Topic: Have not dated in 16 years! Rate me please. | |
Trying to find out what kind of people find me attractive.
Your profile looks fine. Although you might want to add some more pics and either lose the one of you with the other woman or at least explain who she is.
Trying to find out what kind of people find me attractive. attractiveness is only the tip of the iceberg... when you want to get an iceberg on your tip. Hi, I feel your pain, I haven't as much as held a woman's hand in eleven years. I guess I know why they don't find me attractive -- I am arrogant, short, and abrasive. (that's my personality, not my skin.) And poor. So my advice, if someone says "this is unattractive" or "that is unattractive", don't pay too much attention unless you are able to and willing to change that. I can't change my height, and am unwilling to change my sense of humour. Those who can improve at my age (or at yours), are the real heros of the life. |
Trying to find out what kind of people find me attractive. I imagine Buddhist's/Taoist's would. Pretty skimpy, for insight into you :-) |
can you do magic tricks? did you make that girl disappear?
![]() sorry, got distracted by the theatrics in your pic. ![]() what was the question? I've never really dated, but from the sounds of it, I ain't missing much! |
can you do magic tricks? did you make that girl disappear? ![]() sorry, got distracted by the theatrics in your pic. ![]() what was the question? I've never really dated, but from the sounds of it, I ain't missing much! Same here, I'm content to watch the trainwrecks around me, instead. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 04/13/11 03:29 PM
can you do magic tricks? did you make that girl disappear? ![]() sorry, got distracted by the theatrics in your pic. ![]() what was the question? I've never really dated, but from the sounds of it, I ain't missing much! Between 28 and 45 I dated like crazy, made love like rabbits (BUT not even one Playboy Bunny to show for it), ate like a pig, smoked like a fish, and worked like a horse, and at 45 I went "pffffff....." when I ran out of gas. Since then, the memories remain... the victories, the defeats, the lucky strikes, the mistakes, the utter and unfettered freedom of blue skies and stretching green meadows, and the gloomy moores on rainy days when the bread ran thin. Yes, someone was a doing a magic trick. Creation. My mind? things happened that I liked and had no control over. What gives with that? Not having to pursue happiness and still get it. Or not pursuing depression, utter sadness and abandonment by my life force... did not ask for that, either. I think it was the doing of a magician, all right. A woman. A spirit, an intangible, conceptual thing, which feeds me with sweet sustainance like a warm mother's breast, whispers like a lover, covers protectively like the scent and scarf of a mother, and squeezes me in a hottt embrace like a wicked lover. I am not religious, I beleive in no god, I believe in no such things that may sound superstition so someone... but I do believe in miracles, even if the miracles that I see are illusions, delusions, magic tricks and I make myself accept them as miracles. That's why life is good. Life is good because I can hang on to logic I (of the mind) while I see that logic II (of emotions) is equally as strong a force in shaping our lives, and I can see that these two logics stand infallibly, despite proven irrefutably wrong by logic III, the laws of the physical world that govern as forces the matter that make up our minds, and our spirits, our love, ... our feelings. To be able to inhale all three at once, the three dimensional truth whose sum vector is cartesian but meaningless, because it's so full of meaning... brought into meaning by the interpretive mind, otherwise it would be dead wood, discarded construction debris, old, parched textbooks on math in garbage heaps. Yeah, well, uck, this is what man is, the measure of a man. |
Thanks all for your responses. My profile is kind of skimpy at the moment. I will be adding more. I guess the reason for the rating request was to see where I fit in the age spectrum. I seem to attract really young women or really old women that need to be rescued. I want a relationship that is not filled with picking up someone elses pieces. My profile is research and hope for successful dating outside of my perceived comfort zone. My profile picture is from a Martial Arts demo I did for Indonesian Day in Sacramento. The woman in the picture is a fellow student. I guess that if people are intimidated or bothered by the girl in the image, then they probably are not the strong self reflective woman I am looking for. I may not have dated for 16 years but it is because I was in committed relationships the whole time...not because I don't have game.
I don't think it's insecurity that makes women uncomfortable about a guy with a mysterious female in his photo; to me it says he's taken. For example, many people on this site are just here for friends and they have pics of themselves and their significant other as their default picture. So if you're looking for a relationship, why bother with a man who's already in one? Perhaps I really am too logical......
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I like it agree on the more pics business, don't care who the other person is unless its important in your life, but that information comes with time. perhaps a little more dialogue on what makes you tick
Trying to find out what kind of people find me attractive. attractiveness is only the tip of the iceberg... when you want to get an iceberg on your tip. Hi, I feel your pain, I haven't as much as held a woman's hand in eleven years. I guess I know why they don't find me attractive -- I am arrogant, short, and abrasive. (that's my personality, not my skin.) And poor. So my advice, if someone says "this is unattractive" or "that is unattractive", don't pay too much attention unless you are able to and willing to change that. I can't change my height, and am unwilling to change my sense of humour. Those who can improve at my age (or at yours), are the real heros of the life. I'm fond of you even with the abrasive humor |
That makes sense. So I look like a magician huh? LOL
Thanks all for your responses. My profile is kind of skimpy at the moment. I will be adding more. I guess the reason for the rating request was to see where I fit in the age spectrum. I seem to attract really young women or really old women that need to be rescued. I want a relationship that is not filled with picking up someone elses pieces. My profile is research and hope for successful dating outside of my perceived comfort zone. My profile picture is from a Martial Arts demo I did for Indonesian Day in Sacramento. The woman in the picture is a fellow student. I guess that if people are intimidated or bothered by the girl in the image, then they probably are not the strong self reflective woman I am looking for. I may not have dated for 16 years but it is because I was in committed relationships the whole time...not because I don't have game. perhaps you focus too much on age, for someone who is looking for the ability to self reflect you may have to broaden your own spectrum...and i do not know about others, but as for myself i am quite content in managing my own pieces...only i know where they fit and if i want to keep picking them up or move on.... |
New pics added :)
The second pic is really good.
I don't focus on age at all. What I said was that I seem to attract certain age groups. The rest was a little more insight about what I am looking for and not looking for.
I don't focus on age at all. What I said was that I seem to attract certain age groups. The rest was a little more insight about what I am looking for and not looking for. ah forgive me then, i was given the impression that the age groups you attracted were not your desired target area. In that light I cannot see why the rest of the requests would be unacceptable... |
Thanks much appreciated.