Topic: Salvation, Free Will, & behavior - confusion
CowboyGH's photo
Wed 11/03/10 01:11 PM

I have done the first verse for you.I am not going to waste time with the other hundreds.

No, of course you won't, because most of them aren't even quotes of Jesus.

Matthew 1:23
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Matthew isn't even attempting to claim that Jesus said this. I looked up some others too which were basically the same type of narrative writings.

So there, I did one for you. whoa

I'll leave it up to you to correct the rest of your false claims.

Besides, it's actually a false claim to claim that Jesus is 'quoted' in the Bible anyway. Clearly these men could put whatever words they want in the dead Jesus' mouth. They were using him as a dead marionette doll to make a case for their own beliefs and rumors.

So once again, it's not impressive at all.

Jesus isn't even in the Bible actually.

Here is partial listing of Jesus quoting from the Old testament.I could not copy and paste the bible quotes but they are there along with many more.

Does not the Scripture say that the Christ will come from David's family and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?

Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'?"

This is the one about whom it is written: 'I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.'

It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'

You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honour your father and mother.'

Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.'

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up. ... If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me.

Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

He answered, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions."

It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.

You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 'These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.'

"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?"

"It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it a 'den of robbers.'"

Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: 'The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes'? He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed."

It is written: 'And he was numbered with the transgressors; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfilment.'

Well, like I continue to point out. We have no clue what Jesus might have said, assuming he existed at all.

All we have to go by are these hearsay rumors. These scriptures were known to have been written after Jesus had died. The very idea that they could contain verbatim quotes is a ludicrous idea in and of itself.

I see no reason at all to trust the writings of the authors of the New Testament.

This is another BIG RED FLAD

If a truly divine, all-wise being actually visited Earth with the intent of conveying a message to all of mankind, why leave it up to belated hearsay rumors written down after the God leaves?

That, in and of itself, brings much suspicion to the whole thing.

If an all-wise God had a message that he wanted to convey to mankind and he planned on coming to Earth in human form to convey it, then why not just write it down himself?

Leaving it to hearsay gossip would be utterly stupid, IMHO.

Therefore the very idea that these rumors are anything more than gossip is really an idea that no one should even bother to entertain.

Add to this, the absurdities of a God in the Old Testament that commands people not to kill, and then constantly turns around and has them killing other people left and right all through the stories.

That's an absurd God to begin with.

Add to this, the this God dealt with sin once by supposedly flooding out the whole planet, so now he has a change of heart in how he deals with sinning humans? spock

That's an absurdity.

This God teaches people to kill heathens where a heathen is defined as anyone who disagrees with his "WORD" and his "WORD" is the Old Testament. Then he sends his only begotten son into this same crowd to have his son disagree with his previous teachings?

That's an absurdity.

Now that his son is finally here, he leaves it entirely up to hearsay gossip to get his son's message out to all humanity?

That's an absurdity.

Where do the absurdities end?

How many absurdities do I need to believe in here?

And all for what? spock

So I can have FAITH that I have fallen from grace from my creator and I am being given an opportunity to be "saved" from a fate worse than death.

To me, all of this is so utterly absurd, that even if it were true, I seriously doubt that I would want to have anything to do with this God. He's far too absurd.

Death sounds like the better option to be perfectly blunt about it.

All we have to go by are these hearsay rumors. These scriptures were known to have been written after Jesus had died. The very idea that they could contain verbatim quotes is a ludicrous idea in and of itself

Ok then forget all history and or most science. It's all hearsay rumours by your way of thinking. Heck we might not have ever even been to the moon as they proclaim. Nothing in history is factual unless you are willing to take the evidence that points as such. How do we know the earth is round? How do we know there are other planets? How do we know anything except by accepting hearsay rumours scientist try to proclaim?

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/03/10 01:40 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Wed 11/03/10 01:42 PM
Cowboy wrote:

Ok then forget all history and or most science. It's all hearsay rumours by your way of thinking. Heck we might not have ever even been to the moon as they proclaim. Nothing in history is factual unless you are willing to take the evidence that points as such. How do we know the earth is round? How do we know there are other planets? How do we know anything except by accepting hearsay rumours scientist try to proclaim?

You can't even begin to compare scientific knowledge with the hearsay gossip of the Bible. There's no comparison at all.

With science you can actually do most of the experiments yourself. You're typing on a product of science, etc. Scientific knowledge is proven fact. You don't need to rely on the hearsay gossip of anyone.

Just because you might view science as "Something you read in books" doesn't mean that other people don't actually go into the lab and DO their HOMEWORK.

Also, I DO question a lot of history. I never take history as the "gospel truth". History is often told by the victors and they simply tell their side of the story only.

Finally, if we accept your approach to supporting the Bible simply because someone wrote it, then we'd also need to give all the Eastern religions the very SAME merit, as well as all of the Abrahamic religions. You'd have to give Islam and Judaism and Catholicism all precisely the same merit and equal-footing.

You'd have to believe in Wicca. You'd have to believe in Faery lore. You'd have to believe in Wanka Tanka. You'd have to believe in Voodoo, and everything.

Your comparison of the biblical rumors with science only displays your totally lack of understanding of what science is.

To even compare it with a lot of history would be wrong, especially recent history where evidence for the actual events still remains.

There can be NO EVIDENCE for any virgin birth, or rising of a dead man. At best you might be able to find evidence that some guy was crucified for blaspheme. Their might be an official record of that somewhere in history.

The authors of the Bible were not historians and their work was not the work of historians in general. On the contrary it's pretty clear that they had an agenda to spread a particular rumor.

I mean, do you believe everything your read in the National Inquirer as though its on the same footing with science and history too? huh

no photo
Wed 11/03/10 02:45 PM

The gospels clearly have Jesus making this statement as a THREAT, and now you're trying to make it appear that it wouldn't be all that bad after all. whoa

If you believe what Jesus said is true, then it's a warning and not a threat. If you be don't believe what Jesus said is true, then it's fantasy.

no photo
Wed 11/03/10 03:02 PM

In other words, I've already read the stories of Jesus, as well as the stories of the Old Testament, which IMHO, must be understood and believed before anyone can take anything in the New Testament seriously. After all, Jesus is supposed to be the demigod of the God of Abraham, so to accept Jesus without first believing in the God of Abraham would be a false acceptance. A person can't truly understand who they are supposedly accepting, and why.

See, right there. That tells me that you 1) Haven't read the gospels or 2) Are trying to be offensive. Per the Gospels and Jesus himself, he is the only God we have ever known. We only know of God the father through His interactions with Jesus. Jesus isn't a demigod, Jesus is God.

The only righteous thing that Jesus could possibly do on any judgment day is apologize to me for allow "His Word" to be written into a book that contains countless legitimate reasons to not believe it.

I don't see how "Yes officer, I saw the speed limit sign, but I didn't believe it" is a good defense. The Bible says repeatedly that you must have faith. What would your defense be when Jesus said something like this: "You expect me to believe that you would have accepted me as the creator of the universe, but you couldn't believe in a global flood? You would have believed that I created a billion galaxies with a billion stars each, life and the very laws of physics, but you couldn't believe that I could flood a tiny marble of a planet?"

I'm sorry, but when you are told that faith is required for salvation and you reject Christianity because you can't believe certain events in the Bible really happened, it takes the bottom out of your case. You were already told that faith would be required, so finding something unbelievable wouldn't be a defense.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 11/03/10 03:16 PM

In other words, I've already read the stories of Jesus, as well as the stories of the Old Testament, which IMHO, must be understood and believed before anyone can take anything in the New Testament seriously. After all, Jesus is supposed to be the demigod of the God of Abraham, so to accept Jesus without first believing in the God of Abraham would be a false acceptance. A person can't truly understand who they are supposedly accepting, and why.

See, right there. That tells me that you 1) Haven't read the gospels or 2) Are trying to be offensive. Per the Gospels and Jesus himself, he is the only God we have ever known. We only know of God the father through His interactions with Jesus. Jesus isn't a demigod, Jesus is God.

The only righteous thing that Jesus could possibly do on any judgment day is apologize to me for allow "His Word" to be written into a book that contains countless legitimate reasons to not believe it.

I don't see how "Yes officer, I saw the speed limit sign, but I didn't believe it" is a good defense. The Bible says repeatedly that you must have faith. What would your defense be when Jesus said something like this: "You expect me to believe that you would have accepted me as the creator of the universe, but you couldn't believe in a global flood? You would have believed that I created a billion galaxies with a billion stars each, life and the very laws of physics, but you couldn't believe that I could flood a tiny marble of a planet?"

I'm sorry, but when you are told that faith is required for salvation and you reject Christianity because you can't believe certain events in the Bible really happened, it takes the bottom out of your case. You were already told that faith would be required, so finding something unbelievable wouldn't be a defense.
ok then why did god feel the need to create a universe?huh

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/03/10 03:38 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Wed 11/03/10 03:39 PM

See, right there. That tells me that you 1) Haven't read the gospels or 2) Are trying to be offensive. Per the Gospels and Jesus himself, he is the only God we have ever known. We only know of God the father through His interactions with Jesus. Jesus isn't a demigod, Jesus is God.

These fables clearly have Jesus being born of a human woman and conceived by God. That makes Jesus a demigod. It's not meant to be offensive. It's simply a FACT of this particular mythology.

I don't see how "Yes officer, I saw the speed limit sign, but I didn't believe it" is a good defense. The Bible says repeatedly that you must have faith. What would your defense be when Jesus said something like this: "You expect me to believe that you would have accepted me as the creator of the universe, but you couldn't believe in a global flood? You would have believed that I created a billion galaxies with a billion stars each, life and the very laws of physics, but you couldn't believe that I could flood a tiny marble of a planet?"

This is utterly absurd.

It's not that I don't believe an all-powerful God "could" flood a measly old planet. The FACT is that the geological scientific evidence shows otherwise. No such global flood to that extent could have happened on Planet Earth during the span of human existence without leaving a very profound mark. In fact, the evidence is completely to the contrary. It would be impossible for evidence that does exist, to exist, if such a flood had actually occurred.

Moreover, it's not just the physics of the flood that's at question here. There are two truly profound problems with this story.

First, it doesn't fit in with a God who supposedly has a PLAN. Was his PLAN to drown out sinners? Or was his PLAN to sacrifice himself to pay for the sins of man. It makes no sense to have a God who "experiments" with different approaches to dealing with sinners.

Secondly, you yourself just made the second point. Could an all-powerful God flood a planet? Of course he could. However the FACT remains that he could have dealt with the problem in a myriad of other ways too. Far WISER ways.

Why bother flooding a planet when he could simply make all those sinners just disappear? Or turn them into pillars of salt, like he did to Lot's wife. Or give them fatal heart attacks. Heck they were supposedly having sex like crazy anyway, giving them heart attacks would have been easy. laugh

Instead of having Noah waste his time building an ark, he could have had Noah building nurseries to raise the young children and babies, and then just did away with all the sinning adults.

Or, if he wanted to get rid of that genetic line altogether why not just make them all sterile. God supposedly has infinite patience. Within a single generation they'd all be dead naturally and there wouldn't have been any young children or babies to drown.

The point being Spider, that the FLOOD myth is simply stupid.

So I would have to respond to Jesus by saying, "Why do you expect me to believe that your stupid?" Of course, if he really did the flood as the Bible says then Jesus really is stupid so it would be a moot question.

I'm sorry, but when you are told that faith is required for salvation and you reject Christianity because you can't believe certain events in the Bible really happened, it takes the bottom out of your case. You were already told that faith would be required, so finding something unbelievable wouldn't be a defense.

You don't need to be sorry. The very fact that the authors of the bible demand that we must have FAITH that they speak for God is precisely the best reason to reject them.

All they are basically doing is saying, "Hey look we know that we didn't do very good making up these stories, so we're going to have to ask that you DON'T question them and just simply have FAITH".

I mean, come on, that's all the more reason to reject it as utterly absurd.

If it were from a genuinely intelligent God that God wouldn't need to ASK you to have FAITH, he would simply CONVINCE you of it.

This is the same thing with Jesus. If Jesus truly was God (which I don't believe for one second that he was), then all he would have had to do is write the greatest work of literature ever written, penned in his own hand, that everyone who reads it would just stand in awe at his absolute and complete wisdom.

After all, we're talking about the creator of the universe here, so this would have been a trivial task at best.

But, no, that's not what we have here at all. In fact, Jesus didn't even bother to write down a single solitary jot. Everything we have about Jesus is total gossip hearsay and it's FAR from special or impressive. In fact, it's so unimpressive that the Jews themselves didn't even buy into it.

There isn't a single bit of wisdom that Jesus taught that can't be found in either common sense, or the teachings of Buddha.

In fact it's so mundane, and ambiguous, and filled with such blatant contradictions, that even the Christian can't agree on what it says precisely. The Catholics believe one thing, and the Protestant believe another, and they can't even agree with each other.

This religion is so scatterbrain that no one could be blamed for not believing it.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/03/10 03:51 PM
Spider wrote:

I am responsible to Jesus, not man. I don't have to be right in this life, so long as Jesus thinks I did right. I'm just encouraging Di and you and anyone else reading this to open the Bible and read about Jesus with an open mind and heart. Make up your own mind of if Jesus is real and if so what he expects of you. Maybe you'll agree with me, probably you won't.

Spider, a moment ago you posted the above. Simply stating that you would like people to read about Jesus and make up their own mind.

However, when people do that, you then respond with the following:

Spider wrote:

See, right there. That tells me that you 1) Haven't read the gospels or 2) Are trying to be offensive. Per the Gospels and Jesus himself, he is the only God we have ever known. We only know of God the father through His interactions with Jesus. Jesus isn't a demigod, Jesus is God.

In other words, if I refuse to arrive at the conclusions that you would LIKE, you accuse me of "Not having read the gospels"

That's bull.

I just don't naively believe these authors on blind faith like you apparently do.

I question them. Apparently you have accepted the authors directives to simply believe them on FAITH alone whether they make any sense or not.

Well, sheesh! If that's your mindset then of course you'll believe anything they say whether it makes any sense or not.

no photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:06 PM

The gospels clearly have Jesus making this statement as a THREAT, and now you're trying to make it appear that it wouldn't be all that bad after all. whoa

If you believe what Jesus said is true, then it's a warning and not a threat. If you be don't believe what Jesus said is true, then it's fantasy.

to believe that someone that you never met that been dead for over 2000 years loves you because you read it in a book is the fantasy

KerryO's photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:20 PM

I don't see how "Yes officer, I saw the speed limit sign, but I didn't believe it" is a good defense.

No defense it needed if the 'officer' claims he is Barney Fife and he threatens to take you to the Mayberry jail and throw you in a cell with a drunk named Otis. All you have to do is change the channel.

The Bible says repeatedly that you must have faith. What would your defense be when Jesus said something like this: "You expect me to believe that you would have accepted me as the creator of the universe, but you couldn't believe in a global flood? You would have believed that I created a billion galaxies with a billion stars each, life and the very laws of physics, but you couldn't believe that I could flood a tiny marble of a planet?"

I'm sorry, but when you are told that faith is required for salvation and you reject Christianity because you can't believe certain events in the Bible really happened, it takes the bottom out of your case. You were already told that faith would be required, so finding something unbelievable wouldn't be a defense.

Your whole argument fails on the logical fallacy of petitio principii-- the Latin term for the assumption that the very issue under discussion must be true by incorporating the conclusion of the argument into the premise that 'proves it'. It's a form of circular reasoning used constantly to 'prove' things in the Bible.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:41 PM

I don't see how "Yes officer, I saw the speed limit sign, but I didn't believe it" is a good defense.

No defense it needed if the 'officer' claims he is Barney Fife and he threatens to take you to the Mayberry jail and throw you in a cell with a drunk named Otis. All you have to do is change the channel.

The Bible says repeatedly that you must have faith. What would your defense be when Jesus said something like this: "You expect me to believe that you would have accepted me as the creator of the universe, but you couldn't believe in a global flood? You would have believed that I created a billion galaxies with a billion stars each, life and the very laws of physics, but you couldn't believe that I could flood a tiny marble of a planet?"

I'm sorry, but when you are told that faith is required for salvation and you reject Christianity because you can't believe certain events in the Bible really happened, it takes the bottom out of your case. You were already told that faith would be required, so finding something unbelievable wouldn't be a defense.

Your whole argument fails on the logical fallacy of petitio principii-- the Latin term for the assumption that the very issue under discussion must be true by incorporating the conclusion of the argument into the premise that 'proves it'. It's a form of circular reasoning used constantly to 'prove' things in the Bible.

-Kerry O.


You seem to be a bit behind. See, Abra was explaining how IF CHRISTIANITY WERE TRUE, he wouldn't have to worry about eternal damnation. I was pointing out the flaw in his logic. So I never made any assumptions, I look his and showed the flaws in his logic.

no photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:43 PM

Spider wrote:

I am responsible to Jesus, not man. I don't have to be right in this life, so long as Jesus thinks I did right. I'm just encouraging Di and you and anyone else reading this to open the Bible and read about Jesus with an open mind and heart. Make up your own mind of if Jesus is real and if so what he expects of you. Maybe you'll agree with me, probably you won't.

Spider, a moment ago you posted the above. Simply stating that you would like people to read about Jesus and make up their own mind.

However, when people do that, you then respond with the following:

Spider wrote:

See, right there. That tells me that you 1) Haven't read the gospels or 2) Are trying to be offensive. Per the Gospels and Jesus himself, he is the only God we have ever known. We only know of God the father through His interactions with Jesus. Jesus isn't a demigod, Jesus is God.

In other words, if I refuse to arrive at the conclusions that you would LIKE, you accuse me of "Not having read the gospels"

That's bull.

I just don't naively believe these authors on blind faith like you apparently do.

I question them. Apparently you have accepted the authors directives to simply believe them on FAITH alone whether they make any sense or not.

Well, sheesh! If that's your mindset then of course you'll believe anything they say whether it makes any sense or not.

There are certain things that aren't completely clear. The deity of Jesus is not one of those things. It's what has been called "mere Christianity". One of the things that the vast majority, if not all Christians agree upon.

no photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:44 PM

ok then why did god feel the need to create a universe?huh

I don't know, but I have faith that God had a good reason.

no photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:47 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 11/03/10 05:02 PM

These fables clearly have Jesus being born of a human woman and conceived by God. That makes Jesus a demigod. It's not meant to be offensive. It's simply a FACT of this particular mythology.

God is in three persons. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit created Jesus, as a human, within Mary's womb. Jesus existed before the universe was created and it was Jesus who created the universe. That's made very clear in the New Testament. In Genesis, when God spoke of "we" and "us", that was Jesus talking to the God the father.

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:58 PM

See, right there. That tells me that you 1) Haven't read the gospels or 2) Are trying to be offensive. Per the Gospels and Jesus himself, he is the only God we have ever known. We only know of God the father through His interactions with Jesus. Jesus isn't a demigod, Jesus is God.

These fables clearly have Jesus being born of a human woman and conceived by God. That makes Jesus a demigod. It's not meant to be offensive. It's simply a FACT of this particular mythology.

I don't see how "Yes officer, I saw the speed limit sign, but I didn't believe it" is a good defense. The Bible says repeatedly that you must have faith. What would your defense be when Jesus said something like this: "You expect me to believe that you would have accepted me as the creator of the universe, but you couldn't believe in a global flood? You would have believed that I created a billion galaxies with a billion stars each, life and the very laws of physics, but you couldn't believe that I could flood a tiny marble of a planet?"

This is utterly absurd.

It's not that I don't believe an all-powerful God "could" flood a measly old planet. The FACT is that the geological scientific evidence shows otherwise. No such global flood to that extent could have happened on Planet Earth during the span of human existence without leaving a very profound mark. In fact, the evidence is completely to the contrary. It would be impossible for evidence that does exist, to exist, if such a flood had actually occurred.

Moreover, it's not just the physics of the flood that's at question here. There are two truly profound problems with this story.

First, it doesn't fit in with a God who supposedly has a PLAN. Was his PLAN to drown out sinners? Or was his PLAN to sacrifice himself to pay for the sins of man. It makes no sense to have a God who "experiments" with different approaches to dealing with sinners.

Secondly, you yourself just made the second point. Could an all-powerful God flood a planet? Of course he could. However the FACT remains that he could have dealt with the problem in a myriad of other ways too. Far WISER ways.

Why bother flooding a planet when he could simply make all those sinners just disappear? Or turn them into pillars of salt, like he did to Lot's wife. Or give them fatal heart attacks. Heck they were supposedly having sex like crazy anyway, giving them heart attacks would have been easy. laugh

Instead of having Noah waste his time building an ark, he could have had Noah building nurseries to raise the young children and babies, and then just did away with all the sinning adults.

Or, if he wanted to get rid of that genetic line altogether why not just make them all sterile. God supposedly has infinite patience. Within a single generation they'd all be dead naturally and there wouldn't have been any young children or babies to drown.

The point being Spider, that the FLOOD myth is simply stupid.

So I would have to respond to Jesus by saying, "Why do you expect me to believe that your stupid?" Of course, if he really did the flood as the Bible says then Jesus really is stupid so it would be a moot question.

I'm sorry, but when you are told that faith is required for salvation and you reject Christianity because you can't believe certain events in the Bible really happened, it takes the bottom out of your case. You were already told that faith would be required, so finding something unbelievable wouldn't be a defense.

You don't need to be sorry. The very fact that the authors of the bible demand that we must have FAITH that they speak for God is precisely the best reason to reject them.

All they are basically doing is saying, "Hey look we know that we didn't do very good making up these stories, so we're going to have to ask that you DON'T question them and just simply have FAITH".

I mean, come on, that's all the more reason to reject it as utterly absurd.

If it were from a genuinely intelligent God that God wouldn't need to ASK you to have FAITH, he would simply CONVINCE you of it.

This is the same thing with Jesus. If Jesus truly was God (which I don't believe for one second that he was), then all he would have had to do is write the greatest work of literature ever written, penned in his own hand, that everyone who reads it would just stand in awe at his absolute and complete wisdom.

After all, we're talking about the creator of the universe here, so this would have been a trivial task at best.

But, no, that's not what we have here at all. In fact, Jesus didn't even bother to write down a single solitary jot. Everything we have about Jesus is total gossip hearsay and it's FAR from special or impressive. In fact, it's so unimpressive that the Jews themselves didn't even buy into it.

There isn't a single bit of wisdom that Jesus taught that can't be found in either common sense, or the teachings of Buddha.

In fact it's so mundane, and ambiguous, and filled with such blatant contradictions, that even the Christian can't agree on what it says precisely. The Catholics believe one thing, and the Protestant believe another, and they can't even agree with each other.

This religion is so scatterbrain that no one could be blamed for not believing it.

I really don't see the point debating with you since you call everything we post wrong,fables,and lies.

Yet when it comes to your side of the issue you post some other bible verse and say "see my side is correct because of what God said".

This is debating at it's very worst.Trying to debate with someone who denies everything as false yet takes the same words later and says it has to be true.

There really is no point debating you anymore.You are only going to hear what you want to hear and pass everything else off as irrelevant.

ja1379's photo
Wed 11/03/10 05:32 PM
Edited by ja1379 on Wed 11/03/10 05:37 PM

I have to admit, like others, I’m confused about some Christian views pertaining to free will and how this relates to concepts of salvation.

Many Christians use the term ‘free will’ as a God-given birthright that allows us to analyze situations in our life and ‘freely’ determine the course of our own actions.

According to one Christian view, free-will was given us because it was necessary that humans freely choose to believe in God and Jesus.

That Christian view of free-will seems to hold the belief that individuals can always choose their own course of action, regardless of doctrinal beliefs including ‘divine command’ and moral mandates.

This free-will idea seems necessary in order to prove that their beliefs were of their own choosing and not influenced by the ideologies of others.

Now we introduce the concept of salvation which is a common component in Christian views of Jesus as ‘Christ’ (savior).

Some beliefs associated with Jesus as savior can be best shown through the quotes of one poster from another thread.

we are not saved by our ACTIONS. only by grace through faith.

there is no deed or series of deeds, only belief/obedience and unbelief/disobedience

The reward of being saved is eternal life without worry, strife, sickness, or any other conflicts.
The way to gain this reward is through faith – ‘choosing’ to believe in God and that salvation only comes through faith in Jesus as the savior

The first element of confusion between free will and the road to salvation has to do with ‘thought, word, & deed’. The individual must FIRST DO SOMETHING before Jesus or God would even consider that individual a possible candidate for eternal salvation.

That something is a free-will choice; to believe in the Christian concepts of God & Jesus as savior.

Now we have to form some connections at this point. If God created humans with the highest order of brain function, AND granted free will to ‘act’ out of choice, then we might assume that our actions should be guided by intellect & logic followed by rational conclusions.

So it seems to me that information is a necessary part of making free-will choices. I don’t find this to be true of Christians who seek to persuade others that their beliefs are the RIGHT choice. In fact the only choice offered, by some Christians, is limited to two things; believe as I do and live eternally or --- suffer some kind of severe consequence.

That action seems to equate to purposely limiting the ‘free-will’ choice of others, especially when there are so many options to choose from. If free will is so important to this decision, I would think that the proper Christian view would be to offer as much information about all options as possible to those who don’t know what other choices are available. In this way, the choice would truly be a free will decision.

The second element of confusion pertains to the idea that thought, word, and deed have nothing to do with salvation which is achieved merely through faith alone.

If this were the case there would be absolutely no need for divine commands, or doctrine that directs behavior toward specific morality. Also in question is the idea that the holy spirit only aids those who believe first, because only those who believe would recognize its influence on behavior. So the FIRST deed is to make some effort to gain information about the available choices for a religious belief system. The second deed is pay attention to the Holy Spirit for guidance. But guidance for what? You already believe at that point.

That leaves only one option available for people to choose belief in God & Jesus - through the testimony of other humans.

Testimony in this case is conflicting and even the bible is silent when it comes to applying moral lessons to current day situations, so all doctrine must be considered suspect of being tainted (in the least) by human influence or at worst being totally contrived. Again, information about all those choices is withheld by those attempting to persuade others to a particular doctrine.

Finally the ideas of “free-will”, combined with “thought, word & deed” seem to conflict with “salvation”.

One of the greatest questions to puzzle Christians has been “What about the salvation of unbelievers?”
The bible is unclear when it comes to this question except to fundamentalists. Fundamentalists believe that every verse in the bible is whole, complete, true, and without error. They have chosen very specific phrases from the bible and determined that NO HUMAN (in human history) is saved without belief. And that only faith is required for salvation.

Surely, throughout human history there have been non-Christians who have attained the moral equivalency of Gods’ standards without holding a belief in the God of Abraham or in Jesus – because not even the torah is old enough for humans to have included some kind of believe in a Christ as a savior.

Again there is conflict in the assumption that salvation is “through faith alone.” Then what is the purpose of the bible and all its stories directed toward actions of thought, word, and deed? What is the purpose of divine command, or any religious doctrine?

It seems to me that the only purpose of Christians to align with any particular doctrine, is to point a finger to themselves as the only true faithful clan of humans worthy of salvation. As if their God would somehow not know who was worthy.

Perhaps it would be better if people did not feel a need to conform to any particular doctrine. In fact it would seem a wiser choice to make simple proclamations of faith and allow ones’ self the opportunity to pursue information through their life-time of experiences. In this way people are more flexible to change, more tolerant of others, and able to determine their own code of ethics.

We have a brain, we have free will, and we have unknown experiences through which to gain undiscovered knowledge. If we commit to extreme beliefs with rigid and illogical doctrinal directives, we create a self-imposed limitation on our own free will in addition to the limitations we accept in order to form civil societies with respect to human rights.

Other views or Christian clarification of the views presented?

wow you have alot of questions and confusion. i first want to say that that the doctrine of Jesus is not forced on anyone(or at least shouldnt be). free will is simply choice. you cannot say that people are given one option when there are hundreds of religions out there. the vast majority of educated people are aware of many froms of doctrine and they have a choice(free will)to believe or not to believe any of them. though there be many, there is only one true faith and one Lord. you are mistaken to an extent with my post that says that we are not saved by deeds. this is true, it is by grace that we are saved and every single human being on this earth is a candidate for salvation, you dont have to do anything. Christ died for all, not some. it is those who choose to believe in the sacrafice that God gave for our sin that accept the salvation of God. you said that you are confused about chrisians trying to persuade others to adopt there beliefs which take away free will. you couldnt be more wrong. if i told you that a volcano was about to erupt and that you should follow me because i knew the only route to take to avoid the lava, would you be mad at me for warning you and showing you the way? that is all im am doing here. noone is forced or pressured into believing. you said that info in the bible is being withheld to try to persuade you. who is doing this and what info is being withheld. i would like to know because i take the word of God very seriously when He says not to add anything or take anything away from His word. if you dont understand the bible, how can you say that something is being withheld. to answer you question about divine command and why God would give it if faith was all that is required. God gives us instructions on how to live and avoid harmful situations. just as a parent who loves their children, He instructs us on proper behavior. this is why the world is the way it is now, people choose to reject God and we pay the price for that rejection in the chaos that you see all around us. God tells us not to fornicate, we disobey. what happens from that disobedience is abortions, children having children, divorce, std's, etc. this is just one example, there are hundreds more. Jesus commands those who are saved and know the truth to share it, and that is exactly what i am going to do until the day i die. it amazes me how many people get angry when you share Jesus with others. if i was offering a sure way to make a million dollars would you get upset? salvation is priceless, no amout of money can but it and it is only in Jesus. THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

ja1379's photo
Wed 11/03/10 05:44 PM

I think a better title for this post would be "differences between being spiritual and being Christian.

Christianity isn't as black and white and absolute as you often claim.There are many forms of Christianity with different ways of worshiping.Catholics have a entirely different way of worshiping then do the Mormons.According to the World Christian Encyclopedia (year 2000 version), global Christianity had 33,820 denominations with 3,445,000 congregations.

So if you are looking for a specific way to look at Christianity you have 33,820 different view points on how to worship God and Jesus and what kind of life to live.Of course all these viewpoints all Holy bible based with Jesus Christ as their savior.

Good deeds does not get a person anything in this life or the next no matter what you are doing.Good deeds are good for the community and your neighbors like you but God does not reward a non believer the same as he does one of his believers.Even so called Christians who claim they are a Christians yet do everything the bible tells them not to do are in danger or serious judgment from God and will be punished in many cases worse than a non believer since Christians know they are disobeying Gods word.

Matthew 7:21-23

21 Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?"
23 And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness."

I think it is also important to remember for Christians your actions will get you punishment and rewards through your actions.I firmly believe those who live by the bible and follow God's words have a much easier and longer life in general than those who do not.

As far as what happens to the non believers despite how good they are.The bible is pretty clear that non believers will be cast into Hell when they die.People often think this idea is flawed and many believe they are going to heaven anyways but this is a lie and there is only one way out of Hell and that is through the belief in Jesus Christ.

When people have problems with this logic.I tell them,"what if all the Christians were wrong and Islam was the true religion.If you died and went to their heaven would you say you deserved the same eternal life and rewards as Muslims even though you haven't done anything at all including reading a single page from their bible"?Seems pretty stupid doesn't it?It's the same logic with Christianity.Why should a Athiest get the same rewards as a Christian who has spent his or her whole going to church,following the bible,and doing what God has commanded?

Christians will be held accountable for their actions,lies,blasphemies,and many other things when they are judged before God.

1 Corinthians 3 says it best...

10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.

16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.

18 Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness”[a]; 20 and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.” 21 So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours, 22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas[c] or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, 23 and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.

Matthew 16:26-27
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works."

Revelation 22:11-12
"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."

uke 21:1-4
"And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.

And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.

And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:

For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had."

amen, very well said man.

ja1379's photo
Wed 11/03/10 05:55 PM
Edited by ja1379 on Wed 11/03/10 05:56 PM
free will is a very simple concept. why is it so hard for some people to understand it. ex: if you are sick with a fatal disease and are offered a variety of medicine to take, and all but ONE of those medications are a placebo, you have the choice to choose any of them but only ONE will cure you. this is the same with religion. do you get it now.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/03/10 06:29 PM

I really don't see the point debating with you since you call everything we post wrong,fables,and lies.

Yet when it comes to your side of the issue you post some other bible verse and say "see my side is correct because of what God said".

This is debating at it's very worst.Trying to debate with someone who denies everything as false yet takes the same words later and says it has to be true.

There really is no point debating you anymore.You are only going to hear what you want to hear and pass everything else off as irrelevant.

Well, now you see precisely why it's utterly useless to debate with a Christian.

A Christian simply says, "Let's take a look at what the BIBLE SAYS".

That's their biggest wet dream.

Reduce the debate solely to what the Bible says. Well sheesh, if we do that, then we'd have to accept everything the Bible says. whoa

There's no question that the authors of the Bible were attempting to make a case that Jesus as the Son of God and that he came to 'save' the world. And that's it's important to believe in him and so on and so forth.

I don't think any sane person would argue against that.

The only thing worthy of "debate" is whether or not these claims are worthy of belief.

And so the real questions boil down to things like:

1. Do the stories of the Old Testament God have anymore merit than fables of Zeus-like Gods?

2. Does it make sense that Jesus would be son of this God?

3. If Jesus was the son of this God does it make any sense that this God would allow his son to be crucified?

4. Does it make any sense that, if Jesus was God, he would have left his all-important message to humanity to be tainted by belated hearsay gossip rather than just writing it down himself in his own words?

5. Are there other possible rational explanations for who Jesus might have been, or what his true message and purpose might have been?

These are all valid questions that SHOULD BE ASKED before people just blindly accept these rumors as the "Word of God"

And personally, when I ask these questions I am inclined to believe answers that do not support that the Bible is the "Word of God" nor that Jesus was the Son of God, and especially not the the 'sacrificial lamb' of God.

Moreover, what I get thoroughly tired of is the constant JUDGING of Christians who teach people that anyone who refuses to believe in the Bible is turning against "God"

This is the biggest bull crap on Earth.

I mean, if a person wants to believe in these scriptures for themselves, that's one thing. But to use them as an excuse to badger other people by accusing them of "turning against God" simply because another person does not see where these stories are worthy of belief. Well, as far as I'm concerned that's totally uncalled for.

If Christians want respect for believing in these stories, then they need to give other people the same respect for not believing in them and quit accusing people of "turning away from God" just because they don't believe these utterly preposterous stories.

Surely even the Christians must CONFESS that these stories are utterly preposterous. It takes a humongous amount of "Faith" to believe in such things. And even that assumes that a person WANTS to believe.

We even hear Christians and even Clergy speak of their own difficulties in "keeping the faith". So even Christians confess that these stories are not easy to believe and they WANT to believe them for some strange reason. I guess they just can't imagine a God without a mythology to go with it, so their only option after dismissing the biblical stories would be to become atheists and most Christians can't even begin to consider that possible scenario.

I willing confess that I have absolutely no desire to even want to believe these stories. I'll confess that right up front. IMHO, these stories are horrible. They demand that we are all unworthy of our creator, we've knowingly and willfully turned against our creator, and our only way to salvation is to accept that our creator had to undergo some horrible crucifixion just to make it possible for us to be "forgiven" for our "very poor behavior".

Whilst I can see that this would certainly be a fitting scenario for a lot of people, I can also see that it makes absolutely no sense at all for many others. And I certainly feel that it makes no sense for me either.

So I see no reason to bend over backwards trying to pretend that it makes any sense to me.

Plus, I've even TRIED to pacify the Christians themselves. But I've found that to be impossible.

I've pointed out the fact that these scriptures have Jesus himself saying that he came for the sick and not for the righteous, therefore I would grant them that perhaps these stories do indeed apply to them, but they simply don't apply to me.

They flatly refuse to accept that.

They I point out that these scriptures have Jesus himself stating that he will not judge those who do not believe in words. Yet they Christian bulk at that too, and just throw other verses back at me that contradict that claim.

Then when I try to show them that the whole Bible is one huge contradiction from beginning to end, they start screaming that it's the infallible word of God!

It's just absurd. No matter what you do with a Christian you can never win their respect unless you agree to their judgmental religious bigotry.

You not only need to accept Jesus as your savior, but you need to also accept the Christian as the ultimate authority on Biblical interpretations. laugh

It's just a lose-lose situation.

If all the Christians would do is simply say, "To not believe in the Bible is perfectly understandable and reasonable, and I can see what you mean when you say that it cannot be taken as rejection of God"

To accuse people who do not believe in the Bible and instead seek out other spiritual paths as "Turning against God" is nothing short of ignorant religious bigotry.

It's just plain unhealthy.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/03/10 06:48 PM

free will is a very simple concept. why is it so hard for some people to understand it. ex: if you are sick with a fatal disease and are offered a variety of medicine to take, and all but ONE of those medications are a placebo, you have the choice to choose any of them but only ONE will cure you. this is the same with religion. do you get it now.

I don't think it's a matter of people "getting it". I'm sure everyone totally gets the absolute and utter religious bigotry of Christianity.

That's not the point.

The point is would the creator of this universe choose to be a religious bigot?

I personally don't believe that any all-wise creator would be so foolish. Especially in light of the fact that he would be asking people to believe hearsay gossip from an extremely conflicting and questionable source.

The idea that an all-wise God would set up a system of 'salvation' that is based on an extremely confused and fragmented doctrine. The Abrahamic doctrines are anything but clear. They are totally ambiguous and unclear.

This is why so many religions have sprung into being from this single mythology. We have Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, and a whole lot of very diverse forms of Protestantism. And even in all these different sects we have even further denominations and beliefs.

So when you say ONE CURE, which one?

Sure, you're going to point to Christianity because that's the pill you decided to swallow. But maybe you're the one taking the placebo!

Who knows?

Personally I can't imagine an all-wise creator bothering with creating religious bigotry in the first place. Eastern Mysticism sounds far more WISE to me.

I mean, if I'm going honor God by choosing the WISEST spirituality I can find, it would need to be a form of Eastern Mysticism.

To choose one of the Abrahamic religions with their jealous male-chauvinistic Godhead who plays favorites seems to me like that would be an insult to God.

Why would I want to insult God by picking one of the of the most bigoted religions on Earth as my choice of what I think God might be like?

That makes no sense to me. drinker

I mean, I'm just asking.

Eastern Mysticism is absolutely beautiful. And Wicca is even more beautiful.

Surely God is beautiful, not ugly. flowerforyou

So why not choose the most beautiful spirituality?

That seems to me like the best way to honor God.

How could God complain about a child who brings him the most beautiful picture the child can find and asks, "Daddy, is that you?"

What better praise can a child possible give a parent?

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/03/10 06:52 PM

Surely God is beautiful, not ugly. flowerforyou

So why not choose the most beautiful spirituality?

That seems to me like the best way to honor God.

How could God complain about a child who brings him the most beautiful picture the child can find and asks, "Daddy, is that you?"

What better praise can a child possible give a parent?

I mean what's God going to do in this case?

Yell at the child for believing that God is nice, and then cast the child into eternal damnation just because the child thought God was nice.

What sense does that even make? spock