Topic: The Smoking Ban is here! (not that I care) | |
Smokers across England have sparked up at work and in the pub for the last time as the ban on smoking in enclosed public places begins.
The new law, which came into effect at 0600 BST on Sunday (today), is intended to cut deaths from second-hand smoke. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland already have similar bans in place. Many venues held farewell events for the final night of smoking on Saturday, while local authorities are preparing to enforce the ban. Doctors estimate second-hand kills more than 600 people a year. The government also hopes it will help smokers to quit, and discourage children from taking up the habit People caught illegally smoking could be fined up to £200 ----- Will it work? |
I don't know if it will work or not. Minnesota's ban goes into effect in October of this year. Can't say I'm looking forward to it. The fine here is $300.00 for anyone caught smoking, I believe, within 90 feet of the building. I just figure we're gonna have some crrr---anky Minnesnotans, me included, or the prescriptions for Chantix will definitely go up, probably both.
excellent legislation. congratulations!
here in PA, they are screwing it up royally. peasant revolt at the polls probability is up. have a nice smoke-free evening out and think of me. also, if you've never seen it - i can recommend the movie "Thank you for smoking" riotous - expecially if you are one who quit |
that's right,
01/01/08 canada will have a smoke free province.ALBERTA is going smoke free for bars,restaraunts,etc.
They have the same law here in Kentucky (where tobacco used to be the main crop). It just forces smokers outside, which then will make people mad and say "oh no they are outside the doors smoking! Save the children!"
Here in Wisconsin we are fighting this whole thing. . .
Just a little tired of the government, telling a bar owner what to do with his private business. These are not public places but "a place open to the public" |
Indiana implemented a smoke free environment about a year ago. I really don't mind, in fact, I welcomed it as I absolutely hate when adults smoke and blow it right into a childs face. My son was a severe asthmatic for the first 10 years of his life, and going to restaurants with him was almost impossible.
One good thing about Indian, is that they have not pushed the issue in those environments where children are not allowed. So those restaurants and bars who do not allow anyone under the age of 21 can still allow smoking. HOWEVER, it did seem like a boost to the insurance companies, for the rates for businesses that allow smoking, took a hike just after the law was passed - now has did it make any difference from before??? |
here in wa its illegal to smoke within 25 feet of the doors or windows of any building.
First they came...
When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out. ============================================================== How do you cook a Frog? I'm not a frog, and I would not like to be cooked - nor would any self-respecting frog want to be cooked either. So assuming that Mr. Frog is suddenly dropped in a kettle of hot water, he would promptly jump out, because he doesn't want to be cooked. Besides, the water is hot. But if Mr. Frog is gently immersed in a kettle of cool comfortable water, it is so enjoyable, and so pleasurable, that he doesn't even notice the very slow flame that is heating his water. He is enjoying the water and pleasures in it until oblivion overtakes him. |
let them take away your liberties
for a false since of protection i do not smoke but i still voted against the ban if they were serious about protecting you the health dept would mandate air purification systems not take away something so many enjoy they want to get you used to losing a liberty here and there that way you wont notice when you are no longer the home of the (so called free) hve you read the patriot act takes away free speech takes away your right to a trial and a lot more wonder how society will handle it when they start enforcing this things (for your false sence of security) just a thought but hey what do i know |
Hey, here's a new one to add to this topic. July 3rd, Indiana now has a no cell phone law while driving.
Got me thinking about this thread and about seatbelts, already a law. What ever happened to the governing bodies being a government? When did we turn over our conscience and agree that 'governments' would be our common sense? If we tell a child something is not good for them or is wrong and in both cases give them the possible consequences they will face, eventually we allow the child to suffer the consequences. Isn't that part of how we gain common sense? Why do we give so much of our 'learned' and 'earned' intellect away to let someone else control? In my county we can place and post all manor of political signs on our lawns and down the main streets, but when a local church distributed signs that said "would Jesus discriminate" people were threatened by the local authorities and the signs had to be removed for fear of fines. Not mine - I called the town hall and asked them if I needed to bring the sign in, carry it through the municipal building asking people if they thought it was an improper sign. When they said that it was biased, I asked if there would be a fine if I hung it on my garage door next to the confederate flag, a white pointed hooded sheet, the American Flag and a picture of Hitler. The official I was talking to, said "post your sign, there really isn't anything we can do". BUT THEY CAN THREATEN TO?????? Common sence - where does it all stop? When do we take back the right to be adults? |
exactly what i am talking about
we should be marching on Washington d c and Columbus Indianapolis Helena Albany and every other state capitol and demand that they return to serving the people not dictating them |
oh yeah
just a thought but hey what do i know |
seems to me that the government is trying to practically make alcohol and tobacco illegal except in your own home without literally making it illegal so that they don't lose out on all the profits that they create for themselves
and how does that make you feel
mr breeze |
Not that this is related - but....
The good ole state of Massachusetts (my former home state) just made it manditory for all residents to have health insurance! Now mind you - they didn't quite explain how - if you could not afford it - you were going to pull this off, so they figured out that you wouldn't recieve a fine for it until the end of the year. So - if you can't afford health insurance, you get fined! How's that for good ole government intelligence. Antone wonder why I now live in New Hampshire. Live free or die is the state motto. |
i wouldn't care if they outlawed either of them outright but i think it's a bunch of bull that they are placing more and more restrictions on where, when and how much and getting rich doing it.
was there anything mentioned on what would happen if they couldn't afford the fine eljay?