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Topic: Virginia Democratic Sen. Webb to Retire from Senate After On
Lpdon's photo
Wed 02/09/11 06:48 PM
First-term Democratic Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia will retire when his term ends next year.

Webb made the announcement Wednesday in an e-mail, saying, "After much thought and consideration I have decided to return to the private sector, where I have spent most of my professional life."

Webb did not attend the issues retreat with his Senate Democratic colleagues currently taking place in Charlottesville. His spokesman, Will Jenkins, said the senator will have no public events.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Webb, a former Navy secretary, a "true American patriot."

"The Senate as in his other endeavors, Senator Webb's advocacy has been grounded in his deeply held convictions, especially when it comes to ensuring that all hard-working people have the chance to build a better life, keeping America safe and our military strong. He will be missed, and I hope that he continues to be involved in American politics. Our country will be the better for it," Reid said in a written statement.

Webb's decision leaves Democrats with the daunting prospect of finding a viable candidate to run in what will be a very hot senate race in the Old Dominion. On the Republican side, former Virginia Gov. and Sen. George Allen has already announced his intentions to recapture the seat Webb took away from him in 2006 in a razor-thin victory.

"I respect Senator Webb's service to our country and the very personal decision that he and his family have made," said Allen in an e-mail statement. "I did not enter into this race to run against any one person, but to fight for the families of Virginia to improve their opportunities in life."

For Democrats, all eyes are turning to Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine. Though the former Virginia governor recently said even if Webb didn't seek reelection, he would not be interested in the Senate seat, Democratic officials in Washington tell FOX News that that isn't the end of the story and that Kaine could still be a candidate

Some Democrats are also mentioning former Reps. Tom Perriello and Glenn Nye, who lose their seats in the 2010 midterm elections, as possible replacements. Another possibility is Rep. Gerry Connolly who currently represents Virginia's 11th Congressional District and held onto his suburban Washington D.C. seat in a nail-biter last November.

Democrats are quick to point out that the seat is not a foregone conclusion for Republicans, who took back the governor's seat in the 2009 election. Not only did Webb announce very late in the cycle in 2006 that he would run, but Republicans are expected to endure a bruising primary between George Allen, Tea Party favorite Jamie Radtke and still others.

On the other hand, the National Republican Senatorial Committee said it welcomes whoever the Democrats post.

"While there is no doubt Republicans will field a strong leader as our nominee, Democrats will have great difficulty finding an electable candidate for this open seat as Virginians continue to reject their agenda of higher taxes and reckless spending. We can only hope that Democrats succeed in recruiting President Obama's number one cheerleader in Washington - Tim Kaine," reads a statement from NRSC Communications Director Brian Walsh.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee also is already attacking their rivals. "As Republicans face a brutal primary between a flawed Washington establishment candidate and a right wing extremist who is raising money at a good clip, Democrats will field a strong candidate," said Patty Murray, Chairman of the DSCC. "Democrats will prevail there just like we did in 2006 and 2008."

Yay! That criminal and piece of garbage is gone! He knew he was a deadman in the 2012 elections and like the coward he he, he back out rather then get slaughtered in the ballot box. I only wish he ran again so I could watch him get spanked all across the state on election night.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 02/09/11 07:02 PM
I sense a scandal coming either prostitutes or little boys...........

Lpdon's photo
Wed 02/09/11 07:12 PM
Maybe someone found his NAMBLA card..............

no photo
Wed 02/09/11 07:51 PM
Maybe someone found his NAMBLA card..............
Why would you say this? Was there some news that I misses? I know we had this kind of problem with a Legislator from Flroida a couple of years age, but I hadn't heard about any thing like this with Webb. Maybe you're talking about the book that he wrote. Does Lynn Cheney's book about a teenage lesbian romance mean that she is a lesbian?

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/09/11 08:28 PM

I sense a scandal coming either prostitutes or little boys...........


Please excuse my disgust...


This is about the same as accusing every darn right wing pundit for the shootings in Arizona.

an exercise in 'shoot first' ask questions later...

Lpdon's photo
Wed 02/09/11 09:19 PM

Maybe someone found his NAMBLA card..............
Why would you say this? Was there some news that I misses? I know we had this kind of problem with a Legislator from Flroida a couple of years age, but I hadn't heard about any thing like this with Webb. Maybe you're talking about the book that he wrote. Does Lynn Cheney's book about a teenage lesbian romance mean that she is a lesbian?

The guy give off the pedophile vibe and looks like a pervert.

no photo
Wed 02/09/11 09:59 PM
I don't know why he would retire...he's not black, so we know that Obama didn't ask him to retire...It's a real mystery.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/09/11 10:00 PM
Jim Webb is a Marines Marine.
He is a CMH holder. A genuine American hero.

He's just tired of politics and who can blame him.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/09/11 10:18 PM
FIGHTING FOR COUNTRY - Jim Webb graduated from Annapolis and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and rifle platoon leader in Company D in the 1st Battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment during the Vietnam War. In addition to the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts, Jim Webb received the U.S. Navy's highest honor the Navy Cross for "extraordinary heroism," "courage, aggressive leadership, and selfless devotion to duty" for actions on July 10, 1969 in Vietnam.

Sorry it was the Navy Cross.

The Navy Cross is the nation's second-highest award for bravery in facing an enemy. James Webb has refused to use it in his campaign. We are publishing it with our endorsement of him because we believe it testifies to his character.

The Navy Cross is presented to James H. Webb, Jr., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving as a Platoon Commander with Company D, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam.

On 10 July 1969, while participating in a company-sized search and destroy operation deep in hostile territory, First Lieutenant Webb's platoon discovered a well-camouflaged bunker complex which appeared to be unoccupied. Deploying his men into defensive positions, First Lieutenant Webb was advancing to the first bunker when three enemy soldiers armed with hand grenades jumped out.

Reacting instantly, he grabbed the closest man and, brandishing his .45 caliber pistol at the others, apprehended all three of the soldiers.

Accompanied by one of his men, he then approached the second bunker and called for the enemy to surrender. When the hostile soldiers failed to answer him and threw a grenade which detonated dangerously close to him, First Lieutenant Webb detonated a claymore mine in the bunker aperture, accounting for two enemy casualties and disclosing the entrance to a tunnel.

Despite the smoke and debris from the explosion and the possibility of enemy soldiers hiding in the tunnel, he then conducted a thorough search which yielded several items of equipment and numerous documents containing valuable intelligence data. Continuing the assault, he approached a third bunker and was preparing to fire into it when the enemy threw another grenade.

Observing the grenade land dangerously close to his companion, First Lieutenant Webb simultaneously fired his weapon at the enemy, pushed the Marine away from the grenade, and shielded him from the explosion with his own body.

Although sustaining painful fragmentation wounds from the explosion, he managed to throw a grenade into the aperture and completely destroy the remaining bunker.

By his courage, aggressive leadership, and selfless devotion to duty, First Lieutenant Webb upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 04:32 AM
[quote[The guy give off the pedophile vibe and looks like a pervert.well, I guess that settles it.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 02/10/11 04:51 PM

Jim Webb is a Marines Marine.
He is a CMH holder. A genuine American hero.

He's just tired of politics and who can blame him.

He's a coward and wasn't even liked by the people who servied with him.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:29 PM

I don't know why he would retire...he's not black, so we know that Obama didn't ask him to retire...It's a real mystery.

that didnt really make alot of sense

motowndowntown's photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:36 PM
Didn't a republican congressman just quit because he sent naughty pictures of himself to some toots on craigslist?

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:37 PM

Didn't a republican congressman just quit because he sent naughty pictures of himself to some toots on craigslist?

it wasnt really naughty, just shirtless, but he lied about his marital status,,,,,

and the current culture requires politicians to be angels who do no wrong and have never done any wrong and will never do wrong

motowndowntown's photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:39 PM

Didn't a republican congressman just quit because he sent naughty pictures of himself to some toots on craigslist?

it wasnt really naughty, just shirtless, but he lied about his marital status,,,,,

and the current culture requires politicians to be angels who do no wrong and have never done any wrong and will never do wrong

Well I'm betting that republican guy didn't earn a Navy Cross in the Nam either.

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:43 PM

I don't know why he would retire...he's not black, so we know that Obama didn't ask him to retire...It's a real mystery.

that didnt really make alot of sense

Ask Shirley Sherrod, David Paterson, Charlie Rangel, Desiree Rogers, Alvin Greene, Van Jones, Roland Burris and Kendrick Meek to explain it to you.

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:47 PM
He's a coward and wasn't even liked by the people who servied with him.
Really?I hadn't heard about this. Did it make it into the news? I would like to know some details.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/10/11 05:55 PM

I don't know why he would retire...he's not black, so we know that Obama didn't ask him to retire...It's a real mystery.

that didnt really make alot of sense

Ask Shirley Sherrod, David Paterson, Charlie Rangel, Desiree Rogers, Alvin Greene, Van Jones, Roland Burris and Kendrick Meek to explain it to you.

which one of those did Obama ASK to retire?

no photo
Thu 02/10/11 06:06 PM

I don't know why he would retire...he's not black, so we know that Obama didn't ask him to retire...It's a real mystery.

that didnt really make alot of sense

Ask Shirley Sherrod, David Paterson, Charlie Rangel, Desiree Rogers, Alvin Greene, Van Jones, Roland Burris and Kendrick Meek to explain it to you.

which one of those did Obama ASK to retire?


Shirley Sherrod - Fired.
David Paterson - Asked to retire.
Charlie Rangel - "It's time for Charlie to retire"
Desiree Rogers - Fired.
Alvin Greene -David Axelrod (President Obama’s senior adviser) said that Alvin Greene wasn't a legitimate candidate.
Van Jones - Fired.
Roland Burris - Opposed his appointment.
Kendrick Meek - Asked to drop out of the race.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/10/11 07:19 PM
noway like that means anything anywayslaphead

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