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Topic: Popping the balderdash bubbles.
AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/16/11 05:35 PM
Chinese 'authorities' and many other groups state that 'capitolism' has failed.

CAPITOLISM has not failed...

Rather did a 'system' that is communistic attach itself to the sucess of capitolism and 'bleed' it down.

to whit... UNIONs (a historically communistic or socialist system) attached themselves to industry and in doing so 'bled' both their 'members' and the industries that they 'clamp' upon of resources...

Now that the resources are drying up those unions will go the way of all communistic systems... they will fade away (after flailing about and causing chaos).

and CAPITOLISM will rise up to 'fix' the damage. (as it allways does).

perhaps we can take a lesson away from this experience...

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 02/18/11 07:50 PM
Unemployement rate is improving. Economy is improving.


Current TREND in unemployement is a small down. Compare that by TREND in early great depression period and one can overlay the two charts. What you see is a match of 'trend' (although we have appoximately 9 % vs 16 for that time frame the TREND is the same).

What we are looking at is a 'balloon'. If the current trend continues unemployement will skyrocket to at or near 28% within a matter of months.

Not a single one of the current economic models will work to fix this...

None of them take into account the FACT that the markets are now interdependant within a closed spherical system.

Welcome to the new reality.

no photo
Sat 02/19/11 04:47 AM
What we are looking at is a 'balloon'. If the current trend continues unemployement will skyrocket to at or near 28% within a matter of months.
I think we agree on something. Wall Street is still up to its old tricks. We are in the middle of a commodities bubble not unlike the Republican housing bubble. There has been no meaningful regulatory reform to discourage that. We are headed toward the second dip of this double-dip depression that Republicans caused. Based on the technical indicators, the second dip will finish up with the S&P 500 somewhere in the 400s. The only question will be the timing. My opinion is that thecrash will happen sometime in mid-2012.

Republicans have made it quite clear that they are willing to destroy the country in order to destroy the democratic Party and achieve one-party rule, a Conservative paradise. The time to do that would be just before the next election. The 2007 crash was enough to sink McCain-Palin. The copy-cat Republicans will use the same strategy on the Democrats, and they have the ability to do it easily. All it will take is for Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and a few other big brokerage houses to short-sell their vast holding of commodity stocks and the economy crash will happen in a matter of weeks. Even the Fed will be powerless to stop it.

You asked my opinion.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:09 AM
Edited by AdventureBegins on Sat 02/19/11 10:10 AM
Housing bubble was not a 'Republican' creation...

It was a joint Political fiasco... With F. Mae and F. Mac at the center...

It was caused by folks with no better sense purchasing something they could not afford simply because they felt 'entititled' to it...

It was caused by our politicans giving in to small mob pressure for votes.

It was caused by mid level mortage brokers looking for easy money.

It was caused by hige level mortage holders passing their mistakes on to 'bundles' that had to be purchased to 'qualify' for the good mortages by the rest of the industry. (to hide the stupidity).

It was caused by politicians 'kicking' the can up the road instead of disolving F.Mae and F.Mac.

It was caused by people that took advantage of the system to continously 'flip' properties.

Shall I go on.

If any particular party actually has a larger part of the blame it would be the Democrats that pushed those 'entitlement' loans in the face of business that said it wasn't smart...

However it could not have been done without the complicity of the Republicans.

And the whole thing could have been swept under the rug (and 'fixed' slowly) if the 'market' playing public had not been swindled into buying into the 'bundled' market based securities using their 401K's.


no photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:13 AM
The Republicans.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:33 AM

The Republicans.

Nope... it was Republocrats... Or possibly Demoblicans...

Then agin it could have simply been US.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 03/05/11 08:39 PM
There seems to be a false assumption that the deficit in percentage to the GDP is in fine shape...


The US government has reach a point where it must be considered a CORPORATION.

A corporation that has that large a deficit, coupled with a debt spending profile, and attached to a profile that produces no real product...

Will not survive in a real market place. (i.e. one it does not absolutely control).

The Global market is such a real market place.

If we do not CUT that deficit and CONTROL the debt style spending the Global market will eat us for lunch.

InvictusV's photo
Sun 03/06/11 06:14 AM

What we are looking at is a 'balloon'. If the current trend continues unemployement will skyrocket to at or near 28% within a matter of months.
I think we agree on something. Wall Street is still up to its old tricks. We are in the middle of a commodities bubble not unlike the Republican housing bubble. There has been no meaningful regulatory reform to discourage that. We are headed toward the second dip of this double-dip depression that Republicans caused. Based on the technical indicators, the second dip will finish up with the S&P 500 somewhere in the 400s. The only question will be the timing. My opinion is that thecrash will happen sometime in mid-2012.

Republicans have made it quite clear that they are willing to destroy the country in order to destroy the democratic Party and achieve one-party rule, a Conservative paradise. The time to do that would be just before the next election. The 2007 crash was enough to sink McCain-Palin. The copy-cat Republicans will use the same strategy on the Democrats, and they have the ability to do it easily. All it will take is for Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and a few other big brokerage houses to short-sell their vast holding of commodity stocks and the economy crash will happen in a matter of weeks. Even the Fed will be powerless to stop it.

You asked my opinion.

This is funny..

The leftists never let the facts get in the way of a good fable.

no photo
Sun 03/06/11 06:48 AM
Edited by artlo on Sun 03/06/11 06:49 AM
Dualing facts. Doesn't get us very far, does it? Maybe you are entitled to your own facts. Not much anybody can do with that.

InvictusV's photo
Sun 03/06/11 05:46 PM

Dualing facts. Doesn't get us very far, does it? Maybe you are entitled to your own facts. Not much anybody can do with that.

There are no facts anywhere in that post.

It is a sad attempt at passing off your opinion with the twist of leftist revisionist history and some propagandized prophecy..

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 03/07/11 04:52 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Mon 03/07/11 04:52 AM

Chinese 'authorities' and many other groups state that 'capitolism' has failed.

CAPITOLISM has not failed...

Rather did a 'system' that is communistic attach itself to the sucess of capitolism and 'bleed' it down.

to whit... UNIONs (a historically communistic or socialist system) attached themselves to industry and in doing so 'bled' both their 'members' and the industries that they 'clamp' upon of resources...

Now that the resources are drying up those unions will go the way of all communistic systems... they will fade away (after flailing about and causing chaos).

and CAPITOLISM will rise up to 'fix' the damage. (as it allways does).

perhaps we can take a lesson away from this experience...
Hmm not buying it. Germany has far more unions than america and more sick days and better pay better medical care and they per capita kick our non union butts. Its only the greedy american form of capitalism that loses out.

no photo
Mon 03/07/11 05:01 AM
There are no facts anywhere in that post.

It is a sad attempt at passing off your opinion with the twist of leftist revisionist history and some propagandized prophecy.
This is what is called "projection" in Psychology. I guess I'm not allowed to express an opinion when asked to do so, unless it conforms to unsupported opinions after unsupported opinions after unsupported opinions from the other side. This is how right-wingers play the game.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 03/07/11 10:14 AM
That is also how left wingers play the game.

However most Americans are not as stupid as both of those extremes are counting on.

The biggest problem with the constant misinformation from both left and right extremes is simple...

With that much misinformation being put out Americans find it necessary to actually look up and check the facts...

The more facts the less likely either extreme will survive the next election.

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