Topic: Why do men always put the blame on women!
IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 09/29/10 06:45 PM
Edited by IndnPrncs on Wed 09/29/10 06:49 PM
Dodo, I don't think it's appropriate or fair to judge her standards b/c she lived with a guy.. Plenty of people don't get married and choose to live together.. That doesn't mean they have low moral standards, it simply means they don't have the same standards that you do.. I think the "opening the legs" remark went WAY beyond appropriate as well.. When did we become God-like and have the right to judge how people choose live with someone or be intimate with someone?

no photo
Wed 09/29/10 06:48 PM

Now I have a question for DivineStrength.

If you were not married to the man, then . . .




. . . what the hell were you doing living with him?

If you permitted him to get between your legs without him being married to you, then you sent him the signal that you did not have high standards.

If you agreed to live with him without the two of you being married, then you gave him the message that you could be taken advantage of.

You blame the guy for a bad relationship, and yet you set yourself up for the bad relationship because of your own low standards.

Back before I met my late wife, I was in a bad relationship with a another women as a result of me lowering my moral standards. I made the mistake of living with her without being married to her. Wow did I ever get hurt as a result of what I did.

I learned my lesson and moved on. Later, when I met my late wife, she and I built a relationship on something other than sex. I did not get between her thighs until after our wedding.

Divine, no matter what your guy did or didn't do, you would never had been in that situation if you had maintained high moral standards for yourself.

Yes, you are aching inside. I did, too. Yet, you can have a fresh start like I did, but in order to do so, you have to admit to your own weaknesses just like I admitted to mine.

True love is still somewhere out there waiting for you. Somewhere there is a man who will give you love and physical affection without insisting on getting between your legs before marriage.

Until you meet true love, keep reminding yourself about the truth:

You are precious. You are priceless. You are lovable. You are beautiful.

Any time that you want to see beauty, just look in a mirror.

Clearly the boyfriend you just broke up with did not deserve you.

By the way, your now-ex-boyfriend did not suddenly change after the two of you began living together. He is the same way that he was when you first met him. Why did you choose him in the first place?

So, anyone who has sex outside of marriage has no standards? And anyone who lives with someone outside of marriage has no standards?

Dragoness's photo
Wed 09/29/10 06:55 PM
slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead

no photo
Wed 09/29/10 06:57 PM

To Dodo David,

I cook, I clean, I take good care of him. I don't nitpick or even nag this man, and he refuses to help with anything or even take a shower, he puts smelly sweat socks on the kitchen table while dinner is being served, he watches football all day long saturday=college football, sunday=NFL sunday, monday= monday night football and a little NCIS...the list goes on and on, which = no time for us and when we do spend time together all HE does is nag about how I didn't iron his shirt correctly or fold his t-shirts into the draw whats your synopsis sir?

I'm not dodo david

but my synopsis is that no woman should put up with that. you made a mistake putting up with even 1 day of it - "run forst run"

dump him girl - for goodwhoa

no photo
Wed 09/29/10 07:00 PM

To Dodo David,

I cook, I clean, I take good care of him. I don't nitpick or even nag this man, and he refuses to help with anything or even take a shower, he puts smelly sweat socks on the kitchen table while dinner is being served, he watches football all day long saturday=college football, sunday=NFL sunday, monday= monday night football and a little NCIS...the list goes on and on, which = no time for us and when we do spend time together all HE does is nag about how I didn't iron his shirt correctly or fold his t-shirts into the draw whats your synopsis sir?

Yeah, sorry, my name isn't David but I've got some questions...if you don't mind.

You "take good care of him." Does he feel that you take good care of him?

He "refuses to help with anything or even take a shower." What do you mean by 'anything'? And, you have been involved with him for how long? Surely you knew long ago about his bathroom habits, right? So, why is it such a big deal now..after all this time?

He is apparently big on the football thing. Well, you could toss the TV's out but I would imagine he would find another locale to watch the games in. Or, you could be grateful that he's home...not in some other woman's bed...but, home with you.

If his nagging is getting to be too much for you, explain it to him. Or, (my own personal method) give him a taste of what nagging feels like. I am not saying go full tilt on the nagging, just spend a few days griping about every little thing you think he's doing wrong. Then ask him, "How does that feel?" I've had a lot of success with this method.

It seems to me that you feel you are not being given credit for everything you do for this gentleman. That's great but, silly question here, have you tried sitting him down and talking about this at all?

to me that all sounds like too much work - I want a man not a manchild who i have to play games to get to behave & act like an adultI still say this guy of hers is seriusly dumpable. jmhoflowerforyou

kc0003's photo
Wed 09/29/10 07:07 PM

Now I have a question for DivineStrength.

If you were not married to the man, then . . .




. . . what the hell were you doing living with him?

If you permitted him to get between your legs without him being married to you, then you sent him the signal that you did not have high standards.

If you agreed to live with him without the two of you being married, then you gave him the message that you could be taken advantage of.

You blame the guy for a bad relationship, and yet you set yourself up for the bad relationship because of your own low standards.

Back before I met my late wife, I was in a bad relationship with a another women as a result of me lowering my moral standards. I made the mistake of living with her without being married to her. Wow did I ever get hurt as a result of what I did.

I learned my lesson and moved on. Later, when I met my late wife, she and I built a relationship on something other than sex. I did not get between her thighs until after our wedding.

Divine, no matter what your guy did or didn't do, you would never had been in that situation if you had maintained high moral standards for yourself.

Yes, you are aching inside. I did, too. Yet, you can have a fresh start like I did, but in order to do so, you have to admit to your own weaknesses just like I admitted to mine.

True love is still somewhere out there waiting for you. Somewhere there is a man who will give you love and physical affection without insisting on getting between your legs before marriage.

Until you meet true love, keep reminding yourself about the truth:

You are precious. You are priceless. You are lovable. You are beautiful.

Any time that you want to see beauty, just look in a mirror.

Clearly the boyfriend you just broke up with did not deserve you.

By the way, your now-ex-boyfriend did not suddenly change after the two of you began living together. He is the same way that he was when you first met him. Why did you choose him in the first place?

and so say the self-righteous.....

wow! that is too much, who are you to pass judgement on anyone?

i think you owe her an apology

no photo
Wed 09/29/10 07:14 PM

and so say the self-righteous.....

wow! that is too much, who are you to pass judgement on anyone?

i think you owe her an apology


Gotta love those that preach to others.. whoa.

no photo
Wed 09/29/10 07:16 PM
think we prolly just all need to agree that standards r individual when it comes to topics like premarital sex, co-habitation, and partner choice

afterall is said & done - one person's trash is another's treasure

geez, I wouldn't want the guy - but someone else obviously did...slaphead I mean - I still marvel at that, but these things are a matter of personal preferences and individual (freedom of) choicewaving

Goofball73's photo
Wed 09/29/10 07:23 PM
My ex told me that "Babe. You are great in the sack." I don't know what she said after that, because I tuned it out. But it was all her fault. I tells ya. I swear. I mean, she wanted me to communicate? noway Oh...The Horror!!!! surprised tongue2

no photo
Wed 09/29/10 07:46 PM

My ex told me that "Babe. You are great in the sack." I don't know what she said after that, because I tuned it out. But it was all her fault. I tells ya. I swear. I mean, she wanted me to communicate? noway Oh...The Horror!!!! surprised tongue2

goof I cant imagine u not communicating..........wellflowerforyou

chelsea466's photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:27 PM

and so say the self-righteous.....

wow! that is too much, who are you to pass judgement on anyone?

i think you owe her an apology


Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:34 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Wed 09/29/10 08:37 PM
I knew ahead of time that some people would object to what I said in my last post.

Yet, who here besides me bothered to tell Divine that she is beautiful? Who here besides me has offered her hope for finding true love?

I confront Divine's situation from the perspective of someone who has been in the same situation.

Egads! It is not unusual for a young woman to give sex to a man in hope that he will give her love in return.

The problem is that way too many men will pretend to give women love in order to get sex. When women fall for such a con job, they end up getting hurt.

Divine has been hurt, and I don't want her to be hurt again.

Sure, we all can tell her to run from the now-ex-boyfriend, but running isn't enough.

Divine put herself into a bad situation because of a choice that she made. If she does not want to end up in another bad relationship, then she needs to figure out what standards that she should use when it comes to dating.

I want for Divine's aching heart to heal, but it won't heal if Divine repeats her previous mistake with another man. She needs to know what messages that her behavior gives a man. Hiding reality from her is no help.

My goal on this thread is to protect and to nurture a young woman who has a wounded heart. I apologize if my previous post came across as being abrasive.

[For what it's worth, when I was younger, I ended up in a bad relationship because I craved love, and a woman pretended to love me so that I would be her sex partner. Strange but true.]

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:36 PM
Dodo I don't think that's what your post did at all.. What your post did was call her a harlot, that's not help, that will not help her make better decisions.. You want to help someone perhaps do it without judging them in your response and then you can say you were trying to help...

no photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:41 PM

I knew ahead of time that some people would object to what I said in my last post.

Yet, who here besides me bothered to tell Divine that she is beautiful? Who here besides me has offered her hope for finding true love?

I confront Divine's situation from the perspective of someone who has been in the same situation.

Egads! It is not unusual for a young woman to give sex to a man in hope that he will give her love in return.

The problem is that way too many men will pretend to give women love in order to get sex. When women fall for such a con job, they end up getting hurt.

Divine has been hurt, and I don't want her to be hurt again.

Sure, we all can tell her to run from the now-ex-boyfriend, but running isn't enough.

Divine put herself into a bad situation because of a choice that she made. If she does not want to end up in another bad relationship, then she needs to figure out what standards that she should use when it comes to dating.

I want for Divine's aching heart to heal, but it won't heal if Divine repeats her previous mistake with another man. She needs to know what messages that her behavior gives a man. Hiding reality from her is no help.

My goal on this thread is to protect and to nurture a young woman who has a wounded heart. I apologize if my previous post came across as being abrasive.

[For what it's worth, when I was younger, I ended up in a bad relationship because I craved love, and a woman pretended to love me so that I would be her sex partner. Strange but true.]

You may have meant well, but the way you wrote your last post didn't show that. Saying that you called her beautiful does not make up for what you said. If you really want to help, do it without judging as prncs said.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:52 PM
I did not call Divine a harlot. A harlot is a prostitute who exchanges sex for money. Divine is no harlot.

I talked about the messages that Divine's behavior sent to her now-ex-boyfriend. She ended up being used by the guy because of the messages that she sent.

I am not going to tell Divine how to live because that isn't my job.
Still, she needs to know how men may perceive her as a result of her chosen behavior. I do not want her to become the target of another jerk.

kc0003's photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:54 PM
This is a crock of shiiit. You are telling her that the relationship went bad because she had sex with this guy? are judging their relationship based on what you think about premarital sex, please. What century do you live in?

We can all see that you harbor ill feelings for this woman from your past, but calling this poor girl a whore will not fix that. Maybe you should clean your own house before you show up at hers with your empty mop bucket and your 13th century version of spic-n-span.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:57 PM
So what advice should we give to Divine?

How do we encourage Divine to protect her heart?

She needs to know that she is still lovable.
She needs to know that she is still beautiful.
She needs to know that true love will find her some day.

kc0003's photo
Wed 09/29/10 09:01 PM
Edited by kc0003 on Wed 09/29/10 09:03 PM
so tell her all of those things, but you don't get her to pay attention by first slapping her in the face. and then point out just how much better of a person you "think" you are because you are more virtuous than she is.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/29/10 09:05 PM
What is Divine to do to avoid being an easy target for another jerk?

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 09/29/10 09:11 PM
wimen are the debil whoa