Topic: Thanks 'God' still alive ! | |
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Tue 04/05/11 07:27 PM
7 Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him." NKJV So is every chr-stian who calls upon JC saved? Was created for his glory.. He made him? Miles, please read more carefully. The quote says "who is called by My name", not "who calls my name". So clearly it's only Jesuses he talks about. What he means to say, is that all children ought to be named at baptisem, "Jesus of Nazareth". Then he goes on to say that these children he had made. Which says zip all about salvation or anything. He just gives a benchmark-example of patrilinear naming of children. My father was a Sz.......y. My mother was a R........d. My last name is the same as my father's, and different from my mother's, coz my father made me. My mother simply offered 1 ovum and her fertile womb to assist in the process. ------- One difference: Jesus may have been proud of his children, to be his glory, if he had any courage to have them (he died at 33, childless, unmarried, virgin, unless you count the very likely forthcoming BJs in his men's club) but Dad definitely did not think I was his "glory". He rather thought, instead, that I was a good-for-nothing lazy damned boy, leeching off him and not doing my homework. He loved me, all right, but his prophesy of my later amonting to nothing when I grow up acutally came true. Miles, please read more carefully. The quote says "who is called by My name", not "who calls my name". So clearly it's only Jesuses he talks about. What he means to say, is that all children ought to be named at baptisem, "Jesus of Nazareth". Who is called by my name has a dual purpose. You are Called.. The calling.. as in you hear his voice and another you will not follow. The calling.. and 2.. A family name. Many prophets were called by his name. JeremYah, with a "Y" IsiaYah, ZecharYah all have the family name of Yah the same as Yahshua his only begotten son. The jews have no problem saying JC..I do but they don't because they know it means nothing to them and you are not calling on Yahweh's name.. The " I Am" That Yahshua was condemned for saying he was and so was Stephen. Nmaes mean alot. It's respect. yes it is true why a jew will not say Yahweh and If you refer to Yahshua as the son in parts of the world you may be told to not to say that name again or suffer the consequinces as I was on Devon street in Chicago's jewish district. I have spoke with many Rabbi's and Jewish or Levitical priests of the Cohens and they will not deny that Yahweh's name is said as it sounds. The High priests who give the Blessings at the Wailing wall are from the levitical priesthood Just like Arron who it has been passed down to. It has not been lost as the High priests do keep tradition even though the Temple is not standing and they can not enter on The Day of Atonement each year with the name Yahweh (YHWH in the Paleo Hebrew lettering) on thier foreheads. That is why I said that. The theme of Scripture is family and the family has a name. rev 14 speaks of this. even helel in the number of his name has copied this. and name is part of his own. I do not see how you can say IsiaYah says anything different but i am not hear to say convert anyone. you deside whats right for you. Blessings...Miles |
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Tue 04/05/11 07:28 PM
Atheism is an example.
Long story short Christians do not own God. If you want advice on how to handle a cold you see a doctor If you want to know how the world works you talk to a scientist If you want to know about God who do YOU think you talk to? Someone who has their own idea? OR Someone who studies that sort of thing? You go to the person with the facts. The person who studies it. Anyone else is guessing. Atheism has nothing to do with what I am saying here. You say that Christians do not own God, then walk the walk. Stop implying, and insisting that they do. You assume that only Christians "study" about God. Are you serious? Are you living under a rock? You said that only they know what they are talking about when it comes to God. That is you saying that Christianity owns God. If this does not clear things up, then you just have blinders on. Now your just attacking. Down girl! OFF! I think I see the problem here. There are gods and goddesses but the Christian god has no name, so they just him God - with a capital G. So if they speak of God they are speaking of their personal god which is separate from the other gods and goddesses that others are considering as they gather information about the various godly beings that people have claimed over the centuries. Oh and sometimes G-d stands for the Christian god while using g-d in a sentance is placing the curse of G-d on the subject of the sentance. Shalom Red Hey is the G-d little or big is that your thoughts or is thier more to that. The scriptures speak of many g-d's but only 1 G-d written Gawd.. The very endtime ruler ya know of evil.. Blessings..Miles Shalom Miles and thanks for your addition, I should probably explain my post. Earlier I had been reminded by a poster that god was with a capital G - which I do admit often forget to capitalize. But then the heightened discussion that preceeded my post made me think that the same issue was causing a larger 'semantic' problem. Some people refer to god(s) because they are NOT confirming the God of Christians, but simply discussing god(s)according to their perceptions. I thought how egotistical it was for the Christian to have 'assumed' offense was meant by those of us who do not capitalize the word god and so I posted a somewhat sarcastic remark that was rooted in truth. My apologies to any I have offended by neglecting to capitalize the word god and since I am sure it will again, I would ask for a little leeway in the matter, as the Christian "G"od is just god to me. And for those same people, please recognize that I do capitalize the word Christian - will that satisfy the ego? And Miles - have you noticed that I do capitalize Yeshua and Yehwe? I think it's because they seem more like proper pronouns. |
They are names.
god is gust a generic term. "And nobody is talking about owning evolution. I did not mention evolution and I don't ever talk about 'evolution.' I don't even know why you even brought that subject up. Its completely OFF TOPIC. JB - nice point... God owns evolution... How could it be otherwise... He is all things and (that which he created works so...) therefore evolution is a tool of God... and mankind has a long way to go before we can understand WHY? It forces us to take the long road. (and perhaps learn in the journey)... god in his glory, is indeed greater than I. |
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Tue 04/05/11 09:26 PM
Atheism is an example.
Long story short Christians do not own God. If you want advice on how to handle a cold you see a doctor If you want to know how the world works you talk to a scientist If you want to know about God who do YOU think you talk to? Someone who has their own idea? OR Someone who studies that sort of thing? You go to the person with the facts. The person who studies it. Anyone else is guessing. Atheism has nothing to do with what I am saying here. You say that Christians do not own God, then walk the walk. Stop implying, and insisting that they do. You assume that only Christians "study" about God. Are you serious? Are you living under a rock? You said that only they know what they are talking about when it comes to God. That is you saying that Christianity owns God. If this does not clear things up, then you just have blinders on. Now your just attacking. Down girl! OFF! I think I see the problem here. There are gods and goddesses but the Christian god has no name, so they just him God - with a capital G. So if they speak of God they are speaking of their personal god which is separate from the other gods and goddesses that others are considering as they gather information about the various godly beings that people have claimed over the centuries. Oh and sometimes G-d stands for the Christian god while using g-d in a sentance is placing the curse of G-d on the subject of the sentance. Shalom Red Hey is the G-d little or big is that your thoughts or is thier more to that. The scriptures speak of many g-d's but only 1 G-d written Gawd.. The very endtime ruler ya know of evil.. Blessings..Miles Shalom Miles and thanks for your addition, I should probably explain my post. Earlier I had been reminded by a poster that god was with a capital G - which I do admit often forget to capitalize. But then the heightened discussion that preceeded my post made me think that the same issue was causing a larger 'semantic' problem. Some people refer to god(s) because they are NOT confirming the God of Christians, but simply discussing god(s)according to their perceptions. I thought how egotistical it was for the Christian to have 'assumed' offense was meant by those of us who do not capitalize the word god and so I posted a somewhat sarcastic remark that was rooted in truth. My apologies to any I have offended by neglecting to capitalize the word god and since I am sure it will again, I would ask for a little leeway in the matter, as the Christian "G"od is just god to me. And for those same people, please recognize that I do capitalize the word Christian - will that satisfy the ego? And Miles - have you noticed that I do capitalize Yeshua and Yehwe? I think it's because they seem more like proper pronouns. Shalom Red. Thanks.. Yea where G-d in the Nt is capitolized it is almost always saying Yahweh and sometimes Yahshua so it does not make a distinction between the father or son.. g-d is translated from Elohim. the chr-stians try to stay away from anything jewish but yet they follow the same guidelines as the jews as for G-d in the Tanack the jewish scriptures of the NT it will usually say Hashem which means The Name. but then when refering to false dieties its translated g-d also so its very confusing really but if yu just go along with tradition u may not ever know who is really being refered to. The old testament clearly says.. Ps 16:2-4 2 O my soul, you have said to Yahweh, "You are my Master, My goodness is nothing apart from You." 3 As for the saints who are on the earth, "They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight." 4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another g-d; Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take up their NAMES on my LIPS . NKJV It speaks of other Dieties who who take Drink offerings of BLOOD. Is this the BLOOD of the SAINTS? IMO it is. The scriptures are said to be Spirit.. they are forever. times change but the Spirit of what is said is not. Like you were to protect your guests who come to your house. They at that time had railings around thier roofs to protect someone from falling off.. thats where they went to cool off. We have AC. but the same applies to protect those who come on your property as most cities have ordencese that if you have a pool or a deck so high off the ground you are required to have a fence or a railing around your deck or pool. to me this g-d is generic and refers also to satan. so i should not have them on my lips. Thier are many g-ds.. 1 Cor 8:5-6 5 For even if there are so-called g-ds, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many g-ds and many l-rds), 6 yet for us there is one Elohim, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Master Yahshua our Master, through whom are all things, and through whom we live. NKJV Many think I am nit picking. Yet like in your case a G is not proper. not even a name. a verb a description like president. and if he has many names then its a lie that thier is only one name under heaven by which man can be saved. and how many times does it say. Everyone who calls upon the name of Yahweh Shall Be Saved. Thats the meaning of Yahshua's name. People think i take things to far but the scriptures say do not take his name in vain.. the only place where he will not hold you guiltless in the 10 commandments. Yahshua said that Blasphemy against him would be forgiven but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit would not. He said he had to leave so that this Spirit would be sent to us. If Yahshua was g-d on earth then why did he have to leave to send it? What does vain mean in the 10 commandments? shav' OT:7723 shav' (shawv); or shav (shav); from the same as OT:7722 in the sense of desolating; evil (as destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as false, subjective), uselessness (as deceptive, objective; also adverbially, in vain): (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.) Desolating the name. its destroyed.. using it in disrespect. I can see no other thing than the NAME of Yahweh is very important as it is a Family name. Yahshua had it in his name as a son. He even Prophecied that another would come in his own name. that name the people would accept. John 5:43-44 43 I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. NKJV Again he says you do not respect my Fathers name. The Jews would not use it then as they will not now yet the scriptures does not say that. It does say this though.. Matt 15:8-9 8 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. 9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men .'" NKJV The way I see it. If you say you believe and do not try and follow the best you can. then what are you doing? you are livin g a lie and it would be better you said you did not believe. The name YHWH in the OT is translated L-RD for YHWH Yahweh. 6900 times more than any word in the bible so no way am I going to do something else when the scriptures clearly say do not lean to your OWN understanding but if you are going to follow the do as Yahweh says. it's pure crazieness to do otherwise. and very unWise IMO.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
The name YHWH in the OT is translated L-RD for YHWH Yahweh. 6900 times more than any word in the bible so no way am I going to do something else when the scriptures clearly say do not lean to your OWN understanding but if you are going to follow the do as Yahweh says. it's pure crazieness to do otherwise. and very unWise IMO.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles
Logically we must lean toward our own understanding, otherwise we are simply following in blind obedience.... and to what? Man made scripture? Unless we think we are speaking to God and God is giving us commands, we have to depend on established doctrines of man and church and place our faith in that. Are we not capable of knowing right from wrong? Love from Hate? Good from bad? Of course we are, or we would not have learned anything. Shall we assume that we are so ignorant that we don't know what it means to respect each other and live in peace and follow our moral values of good and right? Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? I think we are more enlightened and responsible than that. |
The name YHWH in the OT is translated L-RD for YHWH Yahweh. 6900 times more than any word in the bible so no way am I going to do something else when the scriptures clearly say do not lean to your OWN understanding but if you are going to follow the do as Yahweh says. it's pure crazieness to do otherwise. and very unWise IMO.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles
Logically we must lean toward our own understanding, otherwise we are simply following in blind obedience.... and to what? Man made scripture? Unless we think we are speaking to God and God is giving us commands, we have to depend on established doctrines of man and church and place our faith in that. Are we not capable of knowing right from wrong? Love from Hate? Good from bad? Of course we are, or we would not have learned anything. Shall we assume that we are so ignorant that we don't know what it means to respect each other and live in peace and follow our moral values of good and right? Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? I think we are more enlightened and responsible than that. JB... You have likened Miles to be speaking from "another planet", but what you fail to realise is that I also have the same understanding as him... So we both speak from "another planet"... There are "scriptures", which are true.. And there are "doctrines of men"... Which are false. I have had my so-called "morals" ever since I can remember... We are more enlightened... We do understand more than most... If you want a hint, follow Miles' advice of the "family name", I.E. Isiah (IsayYA), Jerimiah (JerimyYAY) etc... Read the rest as "history" if you will, but there is plenty of truth in the "scriptures"... |
The name YHWH in the OT is translated L-RD for YHWH Yahweh. 6900 times more than any word in the bible so no way am I going to do something else when the scriptures clearly say do not lean to your OWN understanding but if you are going to follow the do as Yahweh says. it's pure crazieness to do otherwise. and very unWise IMO.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles
Logically we must lean toward our own understanding, otherwise we are simply following in blind obedience.... and to what? Man made scripture? Unless we think we are speaking to God and God is giving us commands, we have to depend on established doctrines of man and church and place our faith in that. Are we not capable of knowing right from wrong? Love from Hate? Good from bad? Of course we are, or we would not have learned anything. Shall we assume that we are so ignorant that we don't know what it means to respect each other and live in peace and follow our moral values of good and right? Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? I think we are more enlightened and responsible than that. No we are not capable of knowing right from wrong. We are not born knowing that. We grow and learn what is right or wrong. Does a child know it's wrong to take something without asking, before someone tells them as such? Does a child know it's wrong to lie, before someone tells them as such? No they do not. Our morals are influenced by what we allow to influence us. And God is only unseen if one wishes not to see him. God is visible every second every where you look. Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? You pretty much already do this in a way. Have you met the president? Do you follow his laws? Have you met the mayor? Do you follow his laws? So yes, you do put a sack over your head and follow orders from an unseen "being". |
The name YHWH in the OT is translated L-RD for YHWH Yahweh. 6900 times more than any word in the bible so no way am I going to do something else when the scriptures clearly say do not lean to your OWN understanding but if you are going to follow the do as Yahweh says. it's pure crazieness to do otherwise. and very unWise IMO.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles
Logically we must lean toward our own understanding, otherwise we are simply following in blind obedience.... and to what? Man made scripture? Unless we think we are speaking to God and God is giving us commands, we have to depend on established doctrines of man and church and place our faith in that. Are we not capable of knowing right from wrong? Love from Hate? Good from bad? Of course we are, or we would not have learned anything. Shall we assume that we are so ignorant that we don't know what it means to respect each other and live in peace and follow our moral values of good and right? Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? I think we are more enlightened and responsible than that. |
The name YHWH in the OT is translated L-RD for YHWH Yahweh. 6900 times more than any word in the bible so no way am I going to do something else when the scriptures clearly say do not lean to your OWN understanding but if you are going to follow the do as Yahweh says. it's pure crazieness to do otherwise. and very unWise IMO.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles
Logically we must lean toward our own understanding, otherwise we are simply following in blind obedience.... and to what? Man made scripture? Unless we think we are speaking to God and God is giving us commands, we have to depend on established doctrines of man and church and place our faith in that. Are we not capable of knowing right from wrong? Love from Hate? Good from bad? Of course we are, or we would not have learned anything. Shall we assume that we are so ignorant that we don't know what it means to respect each other and live in peace and follow our moral values of good and right? Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? I think we are more enlightened and responsible than that. No we are not capable of knowing right from wrong. Speak for yourself. I know right from wrong. What are you a psychopath? We are not born knowing that. We grow and learn what is right or wrong. Does a child know it's wrong to take something without asking, before someone tells them as such? We are not children anymore. Does a child know it's wrong to lie, before someone tells them as such?
Yes, children are naturally honest. (From the mouths of babes, as they say.) They actually have to learn to lie. Our morals are influenced by what we allow to influence us. And God is only unseen if one wishes not to see him. God is visible every second every where you look.
Depends on what you are calling God. If God is every where I look, then God isn't "Jesus." God is the world or the universe. Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? You pretty much already do this in a way. Have you met the president? Do you follow his laws? Have you met the mayor? Do you follow his laws? So yes, you do put a sack over your head and follow orders from an unseen "being". If you are talking about the president of the U.S., no I have not met him. I did not know he had any laws. Mayor of what? He has no laws either. No I don't follow orders from an unseen being. Laws are made by the people. I prefer being a law abiding citizen when it makes sense. |
The name YHWH in the OT is translated L-RD for YHWH Yahweh. 6900 times more than any word in the bible so no way am I going to do something else when the scriptures clearly say do not lean to your OWN understanding but if you are going to follow the do as Yahweh says. it's pure crazieness to do otherwise. and very unWise IMO.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles
Logically we must lean toward our own understanding, otherwise we are simply following in blind obedience.... and to what? Man made scripture? Unless we think we are speaking to God and God is giving us commands, we have to depend on established doctrines of man and church and place our faith in that. Are we not capable of knowing right from wrong? Love from Hate? Good from bad? Of course we are, or we would not have learned anything. Shall we assume that we are so ignorant that we don't know what it means to respect each other and live in peace and follow our moral values of good and right? Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? I think we are more enlightened and responsible than that. No we are not capable of knowing right from wrong. Speak for yourself. I know right from wrong. What are you a psychopath? We are not born knowing that. We grow and learn what is right or wrong. Does a child know it's wrong to take something without asking, before someone tells them as such? We are not children anymore. Does a child know it's wrong to lie, before someone tells them as such?
Yes, children are naturally honest. (From the mouths of babes, as they say.) They actually have to learn to lie. Our morals are influenced by what we allow to influence us. And God is only unseen if one wishes not to see him. God is visible every second every where you look.
Depends on what you are calling God. If God is every where I look, then God isn't "Jesus." God is the world or the universe. Or shall we just put a sack over our heads and follow orders from an unseen creator? You pretty much already do this in a way. Have you met the president? Do you follow his laws? Have you met the mayor? Do you follow his laws? So yes, you do put a sack over your head and follow orders from an unseen "being". If you are talking about the president of the U.S., no I have not met him. I did not know he had any laws. Mayor of what? He has no laws either. No I don't follow orders from an unseen being. Laws are made by the people. I prefer being a law abiding citizen when it makes sense. Speak for yourself. I know right from wrong. What are you a psychopath? You know what YOU see as right and wrong. What YOU have been taught as being right or wrong. This is influenced, again but what YOU have allowed to influence you on your building of morals. What you see as right or wrong, another may not. So how can one know if THEY know right from wrong? Who's the one to decide what is right or wrong? If you are talking about the president of the U.S., no I have not met him. I did not know he had any laws. Mayor of what? He has no laws either. No I don't follow orders from an unseen being. So you break every law there is out there all the time? hmmm. |
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Tue 04/05/11 10:52 PM
You know what YOU see as right and wrong. What YOU have been taught as being right or wrong. This is influenced, again but what YOU have allowed to influence you on your building of morals. What you see as right or wrong, another may not.
Since I make my own decisions and accept responsibility for my actions, I am the one who decides what is right and wrong and what I will do. I don't worry about what another may think is right or wrong. What influences me on building my morals is the love and compassion I feel for others. So how can one know if THEY know right from wrong? Who's the one to decide what is right or wrong?
I decide as best I can. I trust my own judgement. I will not hand over my life or decisions making power to anyone else. God is within me and I listen to that. I do not trust man made doctrines. So you break every law there is out there all the time? hmmm.
Don't be ridiculous. Nobody even knows all the laws. They couldn't do that even if they tried. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 04/06/11 12:21 AM
On the topic of laws and all, I would like to add that there is a rather large difference between the laws of the land and the so called laws of God.
That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them. You can only assume that God is doing this or that He even exists at all though you can feel His presence. You cannot know anything for certain really beyond what you are told, outside of perhaps having a supernatural type experience. Even then those can be skewed towards what we believe the truth to be. Having said that, that doesn't mean I agree with all the laws men pass either, cause I by and large do not. BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. One you can prove definitively, the other you cannot and have to take on faith. |
On the topic of laws and all, I would like to add that there is a rather large difference between the laws of the land and the so called laws of God. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them. You can only assume that God is doing this or that He even exists at all though you can feel His presence. You cannot know anything for certain really beyond what you are told, outside of perhaps having a supernatural type experience. Even then those can be skewed towards what we believe the truth to be. Having said that, that doesn't mean I agree with all the laws men pass either, cause I by and large do not. BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. One you can prove definitively, the other you cannot and have to take on faith. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them So you've physically seen them writing and passing these laws? BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. Ok, with that said. You have seen the one's that wrote and signed the bill of rights and all that? And besides that, the bible wasn't "divinely inspired". The bible is history. Things that truly happened. Just like any other history book out there. The things in the bible aren't just there to build our morals. They are actual true events that have happened. |
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Wed 04/06/11 04:01 AM
On the topic of laws and all, I would like to add that there is a rather large difference between the laws of the land and the so called laws of God. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them. You can only assume that God is doing this or that He even exists at all though you can feel His presence. You cannot know anything for certain really beyond what you are told, outside of perhaps having a supernatural type experience. Even then those can be skewed towards what we believe the truth to be. Having said that, that doesn't mean I agree with all the laws men pass either, cause I by and large do not. BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. One you can prove definitively, the other you cannot and have to take on faith. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them So you've physically seen them writing and passing these laws? BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. Ok, with that said. You have seen the one's that wrote and signed the bill of rights and all that? And besides that, the bible wasn't "divinely inspired". The bible is history. Things that truly happened. Just like any other history book out there. The things in the bible aren't just there to build our morals. They are actual true events that have happened. Can you prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt? If you can't, it isn't a legitimate argument. Second, again we KNOW these people are making the laws, we SEE them in public, we HEAR them debate them, etc etc. This can all be verified, God on the other hand not so much in the flesh, much less that the Bible actually happened exactly as it was stated. |
On the topic of laws and all, I would like to add that there is a rather large difference between the laws of the land and the so called laws of God. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them. You can only assume that God is doing this or that He even exists at all though you can feel His presence. You cannot know anything for certain really beyond what you are told, outside of perhaps having a supernatural type experience. Even then those can be skewed towards what we believe the truth to be. Having said that, that doesn't mean I agree with all the laws men pass either, cause I by and large do not. BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. One you can prove definitively, the other you cannot and have to take on faith. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them So you've physically seen them writing and passing these laws? BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. Ok, with that said. You have seen the one's that wrote and signed the bill of rights and all that? And besides that, the bible wasn't "divinely inspired". The bible is history. Things that truly happened. Just like any other history book out there. The things in the bible aren't just there to build our morals. They are actual true events that have happened. Can you prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt? If you can't, it isn't a legitimate argument. Second, again we KNOW these people are making the laws, we SEE them in public, we HEAR them debate them, etc etc. This can all be verified, God on the other hand not so much in the flesh, much less that the Bible actually happened exactly as it was stated. I have seen these people yes, but I have never once seen them write any laws. I've not seen any of these men write anything. The only debates I've ever seen a politician at is election. Outside of that, I've not seen any politician do much of anything. So how do you not know that it's actually someone else doing all these things and the person we see is basically a "public figure". Can you prove ANYTHING without a shadow of doubt? Things can only be proven true if the one is willing to accept it as true. You can NOT prove anything to someone if they wish it not be true. |
Edited by
Wed 04/06/11 07:19 AM
Can you prove ANYTHING without a shadow of doubt? Things can only be proven true if the one is willing to accept it as true. You can NOT prove anything to someone if they wish it not be true.
I'm glad you cleared that up cowboy. Now I know why you believe in the Christian God. You simply wish it to be true. But your wishes are not enough to convince other people and just because you wish it, that doesn't make it true for anyone else. Yet you continue to speak as if your truth is everybody's truth. |
Shalom Red.
Thanks.. Yea where G-d in the Nt is capitolized it is almost always saying Yahweh and sometimes Yahshua so it does not make a distinction between the father or son.. g-d is translated from Elohim. the chr-stians try to stay away from anything jewish but yet they follow the same guidelines as the jews as for G-d in the Tanack the jewish scriptures of the NT it will usually say Hashem which means The Name. but then when refering to false dieties its translated g-d also so its very confusing really but if yu just go along with tradition u may not ever know who is really being refered to. The old testament clearly says.. Just a short quote from your reply, didn't want to repeat the whole reply. But it was certainly a very good reply and I had not considered what you have said. Even in the bible the term god(s) is used with no capital when it is referenceing the gods of others' beliefs. Also, there is conflict with when the term god is used vs. whom it applies to becasue the words that were translated were not always simply the term god. Therefore it really is egotistical of Christians to expect the term god to be capitalized as god can refer to any person's perception of god. It seems more like just another attempt to claim all gods are only one god - so that every one who does not worship their idea of the one and only god is wrong. |
On the topic of laws and all, I would like to add that there is a rather large difference between the laws of the land and the so called laws of God. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them. You can only assume that God is doing this or that He even exists at all though you can feel His presence. You cannot know anything for certain really beyond what you are told, outside of perhaps having a supernatural type experience. Even then those can be skewed towards what we believe the truth to be. Having said that, that doesn't mean I agree with all the laws men pass either, cause I by and large do not. BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. One you can prove definitively, the other you cannot and have to take on faith. That being, that you actually can SEE the people who are passing the laws. You KNOW they exist, and you KNOW it is them creating and passing them So you've physically seen them writing and passing these laws? BUT, a man you clearly know exists and can see writing out and passing clearly defined laws, is entirely and completely different from simply being told by other men that a certain book and the laws written therein were divinely inspired. Ok, with that said. You have seen the one's that wrote and signed the bill of rights and all that? And besides that, the bible wasn't "divinely inspired". The bible is history. Things that truly happened. Just like any other history book out there. The things in the bible aren't just there to build our morals. They are actual true events that have happened. Can you prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt? If you can't, it isn't a legitimate argument. Second, again we KNOW these people are making the laws, we SEE them in public, we HEAR them debate them, etc etc. This can all be verified, God on the other hand not so much in the flesh, much less that the Bible actually happened exactly as it was stated. I have seen these people yes, but I have never once seen them write any laws. I've not seen any of these men write anything. The only debates I've ever seen a politician at is election. Outside of that, I've not seen any politician do much of anything. So how do you not know that it's actually someone else doing all these things and the person we see is basically a "public figure". Even if this was the case, we still all know the people exist, and the laws themselves exist. Both can be clearly seen and verified. On what basis do you have to prove that God made the laws beyond man telling you that He did? |
Can you prove ANYTHING without a shadow of doubt? Things can only be proven true if the one is willing to accept it as true. You can NOT prove anything to someone if they wish it not be true.
I'm glad you cleared that up cowboy. Now I know why you believe in the Christian God. You simply wish it to be true. But your wishes are not enough to convince other people and just because you wish it, that doesn't make it true for anyone else. Yet you continue to speak as if your truth is everybody's truth. ![]() |
Can you prove ANYTHING without a shadow of doubt? Things can only be proven true if the one is willing to accept it as true. You can NOT prove anything to someone if they wish it not be true.
I'm glad you cleared that up cowboy. Now I know why you believe in the Christian God. You simply wish it to be true. But your wishes are not enough to convince other people and just because you wish it, that doesn't make it true for anyone else. Yet you continue to speak as if your truth is everybody's truth. ![]() Truly. ![]() ![]() |