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Topic: Birds Falling From Sky?
mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/04/11 02:30 PM

Drum is just a carp. They will eat anything. I really don't know unless they were just the most fragile and there is more to come. Very bizzare........smokin

Are drums or carp bottom feeders or top?

not bottom feeders

think of a carp as a big goldfish, goldfish are carps...

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 02:38 PM
Edited by KayaksJuliet on Tue 01/04/11 02:38 PM

Electro magnetic pulse

Where would that come from...the pulse? And would/could it cause massive internal injurys to the birds and fish? And only one type of bird and fish?

Jtevans's photo
Tue 01/04/11 04:05 PM
i think it's because of Hail.i know the states mentioned had some bad storms New Years Eve and New Years and from what i understand,the birds that were found dead,flock in the thousands.so if they were flocking during these storms,they could've easily been killed by Hail stones

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 04:07 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 01/04/11 04:09 PM

i'm thinking it is something they ate... bugs that have been sprayed with something...and maybe got into the water supply too

Makes sense but you don't spray for bugs in the middle of the winter.....smokin

true, i just read an article about 5000 birds dying in new jersey in 2009, and they were poisoned...it also said all of the trauma they found so far was in the breast area, and these birds showed no signs of poisoning so far...

Could the fish and birds dying be completely unrelated?.........smokin
Yes without physical evidence linking the two is premature.

i think it's because of Hail.i know the states mentioned had some bad storms New Years Eve and New Years and from what i understand,the birds that were found dead,flock in the thousands.so if they were flocking during these storms,they could've easily been killed by Hail stones
The most plausible explanation yet, we KNOW birds die in mass from hail.

wux's photo
Tue 01/04/11 04:36 PM
Vilihkov Ignatieff, the academic who heads the Russian Space Agency, gave a statement on this five minutes ago on CNN. His theory boils down to three components:

1. Cynthia Carlton's contract will expire for her Broadway show in February, and no sign of renewal talks.
2. The primate, His Holiness Nazi War-criminal, decreed that condom use is approved by the Vatican in Homosexual Rapes. (Actual news item.) This will be articled by the third Vatican Sinod, and will be effective most likely by the second week of Lent.
3. Three million Chinese youths between the ages of 18 and 26 have attained the height of at least six feet seven inches. This is the minimum entrance-level requirement to MIT on a sports scholarship.

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 05:52 PM

Vilihkov Ignatieff, the academic who heads the Russian Space Agency, gave a statement on this five minutes ago on CNN. His theory boils down to three components:

1. Cynthia Carlton's contract will expire for her Broadway show in February, and no sign of renewal talks.
2. The primate, His Holiness Nazi War-criminal, decreed that condom use is approved by the Vatican in Homosexual Rapes. (Actual news item.) This will be articled by the third Vatican Sinod, and will be effective most likely by the second week of Lent.
3. Three million Chinese youths between the ages of 18 and 26 have attained the height of at least six feet seven inches. This is the minimum entrance-level requirement to MIT on a sports scholarship.
Ba Da Dum, Shhhh

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 07:01 PM

i'm thinking it is something they ate... bugs that have been sprayed with something...and maybe got into the water supply too

Makes sense but you don't spray for bugs in the middle of the winter.....smokin

true, i just read an article about 5000 birds dying in new jersey in 2009, and they were poisoned...it also said all of the trauma they found so far was in the breast area, and these birds showed no signs of poisoning so far...

Could the fish and birds dying be completely unrelated?.........smokin
Yes without physical evidence linking the two is premature.

i think it's because of Hail.i know the states mentioned had some bad storms New Years Eve and New Years and from what i understand,the birds that were found dead,flock in the thousands.so if they were flocking during these storms,they could've easily been killed by Hail stones
The most plausible explanation yet, we KNOW birds die in mass from hail.

Not 100% spock but I believe they ruled out weather conditions along with "fright from fireworks".

williamm0944's photo
Fri 01/07/11 03:11 PM
this is happining all over europe as well guys cant be just a coincedence?? some are saying its the begining of the end!?!? i dont know tho because im just scottish lmao

no photo
Fri 01/07/11 03:13 PM
This happens ever year, its just that this year the media decided their viewer ship was dumb enough to care.

wux's photo
Fri 01/07/11 03:26 PM
Edited by wux on Fri 01/07/11 03:33 PM
Could be a sign of god to stop our homosexual activities, unless it's accompanied by the use of a latex condom.

Could be a sign of god that Ruth Westboreland should be the starting pitcher in the superbowl in 2013, but if not, then we must at least wach re-runs of Seingefelt. (Seing even has the word "sign" in it, don't it.)

Could be a sign by god to teach us to properly index our intentions to change lanes when travelling at 340 mi/h on the highways all o'er the land. Or a sign by Him that u-turns must be made legal in some states, but not in an inebriated state.

It could be also a cruel trick by Sarah Palin. Feeding salt-licks to birds and fishes.

It could also be the sign of new weapons-testing by the USA, whose military-industrial complex is getting so bad that 2,000 military psychiatric advisors have been retrained from treating post-traumatic disorder to treating neurotic complexes, such as the American Military-Industrial one.

It could be that there is a new German-made joke going around that makes the fishes and the birds laugh themselves to death.

It could be that by an unfortunate accident all tv stations in Louisiana and wherever else broadcast a frequency that is equal to the command given by the Bird King and the Fisher King to their subjects to commit suicide en-mass.

The possibilities are actually endless at this point.

It might be as mundane as the bee- and amphybian populations getting to such low levels that those microbes that eat their waste, and which microbes are the sustaining force of other microbes that sustain wheat or whatever, bugs, seeds, that the birds eat, and the fish, have practically become extinct and it's only a matter of time before humans will be restricted to a diet of edible oil products and to a healthy breakfast meal of granite-and-crushed-window-panes mix. Crunchyyyyyyy...


Could be the scientific evidence that long sentences, rambling ones, bad spelling, illicit third person singlular notations by the third person plural personal pronouns, and backformation are abominations in ther eyes of the Lord.

kc0003's photo
Fri 01/07/11 03:37 PM
Edited by kc0003 on Fri 01/07/11 03:42 PM
i live not far from where the bird episode took place. i can tell you we had absolutely no hail that night. it appears that one of the investigators is saying that the birds do show signs of trauma, (no shiit) but he was talking as if they flew into something, that kind of trauma. there is no proof of this, however the investigation is ongoing.

i am not a conspiracy theory guy, but it has been brought up in the papers that this did happen in close proximity to the air force base....this base serves a primary training facility for c-130's and support craft.

a friend of mine with the fish and game commission told me that the 10,000 fish that washed up on the river bank was a result of some sort of disease.

and for the record, this (the bird incident) happened on new years eve, the one in LA. was the following day (new years day)

williamm0944's photo
Fri 01/07/11 04:13 PM

i live not far from where the bird episode took place. i can tell you we had absolutely no hail that night. it appears that one of the investigators is saying that the birds do show signs of trauma, (no shiit) but he was talking as if they flew into something, that kind of trauma. there is no proof of this, however the investigation is ongoing.

i am not a conspiracy theory guy, but it has been brought up in the papers that this did happen in close proximity to the air force base....this base serves a primary training facility for c-130's and support craft.

a friend of mine with the fish and game commission told me that the 10,000 fish that washed up on the river bank was a result of some sort of disease.

and for the record, this (the bird incident) happened on new years eve, the one in LA. was the following day (new years day)

But the same thing has happened in europe and asia?

kc0003's photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:25 PM

i live not far from where the bird episode took place. i can tell you we had absolutely no hail that night. it appears that one of the investigators is saying that the birds do show signs of trauma, (no shiit) but he was talking as if they flew into something, that kind of trauma. there is no proof of this, however the investigation is ongoing.

i am not a conspiracy theory guy, but it has been brought up in the papers that this did happen in close proximity to the air force base....this base serves a primary training facility for c-130's and support craft.

a friend of mine with the fish and game commission told me that the 10,000 fish that washed up on the river bank was a result of some sort of disease.

and for the record, this (the bird incident) happened on new years eve, the one in LA. was the following day (new years day)

But the same thing has happened in europe and asia?

copy cats!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:46 PM
Maybe, they were all trying to eat the same bug at the same time and just flew into each other.

wux's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:11 AM
Edited by wux on Sat 01/08/11 08:13 AM

But the same thing has happened in europe and asia?

copy cats!

Ah! Finally the cat comes out of the bag.

Cats, domestic cats, are wont of, and proud and extremely pleased when they catch a fish or a bird.

Thus, I contend that coursing flocks of invisible, air-borne and under-water cats are infecting our own biosphere.

This has got to be it. Cats, copy-cats. Alien cats.

"Dear cats... big rats... thank you're no aristocrats, that's crap...

"you know, the day distroys the night... night devides the day...

"Can't you hear the call, from time to time?... Break on through to the other side!!"

Jim Morrison of The Doors, in the song "Break On Through", from their self-titled first album, cca 1966++?

The Doors got their names from a statement by a philosopher, "there are things we know, and there are things we don't know. In between there are doors."

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/08/11 09:02 AM

Anyone have any theories about what is going on with NOW multiple states reporting "black birds" falling from the skys on New Years Eve? And "one species" of fish dying in mass?

States reporting:


Someone recently said something somewhat plausible. Sonic air waves cause by possibly secret military testing of planes?

One species of bird, one species of fish. Hard to say, my first thought was the military was testing something too...any word on weather control? Dunno though, honestly...could be one of those 'end of times' things too.

welshboy's photo
Sat 01/08/11 02:32 PM
i reckon its because of the unusualy large solar flares we had in the summer, its responsible for bad wether so why not the animals too.

fireflysgirl's photo
Sat 01/08/11 03:40 PM

i live not far from where the bird episode took place. i can tell you we had absolutely no hail that night. it appears that one of the investigators is saying that the birds do show signs of trauma, (no shiit) but he was talking as if they flew into something, that kind of trauma. there is no proof of this, however the investigation is ongoing.

i am not a conspiracy theory guy, but it has been brought up in the papers that this did happen in close proximity to the air force base....this base serves a primary training facility for c-130's and support craft.

a friend of mine with the fish and game commission told me that the 10,000 fish that washed up on the river bank was a result of some sort of disease.

and for the record, this (the bird incident) happened on new years eve, the one in LA. was the following day (new years day)

my first guess would be some type of virus or pathogen & will have to ask some folks in the vet school this week to see who knows what!!!

williamm0944's photo
Sat 01/08/11 03:50 PM
its about 3ft of snow here in scotland now and ive never seen it this bad guys!?!?

DiveBomber4's photo
Sat 01/08/11 10:39 PM
Welcome to Global Warming/Climate Change BS!!

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