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Topic: Bad Day For Obama
InvictusV's photo
Thu 12/09/10 03:40 PM
I picked an interesting day to use some vacation time.

I actually sat and watched CSPAN all day long.

I watched the senate debate the "Dream Act" then watched it fail to pass.

Strike One for Obama

Then the Senate debated the DA bill that contained the repeal of "dont ask dont tell" then watched it fail to pass.

Strike Two for Obama

Then I watched the democrats revolt in the House and one member went so far as to get caught on audio saying "F#@$ the president" and another saying "we can't trust him" apparently referring to the big O. Then of course the bill failed to pass..

Strike Three.. and you are out..

I never thought a lame duck session could be so interesting.

msharmony's photo
Thu 12/09/10 03:44 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 12/09/10 03:54 PM
sounds mostly depressing

President OBama isnt a wizard or dictator, many things he wanted will not come to pass because he is one man working with a government of many men(and women), this isnt his first 'strike' if you count a strike as a goal that wasnt achieved, nor will it be the last,,,as is the nature of politics

I will give the benefit of the doubt that the politicians are voting for their base and themselves and truly dont support the measures they vote against but

where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

USmale47374's photo
Thu 12/09/10 03:47 PM
All I know is that the needs of 99% of the population of the United States excxeed the "needs" of the top 1%. Watch the current news coming for the UK if you want a preview of what's in store for the US if it continues to ignore this basic premise.

msharmony's photo
Thu 12/09/10 03:54 PM

All I know is that the needs of 99% of the population of the United States excxeed the "needs" of the top 1%. Watch the current news coming for the UK if you want a preview of what's in store for the US if it continues to ignore this basic premise.

I dont know, on the one hand I get the 'dont single us out' mentality that leads some to oppose ending tax cuts for rich

on the other hand, I do see other groups singled out, like those on medicare and medicaid and social services who will no longer have the funding, or those who are federal workers who will not be receiving any increases ,

if it is insisted upon that the rich be treated like the rest of us( a laughable fallacy that hasnt happened so far ), I would be willing to forego tax cuts to help chip away a bit at the debt

if we all have those cuts ended it will increase revenue that much more, even though many of us are struggling far too much to feel able to afford such a blow

Lpdon's photo
Thu 12/09/10 03:59 PM

I picked an interesting day to use some vacation time.

I actually sat and watched CSPAN all day long.

I watched the senate debate the "Dream Act" then watched it fail to pass.

Strike One for Obama

Then the Senate debated the DA bill that contained the repeal of "dont ask dont tell" then watched it fail to pass.

Strike Two for Obama

Then I watched the democrats revolt in the House and one member went so far as to get caught on audio saying "F#@$ the president" and another saying "we can't trust him" apparently referring to the big O. Then of course the bill failed to pass..

Strike Three.. and you are out..

I never thought a lame duck session could be so interesting.


USmale47374's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:03 PM
When I was a young man, one person with only a high school education could house, feed and clothe his or her family as well as provide them with necessary medical care. That's SO not the case anymore. Almost everyone is getting poorer while the wealthy continue to get richer. There's no longer any sense of parity, of fairness.

I much prefer cooperation to conflict, but it appears that the masses are being forced to adopt the latter in order to restore a working society. Our current situation represent a huge failure within out country.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:16 PM

sounds mostly depressing

President OBama isnt a wizard or dictator, many things he wanted will not come to pass because he is one man working with a government of many men(and women), this isnt his first 'strike' if you count a strike as a goal that wasnt achieved, nor will it be the last,,,as is the nature of politics

I will give the benefit of the doubt that the politicians are voting for their base and themselves and truly dont support the measures they vote against but

where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

It's actually pretty amazing that they get anything done.

All they do is whine.

And it was 2 democrats that had the choice words for the president. Just to keep the record straight.

USmale47374's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:43 PM
The road that President Obams is attempting to travel is akin to England's attempt at "apeasment" toward Germany at the start of WW II. It didn't work then, and it won't work now. This situation requires real, immediate change, not lip service.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 12/09/10 05:01 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Thu 12/09/10 05:04 PM

The road that President Obams is attempting to travel is akin to England's attempt at "apeasment" toward Germany at the start of WW II. It didn't work then, and it won't work now. This situation requires real, immediate change, not lip service.

Actually I think it's more like Obama and the Democrats are playing the part of Wilson, George and Clemenceau during the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles.

They were so absorbed by their victory that they thought they could just force the Germans to accept their terms and expect no ramifications.

As 1919 progressed and their demands became more absurd, they didn't realize they were laying the groundwork for retribution.

Obama and the dems were smitten by their victories in 2006 and 2008 and thought they could dictate whatever they wanted and everyone in opposition would kneel and nod affirmatively.

We found out that wasn't going to be the case.

Obama had enough time to show his change was the right change, but it just wasn't in the cards.

The majority in this country still looks at the far left as a bunch of nutjobs that smoked too much weed in college and would rather save a whale even if it meant killing half of San Francisco to do it.

That is the reality any way you want to look at it.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 12/09/10 08:00 PM
Obama is done in 2012.

msharmony's photo
Fri 12/10/10 12:28 AM
time will tell,,,,,

s1owhand's photo
Fri 12/10/10 04:53 AM
Not surprised at any of it.

The so-called "Dream Act" would reward illegal immigrants who
flaunted our immigration law and a lot of people are dead set
against rewarding those who have been attempting for many years
to skirt or ignore our immigration statutes.

The Don't Ask Don't Tell policy also has a lot of supporters
who don't want to introduce the element of sexual voyeurism
into the military baracks. There is a large fraction of the
population and a large number in the military service who do
not wish to dress, shower, go to the bathroom and share all
personal facilities with gays and lesbians who are attracted
to members of the same sex. Sure, everyone works with hetero-
sexual colleagues all the time - but we don't (usually) shower
with them...and if and when that happens it has been known to
cause some <ahem> difficulties...from time to time....


Oh - and about the Democrats whining and complaining? It is
a useless waste of time. Make compromises work together and
move along. Sure the wealthier people in society need to pull
their weight. They pay taxes - more than anyone else. But
Obama is right on this one. Our economy in frail condition.
Let's get the economy going and then work on budget cuts. I'm
glad he got the compromise that is now presented and the Dems
are just wasting time posturing in a useless puerile gesture.

galendgirl's photo
Fri 12/10/10 05:21 AM

...where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

Are you seriously suggesting that Bush didn't field any blatant disrespect? Like him or hate him (then or now)and even when he deserved a good smack of reality (and what President doesn't at least occasionally) - he took his shots.

Sorry, but I disagree that Obama is seeing anything different or more prevalent (other than the fact that he's ticked off even his own party to the point that even THEY are taking shots instead of just finger-pointing to the other side of the aisle.)


msharmony's photo
Fri 12/10/10 07:40 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 12/10/10 07:41 AM

...where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

Are you seriously suggesting that Bush didn't field any blatant disrespect? Like him or hate him (then or now)and even when he deserved a good smack of reality (and what President doesn't at least occasionally) - he took his shots.

Sorry, but I disagree that Obama is seeing anything different or more prevalent (other than the fact that he's ticked off even his own party to the point that even THEY are taking shots instead of just finger-pointing to the other side of the aisle.)


I am only suggesting that I dont recall the media reporting about POLITICIANS IN SESSION, yelling out that Bush was a liar, or using expletives against him(they did report on Bush and cheney using expletives though), or blatantly stating that they were not going to work with him on ANYTHING

might have happened, who knows, I just dont recall the media having reported it if it did

mightymoe's photo
Fri 12/10/10 10:19 AM

sounds mostly depressing

President OBama isnt a wizard or dictator, many things he wanted will not come to pass because he is one man working with a government of many men(and women), this isnt his first 'strike' if you count a strike as a goal that wasnt achieved, nor will it be the last,,,as is the nature of politics

I will give the benefit of the doubt that the politicians are voting for their base and themselves and truly dont support the measures they vote against but

where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

because they see more of what you don't see... how bad he really is.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 12/10/10 11:48 AM

...where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

Are you seriously suggesting that Bush didn't field any blatant disrespect? Like him or hate him (then or now)and even when he deserved a good smack of reality (and what President doesn't at least occasionally) - he took his shots.

Sorry, but I disagree that Obama is seeing anything different or more prevalent (other than the fact that he's ticked off even his own party to the point that even THEY are taking shots instead of just finger-pointing to the other side of the aisle.)


I am only suggesting that I dont recall the media reporting about POLITICIANS IN SESSION, yelling out that Bush was a liar, or using expletives against him(they did report on Bush and cheney using expletives though), or blatantly stating that they were not going to work with him on ANYTHING

might have happened, who knows, I just dont recall the media having reported it if it did

Harry Reid called him a liar in an interview that was played 5000 times.

Source: CNN

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid defended calling the war in Iraq "lost" in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash Monday.

"General Petreaus has said the war cannot be won militarily, he's said that," Reid said. "And President Bush is doing nothing economically, he's doing nothing diplomatically, he's not doing anything even the minimal requested by the Iraq Study Group, so I stick with General Petreaus. I have no doubt the war cannot be won militarily and that's what I said last Thursday and I stick with that."


"I do what I think is right, and I think this war is headed in the wrong direction," Reid said. "And I'm going to speak out as often and as regularly as I can."

Reid has been an outspoken critic of the president, calling him a loser and a liar in the past.

"I don't back off that at all," he said. "So if you say something that is untrue to me and in the right circumstances, I will call you a liar. I have no regret having called him a liar, because he lied."

Read more:

msharmony's photo
Fri 12/10/10 04:28 PM

...where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

Are you seriously suggesting that Bush didn't field any blatant disrespect? Like him or hate him (then or now)and even when he deserved a good smack of reality (and what President doesn't at least occasionally) - he took his shots.

Sorry, but I disagree that Obama is seeing anything different or more prevalent (other than the fact that he's ticked off even his own party to the point that even THEY are taking shots instead of just finger-pointing to the other side of the aisle.)


I am only suggesting that I dont recall the media reporting about POLITICIANS IN SESSION, yelling out that Bush was a liar, or using expletives against him(they did report on Bush and cheney using expletives though), or blatantly stating that they were not going to work with him on ANYTHING

might have happened, who knows, I just dont recall the media having reported it if it did

Harry Reid called him a liar in an interview that was played 5000 times.

Source: CNN

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid defended calling the war in Iraq "lost" in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash Monday.

"General Petreaus has said the war cannot be won militarily, he's said that," Reid said. "And President Bush is doing nothing economically, he's doing nothing diplomatically, he's not doing anything even the minimal requested by the Iraq Study Group, so I stick with General Petreaus. I have no doubt the war cannot be won militarily and that's what I said last Thursday and I stick with that."


"I do what I think is right, and I think this war is headed in the wrong direction," Reid said. "And I'm going to speak out as often and as regularly as I can."

Reid has been an outspoken critic of the president, calling him a loser and a liar in the past.

"I don't back off that at all," he said. "So if you say something that is untrue to me and in the right circumstances, I will call you a liar. I have no regret having called him a liar, because he lied."

Read more:

that is still not quite what I am referring to, I dont mean PERSONAL TIME, personal interviews and such

Im talking about DISRESPECT IN SESSION, screaming out while the president speaks, or leaving from his speech yelling obscenities about him

Lpdon's photo
Fri 12/10/10 06:59 PM

time will tell,,,,,

It already has.

msharmony's photo
Fri 12/10/10 07:04 PM

time will tell,,,,,

It already has.

and still will,,,,

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 12/10/10 07:06 PM

sounds mostly depressing

President OBama isnt a wizard or dictator, many things he wanted will not come to pass because he is one man working with a government of many men(and women), this isnt his first 'strike' if you count a strike as a goal that wasnt achieved, nor will it be the last,,,as is the nature of politics

I will give the benefit of the doubt that the politicians are voting for their base and themselves and truly dont support the measures they vote against but

where was such blatant disrespect of the President by politicians in session,,when Bush was the sitting?

it just makes me wonder what the difference really is and why its so much more prevalant,,,

There was plenty of Bush bashing-I was one of the bashers!

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