Topic: Would you re-elect President Obama in 2012?
d24's photo
Mon 10/11/10 12:27 AM
The question should be. Would you pour gas on a fire to put it out?

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 12:31 AM

The question should be. Would you pour gas on a fire to put it out?

differet types of fires require different methods,,,some you dont want to throw water on and others you do and some you actually do FIGHT WITH FIRE,,,,

I dont want to put OBama out, I see no reason to at this point,

Chazster's photo
Mon 10/11/10 03:31 AM

The question should be. Would you pour gas on a fire to put it out?

differet types of fires require different methods,,,some you dont want to throw water on and others you do and some you actually do FIGHT WITH FIRE,,,,

I dont want to put OBama out, I see no reason to at this point,

I see lots

TonkaTruck3's photo
Mon 10/11/10 04:54 AM
I see every reason. Heck, I would even pour gasoline on him if he was on fire!!

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 10/11/10 05:18 AM
I'd vote for him again. I don't agree with everything he has done, but I do think he inherited crap from the previous reign that he is having to deal with. He needs to be given the chance for 4 more years. Of course, he may still be screwed if Congress doesn't work with him.

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 09:46 AM

I'd vote for him again. I don't agree with everything he has done, but I do think he inherited crap from the previous reign that he is having to deal with. He needs to be given the chance for 4 more years. Of course, he may still be screwed if Congress doesn't work with him.

I agree, I am happy with how hard he is working and the things he is working for, even if constant congress intervention stops those things from being accomplished, I really believe HE is working for what he said he would

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:21 AM
Obama made WAY too many mistakes out the gate. TARP and the "Loans" (GAG HACK COUGH) to the Auto Industry, his health care plan, spending more time fund raising than actually doing any real thinking towards ending our dilemmas, his inability to gain ground in Afghanistan, cutting back on weapons development, raising taxes globally (He is not just picking on the rich but some seem to not see that!), not ending all the foreign aid to hostile nations, not ending all the subsidies and entitlements, not making congress stop everything they are doing to address the economic and debt situation of this nation, and he has plans to spend even MORE money we as a nation don't have, and on top of that he surrounds himself with the same "Experts" who dug the hole we are all sliding into and on top of that he is a racist and part of a racist church. His wife is a mouthy ***** and her spending on OUR dollar has been horrendous. They have more housekeepers in the White house than Clinton did! Also his beliefs and policies are creating a greater Segregationist rift in our population than any other president short of Theodore Roosevelt who was also a open bigot! Teddy drove away black voters with his racial views but that was back at the turn of the century when America was still recovering from the Civil War. We had come a long way into the 1980s towards equality but now here in the new Millennium and the turn of the century we have a mulatto who pretends to to be Black and have America's interests in mind but has proven to be a total sell out just like Clinton! He lies constantly. He is devious and deceitful. And I cannot get behind someone I cannot trust. He is a terrible leader. Condoleza Rice would have been a much better choice on several levels.

I seriously want to know what good has come of this administration? Obama has set back equality at least fifty years. He is trying to jam the shoe he thinks he wears being a "Black Man" (COUGH WHEEZE) onto the foot of the white man. people who feel this is right or justified can lick the sweat off of *_______________________________*! Yes I had to stop myself. Lets just say if you think making innocent white people who had nothing to do with racist policies or had anything to do with racial based violence fell the sting for those who were guilty keep this in mind, you had better be a black belt if you express this belief to my face. Even then I could care less. America in general needs to stop trying to make sure all minorities are catered too and start treating everyone equally without, note the word WITHOUT regard to color.

Now when it comes to Islam, well, if you did not read the Quar-an and know nothing about Sharia law and you support its right to exist, you are ignorant, blind, and stupid/gullible. If you did and think you can live like that you are either a Misogynistic man or a woman who is LYING to us and herself! What self respecting woman wants to live in a world where her husband can beat her at will or be raped and punished for it? It should be understood that a religion that promotes domestic violence, ignore Woman's Suffrage, and show disdain and malice towards others not of their faith that religion should not be tolerated among us. They can have their corner of the world and we can have ours and if they step on us we smash them and leave thousands of Martyrs behind! Tolerance should come with a cost, especially to those who are not tolerant! Oh but now I am going to be branded "Intolerant."


Humans are such a bunch of poo flinging simeons sometimes...


msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:29 AM
I have no idea what THIS thread or OBAMA have to do with race,,but,,,


its great we are in a country where people can make up their own minds and have their own vote though,,,

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:38 AM

I'd vote for him again. I don't agree with everything he has done, but I do think he inherited crap from the previous reign that he is having to deal with. He needs to be given the chance for 4 more years. Of course, he may still be screwed if Congress doesn't work with him.


Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:38 AM

I have no idea what THIS thread or OBAMA have to do with race,,but,,,


its great we are in a country where people can make up their own minds and have their own vote though,,,

Are you going to think it's that great when we vote him out in 2012?

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:39 AM

I have no idea what THIS thread or OBAMA have to do with race,,but,,,


its great we are in a country where people can make up their own minds and have their own vote though,,,

Are you going to think it's that great when we vote him out in 2012?

assuming he gets 'voted out', my pleasure will be based upon who gets 'voted in'

RKISIT's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:15 AM
if he gets our troops home so the world can see that iraq is going right back to islam laws...then i will vote for him......bush was a dork for not seeing this and he just wanted to make papa proud,i don't care who you voted for and was put in office noone can fix baby bush's goat **** he created. four years,it's not enough time.

hell people will say well mccain wasn't voted in so you can't say that...yes i can cause the obvious is there.besides i had no problems with bush until he decided to stay in iraq when no WMD's were found.of course you have the supporters who say *in my best redneck tone*he put our troops in iraq to stop terrorism...well not really cause i don't ever remember there being evidence that iraq had anything to do with the 911 attacks

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:18 AM

if he gets our troops home so the world can see that iraq is going right back to islam laws...then i will vote for him......bush was a dork for not seeing this and he just wanted to make papa proud,i don't care who you voted for and was put in office noone can fix baby bush's goat **** he created. four years,it's not enough time.

hell people will say well mccain wasn't voted in so you can't say that...yes i can cause the obvious is there.besides i had no problems with bush until he decided to stay in iraq when no WMD's were found.of course you have the supporters who say *in my best redneck tone*he put our troops in iraq to stop terrorism...well not really cause i don't ever remember there being evidence that iraq had anything to do with the 911 attacks

those types of monumental events can sway public opinion in favor of leadership, 9/11 did alot to gain supporters for Bush who may have otherwise focused on issues like the economy, healthcare, or education and not been as supportive

thats why I like the saying time will tell, because in politics anything can happen and many things can sway public opinion(which is usually quite fickle and suffereing from ADD)

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:28 AM
Edited by AndyBgood on Mon 10/11/10 11:29 AM
Hey, this is what you get when Big Business gets the reigns of Government. They send OUR military to stomp on the Competition.

On top of that add Tree hugging Eco geeks who slam industry at every turn and want us to live in some Agricultural utopia with peace and rainbows in the face of a hostile and uncertain world and you get what we have for congress. Then when you add the religious right wing and big business paying off our officials you get Congress America 2010!

Our two party system has utterly failed us!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:41 AM

I'd vote for him again. I don't agree with everything he has done, but I do think he inherited crap from the previous reign that he is having to deal with. He needs to be given the chance for 4 more years. Of course, he may still be screwed if Congress doesn't work with him.

hasn't anyone noticed if he can't get congress to work with him, he is not a very good leader?...congress is all dems right now and he is still having to fight with them...barry will never be a leader, even his own dems are questioning that

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:44 AM

I'd vote for him again. I don't agree with everything he has done, but I do think he inherited crap from the previous reign that he is having to deal with. He needs to be given the chance for 4 more years. Of course, he may still be screwed if Congress doesn't work with him.

hasn't anyone noticed if he can't get congress to work with him, he is not a very good leader?...congress is all dems right now and he is still having to fight with them...barry will never be a leader, even his own dems are questioning that

leadership is not always about being popular, or getting everyone to agree or approve ,,,,

for me, leadership is having a vision of progress and staying focused on that vision,,,,,

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:46 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Mon 10/11/10 11:57 AM
Mo...Not true.

He has gotten more done than he should have with the Republicans stalling everything they could.

Obama has done well considering everything he had against him coming in.

Not all dems are the same. Some dems are as fanatical as ALL republicans:wink: laugh

GotKidz's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:47 AM

There will always be a disgruntled minority in this country when it comes to political decisions. I do not feel the will of the majority is being ignored.

In our government there will always be those who feel they are not being heard it is the way it is set up.

you might want to check the numbers...BO has almost pulled even with bush jr

BO's days are numbered because it isn't the 'minority' that is disgruntled.

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:50 AM

There will always be a disgruntled minority in this country when it comes to political decisions. I do not feel the will of the majority is being ignored.

In our government there will always be those who feel they are not being heard it is the way it is set up.

you might want to check the numbers...BO has almost pulled even with bush jr

BO's days are numbered because it isn't the 'minority' that is disgruntled.

a snapshot of the moment,, different from this time last year and quite probably will be different this time next year,,,

GotKidz's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:53 AM

I'd vote for him again. I don't agree with everything he has done, but I do think he inherited crap from the previous reign that he is having to deal with. He needs to be given the chance for 4 more years. Of course, he may still be screwed if Congress doesn't work with him.

you've got to be kidding...

4 more years so another generation or two or three will have to pay??