Topic: Salvation, Free Will, & behavior - confusion | |
peter pan...
everyone is crazy? there is no true reality? sorry, but if such was purchased by self, by believing it, than it bought into unsanity. there is a sane. there is the opposite of crazy. there is true reality. if one does not itself know what it is, than itself knows not true reality, most by deeming that no other's know what true reality be. it seems such might cause a problem within society if such is believed or endorsed as good, lol... and btw, there are no "attacks" to me... lol... you or anyone else can speak any words! there are none i deem "off limits"... however, there are those that speak many, and send many words, that deem many off limits for themself... lol... perhaps you forget your demands of me to stop posting... lol... that is not equal. to insist other's "stop posting", that oppose or question self words posted, truly shows how much equal is actually practiced, and even recognized, and not just believed about self. each thing that exist, changes each nano second, and so the words that proceed forth from the mouth, that dictate how the human shall change, toward more intelligence or less, toward more sight of true reality, or less sight of reality, sanity or less sanity, is the only creation of words, which were thoughts, but still words... what travels toward less, of course, i shall not lend agreement or validation to such. you of course shall deem mine as less. lol... of course. so a stalemate. until words spoken have created. i shall deem yours as toward less good, down to zero, then unto more. my knowing shall climb into eternity, digesting and spewing heaven and hell in each breath, and replacing it with reality and sanity, and, your belief shall lower anything that believe it into hades, or the place where crazies exist, since crazy is acceptable unto you, and unto the place where there is no sight of true reality, where unsanity reigns in chaos. this indeed shall be. so, kick back and grab a brew, and enjoy the view... as time more quickly creates words into existence each second, as lineal time fades into the night, so shall the hastening of the creation of all words into their rightful existence, so we neither one dear boy, shall have long to wait, to find whom hath built their house upon sand. all sand indeed shall turn to quicksands. dump the curse ye that ate the book, less the curse of self saving as the apple, turn sour and devour oneself. |
peter pan... ***snipped irrelevant fluff*** "So the terms sanity/insanity, good/evil, smart/dumb as well as other terms, are only good for promoting unequality. A tactic which is common in these threads to dismiss other's views as being inferior. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() have fun in your delusions.... |
but wait...
i thought sanity was an illusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so there can be no delusiuon, since even sanity is an illusion. hum... oh, cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool... i git it. hippie yai yae mother fuccker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hot diggity damn... yo semity sam... no ity san. party dude. god say's "worry not, fret not, bible not, church not, bigot not, riot not"... and whew... thank god no delusion's. |
but wait... i thought sanity was an illusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so there can be no delusiuon, since even sanity is an illusion. hum... oh, cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool... i git it. hippie yai yae mother fuccker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hot diggity damn... yo semity sam... no ity san. party dude. god say's "worry not, fret not, bible not, church not, bigot not, riot not"... and whew... thank god no delusion's. See that? Much better... Not a single derogatory remark... Party on dude! |
don't you know there are not supposed to be any derogatory words to a "christian"... of course, love thy enemy as thyself, lol... if one loves it's own speech, and deems it good, then it must as well love all other's speech as good, lol... good god damn thing i ain't no "christian"... hell, i wouldn't be able to defend the none hater from the hater's... just think of it... wouldn't be able to stand against white folk burnin black folk, as that would be hate speech, lol... wouldn't be able to stand against hetro's wantin to hate on GLBT's, lol... wouldn't be able to stand against organized bigotry, that deem's all other belief's as less than itself... and want's all other voices but what agree as silenced, so that ONE BELIEF CAN RULE. oh well... too bad.. guess that's the price those pay that but tried to save their own buttock's from the flames, with hell insurance for themself. funny... seen a real sign outside a real church the other day, asking "have you purchased your hell insurance... lol... what a mind fuccked mentality... yep... this is derogatory about that type mentality for sure... and damn fuccking proud of it. lol... i can hear it now... hitler speaking... "that is derogatroy speech, to speak against the fuhrer like that"... to the the camp with that one gaurds! hail the fuhrer! lol... lol... |
derogatory! don't you know there are not supposed to be any derogatory words to a "christian"... of course, love thy enemy as thyself, lol... if one loves it's own speech, and deems it good, then it must as well love all other's speech as good, lol... good god damn thing i ain't no "christian"... hell, i wouldn't be able to defend the none hater from the hater's... just think of it... wouldn't be able to stand against white folk burnin black folk, as that would be hate speech, lol... wouldn't be able to stand against hetro's wantin to hate on GLBT's, lol... wouldn't be able to stand against organized bigotry, that deem's all other belief's as less than itself... and want's all other voices but what agree as silenced, so that ONE BELIEF CAN RULE. oh well... too bad.. guess that's the price those pay that but tried to save their own buttock's from the flames, with hell insurance for themself. funny... seen a real sign outside a real church the other day, asking "have you purchased your hell insurance... lol... what a mind fuccked mentality... yep... this is derogatory about that type mentality for sure... and damn fuccking proud of it. lol... i can hear it now... hitler speaking... "that is derogatroy speech, to speak against the fuhrer like that"... to the the camp with that one gaurds! hail the fuhrer! lol... lol... LOL!!! Too DAMN predictable. Dance little puppet, DANCE!!! |
is something wrong with "predictable"?
lol... hum... seems to be an attribute of consistency. the same consistent logic, that despises bigotry posed as belief in "god"... yepper's... this puppet gonna dance all over when the glass houses of organized religion" crush themself under the weight of their own bias and hate... i'll make sure to afford you a front row seat to the erasing of the bible and religion puppet dances... since your such a loyal fan. coming to living theater's across the globe!!! get your tickets now!!! those that are their own puppets, shall create the show, for those that are puppets of a "book"... lol... the show itself shall melt the "one belief as supreme" biased brains into marshmellow moon pie's. as the sceptor of the demon and angel reaches forth and pour's unbiased acetone into the biased "one belief" brains. lol... and just think how lucky... you witnessed it here first, on mingle2... wow... the erasing of all bias from planet earth... damn, been waiting 6999 years for that. coooooooooooooooooooooooool daddy oh. xoxoxoxoxoxox |
is something wrong with "predictable"? lol... hum... seems to be an attribute of consistency. the same consistent logic, that despises bigotry posed as belief in "god"... yepper's... this puppet gonna dance all over when the glass houses of organized religion" crush themself under the weight of their own bias and hate... i'll make sure to afford you a front row seat to the erasing of the bible and religion puppet dances... since your such a loyal fan. coming to living theater's across the globe!!! get your tickets now!!! those that are their own puppets, shall create the show, for those that are puppets of a "book"... lol... the show itself shall melt the "one belief as supreme" biased brains into marshmellow moon pie's. as the sceptor of the demon and angel reaches forth and pour's unbiased acetone into the biased "one belief" brains. lol... and just think how lucky... you witnessed it here first, on mingle2... wow... the erasing of all bias from planet earth... damn, been waiting 6999 years for that. coooooooooooooooooooooooool daddy oh. xoxoxoxoxoxox Whatever you say Mr. Marshmallow Man. Think I'll call you Stay-Puff from now on. |
welcome to hell, where moonpie's are the only norishment during everlasting torment... and a brewski beverage break, for any "self declared speaker of god", that converts during torment... lol... peace one earth. says mr marshmellow stay puff dude |
ditto's... welcome to hell, where moonpie's are the only norishment during everlasting torment... and a brewski beverage break, for any "self declared speaker of god", that converts during torment... lol... peace one earth. says mr marshmellow stay puff dude Hey, at least you won't go hungry... |
Edited by
Thu 11/11/10 09:21 AM
and a brewski beverage break, for any "self declared speaker of god", that converts during torment... Not only have they infringed upon God's right to speak for himself, but they have also taken away God's innate right to be the judge. If there is any truth to the saying that we will be judged as we judge others then hell is going to be filled with judges who have placed themselves there through their own karma. By the way, what would a "Self declared speaker of God" need convert to in order to be freed from their self-inflicted eternal torment? A person who finally confesses that they speak only for themselves? Wow, what an insightful revelation! ![]() I must confess David Ben, there seems to be no bounds to your infinite wisdom as it expands forever flowing freely into the void, illuminating the absurdities of those who sit in the darkness of self-worship. |