Topic: facebook and NAMBLA???? | |
“We are the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Our sole purpose is to push forward the concept that a consenting man (18+) and a consenting minor (-18) can have a sexual and loving relationship legally. MsHarmony, right in this sentence is where they are saying they want to have sex with children. My opinion is that they are very sick people because a child cannot make up their minds and are not emotionally mature to have sex, especially one who is not even old enough to be in kindergarten. This sick group's motto is "Eight is too late" meaning the younger the child, the better. ![]() I read that they want to push for legalized consentual sex with those under 18. Advocating their 'cause' is their constitutional right as much as it is others right to push for making abortions illegal or homosxual marriage legal,,,,,its just another agenda,, however offensive it is I remember reading that you have two children of your own and take care of nieces and nephews (I think it was, we talked about it in another thread) but did you really think that at the age of 4 or 5 these children would have been able to make a rational decision about something like sex? I know when my girls were that age, they couldn't decide on what shirt to wear or what toy to take to grandma's that day. Making homosexual marriage or abortions legal is of no comparison to letting some man have sex with a young child. Abortion and homosexual marriage is between consenting ADULTS. my unpopular opinion is that consistency and balance are the best teachers I think there is a distinct difference between say,, a seven year old, and a 13 year old I absolutely would not expect a seven year olds body and mind to be able to handle sex BUT after puberty, I truly believe each childs emotional and physical maturity varies as well as what they can handle the issue here is that the law states anyone under 18 is a minor , but there are obvious differences in maturity in the age ranges of 0-18 which are worthy of logical consideration if a 'woman' has sex with a 'boy' who is 16, why is it worse for the boy if that woman is 35 than if she is 21, the physical and emotional impact will be the same for him I take issue with the age for sexual consent and the inequity with which it is applied,, I do not support anyones 'right' to have sex with a pre pubescent minor I do not MORALLY think it is correct for a dependent minor to have sex with ANYONE, but legally I dont think the laws should be age discriminatory once we accept as a culture an age at which 'children' should be 'expected' to 'experiment' The objects of NAMBLA's attentions are young boys under the age of 8, they don't want anything to do with a boy once he loses that "babyish" look to him. I know that some children under the age of 13 are having sex but I don't know where that is accepted anywhere in this country. In my opinion under 16 is way too young. |
“We are the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Our sole purpose is to push forward the concept that a consenting man (18+) and a consenting minor (-18) can have a sexual and loving relationship legally. MsHarmony, right in this sentence is where they are saying they want to have sex with children. My opinion is that they are very sick people because a child cannot make up their minds and are not emotionally mature to have sex, especially one who is not even old enough to be in kindergarten. This sick group's motto is "Eight is too late" meaning the younger the child, the better. ![]() I read that they want to push for legalized consentual sex with those under 18. Advocating their 'cause' is their constitutional right as much as it is others right to push for making abortions illegal or homosxual marriage legal,,,,,its just another agenda,, however offensive it is I remember reading that you have two children of your own and take care of nieces and nephews (I think it was, we talked about it in another thread) but did you really think that at the age of 4 or 5 these children would have been able to make a rational decision about something like sex? I know when my girls were that age, they couldn't decide on what shirt to wear or what toy to take to grandma's that day. Making homosexual marriage or abortions legal is of no comparison to letting some man have sex with a young child. Abortion and homosexual marriage is between consenting ADULTS. my unpopular opinion is that consistency and balance are the best teachers I think there is a distinct difference between say,, a seven year old, and a 13 year old I absolutely would not expect a seven year olds body and mind to be able to handle sex BUT after puberty, I truly believe each childs emotional and physical maturity varies as well as what they can handle the issue here is that the law states anyone under 18 is a minor , but there are obvious differences in maturity in the age ranges of 0-18 which are worthy of logical consideration if a 'woman' has sex with a 'boy' who is 16, why is it worse for the boy if that woman is 35 than if she is 21, the physical and emotional impact will be the same for him I take issue with the age for sexual consent and the inequity with which it is applied,, I do not support anyones 'right' to have sex with a pre pubescent minor I do not MORALLY think it is correct for a dependent minor to have sex with ANYONE, but legally I dont think the laws should be age discriminatory once we accept as a culture an age at which 'children' should be 'expected' to 'experiment' The objects of NAMBLA's attentions are young boys under the age of 8, they don't want anything to do with a boy once he loses that "babyish" look to him. I know that some children under the age of 13 are having sex but I don't know where that is accepted anywhere in this country. In my opinion under 16 is way too young. their statement specifically mentions -18 years of age, which is where the disparity comes in for me I totally agree it would take a sick individual to sexualize an 8 year old,,, |
Their motto is "Eight is too late", they state under the age of 18 so that people will overlook the real objects of their desire.
“We are the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Our sole purpose is to push forward the concept that a consenting man (18+) and a consenting minor (-18) can have a sexual and loving relationship legally. MsHarmony, right in this sentence is where they are saying they want to have sex with children. My opinion is that they are very sick people because a child cannot make up their minds and are not emotionally mature to have sex, especially one who is not even old enough to be in kindergarten. This sick group's motto is "Eight is too late" meaning the younger the child, the better. ![]() exactly! if a grown woman doesn't want to get raped, why would anyone think a child would? these guys are selfish degenerates that can't control there urges. dead or castrated is the only cure... and there is the rub,, the word 'consent' gives adequate argument to the issue of 'rape' in this culture where sexual activity has no stigma and adolescent experimentation is widely accepted,, it is hard to argue on one hand that kids have the ability to consent with each other, but not with an 'adult' kids should have sex or they shouldnt and its really hard to logically debate why the age of their chosen partner should even figure into that equation. If they are mature enough for the activity, than they are mature enough to decide with whom. Adults are supposed to have moral values... they are the ones teaching the kids...adults are supposed to know better... a childs innocence is basically all they have as a child, it is not for a sleazy dirtbag to take that away from is a parents duty to protect their children as long as they can... these scumbags are not talking 16 year olds, they are talking 5 year olds... that is a big difference. |
cant litigate peoples desires,,, besides, isnt all male homosexuality a desire to have sex with a boy at SOME point ? oooh..thats just wrong on sooooo many levels |
This is just absolutely disgusting. These kids get scared for life and these pervs should be dead. Makes me sick to my stomach to even try to understand how this can be legal.
doncha just luuuv your constitution..?? Actually yes I do love the constitution of the least I don't have to worry about some man thinking he can own me.......nor do I have to worry about many things women do in the rest of the yes I do love the constitution of the US and will stand by it with my last dying breath |
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break.
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break. the constitution gives them the RIGHT to voice their beliefs, agendas, tastes, desires,,etc,,, its not such a distant association and it is what is supposedly great about the country, that no one persons morals supercedes anyone elses,,, |
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break. I agree, it's absolutely pathetic to suppport anyone or any group that wants to exploit children. Incredible that I had to read these words here defending this. Simply a low form of life indeed that would defend child molesters... |
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break. I agree, it's absolutely pathetic to suppport anyone or any group that wants to exploit children. Incredible that I had to read these words here defending this. Simply a low form of life indeed that would defend child molesters... the freedoms need to end somewhere... this is beyond ridiculous... |
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break. I agree, it's absolutely pathetic to suppport anyone or any group that wants to exploit children. Incredible that I had to read these words here defending this. Simply a low form of life indeed that would defend child molesters... the freedoms need to end somewhere... this is beyond ridiculous... So then you approve of them using 12 year olds then. I see. |
It's hard to believe and sickening that there is actually people out there who would defend these people in any way shape or form.Any person who is defending these sick,perverted,child predators,should be thrown in jail right next to them and left to rot.It is even more disgusting that people are defending grown men having sodomy with young boys.
I'm sure the ACLU will be defending them shortly.Sounds like a case right up there alley. |
Edited by
Tue 09/28/10 08:27 PM
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break. my point, was that freedom is free even when its ugly...its hideous that this group exists, but, thanks to your constitution even pedophiles have rights... |
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break. my point, was that freedom is free even when its ugly...its hideous that this group exists, but, thanks to your constitution even pedophiles have rights... And in freedom comes justice and sometimes justice does become vigilante but hell if the just system doesn't take care of them the penal system does |
I am blown away these azzholes have a constitutional right to exist! I feel the same about white supremacists, cults, fanatical religious folks, etc... But if we start restricting freedoms where do we stop? Rhetorical question. |
It's hard to believe and sickening that there is actually people out there who would defend these people in any way shape or form.Any person who is defending these sick,perverted,child predators,should be thrown in jail right next to them and left to rot.It is even more disgusting that people are defending grown men having sodomy with young boys. I'm sure the ACLU will be defending them shortly.Sounds like a case right up there alley. you cant have it both ways...freedom is free for everyone..even the nasty guys...just like Dragoness said..if you start restricting freedoms, where do you stop..and who gets to decide??... Thats why a society has values and morals...right from wrong, personal choices, responsibilities and duty toward the society one lives in...that has to be taught, not regulated. |
It amazes me that people will stop at nothing to attack the Constitution. A bunch of child molesting pervs want to have sex with minors, and someone brings up the Constitution??? Give me a break. my point, was that freedom is free even when its ugly...its hideous that this group exists, but, thanks to your constitution even pedophiles have rights... You don't know what you are talking about.Millions of laws have been passed since the Constituition was written.Thousands of them can put you in a dark,cold,cell for the rest of your life where all your rights cease to exist.Gary ridgeway is locked up in SuperMax where he spends 23 hours a day in solitary confinment.You know what his rights are?1 hour a day to shower,and walk around a small patio area which is totally inclosed except the roof. You think your rights are above the laws of this country?Your living in a fantasy world.When a man is sitting in a electric chair all of his rights go out the window with the flip of switch. |
It's hard to believe and sickening that there is actually people out there who would defend these people in any way shape or form.Any person who is defending these sick,perverted,child predators,should be thrown in jail right next to them and left to rot.It is even more disgusting that people are defending grown men having sodomy with young boys. I'm sure the ACLU will be defending them shortly.Sounds like a case right up there alley. you cant have it both ways...freedom is free for everyone..even the nasty guys...just like Dragoness said..if you start restricting freedoms, where do you stop..and who gets to decide??... Thats why a society has values and morals...right from wrong, personal choices, responsibilities and duty toward the society one lives in...that has to be taught, not regulated. You talk like you have been living a cave for the last 30 years. You ever watch that show "To catch a predator"?Simply showing up for the meeting is enough to get your dumb butt thrown into prison for 20 years.Having pornographic photos of nude children on your computer can get you a swift felony and jail time. You do have a right to your beliefs however if you are the kind of person who is considered a danger to the public you can be arrested and thrown in jail for conspiracy to commit a crime.You ever hear of David koresh?You have the right to free speech unless you are threatening another person.The minute you start threatening someone you can be arrested for harassment.Your rights to free speech ends when it comes to face to face slander of another person,giving false or misleading information to a police officer,yelling fire in a crowded theatre,and thousands more I can't think of. All of your rights go into a whole other ball game when a second person is involved.When two people are involved anything can happen.The KKK may have the right to hold a rally.The minute they call for death and destruction of the blacks they are setting themselves up for a whole list of offences to be thrown into jail for. |
The National Assoc of Marlon Brando Look Alikes? Oh you mean the weirdo NAMBLA? Those guys are messed up.