Topic: if your best friend is hot...
SapponyWarrior's photo
Mon 07/02/07 01:43 PM
slips celtic a note that says "meet me in the bathroom in 3 minutes. Your friend ain't got sh*t on you".....

Muuuu haaaa haaaaaa......devil

celticricket's photo
Mon 07/02/07 01:51 PM
i dont want to give the wrong impression. im not jealous of my friend....or maybe more honestly, im not jealous of her in the malicious sense. we really are best friends. i even told her how it is that guys fawn all over her and she just brushes me off and says that she doenst think that its true. yeah right....and ya know what, both of my younger sisters are hot too. im a plain jane surrounded by hotness, thats what the prob is, lol, and i dont know how to deal with it. thats probably the main reason im still single.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 01:51 PM
I always said your hairs just dyed!flowerforyou laugh laugh

SapponyWarrior's photo
Mon 07/02/07 01:53 PM are not a butterface.....not even close......

HillFolk's photo
Mon 07/02/07 01:54 PM
Celtic, it might be a blessing in disguise. If they can't see past her then would you really want to date them?

celticricket's photo
Mon 07/02/07 01:58 PM
true hillfolk, but then there wouldnt be too many guys left in the club to choose from if the ones that are looking at her just magically disappeared, lol.

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 07/02/07 01:59 PM
One is enough, isn't it?:wink:

wwefan's photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:01 PM
i think cel its a beatufull girl

i want it to get to know her

but beauty is on eyes on the beholder like a lot of people say n she dont think the same of me.

I found it hard to belive she is asking a question like this.

u know im shy person and im a guy n some times we think shes to petty, you know (the out of r league thing)

cuz u r beatufull

i have more on this subject but mail me if you want to hear it cuz may be to mush for forums (i mean about your best friend)

no photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:05 PM
cel im right there with u..and im 11 yrs older than not happy with my looks..wish i could change that..laugh oh well, it is what it isnoway laugh

s1owhand's photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:06 PM
shyness is a personality trait. you may be a little more introverted but you will find that there will be guys who don't mind it at all. introverted people are often very bright and thoughtful not to mention witty and fun...but big social situations are not their forte.

So, i'd suggest that you try to do things which will put you in more one on one situations...dinner and a movie, games, dancing, sports for 2 such as tennis, or golf, bridge, etc. the club scene may just not be your venue. perhaps here at JSH you can identify a few whom you can date one at a time...

i am an extrovert. very outgoing. but i have many introverted friends for some reason. it works for us often because we play off each other. but when it comes time for going out, sometimes i like to do things with lots of people, go to big parties, meet a lot of new friends, whereas my shy friends prefer to do one on one things and that is what i do with them. it's great because they are such fantastic people - to spend quality time with...

celticricket's photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:18 PM
exactly, s1lowhand! i have an awesome time with my friend when its just her and i or another friend (or a group of us girls and guys that i know) just going out to eat or going to see a movie or going to the mall...we crack each other up so much that we will be in tears. we have the same sense of humor which is one of the reasons we are so close. sometimes we even know what the other is thinking just by a look. but then you put us both in a club or a bar where there are tons of other people around and you cant even hear yourself think much less try to make friendly conversation and i just cant be myself. she loooves the club scene and thats where we differ. i do it because its fun for her and we do have fun hanging out, but i guess i just clam up and cant even approach a guy much less try to talk to him in a setting like that. every time we go out, i say to myself "ok, this time is going to be different. this time im gonna bite the bullet and just have fun and meet someone." and it just ends up being the same old story.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:20 PM

find ways to get into more of these types of situations.
i found a couple this way via the internet. or they found me...


thedrunkrobert's photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:39 PM
Wanna know something that really lowers your self esteem and confidence?

I have 3 good friends that are all hotter than me. So, my friend that's always rated a 1. Wants to know about it. So 2 years ago, we all go to the mall, and he comes up with this bright idea of asking girls, what they'd rate us. 1 to 4. One being hottest, and 4 being not hottest.

I was always a 4, and sometimes a 3.

Talk about a self esteem drop.

celticricket's photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:43 PM
thats messed up, robert. why would anyone want to play a game like that...especially if they think of you as a friend? not cool noway

thedrunkrobert's photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:46 PM
My friends think they are the ****. They have big ego's. However, I don't. Other than that, they are the coolest guys to ever hang around. They've done so much for me. Back in high school when I was depressed and gained 100-150lbs. They kind of befriended me, and helped me get over it, and we've been friends ever since.

But, my friend Buddy is kind of like your best friend celtic. And I'm like you in many ways. I'm shy, not REAL outgoing. And he is. When we're out somewhere. Girls always stop to talk to him, or flock to him, because he's "So F'ing hot" as most of girls around my age say.

But it doesn't bother me, because I have my own ways of meeting people. :)

no photo
Mon 07/02/07 02:53 PM
lol, i was always the ugly duckling myself, but i'm comfortable with myself now, so i think my confidence attracts people, who knows. and i am far from shy, lol. i will go talk to complete strangers if they look bored or sad.

Wharf_rat's photo
Mon 07/02/07 03:03 PM
I like the way I look...just wish I could get this mask and snorkel off!

unsure's photo
Mon 07/02/07 03:04 PM
When I go out with the girls, theres 3 of us, I am the shy one. I always am the one who is sitting there just watching what is going on. The other 2 gets all the guys...but thats ok with me because I am not there to pick up no guy.
One night this man walks up to me and says, I have always noticed you just sitting here looking all sweet and innocent. You are so much prettier then your sleezy friends!! So trust me, there are some men out there that do like the shy ones!! There is nothing wrong with being shy, if you are shy and don't mind thats one thing....but if you don't like being shy, I think you just need to try to open up.
I am very comfortable with myself, I am just really shy...don't know why!! I can have a man walk up to me and ask me to dance and I just won't do it. I panic and its just not worth it to me!
I think what you need to do is just have faith in yourself...forget the girlfriend. Someday her looks will fade but you will still be sweet!! Just keep being the sweet person that you are and someday some man will appreciate you!!

southernangel's photo
Mon 07/02/07 03:12 PM
so true unsure.. ive noticed that when i go to the clubs with my friends that guys are looking at the ones that arent so outgoing than the ones that are. last time i went i was left by myself while my friends had guys. didnt bother me one bit.. so i went and started dancing by myself... before i got ready to go this guy came up to me and said he had been watching me all night and we started talking. they spent the rest of the night going from one guy to the other while i sat and talked to only one and up to this day we are still good friends. but truely honest opinion... everyone that has posted on this subject so far... is very beautiful on the outside as much as the inside.

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:49 AM
take some advice from NIKE...

