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Topic: Frustrated By You Frustrating Women........
Ohiostatefan0133's photo
Fri 10/29/10 05:10 PM
The Following was a letter to the editor in our local paper that I very much relate to because It's exactly how I feel, I get so screwed out of relationships because of this crappy friend zone with you women and I'm so sick of it.........

Women should not waste time on losers

This letter is a follow up to my last letter. When I write on issues like this, I am speaking from experience, research and things I hear people say in the barber shops, coffee shops, etc.

Nice guys finish last. When young women (who love bad boys) grow to be 30 to 35 years old, they then decide they want a nice guy. This is true. What you will find in today's world is that the nice guy is stomped on, run over and only seen as a friend by most young women. He's the guy they tell all their problems to. But they will never consider dating this guy. He's too nice. This is why most nice guys turn to the bad boy image, and utterly become the bad boy. It's obvious. The nice guy quickly finds out being too nice will get you put in a woman's friend zone.

Moreover, when young women (most, but not all) say they can't find a good man, they mean a man they are attracted to. Remember that fellows. It doesn't matter if he's a thug, gangster or a complete jerk. He is a good man as long as they are attracted to him. They call this chemistry. But it's not chemistry if he doesn't feel the same way about her as she feels about him. Remember that ladies.

These are some commonly held myths women have about nice guys. First, they think nice guys are weak and can't protect them. Second, they think nice guys are boring and predictable. Nothing can be further from the truth. Good men will fight harder for their women than bad boys. It's a fact. Bad boys beat their women and use them up. It happens all the time. Something is wrong when a man like Ted Bundy (who had raped, tortured and murdered women) was receiving 200 letters a day from women who claimed they loved him. God bless America.

My conclusion is pick a good person to be with. Don't waste your "youth," energy and time on losers.

Kory J


I'm 25 years Old I've only been in three relationships (because one of them lasted 7 years). I've been single now for three years. I'm a good guy. I don't look down on women, I respect them as anyone should be respected, just as I would want to be respected. I'm very old fashioned, Im a hold the door open, pay for dinner kind of guy. I'm down to earth, responsible, mature and at the same time now how to have fun none of which sounds like a bad thing to me. I'm a guy numerous girls have confided in a still do which apparently makies me trustworthy to otherwise they wouldn't. All that being said why the heck can't I get into a lasting stinkin relationship?!?!?! Sorry guys but I'm just frustrated.

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 05:14 PM
I agree

couln't agree more

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 10/29/10 05:21 PM
I used to be a nice guy. Now I am Draconian. I don't buy BS and play games. I am not afraid to dismiss women to their faces either when they cross a certain line with me. They also fear real bad boys like the ones who beat up their "Bad Boy BFs."

Nope, playing the game is the road to misery!

Part of the problem is the values "Mommy and Daddy" teach them too! Here where I live women on average are very shallow and very superficial. That is the last thing I want in my life. The real trick is finding a woman of real substance. That is what I have been holding out for.

I just can't settle for anyone or anything for that matter!

I also love the double standard women hold us too. Men have to accept them as they are while we have to change for them.

This is where I would post a pic of me giving the bird if I could but the mods would get mad at me again! I don't want to make them mad again! I promise!

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 05:33 PM
It's just part of wanting something you can't have.

As far as respecting someone just because they're a women, I dunno. Where I come from you have to give respect to get it.

So, really, why are you wasting "nice guy" tears on all of these so called "nice guy" haters.

Reason says - Don't change, things will happen in time.

Logic says - If you keep getting walked upon, maybe it's time to change. indifferent

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 05:33 PM
sometimes it's just you. when you are hungry, do you wait around for something to get close enough for you to bite it? if you are thirsty, do you look up with your mouth open, waiting for the rain? if nice guys finish last, i wouldn't be here. my dad is a gentleman, and he did fine. if you want a girlfriend, get one. maybe you want someone in particular. if that is the case, then suffer until she gets to you. it's hard bro, i've been divorced since 1997, but i'm not going to settle. i am one of those guys like you who watch homeless dudes walk by in rags, no shoes, but a girl is by his side and even walking a dog! i attract women, girls, and even some guys, but until the one i want comes along, i dine alone. i do however, reply frequently on these threads, go out with friends in groups, ride alone, attend funerals, weddings, go shopping, whatever to get myself out there. i'm positive you could have a girl tonight, even if you pay for one, she will be there. yet good things come to those who wait. three years is a drop in the bucket compaired to the lifetime of love you will share if you will just be patient. be yourself bro, don't compromise your character for a floozy.
God knows the desires of your heart, forget what your lieing eyes see, trust that your soulmate is looking just as earnestly as you are and believe that you will know her when she comes. you are in my daily prayers bro, bulldog.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 10/29/10 05:39 PM

It's just part of wanting something you can't have.

As far as respecting someone just because they're a women, I dunno. Where I come from you have to give respect to get it.

So, really, why are you wasting "nice guy" tears on all of these so called "nice guy" haters.

Reason says - Don't change, things will happen in time.

Logic says - If you keep getting walked upon, maybe it's time to change. indifferent

Words I actually agree with!


no photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:00 PM

sometimes it's just you. when you are hungry, do you wait around for something to get close enough for you to bite it? if you are thirsty, do you look up with your mouth open, waiting for the rain? if nice guys finish last, i wouldn't be here. my dad is a gentleman, and he did fine. if you want a girlfriend, get one. maybe you want someone in particular. if that is the case, then suffer until she gets to you. it's hard bro, i've been divorced since 1997, but i'm not going to settle. i am one of those guys like you who watch homeless dudes walk by in rags, no shoes, but a girl is by his side and even walking a dog! i attract women, girls, and even some guys, but until the one i want comes along, i dine alone. i do however, reply frequently on these threads, go out with friends in groups, ride alone, attend funerals, weddings, go shopping, whatever to get myself out there. i'm positive you could have a girl tonight, even if you pay for one, she will be there. yet good things come to those who wait. three years is a drop in the bucket compaired to the lifetime of love you will share if you will just be patient. be yourself bro, don't compromise your character for a floozy.
God knows the desires of your heart, forget what your lieing eyes see, trust that your soulmate is looking just as earnestly as you are and believe that you will know her when she comes. you are in my daily prayers bro, bulldog.

gee ese, I was kinda hopin' he wanted a floozylaugh

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:01 PM
naughty sweetest, i'm sure he would be more than willing to spank you

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:06 PM

naughty sweetest, i'm sure he would be more than willing to spank you
doubtlessly true, but altho' naughty, I am very sweet - too sweet to spank. He might prefer to give me a kissblushing

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:11 PM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Fri 10/29/10 06:11 PM
My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:41 PM

My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

ya and we know how YOUR relationships have gone....we're gonna take advice from a guy whose last three girlfriends are in varying stages of frig rigermortis????noway

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:43 PM

My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

ya and we know how YOUR relationships have gone....we're gonna take advice from a guy whose last three girlfriends are in varying stages of frig rigermortis????noway

At least they stay with me...

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:49 PM

My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

ya and we know how YOUR relationships have gone....we're gonna take advice from a guy whose last three girlfriends are in varying stages of frig rigermortis????noway

At least they stay with me...

ya a lively bunch I betslaphead

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:50 PM

My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

ya and we know how YOUR relationships have gone....we're gonna take advice from a guy whose last three girlfriends are in varying stages of frig rigermortis????noway

At least they stay with me...

ya a lively bunch I betslaphead

They tell me they love me every night before I go to bed...

Suzanne20's photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:53 PM
I live in the "friend zone"...when you figure it out, let me know

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:54 PM

My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

ya and we know how YOUR relationships have gone....we're gonna take advice from a guy whose last three girlfriends are in varying stages of frig rigermortis????noway

At least they stay with me...

ya a lively bunch I betslaphead

They tell me they love me every night before I go to bed...

hearing voices again, Jeffrey? I'll tell the night nurse to increase your meds...what

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/29/10 06:59 PM

My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

ya and we know how YOUR relationships have gone....we're gonna take advice from a guy whose last three girlfriends are in varying stages of frig rigermortis????noway

At least they stay with me...

ya a lively bunch I betslaphead

They tell me they love me every night before I go to bed...

hearing voices again, Jeffrey? I'll tell the night nurse to increase your meds...what

The candy they give me taste terrible, quit eating it...

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 07:06 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Fri 10/29/10 07:07 PM

My take to follow -- Stop wasting time bitching about 'nice guys finish last' and start going after women that actually like you for a change.

This comes down to the dilemma that a guy has when he hits about the age of 16, some of us, much like myself...out grow this rather illogical frame of mind.

Think about it from a logical point; "he treats me so good, I need someone that treats me like ****."

ya and we know how YOUR relationships have gone....we're gonna take advice from a guy whose last three girlfriends are in varying stages of frig rigermortis????noway

At least they stay with me...

ya a lively bunch I betslaphead

They tell me they love me every night before I go to bed...

hearing voices again, Jeffrey? I'll tell the night nurse to increase your meds...what

The candy they give me taste terrible, quit eating it...

it's ok - we're going introvenous- bend over & bottoms up!flowerforyou If you any "assistance" I have Hugo and Crusher here to help u roll overdrinker

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/29/10 07:08 PM
They did that once when I stayed at Hotel "Padded Room" in Utah...

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 07:09 PM
ahhh the joys of healthcare in America today!

(fear u r just naughty)laugh

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