Topic: Would you re-elect President Obama in 2012?
Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/11/10 12:50 PM

Mo...Not true.

He has gotten more done than he should have with the Republicans stalling everything they could.

Obama has done well considering everything he had against him coming in.

Not all dems are the same. Some dems are as fanatical as ALL republicans:wink: laugh
why would they be stalling? because he is not a leader!

Republicans are stalling because they are a bunch of babies.

They lost and have been bad sports ever since.

That has nothing to do with the president leading. He has done what he can and he even tried to bring the repubs in, they were too busy with their temper tantrum that is still going on to do anything constructive.
what about the dems? they did the same thing to bush... are they a bunch of babies too?

No they didn't

As a matter of fact they pissed me off because they didn't go against him on anythingrant
your just making things up now...they fought him on everything, just like or even worse than the repubs are now...if you didn't see it, you need to look harder... or is it you just see what you wanna see?

Prove it.

Cause I know better.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 10/11/10 12:58 PM

Mo...Not true.

He has gotten more done than he should have with the Republicans stalling everything they could.

Obama has done well considering everything he had against him coming in.

Not all dems are the same. Some dems are as fanatical as ALL republicans:wink: laugh
why would they be stalling? because he is not a leader!

Republicans are stalling because they are a bunch of babies.

They lost and have been bad sports ever since.

That has nothing to do with the president leading. He has done what he can and he even tried to bring the repubs in, they were too busy with their temper tantrum that is still going on to do anything constructive.
what about the dems? they did the same thing to bush... are they a bunch of babies too?

No they didn't

As a matter of fact they pissed me off because they didn't go against him on anythingrant
your just making things up now...they fought him on everything, just like or even worse than the repubs are now...if you didn't see it, you need to look harder... or is it you just see what you wanna see?

Prove it.

Cause I know better.

yea, whatever... if i could prove it, i don't think i would waste the's not my place to change anyone's opinions on stuff...
if you want, you can search the web and look it up, i'm not going to.
i know what i saw, and apparently it is different from what you saw.
it is easy to sit back and blame the republicans for obama's shortfalls, just as the repubs blamed the dems for bushes... bottom line is the president is the leader, in charge... if they can't get congress to go along with what they want, then they don't need to be in charge...

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:00 PM

Mo...Not true.

He has gotten more done than he should have with the Republicans stalling everything they could.

Obama has done well considering everything he had against him coming in.

Not all dems are the same. Some dems are as fanatical as ALL republicans:wink: laugh
why would they be stalling? because he is not a leader!

Republicans are stalling because they are a bunch of babies.

They lost and have been bad sports ever since.

That has nothing to do with the president leading. He has done what he can and he even tried to bring the repubs in, they were too busy with their temper tantrum that is still going on to do anything constructive.
what about the dems? they did the same thing to bush... are they a bunch of babies too?

No they didn't

As a matter of fact they pissed me off because they didn't go against him on anythingrant
your just making things up now...they fought him on everything, just like or even worse than the repubs are now...if you didn't see it, you need to look harder... or is it you just see what you wanna see?

Prove it.

Cause I know better.

yea, whatever... if i could prove it, i don't think i would waste the's not my place to change anyone's opinions on stuff...
if you want, you can search the web and look it up, i'm not going to.
i know what i saw, and apparently it is different from what you saw.
it is easy to sit back and blame the republicans for obama's shortfalls, just as the repubs blamed the dems for bushes... bottom line is the president is the leader, in charge... if they can't get congress to go along with what they want, then they don't need to be in charge...

I think the word for one who gets people to do whatver they wish is DICTATOR,, not leader

If the president were to truly have the influence to get everyone to 'go along' there would be no need whatsoever for a congress

GotKidz's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:02 PM

Mo...Not true.

He has gotten more done than he should have with the Republicans stalling everything they could.

Obama has done well considering everything he had against him coming in.

Not all dems are the same. Some dems are as fanatical as ALL republicans:wink: laugh
why would they be stalling? because he is not a leader!

Republicans are stalling because they are a bunch of babies.

They lost and have been bad sports ever since.

That has nothing to do with the president leading. He has done what he can and he even tried to bring the repubs in, they were too busy with their temper tantrum that is still going on to do anything constructive.

if BO wanted to work with republicans, he could have, but flaunting his 'my way or the highway' stance isn't going to make anyone want to work with him.

My way or the highway?rofl

I wish he would have been that way. Alot more would have got done.

He wanted cooperation and working together.

The babypants repubs couldn't stop their temper tantrum long enough to grow the **** up and help this country out.

Dems have a majority in the house and senate. They could pass any legislation they wanted withut 1 rebub vote.

Yea and Obama kept trying to work with them.

I would have preferred he told them to go have their stupid baby pants temper tantrum and come back when they grew the hell up and went on and did what needed to be done.

Obama was too nice to the repubs for me.

hmmmm...i'm not sure what president you're following, because he does this pretty much everyday. the democrats ARE passing everything they want to without public approval.

Do you live in the United States?

Do the American people vote on anything Congress does?

I hope this is a no because if not we need to go back to Civics class.

Once we vote in our representative to congress they vote in or out our laws and spenditures. Public doesn't vote on anything congress does.

So do you know what the hell you mean?

uhh, yes. i do live in the united states and have for most of my life.

congress and the house of representatives, the last time i checked the constitution (probly was changed since then), are supposed to represent the people. as far as i have seen, just about everything that has been passed in this administration has had less than 50% approval rating of the general public (democrats, republicans, independents, and everything inbetween).

these reps are supposed to represent 'the people' regardless of their affiliation. they don't, which is why there will likely be a shift come november and BO will more than likely be a one term president.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:03 PM

Mo...Not true.

He has gotten more done than he should have with the Republicans stalling everything they could.

Obama has done well considering everything he had against him coming in.

Not all dems are the same. Some dems are as fanatical as ALL republicans:wink: laugh
why would they be stalling? because he is not a leader!

Republicans are stalling because they are a bunch of babies.

They lost and have been bad sports ever since.

That has nothing to do with the president leading. He has done what he can and he even tried to bring the repubs in, they were too busy with their temper tantrum that is still going on to do anything constructive.
what about the dems? they did the same thing to bush... are they a bunch of babies too?

No they didn't

As a matter of fact they pissed me off because they didn't go against him on anythingrant
your just making things up now...they fought him on everything, just like or even worse than the repubs are now...if you didn't see it, you need to look harder... or is it you just see what you wanna see?

Prove it.

Cause I know better.

yea, whatever... if i could prove it, i don't think i would waste the's not my place to change anyone's opinions on stuff...
if you want, you can search the web and look it up, i'm not going to.
i know what i saw, and apparently it is different from what you saw.
it is easy to sit back and blame the republicans for obama's shortfalls, just as the repubs blamed the dems for bushes... bottom line is the president is the leader, in charge... if they can't get congress to go along with what they want, then they don't need to be in charge...

I think the word for one who gets people to do whatver they wish is DICTATOR,, not leader

If the president were to truly have the influence to get everyone to 'go along' there would be no need whatsoever for a congress

if they trusted him they would...

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:06 PM

Mo...Not true.

He has gotten more done than he should have with the Republicans stalling everything they could.

Obama has done well considering everything he had against him coming in.

Not all dems are the same. Some dems are as fanatical as ALL republicans:wink: laugh
why would they be stalling? because he is not a leader!

Republicans are stalling because they are a bunch of babies.

They lost and have been bad sports ever since.

That has nothing to do with the president leading. He has done what he can and he even tried to bring the repubs in, they were too busy with their temper tantrum that is still going on to do anything constructive.
what about the dems? they did the same thing to bush... are they a bunch of babies too?

No they didn't

As a matter of fact they pissed me off because they didn't go against him on anythingrant
your just making things up now...they fought him on everything, just like or even worse than the repubs are now...if you didn't see it, you need to look harder... or is it you just see what you wanna see?

Prove it.

Cause I know better.

yea, whatever... if i could prove it, i don't think i would waste the's not my place to change anyone's opinions on stuff...
if you want, you can search the web and look it up, i'm not going to.
i know what i saw, and apparently it is different from what you saw.
it is easy to sit back and blame the republicans for obama's shortfalls, just as the repubs blamed the dems for bushes... bottom line is the president is the leader, in charge... if they can't get congress to go along with what they want, then they don't need to be in charge...

I think the word for one who gets people to do whatver they wish is DICTATOR,, not leader

If the president were to truly have the influence to get everyone to 'go along' there would be no need whatsoever for a congress

if they trusted him they would...

than that goes to my original question,, what would be the point of the congress ,,,?

my mom managed thousands in her career and she always said she would not want to work with someone who was just going to agree with her all the time, or else she could save money and look in a mirror

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:09 PM

i'm voting for Sarah Palin

I'm voting for Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.

GotKidz's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:20 PM

i'm voting for Sarah Palin

I'm voting for Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.

ha...donald trump...who's catch phrase is..."you're fired!"

RKISIT's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:28 PM
does anyone know how to cut and paste anymorelaugh laugh laugh

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:30 PM

If he would have us, I would be honored if he would consider governing another four years.

Problem is that he is not governing.

He is allowing.

big diference.

N. Korea is soon to face the same problem.

Untried child in a seat meant for an adult.

He is also not taking responsibility it's all the blame game and his foreign policy sucks, the guy is a coward and I don't like that.

We also should not be pushed around by Iran and N. Korea and should be handling the "Tribal Region" of Pakistan with force and helping Yemen military in their fight against AQ since several of our HVT's are there. We could really handle this AQ and Taliban situation the right way. He also needs to listen to his General's like Patraeus. Patraeus is a decorated war hero and Obama treats him like crap and Patraeus has saves his a$$ on a number of occasions.

He should be handling the Piracy issue in Somalia a lot better, more ships and aircraft, sending dummy "Trap" tankers or high value target ships that are crewed by Navy and Marines ready to let the Pirates board then arrest them (and send them to the US for Prosecution) and sink their boats on the spot. Also have a helocopter ready for take off thats covered up ready to take off and capture the mothership and any other vessel that flees. I guarantee if we start doing that we will catch a lot of pirates(Probably 20-60 each time) and it will work at a great deterrant because the remaining Pirates will be very skeptical and wont attack as much. Also it will be hard to recruit new pirates because they will be scared to join their ranks for fear of boarding a dummy ship.

Also with more Military vessels we can respond quicker to scenes of attacks. If we had a couple of carriers in that area they can launch aircraft that would make it to the scene of an attack in a matter of minutes and fire on the pirates and at the very least make them retreat. The could even launch choppers with Seals and try to capture the pirates in mid attack.

Then he needs attempt to make progress on the border to Mexico. Build a three wall system. Hire more Boarder Agents. Giver them two dozen Predators to fly the border 24/7(They can find tunnels, drugs etc). Also send more choppers, planes and even fighter aircraft to patrol the borders. Send the National Guard from the various states to help with Boarder control and actually prosecute EVERYONE that is caught crossing illegally. Create some specially designed prisons in the desert in a couple states with very little luxuries and make them do hard time, breaking rocks, digging ditches etc. It is a Felony to enter illegally so give them a few years. If they get caught again then double sentance every time and make it to where they can NEVER gain citizenship if they are caught here illegally or crossing the border illegally.

Also every waterway that crosses the border (like this lake and part of the Rio Grande where the American man was assasinated recently and his wife attacked) Put Coast Guard bases there with larger heavily armed boats and several Guardsmen and officers. They are considered Federal Law Enforcement and can handle this piracy crap that is going on there and can protect the waterways better then anyone else. Drugs and cartels are coming across at an alarming rate and they are heavily armed with military style weapons, explosives and vehicles.

If he does those things I will start to respect him.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:31 PM

i'm voting for Sarah Palin

I'm voting for Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.

ha...donald trump...who's catch phrase is..."you're fired!"

Who is a very successful business man and has helped a lot of people and charaties in his life. He can manage our economy better and also would strike fear in to our enemies.

I also guarantee he would not go on a world wide apology tour.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 10/11/10 01:48 PM

Who is a very successful business man and has helped a lot of people and charaties in his life. He can manage our economy better and also would strike fear in to our enemies.

I also guarantee he would not go on a world wide apology tour.

He also tried to strong arm an old woman out of her home for 70 yrs so he could build another casino, and she won! I am voting for either libertarians or green partiers simply because they are no dumbocRATS or repugnants, I might vote for someone in the tea party so long as its not Palin.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/11/10 02:28 PM

Who is a very successful business man and has helped a lot of people and charaties in his life. He can manage our economy better and also would strike fear in to our enemies.

I also guarantee he would not go on a world wide apology tour.

He also tried to strong arm an old woman out of her home for 70 yrs so he could build another casino, and she won! I am voting for either libertarians or green partiers simply because they are no dumbocRATS or repugnants, I might vote for someone in the tea party so long as its not Palin.

Ummmmmm no. I am familiar with the incident. There was an old lady who just lost her busband and the bank was going to forclose on her because she couldn't pay the bills since her husband was the primary source of income. The bank would not let up and were evicting her when a mysterious donor paid the complete note(The mysterious donor was found out to be Donal Trump later)

The bank wouldn't accept it and was going to boot her out. Donald Trump then contacted the bank and told them who he was and he offered to pay the note. Ther bank manager refused so Donald Trump introduced him to his lawyers.

End result, the little old lady kept her house and property the bank manager and loan officer lost their job and the media distorted this fact. It was well documented in his book "The Art of the Deal" and other noted works.

Donald Trump is someone I know a lot about. He has been an idol of mine for as long as I could remember. Probably 6 or 7. I grew up in a Real Estate and Construction enviornment and in the 80's he was constantly talked about. I used to listen to his audio tapes with my dad and his employees. My dad even got to meet him in the late 80's.

The Donald has also apparently been looking at property in the Reno and Lake Tahoe Area for a new project.

GotKidz's photo
Mon 10/11/10 02:38 PM

i'm voting for Sarah Palin

I'm voting for Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.

ha...donald trump...who's catch phrase is..."you're fired!"

Who is a very successful business man and has helped a lot of people and charaties in his life. He can manage our economy better and also would strike fear in to our enemies.

I also guarantee he would not go on a world wide apology tour.

i'm not saying I don't like the don, but as president...hmmm, I don't think so.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/11/10 03:48 PM

i'm voting for Sarah Palin

I'm voting for Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.

ha...donald trump...who's catch phrase is..."you're fired!"

Who is a very successful business man and has helped a lot of people and charaties in his life. He can manage our economy better and also would strike fear in to our enemies.

I also guarantee he would not go on a world wide apology tour.

i'm not saying I don't like the don, but as president...hmmm, I don't think so.

It's worth a try, he has more business, foreign relations and practical experience then Obama, my only concern is the lack of military experience.

d24's photo
Mon 10/11/10 03:50 PM

i'm voting for Sarah Palin

I'm voting for Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.

ha...donald trump...who's catch phrase is..."you're fired!"

Who is a very successful business man and has helped a lot of people and charaties in his life. He can manage our economy better and also would strike fear in to our enemies.

I also guarantee he would not go on a world wide apology tour.

i'm not saying I don't like the don, but as president...hmmm, I don't think so.

It's worth a try, he has more business, foreign relations and practical experience then Obama, my only concern is the lack of military experience.
I also like Trumps No Holds Barred Attitude

GotKidz's photo
Mon 10/11/10 03:56 PM

It's worth a try, he has more business, foreign relations and practical experience then Obama, my only concern is the lack of military experience.

right...BO has so much more military experience than the don!

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:45 PM
what foreign relations or 'practical' experience does Trump have

he is an extremely successful ceo, he runs the shots that make him personal profits, he doesnt run a democratic government which represents the CITIZENS,,,

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:52 PM

what foreign relations or 'practical' experience does Trump have

he is an extremely successful ceo, he runs the shots that make him personal profits, he doesnt run a democratic government which represents the CITIZENS,,,

Bill (O'Heady) O'Rielly is the one ..He knows everything... Give him a chance to Rule the World..Go O'Ducky Bill Go

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:54 PM

what foreign relations or 'practical' experience does Trump have

he is an extremely successful ceo, he runs the shots that make him personal profits, he doesnt run a democratic government which represents the CITIZENS,,,

Bill (O'Heady) O'Rielly is the one ..He knows everything... Give him a chance to Rule the World..Go O'Ducky Bill Go

oh my goodness, I think that would make me exit the country faster than a Palin win,,,(not really, but