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Topic: Beginning and End of Juan Williams story,,,
msharmony's photo
Fri 10/22/10 10:36 PM

One problem. He did not violate his contract.

He did not express a view. He did not push an agenda.
They just did not like the fact that he appeared on
O'Reilly's show which they consider promoting punditry.

I don't find NPR's argument persuasive. They just
seem to be overreacting. It appears that they have been
looking for an excuse to fire him no matter how lame
an unsupportable that excuse may be.

It was a Kangaroo Court and it looks as bad as it smells.
So I say - Juan Williams should be grateful to be rid of
such an employer. I wish him all the best in his new
endeavors. Someone will be extremely lucky to have him
on their team.

since when does the employee decide if he violated a contract or anyone else beside the one in the contract WITH THEM?

this was one incident, and apparently there were enough OTHER incidents that he hardly can claim his release was anything more or less than the millions of other people who are released from their job after 'fair' warning,,,

metalwing's photo
Tue 10/26/10 04:37 AM

One problem. He did not violate his contract.

He did not express a view. He did not push an agenda.
They just did not like the fact that he appeared on
O'Reilly's show which they consider promoting punditry.

I don't find NPR's argument persuasive. They just
seem to be overreacting. It appears that they have been
looking for an excuse to fire him no matter how lame
an unsupportable that excuse may be.

It was a Kangaroo Court and it looks as bad as it smells.
So I say - Juan Williams should be grateful to be rid of
such an employer. I wish him all the best in his new
endeavors. Someone will be extremely lucky to have him
on their team.

since when does the employee decide if he violated a contract or anyone else beside the one in the contract WITH THEM?

this was one incident, and apparently there were enough OTHER incidents that he hardly can claim his release was anything more or less than the millions of other people who are released from their job after 'fair' warning,,,

Msharmony, you have been stonewalling on this "contract violation" point while the entire media, left and right, disagrees with you. There have been numerous examples of other analysts like Coky Roberts, for NPR that have expressed personal opinions and made comments infinitely more inflammatory than Juan Williams.

The fact is that NPR fired Juan because he was working for Fox and the far left hates Fox, pure and simple.

You should research "Equal protection under the law" and "discrimination". Juan did nothing the other employees weren't doing.

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