Topic: Did Jesus Die on the Cross? | |
Or is it possible that the Centarian on duty upon the hill became a convert.
And let him down so the three 'kings' could treat his wounds and 'wisk' him out of there. Both the Pariesian and Chinese Empires at the time had doctors and medical science far beyond that of the Roman Empire. The other king I can not yet trace in time. |
If the story really happened, I'm sure it was not as we have been told. I don't think he died on the cross.
I read somewhere (Holy Blood, Holy grail) that it was written in some gospel that it was actually Simon who took the place of the teacher now called "Jesus." And that Simon did not actually die. There are so many stories and rumors, one can never really know what may have happened. |
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Sat 04/16/11 11:27 PM
i was reading an article about Jesus actually living out his life and dying in china... the Chinese even say they have his grave site in a village in china...
here is an interesting article on it... |
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Sat 04/16/11 11:20 PM
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless.
If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. |
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless. If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. |
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless. If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. Because it was not for one reason.. Also thier was a reason why people who the romans put to death in this sort of a manner broke thier leggs. breaking the leggs of a person who was on a cross like the 2 thieves beside him would not cause them to die.. Its a medical fact. so it was not a cross anyone was on..Blessings...Miles |
John 19:31-33
Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. 32 Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him. 33 But when they came to Yahshua and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. NKJV anyone in the medical field know why breaking the leggs of someone on a cross as this says would not cause them to die? |
| At the bottom of the page of the url( above), are a list of other great topics that may offer answers to some other questions. |
| At the bottom of the page of the url( above), are a list of other great topics that may offer answers to some other questions. I agree. " Let us Reason" So how long was Lazarus in the grave? Blessings..Miles John 11:9-10 9 Yahshua answered, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. NKJV John 11:39 Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, "Master, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days." NKJV |
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Sun 04/17/11 04:20 AM
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless. If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. I'll only give a breif outline in this small space. A center piece of this topic is the Law. I.e. The 10 commandments If you break the law, your guilty and can be punished. i.e. A Sinner. An important example here is yelling fire in a crowded theater. It can cause unneeded panic, stampedes, and people getting hurt or killed. Even if your right about the fire, you still broke the law and can be punished. The Christians believe God is perfect and Jesus was God in bodily form. The Christians also believe we all have sinned, we're not perfect. So the idea that Jesus going to Heaven because he's perfect Isn't special, it doesn't give us sinners hope. But Jesus "in the likeness of sinful man", blasphemed (yelled fire), was convicted, sentenced, and executed. Just like us. Now a convicted sinner going to heaven... That gives us all hope. ![]() The devil Before ![]() ![]() |
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless. If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. Aye... It was not his death or resurection that makes him what he is... It was the word he brought. Without the cross only those that NEED such a symbol would be effected. Without the word all of Christainity would cease to exist. the word is more important than the 'legend'. |
anyone in the medical field know why breaking the leggs of someone on a cross as this says would not cause them to die? a crucified person would use the legs to hold their weight up, so as not to suffocate. breaking the legs would speed up the death |
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless. If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. Aye... It was not his death or resurection that makes him what he is... It was the word he brought. Without the cross only those that NEED such a symbol would be effected. Without the word all of Christainity would cease to exist. the word is more important than the 'legend'. That says a billion chinese who died never hearing the word are SOL. Plus all that preceded him. I'm sticking with my original post. It's the resurection. |
anyone in the medical field know why breaking the leggs of someone on a cross as this says would not cause them to die? a crucified person would use the legs to hold their weight up, so as not to suffocate. breaking the legs would speed up the death yes this is true.. on a cross with your arms out it will take a very long time to suffocate.. but you are exactly right why they would break the leggs.. to end suffering and die within minutes. but not on a cross. but on a tree as scripture says. cursed is he who hangs on a tree and Yahshua took the curse of the law " Death" on himself. his arms and hands were stretched out straight above his head and when u break thier leggs they die quick then.. no cross as the chr-stian symbol anyway that is a Roman symbol of death.. a Egyptian symbol of well all i know for sure thier is the circle is feminime. But they worship death not life thats why they hate the LAW.. the Law is what judges them for the exact oppisite reason they say.. when you refuse it then u are judged because of your blantant refusal and say Yahweh made a Mistake. Yahweh never made a mistake even Hebrews says so.. about the Law even. For if that first [covenant] had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. Hbr 8:8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: The Law was not the fault and Yahshua did not get rid of the Law. He gave them a pardon and me but when you get a pardon the Law giver comes down even harder if you lie about your forgiveness and say so what.. I will break it again .. proud and Satan decieving themselves. I am very glad to see friend you relize why they broke thier leggs.. few people have any idea..I am sure you are well versed.. Blessings to you and Yours..Miles |
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless. If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. I'll only give a breif outline in this small space. A center piece of this topic is the Law. I.e. The 10 commandments If you break the law, your guilty and can be punished. i.e. A Sinner. An important example here is yelling fire in a crowded theater. It can cause unneeded panic, stampedes, and people getting hurt or killed. Even if your right about the fire, you still broke the law and can be punished. The Christians believe God is perfect and Jesus was God in bodily form. The Christians also believe we all have sinned, we're not perfect. So the idea that Jesus going to Heaven because he's perfect Isn't special, it doesn't give us sinners hope. But Jesus "in the likeness of sinful man", blasphemed (yelled fire), was convicted, sentenced, and executed. Just like us. Now a convicted sinner going to heaven... That gives us all hope. ![]() The devil Before ![]() ![]() The religion as held out by the Christians is necessarily an oxymoron in terms. The Christians claim that no man can be "perfect" on his own merit and thus is in dire need of Salvation. However, this spits in the very face of Jesus himself whom the gospels have saying: Matt.5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Why would Jesus ask people to do something if he himself knew that what he was asking them to do was indeed impossible for a mortal human? Therefore the Christians lie. They refute the teachings of Jesus and refuse to accept His Word as TRUTH. So no one renounces the teachings of Jesus more than the Christians themselves when they demand that all men are sinners and that no man can become righteous on his own merit. According to Jesus, that's a LIE. |
There are only three laws. They are the universal laws.
They are not the laws you have been told about in the Bible. |
I just read the on following the website-link posted by MightyMoe"
The Quran, where Jesus is called Messiah — the Messenger, maintains that Christ was returned to God alive and not crucified. It this true? Is this what the Quran says? Which rumors of this man is a person supposed to believe? If there exists such wide rumors about this ancient alleged person, then how can anyone demand that one rumor should be believed over another? |
There are only three laws. They are the universal laws. They are not the laws you have been told about in the Bible. Well, not only that, but the laws of the Bible are political laws. They are directives and commandments given by a totalitarian dictator. Thou shalt worship me! Thou shalt obey me! Blah, blah, blah. The kinds of laws that you're talking about are more like the laws of physics, except they are the laws of spirit. They just describe the properties that spirit has. Respect those properties and you'll live in harmony with spirit, refuse to adhere to those properties and you'll hurt yourself. Just like if you refuse to respect the law of gravity and step off the roof of a high-rise building. You're going to get hurt because you didn't respect the law of gravity. |
If there was no cross, then Jesus is useless. If he was burried in my back yard, I wouldn't care. I'll only give a breif outline in this small space. A center piece of this topic is the Law. I.e. The 10 commandments If you break the law, your guilty and can be punished. i.e. A Sinner. An important example here is yelling fire in a crowded theater. It can cause unneeded panic, stampedes, and people getting hurt or killed. Even if your right about the fire, you still broke the law and can be punished. The Christians believe God is perfect and Jesus was God in bodily form. The Christians also believe we all have sinned, we're not perfect. So the idea that Jesus going to Heaven because he's perfect Isn't special, it doesn't give us sinners hope. But Jesus "in the likeness of sinful man", blasphemed (yelled fire), was convicted, sentenced, and executed. Just like us. Now a convicted sinner going to heaven... That gives us all hope. ![]() The devil Before ![]() ![]() The religion as held out by the Christians is necessarily an oxymoron in terms. The Christians claim that no man can be "perfect" on his own merit and thus is in dire need of Salvation. However, this spits in the very face of Jesus himself whom the gospels have saying: Matt.5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Why would Jesus ask people to do something if he himself knew that what he was asking them to do was indeed impossible for a mortal human? Therefore the Christians lie. They refute the teachings of Jesus and refuse to accept His Word as TRUTH. So no one renounces the teachings of Jesus more than the Christians themselves when they demand that all men are sinners and that no man can become righteous on his own merit. According to Jesus, that's a LIE. I think this logic depends upon the interchanging of the terms and definitions of words like sinner, perfect, and righteous. Matthew 22.37-40, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." we sometimes interchange the meaning of perfect, as in saying that noone is perfect(without flaws), and saying that we are perfect creations(created perfectly, but not without flaws personally) it just rarely boils down to the black and white type of summaries that we seek in understading the scriptures,,, |
I just read the on following the website-link posted by MightyMoe" The Quran, where Jesus is called Messiah — the Messenger, maintains that Christ was returned to God alive and not crucified. It this true? Is this what the Quran says? Which rumors of this man is a person supposed to believe? If there exists such wide rumors about this ancient alleged person, then how can anyone demand that one rumor should be believed over another? "God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!" (Quran 112:1-4). The Quran also states: "Such was Jesus, the son of Mary; it is a statement of truth, about which they vainly dispute. It is not befitting to the majesty of God, that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be' and it is" (Quran 19:34-35). "“They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did.” (Quran 4:156) “God lifted him up to His presence. God is Almighty, All-Wise” (Quran 4:157) . |