Topic: Popping the balderdash bubbles. | |
Our President touted the need recently to 'invest' in high speed rail... Citing the great success of the faster trains in China as a reason... From China... "The high-speed rail makes no sense to Chinese people," said Zhao Jian, a professor at Jiaotong University in Beijing who researches rail economics. "Why? Because it is too expensive. The construction cost is too high. The operation cost is too high. I don't think Chinese people can afford the price. At present, the high-speed rail is a big loss." Can we really afford to build one for ourselves? People that pay no attention to reality soon find that reality (unseen) brings empty pockets. LMAO You give one example. An example that was built merely to try and impress the Free World that they could do it as good as they. What about all the other successful high speed rails in the world. Are you even aware of them? |
You aren't old enough or nearly wise enough. If you vote Tea Party you are voting Republican. All they are is a creation, an extension, of the Republican Party. A distraction aimed to fool the disillusioned who think they might actually be getting something different. Have you been fooled? Well.. Since you assume I voted Tea Party... Tea party was never an extension of the Republicans. I do remember watching Republican politicians going to the Tea Parties 'hat in hand'... I have been waiting for the sudden appearance of 'tea parties' since Ross Perot ran for president... They were an inevitable occurance givin the constant enrochmjent on individual rights by the federal governemt that propelled Regan into the Presidency... No I am not a member... But given the current dynamics within the United States I expect that they will grow to a point where both the Democratic and Republican party's will be scrambling to remain viable political entities. |
Our President touted the need recently to 'invest' in high speed rail... Citing the great success of the faster trains in China as a reason... From China... "The high-speed rail makes no sense to Chinese people," said Zhao Jian, a professor at Jiaotong University in Beijing who researches rail economics. "Why? Because it is too expensive. The construction cost is too high. The operation cost is too high. I don't think Chinese people can afford the price. At present, the high-speed rail is a big loss." Can we really afford to build one for ourselves? People that pay no attention to reality soon find that reality (unseen) brings empty pockets. LMAO You give one example. An example that was built merely to try and impress the Free World that they could do it as good as they. What about all the other successful high speed rails in the world. Are you even aware of them? Yep... All of them built in countries that are small in square miles and therefore a rail system is more efficent that air travel... This is not the case in China... Nor is it the case in the USA... Our size makes air travel a better option. |
'Recharge stations' for electric transportation... In order for those stations have the energy to 'recharge' vehicles those very energy stations must first be 'charged'... using the current 'power' grid... Oil, gas, coal. So we are not just paying the high price of this 'not quite ready for prime time' alternative... We must continue to pay the price for the oil, gas, and coal... (which our politicians are doing their best to make as expensive as the 'alternatives' that are being forced upon us). Viable global use of these alternative (and yes we will need them) is at least a hundred years away... don't be so quick to embrace something that may not even do the job. Yeah! Let's stay in the past and continue to use fossil fuels. LMAO There are better alternatives for sure. Like, In recent years, the US has added substantial amounts of wind power generation capacity, growing from just over 6 GW at the end of 2004 to over 35 GW at the end of 2009. The country as a whole generates just 2.4% of its electrical power from wind, but several states generate substantial amounts of wind power. Texas is the state with the largest amount of generation capacity with 9,410 MW installed. This would have ranked sixth in the world, were Texas a separate country. Iowa is the state with the highest percentage of wind generation, at 14.2% in 2009. California was one of the incubators of the modern wind power industry, and led the U.S. in installed capacity for many years. As of mid-2010, fourteen U..S. states had wind power generation capacities in excess of 1000 MW. U.S. Department of Energy studies have concluded that wind from the Great Plains states of Texas, Kansas, and North Dakota could provide enough electricity to power the entire nation, and that offshore wind farms could do the same job
This is only one means of generating power. Nuclear Power is where mine comes from. Of course we could stay using a broke down and overtaxed power grid like that in the NE. Just stay the course until the whole nation has a blackout like they tend to do. The future of this country and our children's children relies on us keeping up with technology. Evolving and adapting, not standing still just because a bunch of Republicans want to protect their investments. Even at the costs of American lives in wars to do so. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Never more than 2 % of the vote no matter which party he represents. It's the Tea Party next year isn't it? China's high speed rail goes nowhere. It was built mainly as a means to move military troops and to impress the west. |
This whole thread is, to use your word.
Boulder dash! Easy pickings, but now I'm bored with the archaic thought of it! |
'Recharge stations' for electric transportation... In order for those stations have the energy to 'recharge' vehicles those very energy stations must first be 'charged'... using the current 'power' grid... Oil, gas, coal. So we are not just paying the high price of this 'not quite ready for prime time' alternative... We must continue to pay the price for the oil, gas, and coal... (which our politicians are doing their best to make as expensive as the 'alternatives' that are being forced upon us). Viable global use of these alternative (and yes we will need them) is at least a hundred years away... don't be so quick to embrace something that may not even do the job. Yeah! Let's stay in the past and continue to use fossil fuels. LMAO There are better alternatives for sure. Like, In recent years, the US has added substantial amounts of wind power generation capacity, growing from just over 6 GW at the end of 2004 to over 35 GW at the end of 2009. The country as a whole generates just 2.4% of its electrical power from wind, but several states generate substantial amounts of wind power. Texas is the state with the largest amount of generation capacity with 9,410 MW installed. This would have ranked sixth in the world, were Texas a separate country. Iowa is the state with the highest percentage of wind generation, at 14.2% in 2009. California was one of the incubators of the modern wind power industry, and led the U.S. in installed capacity for many years. As of mid-2010, fourteen U..S. states had wind power generation capacities in excess of 1000 MW. U.S. Department of Energy studies have concluded that wind from the Great Plains states of Texas, Kansas, and North Dakota could provide enough electricity to power the entire nation, and that offshore wind farms could do the same job
This is only one means of generating power. Nuclear Power is where mine comes from. Of course we could stay using a broke down and overtaxed power grid like that in the NE. Just stay the course until the whole nation has a blackout like they tend to do. The future of this country and our children's children relies on us keeping up with technology. Evolving and adapting, not standing still just because a bunch of Republicans want to protect their investments. Even at the costs of American lives in wars to do so. Fossil fuels came along when we needed them... True alternative will also come along as we need the. The republicans are attempting to hold their base of financial security... the democrats are attempting to hold on to an infant industry they 'lied' into existance... (which is STILL based upon the old industry at its roots)... Both are lieing to US to hold on to what they see as their 'future' financial security. and you appear to be buying one side. aye we need change in our 'systems'... Such change will come when you least expect it. Did you hear of the possible supply of Antimatter that has been discovered? something new will allways come along. |
Speaking of Welfare. It's easier to sit on it than get off yer asss,look for a job or create a job. |
Lets talk balderdahs...Is this country even worth defending? Thanks to the endless wars and cash handouts to the bankers and tax cuts for the rich america has become a third world country. Why mince words? We are a petty police state arguing about if poor people should have basic health care while doped up on anti depresents. So who do you think is going to win the super bowl?
Building a high speed rail is just like **** like the CCC where a president tried to create work! This is the same BS of the 1930s rehashed by Obama. Just becasue China does something doesn't mean SHIIT! Europe and Japan had High Speed Rail YEARS before China. And the Chinese people themselves do not see any practicality to it for them.
Obama is blowing smoke up EVERYONE's azzes! |
ROSS PEROT? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Never more than 2 % of the vote no matter which party he represents. It's the Tea Party next year isn't it? China's high speed rail goes nowhere. It was built mainly as a means to move military troops and to impress the west. Yep... You can not actually refute anything I have said so you pick a minor part and 'puff' it up... what did Ross Perot have to do with anything... I said I expected to see Tea Parties spring up when I saw that election... It was not about Mr. Perot that I was speaking... but the tea parties were an inevitable extension of the expansion of Government... My point which you either 'glossed' or simply 'missed' (happens when one is polierized to a political extreme). |
This whole thread is, to use your word. Boulder dash! Easy pickings, but now I'm bored with the archaic thought of it! the word is BALDERDASH. simular to what you just posted... bored because you have not refuted a single thing I said... Except in your own mind. |
Malpractice insurance adds only 2% to the cost of medical care...
and therfore tort reform is not necessary... Balderdash... FACT - malpractice insurance adds 2% to the OVERALL cost of medical care... this ammounts to BILLIONS of dollars. Not some paltry amount that the spin merchants would have you believe by that misleading 2% number. Two percent of several trillion is a LARGE number. not a small one. |
The infrastructure is crumbling...
BALDERDASH. The only part of the infrastructure that is crumbling is the decaying factories in the inner cities (because either their industry went elsewhere or because it became an industry that no longer provided a viable product). If you drive a lot you know that our highways are mostly well maintained. (indeed it is sometimes difficult to get from one place to another because of 'maintenance'). So then why is this claim made? |
2% is a small percentage of the whole no matter how you look at it.
I take it that you have changed your opinion about the constitutionality of the individual mandate now. I mean considering the Health Industry costs are so high. 18% of the total GDP does make it within the powers of the congress to regulate. |
The infrastructure is crumbling... BALDERDASH. The only part of the infrastructure that is crumbling is the decaying factories in the inner cities (because either their industry went elsewhere or because it became an industry that no longer provided a viable product). If you drive a lot you know that our highways are mostly well maintained. (indeed it is sometimes difficult to get from one place to another because of 'maintenance'). So then why is this claim made? There are two key sources for transportation investment needs: the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Report Card for America's Infrastructure and US Department of Transportation's (DOT) Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report to Congress (C&P report): 1. Independent estimates. The ASCE estimates that 1.6 trillion dollars is needed over a five-year period to bring infrastructure to good condition. This group relies substantially on DOT figures. 2.Government figures. The DOT's estimates are the most authoritative: • Roadways. The DOT estimates that the maximum investment level required to eliminate the project backlog for bridges, and implement proposed highway improvements, is 131.7 billion dollars per year for the next 20 years. The cost per year to maintain current highway and bridge conditions is estimated to be approximately 78.8 billion dollars. • Transit. The estimated average annual investment required to maintain the same physical conditions and operating performance of transit systems is 15.3 billion dollars. If conditions are to be improved, DOT puts the annual cost at 24.0 billion dollars. The majority of these needs are estimated to be in urbanised areas of over 1 million people. • Railways. Freight rail funding comes from private sources. Nevertheless, there is concern that the railroad companies are not spending enough on infrastructure. That's just transportation. |
2% is a small percentage of the whole no matter how you look at it. I take it that you have changed your opinion about the constitutionality of the individual mandate now. I mean considering the Health Industry costs are so high. 18% of the total GDP does make it within the powers of the congress to regulate. No I have not changed my opinion. But I am not a Senator and therefor not able to repeal it... Nor will I be sitting in a Seat of Judgement upon its merits... For that I wait. Being that the costs of the Health Industry are so High as you stated... WHAT POSSIBLE HELP IS TAXING THE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT WITH A NEW TAX... This will not 'lower' the cost of Health... Nay it will make it higher... If this is proper 'regulation' by the eys of our representatives it be time to change them out for someone with better eyes, and a 'keener' sense of truth. |
The reason Democrats were willing to 'extend' tax cuts from the 'bush era'...
LOL Poppycock! (a better expression than boulderdash, don't you think?) The Dems weren't willing to extend the tax-cuts. Obama took Bipartisanship to a level neither party was willing to go. Even to the point of angering his own party. Which this did. He did it to get the pubes to extend unemployment benefits for the millions they put out of work when they proved their economic policies don't work. Obama, once again, proved he was a President of the people by risking the anger of his own party. Unlike the pubes, who were perfectly willing to put the people on the chopping block to protect the interests of their rich donors. Even at the risk of throwing a wrench in the economic recovery. The party of No were going to use the peoples welfare as a political sacrifice to protect the interests of their rich friends. A classic example of "not knowing what your talking about"! Obama bipartisan? Now thats an oxymoron! Millions they put out of work? The last i checked the congress and senate write policy and democrats have had majority since 2006! Not tto mention the collapse of fannie and freddie directly tied to the democrats, housing crash of 2007! Next unemployment extensions cost no one but taxpayers so which rich are you refering to? The extensions cost business' not one thin dime! Not a single wealthy man or a corporation paid one dime for extensions it was 100% printed money added to the debt for taxpayers! A perfect point of how you demonize with complete disregard of the facts! So again i ask you sir now that I have informed you of the facts why did the Republicans block unemployment extensions? Why..... could it be because it is a bad idea? Cause you can be certain there is no rich agenda as you refer to and that's a matter of fact! |
Just for you go away fully informed, unemployment is paid for in the form of a payroll tax. Based on the amount of unemployment claims your rate can go higher like any other form of insurance. The amount that goes to the claimant is already paid for and if someone gets an extension on benefits it costs the business nothing! So your make beleive protecting the rich argument just makes absolutely no sense!
Just for you go away fully informed, unemployment is paid for in the form of a payroll tax. Based on the amount of unemployment claims your rate can go higher like any other form of insurance. The amount that goes to the claimant is already paid for and if someone gets an extension on benefits it costs the business nothing! So your make beleive protecting the rich argument just makes absolutely no sense! Yep... How much tax did a person pay in... Was it as much as they took out if they been on unemployeement for... say... 99 months? Not... Rest of us will pay for it... or our grandchildren will. |