't tell me what's fair, I'm God".

So Adam and Eve are taken to the gate of the Garden, and forced to leave.

Outside the garden is an eerie-looking jungle and Eve is sore afraid so she says to Adam, "You go first".

Adam replies, "Me go first. Adam always go first".

And they left the garden with Adam leading Eve into the jungle and chanting over and over to himself, "Adam always go first, Adam always first".

And this is why humans now have a patriarchal society. flowers

laugh laugh waving Very creative - I like your story.

josie68's photo
Wed 04/20/11 11:57 PM
Bummer, if I was born instad of eve, I would still be sitting under a tree playing with the animals.
I have no desire to know anymore than the basics to get through the day so satan could have kept his apple.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/21/11 12:15 AM

Bummer, if I was born instad of eve, I would still be sitting under a tree playing with the animals.
I have no desire to know anymore than the basics to get through the day so satan could have kept his apple.

u arent the only one,, never had much 'rebellion' in me

Jess642's photo
Thu 04/21/11 01:36 AM

Bummer, if I was born instad of eve, I would still be sitting under a tree playing with the animals.
I have no desire to know anymore than the basics to get through the day so satan could have kept his apple.

Uh oh.....well....umm....I must be a direct descendant...noway :tongue:

because the first thing I would have done is said....why?

Why can't I have that one?

Why would you give us ALL this to play in...and then make the ONE thing I can't have?

You know what you can do with your rules god dude?

I wanna KNOW!...get out of my way SNAKE...I wanna see what's up top of this tree...

pitchfork laugh

josie68's photo
Thu 04/21/11 01:48 AM

Bummer, if I was born instad of eve, I would still be sitting under a tree playing with the animals.
I have no desire to know anymore than the basics to get through the day so satan could have kept his apple.

Uh oh.....well....umm....I must be a direct descendant...noway :tongue:

because the first thing I would have done is said....why?

Why can't I have that one?

Why would you give us ALL this to play in...and then make the ONE thing I can't have?

You know what you can do with your rules god dude?

I wanna KNOW!...get out of my way SNAKE...I wanna see what's up top of this tree...

pitchfork laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
And if we where both there I would have been underneath holdin your leg trying to pull you down saying.

"YOu know we are not allowed to do that, Quick get down dont listen to him."

rofl rofl rofl rofl

josie68's photo
Thu 04/21/11 01:49 AM

Bummer, if I was born instad of eve, I would still be sitting under a tree playing with the animals.
I have no desire to know anymore than the basics to get through the day so satan could have kept his apple.

u arent the only one,, never had much 'rebellion' in me

happy I know i have always done what I was toldnoway
I didnt even think to Questionhappy

Jess642's photo
Thu 04/21/11 01:51 AM

Bummer, if I was born instad of eve, I would still be sitting under a tree playing with the animals.
I have no desire to know anymore than the basics to get through the day so satan could have kept his apple.

Uh oh.....well....umm....I must be a direct descendant...noway :tongue:

because the first thing I would have done is said....why?

Why can't I have that one?

Why would you give us ALL this to play in...and then make the ONE thing I can't have?

You know what you can do with your rules god dude?

I wanna KNOW!...get out of my way SNAKE...I wanna see what's up top of this tree...

pitchfork laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
And if we where both there I would have been underneath holdin your leg trying to pull you down saying.

"YOu know we are not allowed to do that, Quick get down dont listen to him."

rofl rofl rofl rofl


I think actually Lilith is my great great great great great (add another couple of hundred) great grandmother...

wasn't she the first model...that was too naughty for poor innocent Adam?

:wink: :tongue:

josie68's photo
Thu 04/21/11 05:02 AM

Bummer, if I was born instad of eve, I would still be sitting under a tree playing with the animals.
I have no desire to know anymore than the basics to get through the day so satan could have kept his apple.

Uh oh.....well....umm....I must be a direct descendant...noway :tongue:

because the first thing I would have done is said....why?

Why can't I have that one?

Why would you give us ALL this to play in...and then make the ONE thing I can't have?

You know what you can do with your rules god dude?

I wanna KNOW!...get out of my way SNAKE...I wanna see what's up top of this tree...

pitchfork laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
And if we where both there I would have been underneath holdin your leg trying to pull you down saying.

"YOu know we are not allowed to do that, Quick get down dont listen to him."

rofl rofl rofl rofl


I think actually Lilith is my great great great great great (add another couple of hundred) great grandmother...

wasn't she the first model...that was too naughty for poor innocent Adam?

:wink: :tongue:

Oh no, I would have to follow you around to stop us being thrown out..noway Bummer I might as well join you , we are going to be thrown out anywayohwell


no photo
Thu 04/21/11 05:17 AM

Since it has been so serious lately about religious views, I have an interesting question that I thought up just for fun....

What if Eve had been created first? Would things be the same as they are or would they be different?

God created first proto-type /a sample aka Adam , then he created a piece of art, his greatest job of creation aka Eve :)

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