Topic: Parenting double Standards
msharmony's photo
Tue 03/15/11 03:27 PM
I realize men and women are indeed , DIFFERENT. I am one to embrace those differences and not be offended by them. But none of those differences , save the biolgical ones are absolute.

That is to say, Women will ABSOLUTELY be born with a uterus and MEn will absolutely not. Beyond that, I believe that GENERALLY womens hormones and genetics make them more prone to develop NURTURING qualities than men and men likewise are more prone to develop HUNTING AND GATHERING qualities. I understand why this GENERALLY helps a relationship flow better when the woman is taking care of the home(nurturing the family) and the man is providing(hunting and gathering for the family)

but what about women who are NOT such innate nurturers and men are not such innate hunters,,,why is society so harsh on a woman who loves working and kids but PREFERS the work, or a man who loves working and kids but PREFERS the kids?

I ask this because I read an article about a woman who chose to 'leave behind' her kids (they remained with their father)while she worked on her career ( a six month absence where they continued to visit her). The comments on that article were HORRIBLE concerning this woman but yet , we have men everyday who are called away for weeks or months at a time as part of their job, they never have to say they prefer it because they arent put in that position to have to explain it, and they are not seen so heinously.

I think parents have to do what is best for THEIR children, and if that means the woman has to be provider and stay gone for extended lenghts of time, it shouldnt be a mark against her as long as she is working WITH her childrens OTHER parent to provide the childrens needs.

what say you?

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 03/15/11 04:27 PM
I agreee that parents have to do what is best for their children and also themselves....keeping in mind that we have to take care of ourselves so we are better able to take care of others.

Men have been walking out on their children for ions...we as women carry the brunt of the responsibility, has always been that way.

Far be it for me to judge anothere's parenting..I certainly am not super mom. Everybody gets to pick for themselves....

I will say putting children on the back burner for money and ,or career may be a mistake. Waiting for a thing to fall into place..well, sometimes it never does. If the children are already here, well they need to be number 1.

That's what I did...put my life and dreams on hold while I raised those regrets!

axl_rose40's photo
Wed 03/16/11 11:16 AM

I ask this because I read an article about a woman who chose to 'leave behind' her kids (they remained with their father)while she worked on her career ( a six month absence where they continued to visit her). The comments on that article were HORRIBLE concerning this woman but yet , we have men everyday who are called away for weeks or months at a time as part of their job, they never have to say they prefer it because they arent put in that position to have to explain it, and they are not seen so heinously.

I think parents have to do what is best for THEIR children, and if that means the woman has to be provider and stay gone for extended lenghts of time, it shouldnt be a mark against her as long as she is working WITH her childrens OTHER parent to provide the childrens needs.

what say you?

It is always difficult for a mother to leave her children no matter what is the reason. In this new era wherein a woman is also capable and is somewhat expected to help earn for the family's living, having the hard choice to leave her children to the father, or any trusted relative for that matter (as in the case here in the Philippines) does not deserve the horrible comments. That mother in fact deserves understanding and praises because of the great sacrifice she makes to make sure the children's needs are met.

Foliel's photo
Fri 03/18/11 01:18 AM

I ask this because I read an article about a woman who chose to 'leave behind' her kids (they remained with their father)while she worked on her career ( a six month absence where they continued to visit her). The comments on that article were HORRIBLE concerning this woman but yet , we have men everyday who are called away for weeks or months at a time as part of their job, they never have to say they prefer it because they arent put in that position to have to explain it, and they are not seen so heinously.

I think parents have to do what is best for THEIR children, and if that means the woman has to be provider and stay gone for extended lenghts of time, it shouldnt be a mark against her as long as she is working WITH her childrens OTHER parent to provide the childrens needs.

If this is the same article I read, she had no trouble walking away from her kids. Didn't seem to bother her at all.

In my own personal opinion, if she had wanted a career more than kids, she shouldn't have had kids.

I happen to be one of those men that is more nurturing than gathering. I would be a happy househusband, doing the work at home while my spouse (in my case husband) goes to work and pays the bills.

I don't judge this woman, I just feel that she should have thought about the career BEFORE having kids.

what say you?

It is always difficult for a mother to leave her children no matter what is the reason. In this new era wherein a woman is also capable and is somewhat expected to help earn for the family's living, having the hard choice to leave her children to the father, or any trusted relative for that matter (as in the case here in the Philippines) does not deserve the horrible comments. That mother in fact deserves understanding and praises because of the great sacrifice she makes to make sure the children's needs are met.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 03/19/11 11:54 AM
I know what you mean. I was a stay at home mother for years and I didn't mind putting my dreams on hold. We found ways to make ends meet. In my case, when I took on a part time job, it bothered her father to the point of, I had to give it up. After so many years of it, I had enough and now I'm a single mother, doing the best that I can to support myself and our daughter. At least now, I can continue with my education and I still juggle everything else that I need to. Braking away has given me my idependence back and it'll just keep getting better and better. I delt with everyone saying that I wasn't able to do so many things but now I'm doing it all just like before but at least I don't have the arguments to deal with anymore. Still have a lot to figure out but that's just apart of life. My daughter seems to be happier so that's all that matters. It took awhile for me to find the right people who understand where I'm at in my life and they all know how grateful I am for finding them. I still joke around from time to time by saying that prisoners had more freedom then I did and unless someone has been in the same situation then they just don't understand it. It's not right that us females seem to need to prove ourselves more just to get by but that just seems to be the way that it is.

ConsciousSoul's photo
Wed 03/23/11 02:14 PM

I realize men and women are indeed , DIFFERENT.

To my knowledge, the near totality of research in the field of gender studies have shown that men and women are much more ALIKE than they are different.

That is to say, Women will ABSOLUTELY be born with a uterus and MEn will absolutely not.

Even this is not THAT clear cut. You can read about intersex people, for instance; in addition, research ash show than until the 27th week, the unborn featus is exactly the same, whether it is male of female. It is only on the 27th week that the hormones in-uterus affect how the sex organs develop. The same organic tissues constitutes the female and male organs, but they simply grow differently at that point.

Beyond that, I believe that GENERALLY womens hormones and genetics make them more prone to develop NURTURING qualities than men and men likewise are more prone to develop HUNTING AND GATHERING qualities.

This theory has been completely debunked. (read for instance: "Sexing the Body" from Fauster-Stirling, for a detailed explanation of this). Biologically speaking, men and women are just as prone to be nurturing or develop other qualities. However, socially, they aren't encouraged the same way and this impacts how the brain continues to develop. Hormones DO play a role (as testosterone, for instance, triggers more violence) but the effect has been found to be VERY minor, compared to the effect of the social conditioning and environment.

why is society so harsh on a woman who loves working and kids but PREFERS the work, or a man who loves working and kids but PREFERS the kids?

Couldn't agree more with your interrogation... we have a lot more work to do to reach true equality. And the first step is to stop hiding between supposed "natural" instinct of genders for one thing or another.

ConsciousSoul's photo
Wed 03/23/11 02:16 PM

I realize men and women are indeed , DIFFERENT.

To my knowledge, the near totality of research in the field of gender studies have shown that men and women are much more ALIKE than they are different.

That is to say, Women will ABSOLUTELY be born with a uterus and MEn will absolutely not.

Even this is not THAT clear cut. You can read about intersex people, for instance; in addition, research ash show than until the 27th week, the unborn featus is exactly the same, whether it is male of female. It is only on the 27th week that the hormones in-uterus affect how the sex organs develop. The same organic tissues constitutes the female and male organs, but they simply grow differently at that point.

Beyond that, I believe that GENERALLY womens hormones and genetics make them more prone to develop NURTURING qualities than men and men likewise are more prone to develop HUNTING AND GATHERING qualities.

This theory has been completely debunked. (read for instance: "Sexing the Body" from Fauster-Stirling, for a detailed explanation of this). Biologically speaking, men and women are just as prone to be nurturing or develop other qualities. However, socially, they aren't encouraged the same way and this impacts how the brain continues to develop. Hormones DO play a role (as testosterone, for instance, triggers more violence) but the effect has been found to be VERY minor, compared to the effect of the social conditioning and environment.

why is society so harsh on a woman who loves working and kids but PREFERS the work, or a man who loves working and kids but PREFERS the kids?

Couldn't agree more with your interrogation... we have a lot more work to do to reach true equality. And the first step is to stop hiding between supposed "natural" instinct of genders for one thing or another.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/23/11 02:32 PM
Humans are more alike than different, but WOMEN and MEN have distinct functional and biological differences which place them in the category of MEN or WOMEN. WOMEN(being BORN with a uterus) and MEN (being BORN without).

My statement about uterus was not really about intersex people, but was about WOMEN. That Women will be born with a uterus doesnt negate that intersex people may or may not.

the theory of testesteron/estrogen and the accompanying qualities has not exactly been debunked any more than the theory of people being 'born' homosexual has,,,there are just different theories

none of these 'differences' however should make us any less respectful, considerate, or caring of each other or each others challenges

many women , more than ever, are facing the challenge of being primary provider AND caretaker,,, a double whammy

many have to share those responsibilities with someone else and they shouldnt be treated any differently than the men who have been doing so for ages,,,