Topic: Should a Woman even consider running for President
Ontario's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:33 PM
Well, we really don,t know that!

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:36 PM
I believe its harder to become doctor and lawyer than president.
Everybody else does the work and advising. You are just a figure head as
a president. someone who managed to get enough money people to bankroll
their campaing. Thats all. If you have the gift of gab you can become a
president. Hell tell me the last time a president invented something
that the poulation uses. Teddy R wrote bunches of books but outside of
that they are just smoochers. No real skills. A brain surgeon has to
know what he or she is doing. A president if they screw up they blame
it on someone else. Notice how they NEVER apologize. Lolol

cookieie's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:38 PM
Someone said and many say it..."cant do any worse that whats already
being done"

Has anyone noticed the crap going on in other countries?
It can get worse.

Kingbreeze, you need to run. I'll donate a buck to the cause.

Ontario's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:39 PM
Again, you are right... but a Woman as head of this Country, I am sure
will happen... about the same time she figures out how to inpregnant a

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:43 PM
Cookie I agree also. However if we as the voting people dont question
certain things then it really can get like other countries. Hence the
constitution and bill of rights. Is it bad yes. Can it get worse? yes.
Is it worse than some others? NO but others started were we are going so
we have to be careful.

Ontario's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:49 PM
Maybe, but still I am not convinced that a Woman should run for
I am not saying she can,t, but whether she should.
And based on most of the answers... woman should not run, stay home and
cook for their man... those who have one.

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:51 PM
i think a woman should run but i don't think she would win.

Ontario's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:52 PM
Well, if she ran... I would expect her to win

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:53 PM
I will make it easy for you ontario.
Tell me one decision a president ever made that a woman could not make
and why? Before you answer think of who really makes the decisions.
Advisers give him all the info and reccomend everything. So there you
go. Youre homework for tonight and if you baby bearing,kitchen attendant
no decision making woman gets in your way while you ponder on this
question ask her to help you because she might know more about it. Lolol
Hang in there man I feel your pain but you started it. Lolol

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:57 PM
that is pretty interesting ontario, why would you expect her to win?

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:58 PM
King I think hes already feeling the pain so hes already converting to
"maybe" lolol

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:00 PM
if she can handle the government the way she handles the tool i would
vote for her in a minute lol..i know, that's just wrong

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:01 PM
Ooucch King. You WERE my hero so I will sit and watch you take it like a
man also. Lolol

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:03 PM was just a joke but i'm used to taking hell. i'm sure i'll get
another joke out of it somehow

Ontario's photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:03 PM
There maybe no decisions that a male Prez has made that a female could
But thats not the point now is it?
Why would I expect her to win... well there has been unusual things
happening lately with those voting booths.

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:04 PM
oooohhh, that's what you meant. i can't argue with that one onterio.

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:05 PM
anyone that has the credentials to walk in those shoes should be able to
run.gender doesnt dictate weather a person is lazy or unqualified for a

Ontario's photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:09 PM
Well... it kinda does, a woman can,t be a linebacker, or president, like
a man can,t be a ..... I,m thinking.

no photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:11 PM
a crack whore, oooopps a man can do that too lol

Ontario's photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:16 PM
Careful Breezy... we don,t want to offend.