Topic: Thanks 'God' still alive ! | |
That's like telling an atheist they own evolution.
See you assume that all atheists MUST believe in evolution. You pit your religion against evolution probably because it is more scientific and logical than your religion so it poses more of a threat to your beliefs. I know many atheists who know nothing about evolution and just don't really care to know. If I tell someone I don't believe in their Christian concept of God many people automatically jump to the conclusion that I believe in evolution and that I am going to defend evolution. I don't know squat about evolution, sorry to disappoint them. They are all ready with their arguments and they are sorely disappointed. I know God just as much as any Christian. You think Christians own God. My relationship with God is personal and I am not Christian, nor am I an "evolutionist." When did I say you practiced atheism? And when did I argue against atheism? If I was doing that I would post facts that dis prove what they say. That was an example. Quote "Wikipedia" An example is a demonstration with the aim of informing others of how a task should be performed. |
Atheism is an example.
Long story short Christians do not own God. If you want advice on how to handle a cold you see a doctor If you want to know how the world works you talk to a scientist If you want to know about God who do YOU think you talk to? Someone who has their own idea? OR Someone who studies that sort of thing? You go to the person with the facts. The person who studies it. Anyone else is guessing. Atheism has nothing to do with what I am saying here. You say that Christians do not own God, then walk the walk. Stop implying, and insisting that they do. You assume that only Christians "study" about God. Are you serious? Are you living under a rock? You said that only they know what they are talking about when it comes to God. That is you saying that Christianity owns God. If this does not clear things up, then you just have blinders on. Now your just attacking. Down girl! OFF! |
So long we are alive we are thankful to 'God'. What is the ultimate goal of the life? ![]() This would be better posted in "Christian singles" but I'll answer it anyway. Everyone has a purpose to their life. Maybe it's to minister, feed the hungry. I don't know. Nobody know their purpose until they ask. That's why the "Meaning of life" is not known. It's different for everyone. Now I'm wondering why you think that this would better be posted in the "Christian singles?" Christians don't own God. I believe in God and having a purpose in life -- and I'm not a Christian. It's not that they "Own" God. Nobody "Owns" God. God is a living being. You can't "own" God. However God does have a way of working. He does have rules and ways that he does things. I think it would be better posted in "Christian singles" Because those people would actually know what they are talking about! Nobody would argue about fables or scientific theory's. They would give this person the correct answer! Not some off the wall nonsense about ghosts or lawn gnomes or what not i have seen more proof of ghosts and yard gnomes than i have of god... |
All nonsense aside. If you want to know about God (As in Jesus) Talk to someone who has studied the bible.
Just like anything else. Otherwise believe what you want. |
Edited by
Mon 04/04/11 11:49 AM
So long we are alive we are thankful to 'God'. What is the ultimate goal of the life? ![]() This would be better posted in "Christian singles" but I'll answer it anyway. Everyone has a purpose to their life. Maybe it's to minister, feed the hungry. I don't know. Nobody know their purpose until they ask. That's why the "Meaning of life" is not known. It's different for everyone. Now I'm wondering why you think that this would better be posted in the "Christian singles?" Christians don't own God. I believe in God and having a purpose in life -- and I'm not a Christian. It's not that they "Own" God. Nobody "Owns" God. God is a living being. You can't "own" God. However God does have a way of working. He does have rules and ways that he does things. I think it would be better posted in "Christian singles" Because those people would actually know what they are talking about! Nobody would argue about fables or scientific theory's. They would give this person the correct answer! Not some off the wall nonsense about ghosts or lawn gnomes or what not i have seen more proof of ghosts and yard gnomes than i have of god... I own a yard gnome! His name is lucky. (Because he's good luck) Now since nobody can "Own" anything I can safely say that he comes awake after the sun sets and does my chores. If you disagree then you are wrong. You do do not own lawn gnomes. |
I am not attacking anything or anyone. I am just trying to clear things up for you --Shiningarmour-- who thinks Christianity owns God.
You assume there is no God but the Christian idea of God so you are saying that everyone else is wrong and nobody knows anything about God but Christians. Those are your blinders. I take personal offense to people who tell me that they own God. God is for everyone and they don't have to be Christian. I feel and see God in my life every day so don't tell me I don't know God. Stop spreading that lie and stop hogging God. God is for all. |
God is for all. No religious doctrine owns God.
~~04/04/11 11:52 |
So long we are alive we are thankful to 'God'. What is the ultimate goal of the life? ![]() Back to the topic at hand, a NON-CHRISTIAN point of veiw. I can only speak for myself. I am thankful for my life. Individuals all come from God. They are gifted with the creative spark. They co-create this world along with their source, God. That is our purpose. We create and expand the universe. |
"God"(whatever it means)is one and only one. We call him in different names; some of us call him "Allah", some by "Lord Shiva" and some by "Jesus Christ" and so on.
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"God"(whatever it means)is one and only one. We call him in different names; some of us call him "Allah", some by "Lord Shiva" and some by "Jesus Christ" and so on. ![]() Scripture says do not lean to your own understanding.. Prov 3:5-6 5 Trust in ( Who?) with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding ; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. NKJV So what does he mean? That his name is whatever we want it to be? Why do chr-stian talk out of both sides of thier mouth? Prov 30:2-4 2 Surely I am more stupid than any man, And do not have the understanding of a man. 3 I neither learned wisdom Nor have knowledge of the Holy One. 4 Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son's name, If you know? NKJV The name is suppose to imply understanding? But do they even know what it means? Well what is it? Ps 54:1 Save me, O G-d, by Your name, NKJV By your name.. The chr-stain religion says many things. Isa 43:7 7 Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him." NKJV So is every chr-stian who calls upon JC saved? Was created for his glory.. He made him? Fire crackers for an unbeliever. Charles Manson called upon JC.. So did Hitler and so did Martin Luther who wrote The Lie.. Calling the Jews Bastards who did not deserve life.. They are of the Devil. Do Lutherns honor Martin Luther by being called by his name? Then we must honor Hitler and Charles Manson.. The good Book says so. Isa 43:7 7 Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him." NKJV They are called by his name. which is it Lutherns or Jcians? Prov 3.. Who is the Messiah, did he ascend and descend yet this is in Prov. speaking of Who. Jc who? Do we even know who we are talking about? Matt 12:38-40 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You." 39 But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. NKJV The sign of Jonah. The only sign who the Messiah is, thats all he said on the matter. yet have we leaned to our own understanding? Easter, Good Friday. I am not sure whats so good about a loved one dieing a terrible death as I watched. So lets call it Good Friday? Yet counting as the memorial of his death is coming close upon us we Honor him by the way he told us too? The sign? How long was Jonah in the fishes belly? 24 to 36 hours right? Thats 3 days and 3 nights.. Sure it is. We know what we are talking about just ask us.. We Know understanding. So what is wisdom do you know? Shalom...Miles |
Atheism is an example.
Long story short Christians do not own God. If you want advice on how to handle a cold you see a doctor If you want to know how the world works you talk to a scientist If you want to know about God who do YOU think you talk to? Someone who has their own idea? OR Someone who studies that sort of thing? You go to the person with the facts. The person who studies it. Anyone else is guessing. Atheism has nothing to do with what I am saying here. You say that Christians do not own God, then walk the walk. Stop implying, and insisting that they do. You assume that only Christians "study" about God. Are you serious? Are you living under a rock? You said that only they know what they are talking about when it comes to God. That is you saying that Christianity owns God. If this does not clear things up, then you just have blinders on. Now your just attacking. Down girl! OFF! I think I see the problem here. There are gods and goddesses but the Christian god has no name, so they just him God - with a capital G. So if they speak of God they are speaking of their personal god which is separate from the other gods and goddesses that others are considering as they gather information about the various godly beings that people have claimed over the centuries. Oh and sometimes G-d stands for the Christian god while using g-d in a sentance is placing the curse of G-d on the subject of the sentance. |
Atheism is an example.
Long story short Christians do not own God. If you want advice on how to handle a cold you see a doctor If you want to know how the world works you talk to a scientist If you want to know about God who do YOU think you talk to? Someone who has their own idea? OR Someone who studies that sort of thing? You go to the person with the facts. The person who studies it. Anyone else is guessing. Atheism has nothing to do with what I am saying here. You say that Christians do not own God, then walk the walk. Stop implying, and insisting that they do. You assume that only Christians "study" about God. Are you serious? Are you living under a rock? You said that only they know what they are talking about when it comes to God. That is you saying that Christianity owns God. If this does not clear things up, then you just have blinders on. Now your just attacking. Down girl! OFF! I think I see the problem here. There are gods and goddesses but the Christian god has no name, so they just him God - with a capital G. So if they speak of God they are speaking of their personal god which is separate from the other gods and goddesses that others are considering as they gather information about the various godly beings that people have claimed over the centuries. Oh and sometimes G-d stands for the Christian god while using g-d in a sentance is placing the curse of G-d on the subject of the sentance. Shalom Red Hey is the G-d little or big is that your thoughts or is thier more to that. The scriptures speak of many g-d's but only 1 G-d written Gawd.. The very endtime ruler ya know of evil.. Blessings..Miles |
Whatever you call it, however you spell it, you don't own it.
God has no name. |
Whatever you call it, however you spell it, you don't own it. God has no name. Why? Thats like saying a family has no name.. If u do not have a name then how would anyone know anything about who they are talking about. Blessings.Miles |
| touch......that which in spirit form is unobtainable.. ![]() In my faith I agree with this EXACTLY 100 percent. |
Edited by
Tue 04/05/11 03:07 PM
Whatever you call it, however you spell it, you don't own it. God has no name. Why? Thats like saying a family has no name.. If u do not have a name then how would anyone know anything about who they are talking about. Blessings.Miles Because... God has no name. Just think, if everyone knew this, then there could be no more arguments over who has or owns the one true God. (And you wouldn't get so upset when people call your god "Jesus." |
7 Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him." NKJV So is every chr-stian who calls upon JC saved? Was created for his glory.. He made him? Miles, please read more carefully. The quote says "who is called by My name", not "who calls my name". So clearly it's only Jesuses he talks about. What he means to say, is that all children ought to be named at baptisem, "Jesus of Nazareth". Then he goes on to say that these children he had made. Which says zip all about salvation or anything. He just gives a benchmark-example of patrilinear naming of children. My father was a Sz.......y. My mother was a R........d. My last name is the same as my father's, and different from my mother's, coz my father made me. My mother simply offered 1 ovum and her fertile womb to assist in the process. ------- One difference: Jesus may have been proud of his children, to be his glory, if he had any courage to have them (he died at 33, childless, unmarried, virgin, unless you count the very likely forthcoming BJs in his men's club) but Dad definitely did not think I was his "glory". He rather thought, instead, that I was a good-for-nothing lazy damned boy, leeching off him and not doing my homework. He loved me, all right, but his prophesy of my later amonting to nothing when I grow up acutally came true. |
Whatever you call it, however you spell it, you don't own it. God has no name. Ah. The lyrics make sense now: "I've been to the desert with a dog with no name." (Kansas) |
Edited by
Tue 04/05/11 04:12 PM
I think I see the problem here. There are gods and goddesses but the Christian god has no name, so they just him God - with a capital G. So if they speak of God they are speaking of their personal god which is separate from the other gods and goddesses that others are considering as they gather information about the various godly beings that people have claimed over the centuries. Oh and sometimes G-d stands for the Christian god while using g-d in a sentance is placing the curse of G-d on the subject of the sentance. The Jewish god is also called God by Cbristians. The Jewish god is called G-d by Jews. Jews say the name of god is unpronouncable. Many believe that it's because Jews fear that g-d will smite them if they say his name, but actually they just refer to the gutteral long and elongated rolling "r" phoneme that people who speak Hebrew as their mother tongue can't say. (Like the English can't say the Spanish R, or how the French can't say the English short 'i'.) Then again, if the Jews don't say God and hyphenate his word in writing, then that means that the Jews believe that the English word "God" is the name of their deity. It is funny, seeing that the ancient Jews never spoke proper English, so why would they call their god an English name five thousand years before the English language came into existence is a mystery to me, but so is the fact that I got a date with a gorgeous blonde when I was 28. Must have been a part of Jewish mysticism. I don't know if the Jews have a name for the Christian god, whether they disacknowledge it to the degree of never even taking his name on their lips, since in their relgion that would be blasphemous. So generally, in English, if the word "god" is capitalized, it's a specific god which can be owned (for instance, if it sold itself into slavery), but unless you are Jewish, it is unclear whether this God is the Jewish unigod, or the Christian one. If god is in lower case, it could mean any of a number of gods that are not to be believed in. |
"God"(whatever it means)is one and only one. We call him in different names; some of us call him "Allah", some by "Lord Shiva" and some by "Jesus Christ" and so on. ![]() Whoopsy daisy. This is not true. Because Jesus Christ never called god Jesus Christ. In none of his prayers did Jesus pray to Jesus. |