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Topic: Should a Woman even consider running for President
Nervesgone's photo
Wed 10/11/06 08:24 PM

no photo
Wed 10/11/06 08:30 PM
nothin man, i just like the answers you give. you asked the guy if he
was sure lol like he was confused about it lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:32 PM
Your a lone dude. Wallo in your self pitty. LOL

samantha198403's photo
Thu 10/12/06 02:13 AM
well... theres my cousin... though not old enough, shes very big into
politics, an old friend from high school, and my old government
teacher... all viable candidates... get over your male chovinistic ways
buddy, this is 2006...

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/12/06 06:40 AM
No, No, No... I am not a whatever.
The Women that you are talking about could,nt even get on the ballot.
I do not understand why women, are so choked up over this issue.
More importantly some men are acting like those dancing ponies in those
e-harmony spots... total sheep.
Its not easy being the Alpha Male, usually he stands alone...
no problem I will.
Women must acceot the limitations of their gender, I did not make the
rules... just live by them.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 10/12/06 07:13 AM
well thank you for clearing things up, I had NO idea the only
prerequisite for being the leader of a nation was having a dick..or
being one...and btw..you live by the rules that MEN made up. What's
next, you wanna deny women the right to vote and revoke all their
driver's licences too?? Sounds like you'd be right at home in a Muslim
Nation. I got a great idea..instead of just spouting chauvanistic
bullshit, why don't you TRY and back it up with some facts. What proof
have you got that a woman would NOT be a good president?? and we'd like
FACTS, not opinions, cuz opinions are like assholes, everybody has one

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/12/06 07:22 AM
Look Animal, again I say.. I never said a Women could not be President.
I never said anything should systematicly being denied, or taken away
from her.
But simply what is the traditional role of women, and why there is so
much confusion with it.
You asked why a women would not be a good president... she would not be
effective because it is not a traditional role for a woman.

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/12/06 07:59 AM
Perhaps you need to go back to your microwave food thread. You were more
effective there.
But wait..... it's not TRADITIONAL to take microwave food to a pot luck

no photo
Thu 10/12/06 10:41 AM
the only thing about that onterio is that this world is not the same
world that values traditional roles of women and it hasn't in a long
time. the role a man or woman plays in a relationship doesn't have
anything to do with their capabilities as a leader, it's simply a role.
i do see where you are coming from though.

Morena350's photo
Fri 10/13/06 11:54 AM
times have changed, anything can happen you never now

no photo
Fri 10/13/06 12:25 PM

I would have to live with the woman 6 months or so before I would vote
for her. My ex had bad PMS about every 4-6 months. During this time she
would have pushed the button, LOL.

All joking aside, I doubt we will ever see a woman as pres. It has
nothing to do with me not wanting one as pres. It is still a mans world
in big business once you get to the top. And these business men give the
money to get the pres in office. I will say I would never vote for
Hillary. Give me a lady worth voting for and I will vote for her if she
is what I see as the best choice that year.

On a side note, I doubt I will see a black president in my life time as
well. There are to many people that think blacks are ignorant. I hate to
say it but many blacks up hold the stero types given just by talking.
The slang that blacks use makes them seem uneducated even if they are
college professors. I had 2 black college professors. One always talked
about the other because he refused to talk ENGLISH. This slang speaking
teacher was hard for me to learn from yet he was much higher than the
first in education. I am thought of as stupid by many because I speak
hillbilly and not english.

Ontario's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:21 PM
So you are saying Women are to unstable to be President... well okay
some may agree with that!

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