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Topic: Bad Day For Obama
Lpdon's photo
Fri 12/10/10 07:07 PM

time will tell,,,,,

It already has.

and still will,,,,

Yes it will. Especially that at this point in his Presidency President Bush had a much higher approval rating....Wait a minute his approval rating right now is better then Obama. His rating is at 47% and Obama is at 41%. laugh

msharmony's photo
Sat 12/11/10 01:26 AM

time will tell,,,,,

It already has.

and still will,,,,

Yes it will. Especially that at this point in his Presidency President Bush had a much higher approval rating....Wait a minute his approval rating right now is better then Obama. His rating is at 47% and Obama is at 41%. laugh

worse than bush but about online with clinton and reagan,,,,like I was saying

ratings come and go as time passes, so tie will tell

RKISIT's photo
Sat 12/11/10 07:12 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 12/11/10 07:21 AM
ratings don't mean shiit,any conservative robotic republican news channel or mag can post what ratings they see fit,i don't get what you right wingers are complaining about,hell Obama could of had bush investigated over the illegal iraq war,pulled our troops out of iraq so they can go back to islam,but no he didn't cause he has no spine. so i guess if he illegally invade iran and borrowed 10 billion dollars from china to give to an islamic nation,also free a felon buddy he would've been the best president we ever had?interesting

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