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Topic: how I can quit smoking?
no photo
Tue 01/04/11 09:31 PM
any idea or support

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 09:44 PM
wow so no one try to quit

Mayhem_J's photo
Tue 01/04/11 09:46 PM
There are so many ways. I've never smoked, so I cant say what works best. My advice would be to do some research on the internet and/or go doc to your doctor.

eileena9's photo
Tue 01/04/11 09:50 PM
Ask a doctor for what he/she might recommend as the best aid/help for you, whether it be the nicotine gum or patches. Good luck with quitting!flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 09:54 PM
I only smoked for 2 years when I was younger, and I just...quit.
That doesn't work for everyone however, so like eileena said, you'll
have to figure out whatever works for you. Good luck. flowerforyou

>>Eileena...waving flowers

eileena9's photo
Tue 01/04/11 09:56 PM
offtopic oops

waving {{{Indigo}}}bigsmile

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:05 PM
laugh I know, my bad, I'm always causing trouble. :tongue:

eileena9's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:07 PM
Move over know I am usually in the naughty corner with youlaugh :wink:

grneyedldy1967's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:10 PM
Chantix has worked really well for many of my patients. There are however a few side effects like nausea, bad dreams and dry mouth.. along with a few others. Nausea is the most common side effect though. I've been told by some ex-smokers that the best way to quit is to just put them down. However, if you are not truly ready and wanting to quit nothing will help no matter how hard you try. You must do it for yourself and not anyone else. Good luck!

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:10 PM
I know, right? Pretty soon they're gonna have to take out the naughty
chair and put in a couple bench seats.

offtopic oops ...ok, I'm done. :angel:

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:15 PM
Although I'm not saying they DON'T work, but I've known a couple
people that had the patches, and they didn't really seem to work. ??

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:17 PM

Queene123's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:55 PM
i quit cold turkey 15yrs ago
and i had no problem

Wed 01/05/11 06:17 AM
The only way to quit...
Has to come from inside....
I like smoking...that cigarette; my best friend 1st thing in the morning with my coffee, I smoked for a long time 15+ years; pack and a half a day, It has been 9 weeks now, without even touching one, made it Christmas/New years; lots of drinks and still no problem, I quit midpack, with 9 packs left in the carton, that was it.
Willpower, I do use Thrive nicotene lozenges, I am down to the weakest 1mg doses, they control the worst urges ( after meals ).
I don't preach I think it is a very personal decision, I did it for me, whenever someone would comment "Hey You should Give Em Up", just made me wanna smoke more. Good luck, even if it doesn't work out...Try Try again.

bedlum1's photo
Wed 01/05/11 06:46 AM
I took chantix and quiting was easy...bunch of family used it to...awsome..haven't smoked since july ...ciggs that is:wink:

no photo
Wed 01/05/11 08:28 AM
cold turkey...tough out the cravings..if you have a slip., then start over again,,,and again and again, as many times as needed until you finally stop....

it was the only thing that worked for me

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 01/05/11 08:41 AM
hmm, prolly start by not lighting any more cigs...

$.02 drinker

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 01/05/11 09:22 AM
I used the method of "not buying any." I could only smoke what I bummed, and soon your friends will stop giving them too you. That and the general laziness of not making a trip to the convenience store. I kept telling myself "it's cold out and I don't want to go."

It's been a little less than two and a half years since I've had a smoke. I'll also remind you that once you've gone the first two weeks without any, it starts getting easier.

Queene123's photo
Wed 01/05/11 09:28 AM
i can tell you one way you might think about quiting


a friend of mine has been smoking for over 30years
and she resently found out she had it
and right before xmas she entered the hospitol with a colapsed lung
which was the problem with the COPD

Seakolony's photo
Wed 01/05/11 03:02 PM

any idea or support

Yeah make a wall of receipt purchases place it on your wall of how much you spend and look at it everyday until you get motivated to just get pissed off enough to quit and when you quit and you get the urge go back and look at your wall of reciepts to remind you of why your quitting and while you are at it put up all the articles of what smoking does to your body along with the reciepts to remind yourself of what you are saving yourself from......I quit cold turkey this way with determination and prupose

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