Topic: Will The Rapture rid the Earth of Christianity | |
being an atheist has the greatest reward,when you die theres no disappointment,meaning i wasnt expecting to go to heaven or hell cause neither exist If atheism is true, Christians won't be disappointed when they die either. They'll never even know they are dead much less that they were wrong. They can hardly be disappointed in that state of affairs. I love Eastern Mysticism because everyone wins in Eastern Mysticism. Everyone who dies will simply awaken to discover their true nature and realize that life is but a dream. Everybody wins no matter what they had believed. Of course some Christians might be a bit upset to discover that they have no cosmic baby-sitter. I think that's what their real fear is. They don't want the responsibility of being responsible for themselves. |
Abra, what is your definition of "righteous" anyway? And on another note, if Jesus was a monster, then why did He sacrifice Himself for us? He certainly didn't have to. He chose to because we could not save ourselves! Don't you see that? God has given us every opportunity in the world to be saved and forgiven! He even sacrificed Himself for us to live! That is why it's so sad when people dismiss that! The only thing God didn't do, and rightly so, was just ignore people's sin altogether and pretend it didn't exist. No I don't "see" this at all. Jesus had to be crucified why? Because an all-powerful God who can do anything, cannot forgive the sins of man unless someone is physically slaughtered in a very nasty way? :huh No, I don't "see" that at all. It makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. The idea that Jesus was a mortal man who was crucified for teaching against the Torah, and making pantheistic statements that he and God are one, make far more sense to me. Even the gospels have Jesus teaching, "Ye are Gods". I see no reason at all to believe that Jesus was a "sacrificial lamb" of a God who can only forgive when there is a blood sacrifice made. In fact, the idea that God is appeased by blood sacrifices is one of the very reasons I reject the Old Testament God to begin with. That's just too Zeus-like. Why should the REAL CREATOR of this universe just happen to be like Zeus? The idea that it's just another man-made myth makes far more sense to me. Besides, it makes absolutely no sense at all in the overall fable. At one point this very same God supposedly floods out the entire planet as his way of dealing with sinners. Now he has a complete change of heart and method of dealing with sin and instead sacrifices his own son unto himself so he can forgive men of their sins? That makes SENSE to you? If God were going to sacrifice himself for man's sake why not just do it in the Garden of Eden and nip things in the but right then? It makes no sense to me that God would change the way he deals with mankind and sin. Especially in a fable where the God is supposed to be unchanging. Thus the probability that this is just another man-made fable is extremely high. It's not even a very well-written fable, IMHO. Plus this whole thing DEPENDS ENTIRELY on the belief that you've pointed out here: He certainly didn't have to. He chose to because we could not save ourselves! This very idea that we cannot 'save ourselves' is just yet another RED FLAG. This is precisely the kind of thing that MEN would write in a fable that they are trying to convince the masses that only their FABLE and the CHURCH has the way to salvation. You cannot save yourself! You NEED the CHURCH and this religion! Can you not see the problems with this. We supposedly CANNOT HELP BUT BE SINNERS? That's bull crap! Why? Well, because this God is supposed to PASS JUDGMENT on us. Well, if he created us in such a way that we cannot possibly resist sin or be righteous on our own merit, then simultaneously we CANNOT be held responsible for our predicament. This is just about proof positive that these fables amount to nothing more than the brainwashing scheme of men. Try to convince the people that they are all sinners and that they cannot free themselves from sin without the aid of the CHURCH and a belief and total SUBMISSION to their religion. Well, that works just fine for a brainwashing scheme like that. In fact it works all too well on far too many people. But what of a God who had placed mankind into such an impossible position? Would that make sense? Well IMHO, no. It makes no sense at all. A God who has placed man into a position where he CANNOT HELP BUT SIN, and then passes judgments on him for being in that predicament? Such a God would be a totally untrustworthy USER. He would be creating totally helpless souls who really have NO CHOICE in the matter of either cowering down to him in SHAME because they CANNOT exercise a true FREE WILL to rid themselves of sinful behavior. It's utterly absurd. If we can't rid ourselves of sinful behavior via our own FREE WILL CHOICE then we can hardly be blamed or held responsible for not doing to. It's s farce. A brainwashing scheme created by men to make the masses feel guilty with NO EXCEPTION ALLOWED. NO MAN CAN BE RIGHTEOUS ON HIS OWN! That's baloney. So, no, I don't "see" where this religion makes any sense at all to be perfectly honest about it. No I don't "see" this at all. Jesus had to be crucified why? Because an all-powerful God who can do anything, cannot forgive the sins of man unless someone is physically slaughtered in a very nasty way? :huh No, I don't "see" that at all. It makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. ================================ It's not about the blood shed. It's about giving something needed to God as a gift in showing your love. Again, actions speak louder then words. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The idea that Jesus was a mortal man who was crucified for teaching against the Torah, and making pantheistic statements that he and God are one, make far more sense to me. Even the gospels have Jesus teaching, "Ye are Gods". I see no reason at all to believe that Jesus was a "sacrificial lamb" of a God who can only forgive when there is a blood sacrifice made ================================== Again, it's not the blood being shed that was good to receive the forgiveness. It was giving up as a gift something needed to show regret for doing the action and remorse asking to be forgiven. It had nothing to do with specifically the blood. Just meat/food was as accessible then as it is now, it was more of a dire product and quite needed. Thus it was a valuable gift eg., sacrifice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- At one point this very same God supposedly floods out the entire planet as his way of dealing with sinners. Now he has a complete change of heart and method of dealing with sin and instead sacrifices his own son unto himself so he can forgive men of their sins? ================================== Jesus was sent to teach us of the new covenant. It was his own free will that he went through with the crucificion and continued on teaching us regardless of what the outcome was going to be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It makes no sense to me that God would change the way he deals with mankind and sin. Especially in a fable where the God is supposed to be unchanging. Thus the probability that this is just another man-made fable is extremely high. It's not even a very well-written fable, IMHO. =================================== Nothing changed. To receive forgiveness you were to sacrifice something to show that you truly were remorseful and truly was seeking forgiveness. Thus accepting Jesus as lord and savior you are accepting the sacrifice Jesus gave up for us all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, because this God is supposed to PASS JUDGMENT on us. Well, if he created us in such a way that we cannot possibly resist sin or be righteous on our own merit, then simultaneously we CANNOT be held responsible for our predicament ===================================== But we are completely able to do as such. We are completely able to remain sinless through our lives and live a perfect life. Just people aren't completely willing all the time, they see the temptations of Satan weather it's drinking, adultry, stealing something, or anything else of sinful nature. But nevertheless we ARE ABLE to remain sinless if we chose to be. ------------------------------------------------------ Well IMHO, no. It makes no sense at all. A God who has placed man into a position where he CANNOT HELP BUT SIN, and then passes judgments on him for being in that predicament? ============================== But again we can remain sinless if we truly desire it and strive for it. It's our own free will and thinking that sways us more towards sinning for it seems more pleasurable to us cause we are living by the flesh instead of listening to the spirit inside of us warning us of the action. ---------------------------------------------------------- It's s farce. A brainwashing scheme created by men to make the masses feel guilty with NO EXCEPTION ALLOWED. NO MAN CAN BE RIGHTEOUS ON HIS OWN! =============================== No where does it say no man CAN be righteous on his own. |
========================================= Why HOPE yourself into a predicament where you are forever the pet of some other being? ========================================= But we aren't a "pet". We are children of God. ------------------------------------------------- You constantly try to speak of God as being a "Father" and that we are his children. But this analogy always fails. It necessarily has to fail. You can't use the term "children" in the same why that we as humans use it, because human "children" actually grow up to become adults and Fathers and Mothers themselves. But in this religious scenario these so-called "Children" of God never grow up to become Gods themselves, because this religion believes in only ONE GOD. So these immature "lesser beings" cannot be thought of as "God's Children". They can only be thought of as God's PETS. Because they will never grow up to be equivalent to their so-called "parent". The Parent/child analogy must ALWAYS break down and fail in the Christian picture. God cannot be our "FATHER" and we cannot be his "Children". All we can be is the PETS of a being that will forever be so far superior to us that we can never even begin to understand it nature, much less ever become like it. So your words don't hold. In the Christian picture we can only be God's PETS. And never hope to be anything more than that. In that sense it's actually a HOPELESS religion. He is our father. ============================== John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? ============================== |
being an atheist has the greatest reward,when you die theres no disappointment,meaning i wasnt expecting to go to heaven or hell cause neither exist If atheism is true, Christians won't be disappointed when they die either. They'll never even know they are dead much less that they were wrong. They can hardly be disappointed in that state of affairs. I love Eastern Mysticism because everyone wins in Eastern Mysticism. Everyone who dies will simply awaken to discover their true nature and realize that life is but a dream. Everybody wins no matter what they had believed. Of course some Christians might be a bit upset to discover that they have no cosmic baby-sitter. I think that's what their real fear is. They don't want the responsibility of being responsible for themselves. |
Doesn't say our father will kill anyone. Give me one verse that says our father "kills" or "murders" someone. The ONLY way our father kills anyone is at judgement, and that death is from not having received the gift of eternal life. And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT) First of all this is from old testament, in those days people were judged on earth for their sins. The only reward for sin is death. And we are speaking of the rapture which is yet to come. ------------------------------ Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. ------------------------------ As you can see it was from a judgement of their wrong doings. God didn't just do this out of spite. And also, sins people committed in the time before Jesus walked the earth were passed down generation to generation. As in if i was to have sinned, that sin would carry on to my children and so forth. And again, the only reward for sin is death and here you can see it was their judgement to be killed for their wrong doings. Cowboy..first you asked for one passage from the bible where it proves that God kills/murder people and then when someone present you with such a passage you try to hide behind the same excuse that what happen in the Old Testament doesn't count and thereby dismissing God .....dismissing God is why he kills/murders all in The Great Flood and the first born of Eqypt ...and why the Rapture could be how God will get rid of Christians that choose to dismiss him from the bible |
Doesn't say our father will kill anyone. Give me one verse that says our father "kills" or "murders" someone. The ONLY way our father kills anyone is at judgement, and that death is from not having received the gift of eternal life. And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT) First of all this is from old testament, in those days people were judged on earth for their sins. The only reward for sin is death. And we are speaking of the rapture which is yet to come. ------------------------------ Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. ------------------------------ As you can see it was from a judgement of their wrong doings. God didn't just do this out of spite. And also, sins people committed in the time before Jesus walked the earth were passed down generation to generation. As in if i was to have sinned, that sin would carry on to my children and so forth. And again, the only reward for sin is death and here you can see it was their judgement to be killed for their wrong doings. Cowboy..first you asked for one passage from the bible where it proves that God kills/murder people and then when someone present you with such a passage you try to hide behind the same excuse that what happen in the Old Testament doesn't count and thereby dismissing God .....dismissing God is why he kills/murders all in The Great Flood and the first born of Eqypt ...and why the Rapture could be how God will get rid of Christians that choose to dismiss him from the bible No i did not say it didn't count. All i did was point out that death was their judgement for their evil ways. Murdering someone is unjustified. A judgement is completely justified, it's that way in our world as well. That is why a judge in a court can judge with the death penalty and not receive it themselves for having judged someone to execution. |
Doesn't say our father will kill anyone. Give me one verse that says our father "kills" or "murders" someone. The ONLY way our father kills anyone is at judgement, and that death is from not having received the gift of eternal life. And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT) First of all this is from old testament, in those days people were judged on earth for their sins. The only reward for sin is death. And we are speaking of the rapture which is yet to come. ------------------------------ Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. ------------------------------ As you can see it was from a judgement of their wrong doings. God didn't just do this out of spite. And also, sins people committed in the time before Jesus walked the earth were passed down generation to generation. As in if i was to have sinned, that sin would carry on to my children and so forth. And again, the only reward for sin is death and here you can see it was their judgement to be killed for their wrong doings. Cowboy..first you asked for one passage from the bible where it proves that God kills/murder people and then when someone present you with such a passage you try to hide behind the same excuse that what happen in the Old Testament doesn't count and thereby dismissing God .....dismissing God is why he kills/murders all in The Great Flood and the first born of Eqypt ...and why the Rapture could be how God will get rid of Christians that choose to dismiss him from the bible No i did not say it didn't count. All i did was point out that death was their judgement for their evil ways. Murdering someone is unjustified. A judgement is completely justified, it's that way in our world as well. That is why a judge in a court can judge with the death penalty and not receive it themselves for having judged someone to execution. you asked for one passage from the bible that states that God kill/murder people....the passage was given to you and many more can be presented....the point is you have proof in the bible that God himself kills/murder people .... even in God's final judgement the penalty of Death can not take place unless someone kills/murder the person who else has the power to do this but God...if you can not name anyone then cut of that fantasy that God doesn't kill/murder people you keep trying to claim that the wages of sin is death and then in the same breath contradict yourself by claiming that God doesn't kill/murder ... |
Doesn't say our father will kill anyone. Give me one verse that says our father "kills" or "murders" someone. The ONLY way our father kills anyone is at judgement, and that death is from not having received the gift of eternal life. And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT) It never ceases to amaze me how Christians are either completely ignorant of the doctrine they worship, or they are in total denial of what it actually claims. They like to pretend that God is different from what these myths actually state. Yet they claim to be supporting these myths as the "Word of God". It's truly amazing. Satan only did what God created him to an angel and serve man ....Satan did his part by inducing Eve to get knowledge from the tree all parents that care about their children follows the role of Satan by trying to induce their children to go to school to get knowledge what type of parent plays the role of God and forbid their children from going to school to get knowledge...and if the child decide to disobey their parents and go to school the parents then punish them |
take any book with thousands of pages?
with ten's of thousands of statements? cannot any person reading it, splice together any of the ten of thousands of statements, to produce the desired "belief" it wish to believe for itself? if "jesus" was the example of "god love", and he was willing to die for his fellow man, per his own admittance for "sinner's", so those doing or living "wrong", then this means his "follower's" must be willing to do the same, to actually "follow" their own declared leader? did not this same jesus say to all, come, and follow me? what would "jesus" do? but these self professed "judge's" of "god", deem their mind and intelligence fit to judge the entire species of mankind, on behalf of their "god"? what can judge the total sum of humanity, except what created humanity? it seem's all want to be a star, and raise the level of power itself has, and so find what it first sought to find, which was to make itself feel better, by being a "judge" of humanity. perhaps in order, if one first be willing to die for it's neighbor, whom it believe to be wrong, as the story declare indeed "jesus" was not only willing to die for other's he KNEW were wrong, but in fact actually did? for the greatest of these commandment's, be to love thy neighbor as thyself? hum, such not even begun to be alive in this mass collective of warped definition's taken on as truth. so it seems no self professed follower of jesus, hath any merit, nor validitiy, nor self righteousness, nor endorsement of "god", unless they as well follow in the footsteps of their self professed leader? so, it seems the larger question be who that follow "jesus", be so filled with "god's love", that they be willing to die for other's they believe and call sinner's? it seems many a solider fighting in our war's to keep America free are, for indeed, they are no different than another, and certainly do not agree with all the action's of all in America, but, are still willing to die for their fellow man? it seem's many a firefighter, does not agree with all the action's and words of one living in a burning house, but be still willing to die for the sake of saving another from peril? it seem's many a whistle blower, whom put's their own life and prosperity at risk, to expose corruption that is harming other's is willing to do so, even for many it does not know? but, a self professed follower was first a coward, as to seek to SAVE oneself, be the epitamy of a coward? but this jesus did not seem to be a coward, seeking to save himself, but willing to die for what he loved? with all this in mind, it seem's redily apparent, that the elation of believing self be of more MERIT than another, be the most root motive of the religious self appointed "judge's", NOT MISSSED, that these "self appointed" judge's of human morality, in that day, were in fact the very same that killed "jesus"? so, how can it be missed, whom would be guilty of the same today? self appointed definer's, so then self appointed speaker's of god, declaring what they believe be approved of god? so, if the story is a clue into what type of motive and intent be as pure, or some saying what motive and intent would be of "god", then what speaker's preaching today, match the same as the speaker's that killed "jesus"? it cannot be misssed, and makes logical sense, why it was as well written, in the manner one judge it's fellow man, is the same mannner itself will be judged? so, have another put to death, and self will be put to death? so, deem another fit for hell, and self goeth to hell? it would seem there could be no other definition possible? do unto other's as you would have done unto yourself? so, no follower wish to go to hell, for they believe "god" created hell, but, it deem it's fellow man worthy of hell? lol... self delusion run amock, utter unsanity so taught and embraced by ignorant, whom wish to be great themself, that the sheer idiocy of such more the miracle. perhaps this was as well, the very reason it was spoken by jesus himself, "what you have done unto the least of these, you have done unto me", indeed this "jesus" seeing the people worshipped him as great, and he knowing this, spoke such to try to KEEP THEM FROM DOING THIS, knowing that IF THEY DID, they would believe other's as less? and so with wisdom, seen this would create SELF BIAS within them, and knowing with true insight, this would create dislike, and knowing this would create eventually, HATE, and so create war's, and so create murder, and so make the kid's fight like kids on the kindergarten playground, each standing atop the sliding board, deeming itself the most correct, and most great? why even this same jesus, condemed his own closest friends, for debating whom would be most correct, or the greatest in heaven? the very thing christianity so doth endorse as acceptable to this day, and in the present time's, even with a wrath and hatred, that if there was accululative collective energy created by a uniting of many, some calling this mob mentality, these could easily be enduced to accept violence perpetrated against what they deem to be as less than themself. it seems hard to miss, that SELF BIAS was what made the white man kill the black man, and SELF BIAS made many kill a gay man, that SELF BIAS made hitler kill million's, that SELF BIAS induced catholic's to slaughter MILLION'S, so no matter what the belief, or doctrine, or dogma, it seems to boil down to the simplest equasion... SELF BIAS, OR SELF AS BETTER, is a killer... given due time to grow, or be accepted as "good" and ok, within any society, doth kill, and a collective self bias energy is the very thing that jesus stood against, even unto his own death. so it seem's apparent, that the self professed follower's, whom have embraced SELF BIAS as representing goodness, and justice, and love, are indeed the "wolves" in sheep's clothing so speaken of, and the many "anti-christ", or actually promoting and creating the OPPOSITE of "christ type love", jesus himself so declaring that many as these have gone out into all the world, and are what decieve many into believing that hatred toward another, and distain for other's, be of goodness and of god, and that this be what ALL MANKIND SHOULD DO? only a self blind galring it's own vision by STARING AT ITSELF AS GREAT OR BETTER, would ever fall prey to such notion's as goodness. but, then these actually know nothing except how to tie together any statement's they find, in all the writing's on planet earth, to promote themself AS BETTER. perhaps this be why it was also said by this same "jesus", that any that wish to know "god", should humble themself before god and man? for even the same jesus, said not to decide what sin was worthy of hell, and to do such was a sin? hum... it seems no mortal that believe itself fit, to judge the life or death of another, by way of offering whom shall rest in hell, and whom shall reside in heaven, doth not meet the requirement of even a follower of any truth of love, but rather follow the same exact opposite, which cannot be missed was called satan, such being called human's that sow disuntiy, and self bias, that grow and cultivate all hate, for the purpose of making ITSELF believe that it be BETTER. so all "professed christian's", to have their self claim's found with merit, would as well have to be willing to die for their fellow man that be guilty as sin? |
The Rapture is a prophecy of doom to unbelievers. Believers will be taken to Heaven when Christ returns. Those left behind will suffer immense disasters on Earth. No Christians will me killed/murdered. aren't people already suffering from immense disasters do that mean that the Rapture have already taken place or do that mean that God always causes immense disasters besides wouldn't the fact that all the Christians were killed off during the rapture in itself be an immense disaster and those left behind wouldn't view it as an act of God probably more like an act of terrorism and they would have to find out what actually happenned just like that recent incident in Arizona when all those believers one called it the rapture, they thought that their intentions were to commit suicide so instead they went out searching for them and they were found alive this is why if Christians's wouldn't be because of anything good |
Edited by
Wed 10/13/10 10:27 AM
The Rapture is a prophecy of doom to unbelievers. Believers will be taken to Heaven when Christ returns. Those left behind will suffer immense disasters on Earth. No Christians will me killed/murdered. aren't people already suffering from immense disasters do that mean that the Rapture have already taken place or do that mean that God always causes immense disasters besides wouldn't the fact that all the Christians were killed off during the rapture in itself be an immense disaster and those left behind wouldn't view it as an act of God probably more like an act of terrorism and they would have to find out what actually happenned just like that recent incident in Arizona when all those believers one called it the rapture, they thought that their intentions were to commit suicide so instead they went out searching for them and they were found alive this is why if Christians's wouldn't be because of anything good ============================================== aren't people already suffering from immense disasters do that mean that the Rapture have already taken place or do that mean that God always causes immense disasters ============================================== With talk like this shows people have no idea of just how horrible it will be. The disasters we see today will be like a paper cut in comparison to the disasters after the coming of Jesus. It will show the anger of the lord. --------------------------------------- ============================================== besides wouldn't the fact that all the Christians were killed off during the rapture in itself be an immense disaster and those left behind wouldn't view it as an act of God probably more like an act of terrorism and they would have to find out what actually happened ============================================== They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. |
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... |
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... Yes I would then die, for that would be suicide and suicide is a one way ticket to no where. |
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... Yes I would then die, for that would be suicide and suicide is a one way ticket to no where. and that is the same thing that Jesus did ...he placed himself into a position to die which is the same as you did in the bath tub that would mean that Jesus is dead |
Is it just me or is this constant bikering getting old?
You're not ever going to convince people like Cowboy that the christian concept of God is evil. You're never going to convince people like Abra and Funches that the christian dogma is true and good. It seems like, for the most part, the same people keep saying the same things over and over again. No matter what the topic is. Isn't this pretty close to the definition of insanity? Or to some peoples' definition of Hell? Just an observation.... |
Edited by
Wed 10/13/10 11:10 AM
Is it just me or is this constant bikering getting old? You're not ever going to convince people like Cowboy that the christian concept of God is evil. You're never going to convince people like Abra and Funches that the christian dogma is true and good. It seems like, for the most part, the same people keep saying the same things over and over again. No matter what the topic is. Isn't this pretty close to the definition of insanity? Or to some peoples' definition of Hell? Just an observation.... nope..not trying to convince anyone ...just using it as a way to understand delusion and write script for a tv project called "The Book of Lore' |
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... Yes I would then die, for that would be suicide and suicide is a one way ticket to no where. and that is the same thing that Jesus did ...he placed himself into a position to die which is the same as you did in the bath tub that would mean that Jesus is dead two totally different things. Jesus sacrificed every waking second of his life for us and in the end sacrificed his mortal life up for us. That is why we don't have to sacrifice things to show our repentance for the sacrifice of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. You just have to accept this sacrifice and it will be a sacrifice for you as well. I would be doing nothing but destroy myself, no sacrifice, nothing. |
Is it just me or is this constant bikering getting old? You're not ever going to convince people like Cowboy that the christian concept of God is evil. You're never going to convince people like Abra and Funches that the christian dogma is true and good. It seems like, for the most part, the same people keep saying the same things over and over again. No matter what the topic is. Isn't this pretty close to the definition of insanity? Or to some peoples' definition of Hell? Just an observation.... LoL very true and good observation. It gets quite aggravating. I'll give some scriptures giving proof for something in one post or thread........ a couple days later they will try to claim the opposite again, so i have to repeat myself. It's a never ending circle. Same goes with the others that are holding steadfast for the Christian faith, not just me, but all of us. They give no credibility to what we tell them and say the same things over and over even though we've shown proof of the complete opposite to what they are saying. |
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... Yes I would then die, for that would be suicide and suicide is a one way ticket to no where. and that is the same thing that Jesus did ...he placed himself into a position to die which is the same as you did in the bath tub that would mean that Jesus is dead two totally different things. Jesus sacrificed every waking second of his life for us and in the end sacrificed his mortal life up for us. That is why we don't have to sacrifice things to show our repentance for the sacrifice of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. You just have to accept this sacrifice and it will be a sacrifice for you as well. I would be doing nothing but destroy myself, no sacrifice, nothing. were sacrificing yourself to prove to mankind that people can die.....isn't suicide a self sacrifice ...Jesus mission was to get himself kill...even you commented in one of your posts that Jesus used his "Free Will" to do so...and that is the same thing you did in the bath tub with the live electric wire |
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... Yes I would then die, for that would be suicide and suicide is a one way ticket to no where. and that is the same thing that Jesus did ...he placed himself into a position to die which is the same as you did in the bath tub that would mean that Jesus is dead two totally different things. Jesus sacrificed every waking second of his life for us and in the end sacrificed his mortal life up for us. That is why we don't have to sacrifice things to show our repentance for the sacrifice of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. You just have to accept this sacrifice and it will be a sacrifice for you as well. I would be doing nothing but destroy myself, no sacrifice, nothing. were sacrificing yourself to prove to mankind that people can die.....isn't suicide a self sacrifice ...Jesus mission was to get himself kill...even you commented in one of your posts that Jesus used his "Free Will" to do so...and that is the same thing you did in the bath tub with the live electric wire I'm nothing special to be sacrificing. And beyond that people already know someone would die in such an incident so what is there to prove? Reason it is looked as a sacrifice is cause before that was done to Jesus people had to sacrifice something worthy to them in showing of love which was done because actions speak louder then words. You can no lie about being sorry when you sacrificed something worthy to you. And killing myself is a straight ticket to no where. So how is that a pleasing sacrifice to our father when it is something against his will and word? Again reason it is called a sacrifice what Jesus did is not because it was suicide, because it wasn't. He didn't have to live the life he lived which was what got him put on the cross. He could have lived a normal joe life. But no he SACRIFICED his entire life teaching us of the word. Again he could have just went on his marry little way and didn't tell people the way to receive the gift. What would have been greater? Someone spreading the good news of the gift of heaven and how to receive it regardless of what might happen to you in the process? Or just living your life as any other normal person and never sharing the good news, therefore everyone would end up parishing and never receiving the gift of heaven for they would not have known how to receive such a gift. |