Topic: Lots of help needed asap! | |
Ok I know this is like for online stuff but i need some "real world" advices here.
So here is the situation. There is this one girl at my college. Ive only talked to her once about 4 months ago in our bio lab and said "hey" once about a month after that. But here is were it gets weird. Ever sence i've started the new semester i see her every day except for thursdays doing homework with her tiwn (yes identical twin). And when i walk down the hall they are siting in i can see her stare at me out of the corner of my eye, but she quickly turns away when i look in her direction. This has been going on for about 2 months now and has basicly become rutine. And today something intresting happened. I was walking from my class and was walking down the hall as usual but this time she was closer then usual and was sitting just a few yards around the corner. When i when i rounded the corner she looks up as usual but this time when i looked at her we made direct eye contact. She jumped and as i walked by i could hear her mutter to her twin something that sounded like "o my god he saw me looking at him." Now Im pritty sure this means she is "intrested" in my but im not 100% positive. Cuz im one of those guys that hasnt realy had anyone "intrested" in him. OK i i know this sounds stupid but i have NO CLUE to what to do. Ive tried talking to her on a few occations but i always end up hiting the abort button before i say anything for some reason or another. So i was wondering how sould i approch her without coming off and "weired" or "creepy" I know this is alot to read but i hope someone does, because i really feel like a fish out of water and could use some help. |
I would try to go up to her, not abort *.* and say hey i seem to keep bumping in to you my name is ...... how long have you been going to school here. or something like that try to make some sort of conversation I wouldnt think it was weird if a guy started the conversation like that, so hope that helps
![]() ![]() Sadly the hardest part is always the first part. ![]() |
Next time you walk by and eyes met, smile at her.
The next time, smile and wave. And, the next time, smile, wave, and go say 'Hi. Would you like to go get coffee?' See what happens.... best wishes! ![]() |
Ash her if she wants to go out. Heck, it may lead to a manage a twas! That would be the SHIZZ!
She is just waiting for you to do the first move. Just Start with a smile
![]() everything will follow I am not so good at this stuff either ![]() |
say hi, introduce yourself, be friendly. the worst that can happen is that she will humiliate you in front of her sister and hundreds of other people leaving you crushed and your heart scarred for life, but if she says hi it's worth the risk
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Twins. Boy that sure takes me back to high school.......
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Well I've decided to make a move tomorrow. I guess is now or never.
So clear the runway, get the fire truckes, and make sure the AA is locked and loaded cuz im comin in hot! |
![]() You have clearance for takeoff! |
Go get her dude. Remember: Carpe Diem (Seize the Day).
Yeah, I agree with a lot of the advice in here. You definitely want to smile the next time you guys lock eyes. But try to avoid looking away, even if you start to feel shy or embarrassed, because I don't think she thinks you're embarrassing for looking at her :)
say hi, introduce yourself, be friendly. the worst that can happen is that she will humiliate you in front of her sister and hundreds of other people leaving you crushed and your heart scarred for life, but if she says hi it's worth the risk ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
here is what i would do.. walk slowly by her.. look hard at her outta the corner of your eye with a big smile on your face a few times first.. then... crank your neck to look as you walk by with a big smile as you walk by even when she is behind you .. after all you heard her admit she was staring at you! it should not creep her out if she did that to you or felt she did... then get up your nerve to say something after only doing this one day lol
cuz im comin in hot! Careful with that! Leave just enough of the initiative for her, so that she will think that it was her idea.
i agree with artlo!!
Look straight at her. Walk up casually, give her your best smile while looking into her eyes and say, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen". Smile while you wink at her and then walk away.
Sometime later, walk up to her and talk to her like you have known her all your life. If it starts out with her giving you a big smile, you're there. Be a gentleman. Think of something you would like to do with her and ask if she would like to do it with you. |
Look straight at her. Walk up casually, give her your best smile while looking into her eyes and say, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen". Smile while you wink at her and then walk away. Sometime later, walk up to her and talk to her like you have known her all your life. If it starts out with her giving you a big smile, you're there. Be a gentleman. Think of something you would like to do with her and ask if she would like to do it with you. Could someone do that to me...pleeeeaaase |