Topic: Reading profiles...
no photo
Thu 04/07/11 10:42 AM

I definitely read profiles before contact. It's nice to have an idea whether I am likely to get a rotten tomato in the face in return for my attentions.

That makes you a smart, considerate man.

no photo
Thu 04/07/11 10:42 AM

At the risk of being lynched by the guys for stereotyping them, I suspect (from my experience so far) that guys just look at photos, whereas women read profiles AND look at photos. The reason I suggest this is that I've had several contacts from men who wanted to talk on the phone after a single round of messages. My profile states that I want to move SLOWLY; if they had read that, they'd have saved themselves time by not contacting me. And since they seem to be in such a rush to enter into a relationship, I'd think they'd want to save time by only contacting like-minded women! laugh

Well, gents? Care to refute my assertion? Or tell me to go suck eggs? laugh I mean no insult, guys. I love men...I think you're terrific. smooched In fact, of all the Lord's creations, I'd have to go so far as to say that men are my favorites--at the very least, right up there with big dogs, tiny kittens, and a big bowl of jambalaya. :wink:

I would suspect you were right about that, in general -- most of the guys that I've talked to on these sites are highly-visually-oriented and they put more stock in the pics than they do in the writing, such as it is (or isn't).

And I'd be the first to go along with the idea that a pic can be a big influence on how I perceive that person; BUT if the profile is vapid and/or poorly-written, it doesn't matter how good she looks.

The pic might get my attention, but it's what she writes that will determine whether I'm interested or not.

wux's photo
Thu 04/07/11 10:46 AM

Does anybody read profile information before contacting a person? I do because I don't want to waste people's time. I also don't want to lead people on to believe I am interested in them when I'm actually not. If you don't read profiles than how are you actually going to know if you are interested in that person?

I don't read profiles and I don't write letters.

I do very occasionally look at pictures on a profile, like I shall do with yours, OP presently.

I write a letter very-very seldom, though, to any number of local girls, and I do pre-read their profiles before I write. Nobody local has EVER written back to me.

I sometimes have correspondences with Forum users, which are warm but very-short lived exchanges. Mostly I don't look at those people's texts, either.

Generally, I am here for the forums, nothing else. It was not the Original Plan, it was the outcome of practice. If I were here for anything but the forums, I would be sadly and mortally disappointed. So I don't look, I just post and laugh at my own posts. Sometimes I marvel at how smart my and others' posts are. I am joyful when I discover a new insight, reading posts, mine or others', no difference.

wux's photo
Thu 04/07/11 10:53 AM

I'm pretty sure most don't read them, other than to see what gender you are. They look at the pic, decide if you're hot or not and then send a weird email. Perfect example, I got hit on by a guy in another country last night. I wanted so badly to write back "why do you even bother???" But I didn't want to encourage him....

i had a guy that email me the other day
and he said he lived if i recall right in texas
i ask him all these questions and his reply was can we do one step at a time
so i email him again and ask him what his nationality was and he said american.......LOL OK

so i ask him again and he said why does it matter

I'd tell your friend, queenie, that one step at a time would bring yuo closer in a month if you are next door neighbours, but if he lives in Chad or the Senegal, then you'd need to take swimming lessons before you'd hit the Atlantic coasts in seventeen hundred years, one step at a time.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 04/07/11 10:56 AM
I do not read them from a 'contact'
point of view. As I never expect to
make first contact.
But I will read them if they say
anything interesting in the forums.
Or outrageous :-)

TheShadow's photo
Thu 04/07/11 11:15 AM
The first thing I look at before reading a profile is there age. If they are to young why bother.

no photo
Thu 04/07/11 12:40 PM
I always read profiles first. Otherwise, I won't know whether I want to contact them or not.

If it's obvious they have not read my profile, I'll ask them to read it. If they're still asking me questions that are clearly answered in my profile, I'll ask them why. Some get angry and say they have to check up on what's written in profiles. Others get angry and say they don't want to waste time reading. Either way, they make it easy to know when to stop chatting with them.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Fri 04/08/11 12:13 PM
Well everybody here is as equal as the rest on here. So to say that most of our profiles are cut, copy, and paste, is just pure assumption. I won't even bother letting that get to me. You obviously have issues? Don't take it out on people on here.

Veldt_Falsetto's photo
Fri 04/08/11 12:24 PM
I don't see why people wouldn' else would you know if they're someone you'd like, unless you're just after one thing knowing people is really important

markecephus's photo
Fri 04/08/11 12:53 PM

I read profiles just about all day, everyday. It is my job, after all. The one thing i see, is pretty much what Lex mentions above. One liners, incomplete profiles, no photo, or group photos (where you cannot determine which is which).

A persons profile, is much like a classified ad. Say you're advertising a vehicle in the local paper... For sale: 1999 blah blah blah... That doesn't tell you anything about the car, other than the year and the make. It doesn't tell you what color it is, how many miles are on it, what condition the tires are in, or anything a potential buyer would want to know.

Simply creating a profile will not get results. You have to interest the potential dater. The profile should be upbeat, include your hobbies and interests, and also what you are looking for in a partner.

As for the question, I think it's a 50/50 answer, some people, who are serious about finding a match, do read profiles. Some who are only interested in a hook up do not, it is obvious from the reports we receive, daily. If you read the profile, you'll know what the person is looking for, man or woman. If you cannot read the headline, without going to the photo first, and subsequently the email dialogue box, you can bet the email will have little chance of capturing a persons interest.

actionlynx's photo
Fri 04/08/11 12:58 PM
Fakes and scammers are notorious for not reading profiles. Of course, there are likely some legit foreigners who also do not read profiles. The reason is simple: they cannot read English. Many of them use translators to communicate via email or IM. Even if they can speak English, their reading and writing may be poor.

Personally, if someone asks me info that is already in my profile, I mention that to the person. Sometimes they admit having read the profile which leads me to ask why they don't know things like my age. It's right at the top of the profile. It's a number. That's universally translatable because it lacks verbs, adjectives, and grammar. Truth is, sometimes people lie about details like age for various reasons. So, the person asking me might just be checking to see if the age listed is my real age.

Keep in mind though: Some people ask questions just to collect information on you. Their are scammers, dating service reps, and website promoters patrolling every dating website. They all collect personal information for their own reasons. Some may try to sell you something. Some may try to steal your money. Some may even direct a bunch of foreigners toward your profile in the hopes of creating a match which means a commission in their pocket.

In the end, only you can figure what the person wants. BUT, the best bet is to just ignore them.

no photo
Fri 04/08/11 01:17 PM

Well everybody here is as equal as the rest on here. So to say that most of our profiles are cut, copy, and paste, is just pure assumption.

I didn't say that. Please don't try to speak for me. What I said was, the majority of ALL profiles I've SEEN are repetitious, vapid, and completely useless insofar as providing any relevant information about the person who wrote them. I never said anything about "here." And I don't think you can call this an "assumption" when it's been my actual experience over a number of years.

I won't even bother letting that get to me. You obviously have issues? Don't take it out on people on here.

Most people don't take my observations personally. And I've been doing this for a very long time!

TheShadow's photo
Fri 04/08/11 02:46 PM
Edited by TheShadow on Fri 04/08/11 02:48 PM

The majority of ALL profiles I've SEEN are repetitious, vapid, and completely useless insofar as providing any relevant information about the person who wrote them. I never said anything about "here." And I don't think you can call this an "assumption" when it's been my actual experience over a number of years.

I have to agree because my profile doesn't give much info about me. I figure if someone is really interested in getting to know me. They will find a way...

burgundybry's photo
Fri 04/08/11 03:18 PM
Edited by burgundybry on Fri 04/08/11 03:18 PM
"Does anybody read profile information before contacting a person?"

I've answered this in MY profile,:laughing: :laughing:

krupa's photo
Fri 04/08/11 03:34 PM
I may glance at a profile..mainly for the pix. If they look interesting I will read thier profile and pretty much forget it immediately.

Except for if it is a two page epic....then I don't bother cause chances are, the woman wont shut the hell up.

actionlynx's photo
Fri 04/08/11 04:02 PM
Or maybe she is just trying to emulate Lex and failing!

no photo
Fri 04/08/11 04:43 PM

Or maybe she is just trying to emulate Lex and failing!

I'm trying to get Long Profile Writing in the 2016 Olympics.

ladyvenus's photo
Fri 04/08/11 10:56 PM

others email me without reading my profile.

Queene123's photo
Fri 04/08/11 11:07 PM

I'm pretty sure most don't read them, other than to see what gender you are. They look at the pic, decide if you're hot or not and then send a weird email. Perfect example, I got hit on by a guy in another country last night. I wanted so badly to write back "why do you even bother???" But I didn't want to encourage him....

i had a guy that email me the other day
and he said he lived if i recall right in texas
i ask him all these questions and his reply was can we do one step at a time
so i email him again and ask him what his nationality was and he said american.......LOL OK

so i ask him again and he said why does it matter

I'd tell your friend, queenie, that one step at a time would bring yuo closer in a month if you are next door neighbours, but if he lives in Chad or the Senegal, then you'd need to take swimming lessons before you'd hit the Atlantic coasts in seventeen hundred years, one step at a time.

laugh laugh hey im not swimming for no freaken man
if they want to meet me well they better live in the states

Queene123's photo
Fri 04/08/11 11:09 PM

"Does anybody read profile information before contacting a person?"

I've answered this in MY profile,:laughing: :laughing:

yea i always read the profile info
and if i get email or a friend ad from who knows where
i dont accept i delete
more like saying kick them to the curbrofl rofl