Topic: The World's War
DJkrupa1's photo
Sat 09/04/10 09:17 AM
Jimmy stared at the televison in horror, he had dropped the paper he had been reading just before and he hit the table.

On the edge of his seat now he watched the screen any sign of brother, he was hopping he was still alive..

Nothing, just the usual things; His day carried on as normal his lunch wss bought and he sat in his little house enjoying a hopefully quiet evening in.

Then a knock came on the door and two soliders stood there looking very solem indeed.
" Jimmy Jasson"
Jimmy nodded the second man haded him something it was his brother's
" He was a hero." The first solider said his voice wavering slightly..
" He saved us all...he picked up a live shell and chucked it back towards the others..."
" The next was a bright light it had exploded in his hand.."

There was silence Jimmy stared at the tag in horror, his eyes welled up and he let out of scream of sadness.
He fell to the floor..
" Jake was my brother and my best friend.. he was my twin..I begged him not too..I didn't want to face life without him..."
The two solider's left leavng jimmy to face life alone.
. . .

Later on a frantic 999/911 call came in Jimmy had gone and was missing his brother's tag..No one knew or heard anything until
a body was washed up in it's hands it graps the tag with Jake
on it..this was confirmed by card as Jimmy.
He was with his brother now...

I must first say sorry for the sad story. However, I'm
doing this as a point to say the news is full of blues at the
moment and I hope London 2012 comes soon so we can have some good news.

Like loads of gold medals!

I'm going to write down my thoughts on everything in this way so
look out for more snipits and please add you own.

Teditis's photo
Sat 09/04/10 09:27 AM
Excellent bit of writing... I enjoyed it. flowerforyou

krupa's photo
Sat 09/04/10 04:07 PM
I saw the name and it was like getting whacked with a 2x4. You have an excellent name babydoll!

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 09/04/10 04:45 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Sat 09/04/10 04:50 PM
DJkrupa1, I accept your invitation.

The Least of These

On a lonely littered hillside

Sweating in the Summer heat,

Digging through the bits of garbage

Laying rotting at his feet.

Perhaps a few old bread crumbs

Or a sip for a mouth gone dry,

Just enough to keep him going

Until he too lies down to die.

And we sit at nightly banquets

Feasting till we cannot eat,

Throwing what we have left over

In a can out on the street.

When you push back from the table

Letting out a satisfied sigh,

Do you see the world that’s dying?

Can you hear the children cry?

[From my book SOUL HAVEN.]

[Photo Source]

Teditis's photo
Sat 09/04/10 05:09 PM
Wow, David... is the book on the shelves?

DJkrupa1's photo
Wed 09/08/10 04:40 AM
Wow what a great poem! so emotion you empathise with the character's
feels and show sadness in the most elgant way.

Moving and touching poems if written wright can make you laugh or tears( Cry)
Here's mine

Through a Police Officer's Eyes

One the cold marble floor; footsteps rang out, once more..
a knock on the door...
Only a lady as white as the floor..
Lying frozen as crystal ice...
Her hand out stretched for the door..
But her life gone, her colour no more.
. . .

In the station the phone does ring..
Grim faces are all in
a crime has been done..
No time for fun

Crime doesn't rest..
but show policemen at their best!!
When they get their man
Under arrest....
You could say it is a pest!

On the marble floor a cluster of echo's
rings once more...
To the body with care
The hand out stretched: still searching for an
which was not there.

Mysteries arrive
and questions with no answers three
How, Why and Who?
Staring at the body why the answer
Right there under her hair...

A Nasty person have we..
Bruises I see three..
one on her neck...
and two on her knee...

Hmm the motive is clear to me
check her purse, Has the money gone?
No... then I'm wrong..
It is Murder I do see...

Could it be the maid, the butler or the cook...
Or a stranger that was outside hiding in a nook?
Or her husband dear...
startle her like a wild deer..

But what was the motive now.?
We've got the how...
Who's the real swine..
Will they give me my line...?
Or is the end of our time..?

All I know is all I see..
It could be one of the three..
for on that marble floor...
There she lies
Crystal as ice...

I turn away shaking my head it dismay..
How can they do it...?
By using a thrust of a knife..
They take a person life..!.

Life is unfair that is the world about..
but do see good news..
No it is all sad...
I sigh it is really that bad?

So my friends
Don't carry a knife..
Or you could end up
in one of our cars

Or Behind bars..
so don't judge my work clothes
or badge you see..

Just judge me by my personality...
I don't like it when a force gets slogged
and I get figures held up to me
We all make mistakes you see..

That how a human can be
so a poems is here
through eyes of our police personal
Will thing improve?
Only they can tell me..

Through the critical eye of the Telly
So next time you here the sirens loud..
Move over and make Britain proud!
To once again be crime free..

Who can do it?
You and me...
That is who..
It is true!

So move over!
When the sirens flash
For us police.
Have a Job to do

We could be rushing fast.
To a person at their last gasp.
Under the tape.
Whether it be white or blue.
Or yellow too.
Or we could be after you.

So don't panic
and do a run.
Because you'll be in more trouble
when we are done.
For Law were the number 1

So think
do you need that drink?

Do you drive?
Do you want to crash in a car
and be trapped in side?

If the answer No
then pull over if you please.
To the side of the road.
But don't make it a squeeze
because there is others too

Trying to get through.

But if the answer Yes...
Uh, oh we'll hunt you down.
After we've dealt with you.
Ram a police car..
and Seriously you will end up behind bars.

Then I'll get to say my line..
as our team book you in for
Jail time!

Oh yes what this I see an identity?
…..Oh right I see the dental records.
Nice, Oh nice
We'll get them now

They have made a fatal flaw.
They left a finger print on the door..
and a small bit of blood on the floor.
Oh yes what fun,

We get them for sure!

There's my phone my kids are home,
but it is not...
Oh look a thing which they have forgot.
Hah it is a wedge of cash..
but just how much is here..
I think we have a drug dealer..
Oh what a lot of dosh.

I think I have and idea who it is..
Our old mate Josh.
Into his home..
Oh he is on the run.
Hah, in a crash here we came..
Oh yes …...Oh no
He is gone...
There goes my phone..
….....I don't believe it
No I don't
this has got to be Joke.
He has been caught
and book in for time.

And I didn't get my line.

I tell you now fighting crime
takes up the time..
and it's no joke.
When we have to deal
with a drunken woman or bloke!

Ah here we go...
another thing..
as the station phone does ring

Oh come on now
let us go past!

DJkrupa1's photo
Wed 09/08/10 04:44 AM
' I have notice 'it dimay' should be 'in dismay'
Hope his helps