Topic: If you don't want the answer
Lori68Hefford's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:33 PM
then don't post the question or comment.

What is it with people making comments that they know will piss off 90%
of the population and then not expect someone to make a crack at them on
the posts? Oh, and when you do not like the comment your post gets is it
wise to email that person with derogatory remarks?

I have been receiving emails from a person on here who thinks I am an
enabler because I like to say positive things to posts that interest me
and he is being a real a-hole in all his posts.... is there anything I
can do to stop this?

BelovedCarrie's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:41 PM
Continue to speak your mind and forget about all the rest

chica42ny's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:43 PM
Go ahead girl speak your mind.

jen36's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:45 PM
speak what u feel to hell with all the rest..

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:52 PM
Well thank you ladies

Good to know there are some people here who understand

AlpineRocks's photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:57 PM
who is he, just tell him to kick rocks

no photo
Sun 10/08/06 02:57 PM
sounds like you have got some good advise. some people dont know when to
keep thier thoghts to themselves.

horseracer's photo
Sun 10/08/06 03:02 PM
yeah lori keep speaking u'r mind.and dont read there mail. this is the
way we get to kno each others personalty, by there coments.but every one
should kno not to excute one for there opinion. we cant all think the
same or it would be a boring place lol.

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 03:05 PM
keep speaking your mind being true in what you say is always good

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sun 10/08/06 03:37 PM
Thanks everyone for your very positive comments.

I guess I just needed to vent, lol, I really find him hilariously
ignorant to other peoples feelings.

Lots of love to all


TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:11 PM
Hummmm, well first of all I have read a lot of your comments on
different post and have found nothing wrong what you have said. Second
of all, I'm sure this person you are having the problems with I could
almost bet your not the first one or the last and sure others have one
time or other here now have had dealt with them. There is one here that
for myself I hate to say rubbed me the wrong way from the first time I
ever encountered them. Lmao sounds a lot like the one your dealing with.
But you know when one has a small mind to deal with they just don't seem
to understand what life is really about these days. Even though these
post are here for us to post our comments too and for others to answer
how they honestly feel about the question that is great for it gives us
insite to what others think. matter what your question or
answer is there is a way to and not too put them into to words to get
points across and not to offend or be rude to otheres for when others
are rude or carless there point will never get across for you no longer
see there point just how much of an ass they have been. And I can say
myself I have at times taken something one way but they meant a
different way when I said something about how I took it the ones that
posted came back and cleared it up for me and then we were on the sam
level that takes a person with knowledge to see when they are wrong but
the one your dealing with seems not to have even common sense much less
any brains and if it happens to be the same one that I had to deal with
then I fully understand. Lmao Just keep the comments coming Lori and if
they dont like it well might come down to a Pow Wow of the minds!lol