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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 118
IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 12/04/10 11:00 PM
you are so right....

kc0003's photo
Sat 12/04/10 11:02 PM
i am!

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 12/04/10 11:04 PM
You are!

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 04:56 AM
Edited by HasidicEnforcer on Sun 12/05/10 04:58 AM

that doesn't sound like the basis of a very successful marriage, more of a convenience. i understand the common interest, but how long before she recognises it as well?

sorry, i know this is not my business, but i think these types of arrangements do little to promote what should be a healthy and positive example for children, not only to witness, but to emulate later in their lives.

Nicole only knew her mommy and daddy as a couple for 2 years. And Yaniv and I are actually very close friends. We just don't do the horizontal mambo. But we have a very strong friendship and she knows we love each other very much, but not as much as we love her.

Nicole won't let her daddy date anyone. He even jokes about it. Like last night when he called to check up on me and calm my nerves. I told him, "How come you didn't call me earlier?" He said, "Cause it was 5am and my wife doesn't like it when I wake up and turn on the computer that early or call other women..." to which he amended, "I meant, my OTHER wife, Nicole" She is a bossy little baby and is very strict about what her Daddy can and can not do. She told him the only wife he has is Mommy.

She is definitely a unique one...

She has also informed him that, "If he gets a girlfriend, she will move back to Kansas and live with Mommy." lol

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 05:00 AM

Wow HE, sorry to hear about your troubles.. I hope the roommate comes through and your little princesses arm gets better soon...

Her cast comes off in 2 weeks! Yay! (Even though I think it is cute and funny as hell watching her hug her daddy or throw me "big hugs" through the air)

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 08:06 AM
Edited by kolhauszer on Sun 12/05/10 08:08 AM
here's one for the recordbooks..(one word?)
last night my friend called me while i was working away,and said that he desperatly needed my help for a lift back home from the hotel that his company was giving a christmas bash..i felt that this had to take precedence over the orders to tokyo due to the fact that he's my best friend and i didnt want him to drive all plowed in the brainpan.
i got to the holiday inn and had to spend at least 45 minutes trying to find the guy because 4 parties were being given at the same time.
when i did ,he asked me if i wouldnt mind waiting anout 20 minutes,so i went back in the car and waiting a bit...a whole hour passed.
we were almost at his place when he discovered that he didnt have his house key so we returned to the holiday inn and got them from the table in the party room..on the way back he was getting rowdy in the car and felt like giving me a drunked out thank you hug while i was driving almost sending us into oncomming traffic..after pushing him hard off of me he then picked up his cell phone and dialed to make a call..i heard him say that kol is with me we will be having tea (****ed up)..and then he would be home right after.i asked why did you tell nataly that we;re having tea when we're driving and why did you call her up at 3 am?...he said OH THAT WASNT NATALY I CALLED YOUR GRANDMOTHER!!!!!..man,i am telling all of you guys and dolls out here that if youre going to be picking up a drunk ******* of a friend from a christtmas party,you better go and unplug your nana's phone first

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 12/05/10 09:40 AM
He woke your grandmother up at 3am?? That was very nice of you Kol...

kc0003's photo
Sun 12/05/10 09:44 AM
what are friends for, if not to drive you crazy sometimes?

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 09:52 AM
my bro has been this way since we were kids..(hey joyous one)
i guess everyone, man or woman on this earth has a friend like this guy.of course i could write a novel about how many times he bailed me out of my self induced purgatorys,so we're often there for one another,,but my hell died decades ago,and i never called one of his 90 year old loved one's at dawn and discused tea..lol..

always count on the princess for a morality boost

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 09:55 AM
hey kc..
youre so right,sometimes it makes you wonder if youre not the only sane one of the bunch..but dont go by my words really..i once wrestled a bear at the shopping mall,who's owner and trainer was giving exhibitions with..messed up lol..

but it was tame really.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:02 AM
Speaking of which, how did your grandmother feel about that call?

kc0003's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:06 AM
i want to know if she had a go with bear?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:11 AM
I doubt she did, a lady wouldn't do that but if she did I'll bet she would have won...

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:13 AM
Edited by kolhauszer on Sun 12/05/10 10:15 AM
well my nana has known pete since he was a kid,so she considers him to be family,but although finding this a bit unnerving,she laughed when she told me..this woman is a miricle of nature here,can you believe that at 90 she's still playing golf?..must be the german blood god knows..she told me that when she see's him again she'll set him straight.lol..no she never wrestled a bear my friend but im willing to bet that she could scare it off with some of her german obsenities :) to this day i still have no idea what she tells me when she gets purturbed at me but to see a 90 year old woman's eyes getting riled up sure makes you good

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:14 AM

I doubt she did, a lady wouldn't do that but if she did I'll bet she would have won...

the bear would have taken off into the produce section i swear lol

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:35 AM
okydok,my 15 minutes of normalistic conversationalizm is done for now,gotta get back to it.
this will most likely be a rerun of the last visit that i spent on here,and check back to see how things are in the future..

kc its been great chatting those few times with you,and of course always a joy chatting with the lady,,
.ooo in case you havent checked out the emails joyous one i left you a couple of howdy's..at your leisure of course.

stay great

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:52 AM
Sorry Kol I was getting ready to go out... I will check them, I haven't checked my email yet... :wink:

prashant01's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:58 AM
hello princes

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 12/05/10 11:01 AM
Hello Prashant... How are you today?

prashant01's photo
Sun 12/05/10 11:05 AM
fine as usual....how @ u (today) ?

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