Topic: Profiles "About me"
MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 09/05/10 08:59 AM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Sun 09/05/10 09:54 AM

I understand what you are saying about having a "surprise" effect - and that being part of the fun; however, I don't want to waste my time. If I don't discuss my deal-breakers in my bio section then I am setting myself up for meeting the wrong person.

Melody, I just want to say "Thank You!" on this one.

I've tried to make it very very clear, in my profile, as to what I'm looking for and NOT looking for. I get a lot of profile views here, and only about 10% of those people ever contact me. I think a large part of that is because the others have read my profile and realize we would not be a good match.

As it stands, the majority (I should say "entirety," to be accurate!) of people who do contact me, stating that they're interested in starting something, are people who are excluded by my deal-breakers, as stated in the profile. Either they didn't read that far or they somehow decided they can change my mind!

But imagine how much worse it could be if I DIDN'T mention my deal-breakers in my profile....!

Women always trying to change us.

I can only speak for me, but I never, ever want to change anybody. People cannot change people.

Take me as I am - and I take people as they are -- or I don't take them at all. winking

This is why I am so specific. I want what I want and not a pre-fab man that needs guidance and molding. laugh

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:01 AM

Simple fact is NO MATTER what you put in your profile. people are going to contact you. IF THEY ARE PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED TO YOU! PERIOD. End of story!

You are absolutely right about this statement. :thumbsup:

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:05 AM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Sun 09/05/10 09:40 AM


Considering the fact that Wiccans are Pot heads. And burn a symbolic man in effigy once a year in the desert. I understand completely why you are taking shots at me.

WOW! First, I am not Wiccan - I am Pagan.

Secondly, people of all religious sects may or may not smoke pot. I for one have never done drugs or smoked a cigarette. I have zero tolerance for those activities.

I am not taking shots at you. I don't know where you extracted that idea from my postings. All of my replies are speaking in general terms and situations. If you happen to fall into any of the situations I speak of then it's purely coincidental. I don't know anything about you, right? I am a bit of a smarty pants; however, I mean no harm.

I thought we were having an adult conversation; I am not using disparaging remarks. I am just speaking sincerely.

You seem frustrated at the replies. Members are just adding their feedback. You may not like the feedback you get but you did post on a public internet forum. You have to expect a plethora of opinions - not all of which you will agree.

Relax and have fun. You don't have to defend everything you say. What ever reason you are on Mingle - own it!

The cool thing about Mingle or any dating circumstance is the fact there is always something for everyone. If you don't vibe with a person you can easily move on rather than analyzing what makes them tick. I love the "next" button! laugh

Live and let live, right? drinker

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:06 AM

no one can help who they fall in love with.

This is also a true statement. :thumbsup:

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:43 AM

Am I the only one who has ever noticed? That the stuff people put on thier About me sections. Are more like things they would say at Job interviews. And less like the things they'ld say to someone at a bar. Or to someone who they are trying to pick up.

I suppose it has a lot to do with what type of relationship they are looking for. But still, the whole fun in dating is getting to know someone. In the process you either fall in love. Or learn that that particular person is not the type you should or want to be dating at all.

Knowing to much about someone right off the bat. Ruins a lot of the fun in dating or even hooking up for one night stands.

If you would believe, what many writes in their profiles, there is absolutely no reason at all why they are single really. Sure, privacy is a concern, when it comes to putting yourself out on a public site, where thousands can view and browse through the profiles, so actually most people - I believe- are closed off and suspicious- so the usual blank mask of a resume-like profile serves as a security feature.

Many, actually view the "about me" section as a privacy intrusion, especially when a dating site encourages to "you must write at leas 20 words, or your profile will not be complete" or peer pressure of seeing others having something written in their profiles, and their empty ones just hang out of the line - let's use a bad term- sheep mentality.

At the end of the day, it's better off forgetting what he or she wrote in the profile anyway - if you ask me- or you gonna end up making that person to shape himself or herself to a pick up certain image, that the person in question created about him or herself, and it gets worse, if there the profile does not reflect the same person behind the profile.

Many jump the ship and rejects the offer, if someone starts to ask questions that are not comfortable and the answers would reveal that he or she behind the profile has been not truthful.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:51 AM

Sing, and Indian Princess,

if the first thing on your mind when you meet a man. is, What kind of job or education they have. Then you have been watching to much Oprah. Seriously.

Maybe you'ld be better served joining those Nazis on

You can not sit there and tell me. When you meet a person in a social public place. The first thing you think, is "Did this guy graduate college and does he have a 401K plan?" Cause if that is the case. then no wonder you are still single.

There are a lot of things on my mind when I meet a man, I have a whole list of things.. I will not support someone so anyone that I'm going to date must bring something to the table just as I do.. A 401k is the least of it but it's smart to have so if he has one at least I know he cares about the future... There are a lot of small things that can tell you a lot about a person and if you will click/can go further than a date or two.. I'm not looking for sex so my criteria is important.. You are looking for sex so you have no criteria... We're different people of course we'll have different criteria, what's the big deal? I don't need Eharmony just b/c I have criteria.. Perhaps you'd be better off with "Adult Friend Finder" if all you're looking for is sex...

I also think that the people putting stuff in their profile about what they want and who they are, are trying/hoping to attract a certain kind of person... Those are probably the profiles that contain too much substance and you should move past and look for the ones that state "intimate encounter"...

Attacking us and being rude to us b/c we responded with our thoughts and why or how we do what we do with our profiles isn't cool.. People are different b/c we don't want what you want doesn't make us Nazi's or Wiccan's or anything else that you want to consider derogatory...

Oh and I don't watch Oprah, can't stand the show AND I'm single b/c I choose to be and will not settle...

eklectek's photo
Sun 09/05/10 11:37 AM

Sing, and Indian Princess,

if the first thing on your mind when you meet a man. is, What kind of job or education they have. Then you have been watching to much Oprah. Seriously.

Maybe you'ld be better served joining those Nazis on

You can not sit there and tell me. When you meet a person in a social public place. The first thing you think, is "Did this guy graduate college and does he have a 401K plan?" Cause if that is the case. then no wonder you are still single.

There are a lot of things on my mind when I meet a man, I have a whole list of things.. I will not support someone so anyone that I'm going to date must bring something to the table just as I do.. A 401k is the least of it but it's smart to have so if he has one at least I know he cares about the future... There are a lot of small things that can tell you a lot about a person and if you will click/can go further than a date or two.. I'm not looking for sex so my criteria is important.. You are looking for sex so you have no criteria... We're different people of course we'll have different criteria, what's the big deal? I don't need Eharmony just b/c I have criteria.. Perhaps you'd be better off with "Adult Friend Finder" if all you're looking for is sex...

I also think that the people putting stuff in their profile about what they want and who they are, are trying/hoping to attract a certain kind of person... Those are probably the profiles that contain too much substance and you should move past and look for the ones that state "intimate encounter"...

Attacking us and being rude to us b/c we responded with our thoughts and why or how we do what we do with our profiles isn't cool.. People are different b/c we don't want what you want doesn't make us Nazi's or Wiccan's or anything else that you want to consider derogatory...

Oh and I don't watch Oprah, can't stand the show AND I'm single b/c I choose to be and will not settle...

DING DING!! ROUND ONE! O.k where to start? I usually try my best to not dignify banality however this is just way too hard to resist. The first part that I will address is the statement about how if Women first look at the career and goals of a potential male or date/partner. This is simple. They will 99% of the time date a guy if he treats her right, HOWEVER, if the female were to find a guy that works flipping burgers, she will usually give him the chance and move on to the goal topic, especially if she gets the impression that the guy is more than what he has become. PRNCS gets my high five there! Sounds to me like a few people here are not happy with what they have achieved in their own life/lives. As for the 401k....Jesus...My friend..Justin is it??...this is why YOU are single. You just don't have a clue. For example, I graduated from university, I make 90k a year,I'm 25!!!, I HAVE A 401K!!!!, and I will be retired by the age of 35. I'M SINGLE! I get the impression that you attack these ladies because you make minimum wage and was recently shot down by a pretty girl. Can't imaging why...what a wonderful attitude you have. Now I'm sure you need to do some research on the differences between pagan and another forms of belief systems. I find it frustrating when people spit crap out with out at least reading about it. Whether a person gets high or not is irrelevant. That is a personal choice and triumph if you ask me, to go through life with polluting your body as little as possible. Melody gets my high five here! Here is some advice, maybe after you learn how to bring your point across without attacking anybody, people, WOMEN especially will begin to respect you. Put yourself in their position, (that's usually all they ask) do YOU want a woman who is going nowhere fast? Maul it over big guy, and while you do, maybe you could find a wall and run in to it for being so rude to these ladies.

no photo
Sun 09/05/10 12:09 PM

I understand what you are saying about having a "surprise" effect - and that being part of the fun; however, I don't want to waste my time. If I don't discuss my deal-breakers in my bio section then I am setting myself up for meeting the wrong person.

Melody, I just want to say "Thank You!" on this one.

I've tried to make it very very clear, in my profile, as to what I'm looking for and NOT looking for. I get a lot of profile views here, and only about 10% of those people ever contact me. I think a large part of that is because the others have read my profile and realize we would not be a good match.

As it stands, the majority (I should say "entirety," to be accurate!) of people who do contact me, stating that they're interested in starting something, are people who are excluded by my deal-breakers, as stated in the profile. Either they didn't read that far or they somehow decided they can change my mind!

But imagine how much worse it could be if I DIDN'T mention my deal-breakers in my profile....!

Women always trying to change us.

That's been my experience -- with one notable exception.

I'd like to think there might be another exception out there.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 09/05/10 04:03 PM

I'm single b/c I choose to be and will not settle...

IndnPrncs, say it isn't so. frown
I didn't know that you were such a heart-breaker.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 09/05/10 04:43 PM
If a woman is accustomed to having a certain level of material wealth, then that woman will seek a relationship that will enable her to maintain the level of material wealth that she is accustomed to. If a man doesn't have the kind of material wealth that the woman is accustomed to, then the man has no chance with the woman, regardless of the man's character.

If a woman is not accustomed to having much material wealth, then material wealth will not necessarily be a factor in who the woman chooses to be with. For such a woman, how much love a man has to offer her is more important than how much material wealth that he has.

A wealthy, cold-hearted man can pretend to have love to give, but a poor, loving man cannot pretend to have wealth to give. Which man is more likely to attract a woman who desires a certain level of material wealth?

no photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:01 AM

Sing, and Indian Princess,

if the first thing on your mind when you meet a man. is, What kind of job or education they have. Then you have been watching to much Oprah. Seriously.

Maybe you'ld be better served joining those Nazis on

You can not sit there and tell me. When you meet a person in a social public place. The first thing you think, is "Did this guy graduate college and does he have a 401K plan?" Cause if that is the case. then no wonder you are still single.

I'm not sure where either of us said it was the first thing we look for. I can only speak for myself, though. If it's just casual dating, then no, it isn't going to be a big deal. If it's going to turn into anything more serious, I certainly do expect the person I'm dating to have goals.

Why do you have an issue with this? Do you not have goals and are annoyed that women are looking for men who do?

You said it yourself, "if it's casual dating" then you aren't really worried about that. And that is my point, you want people on these websites to want to get to know you better. For the most part, anyone male or female would be scared away from someone they just met. Talking about 5 year career plans.


no photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:04 AM
Edited by Justin68 on Mon 09/06/10 09:05 AM


Considering the fact that Wiccans are Pot heads. And burn a symbolic man in effigy once a year in the desert. I understand completely why you are taking shots at me.

WOW! First, I am not Wiccan - I am Pagan.

Secondly, people of all religious sects may or may not smoke pot. I for one have never done drugs or smoked a cigarette. I have zero tolerance for those activities.

I am not taking shots at you. I don't know where you extracted that idea from my postings. All of my replies are speaking in general terms and situations. If you happen to fall into any of the situations I speak of then it's purely coincidental. I don't know anything about you, right? I am a bit of a smarty pants; however, I mean no harm.

I thought we were having an adult conversation; I am not using disparaging remarks. I am just speaking sincerely.

You seem frustrated at the replies. Members are just adding their feedback. You may not like the feedback you get but you did post on a public internet forum. You have to expect a plethora of opinions - not all of which you will agree.

Relax and have fun. You don't have to defend everything you say. What ever reason you are on Mingle - own it!

The cool thing about Mingle or any dating circumstance is the fact there is always something for everyone. If you don't vibe with a person you can easily move on rather than analyzing what makes them tick. I love the "next" button! laugh

Live and let live, right? drinker

Perhaps and I was stereotyping. most the Wiccans i know are ALL POT HEADS! And like it or not, "The Burning Man" Celebration. Is a female led culture buring a symbolic man in efigy. That is what the movie Wiccar Man with Nick Cage was about. Wiccans believe that men should serve them as slaves.

But then again a couple of you were stereotyping me. because of the fact I am unemployed, and only looking for sexual relationships.

no photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:06 AM

Am I the only one who has ever noticed? That the stuff people put on thier About me sections. Are more like things they would say at Job interviews. And less like the things they'ld say to someone at a bar. Or to someone who they are trying to pick up.

I suppose it has a lot to do with what type of relationship they are looking for. But still, the whole fun in dating is getting to know someone. In the process you either fall in love. Or learn that that particular person is not the type you should or want to be dating at all.

Knowing to much about someone right off the bat. Ruins a lot of the fun in dating or even hooking up for one night stands.

If you would believe, what many writes in their profiles, there is absolutely no reason at all why they are single really. Sure, privacy is a concern, when it comes to putting yourself out on a public site, where thousands can view and browse through the profiles, so actually most people - I believe- are closed off and suspicious- so the usual blank mask of a resume-like profile serves as a security feature.

Many, actually view the "about me" section as a privacy intrusion, especially when a dating site encourages to "you must write at leas 20 words, or your profile will not be complete" or peer pressure of seeing others having something written in their profiles, and their empty ones just hang out of the line - let's use a bad term- sheep mentality.

At the end of the day, it's better off forgetting what he or she wrote in the profile anyway - if you ask me- or you gonna end up making that person to shape himself or herself to a pick up certain image, that the person in question created about him or herself, and it gets worse, if there the profile does not reflect the same person behind the profile.

Many jump the ship and rejects the offer, if someone starts to ask questions that are not comfortable and the answers would reveal that he or she behind the profile has been not truthful.

You watch to many cop dramas.

no photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:08 AM

I understand what you are saying about having a "surprise" effect - and that being part of the fun; however, I don't want to waste my time. If I don't discuss my deal-breakers in my bio section then I am setting myself up for meeting the wrong person.

Melody, I just want to say "Thank You!" on this one.

I've tried to make it very very clear, in my profile, as to what I'm looking for and NOT looking for. I get a lot of profile views here, and only about 10% of those people ever contact me. I think a large part of that is because the others have read my profile and realize we would not be a good match.

As it stands, the majority (I should say "entirety," to be accurate!) of people who do contact me, stating that they're interested in starting something, are people who are excluded by my deal-breakers, as stated in the profile. Either they didn't read that far or they somehow decided they can change my mind!

But imagine how much worse it could be if I DIDN'T mention my deal-breakers in my profile....!

Women always trying to change us.

That's been my experience -- with one notable exception.

I'd like to think there might be another exception out there.

Indeed, i have only been involved with one women. that hasn't tried to change me. And that was my highschool girlfriend. LOL

Simply, when a women is constantly trying to change a man. That is FEMINIZATION!

no photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:12 AM

Sing, and Indian Princess,

if the first thing on your mind when you meet a man. is, What kind of job or education they have. Then you have been watching to much Oprah. Seriously.

Maybe you'ld be better served joining those Nazis on

You can not sit there and tell me. When you meet a person in a social public place. The first thing you think, is "Did this guy graduate college and does he have a 401K plan?" Cause if that is the case. then no wonder you are still single.

There are a lot of things on my mind when I meet a man, I have a whole list of things.. I will not support someone so anyone that I'm going to date must bring something to the table just as I do.. A 401k is the least of it but it's smart to have so if he has one at least I know he cares about the future... There are a lot of small things that can tell you a lot about a person and if you will click/can go further than a date or two.. I'm not looking for sex so my criteria is important.. You are looking for sex so you have no criteria... We're different people of course we'll have different criteria, what's the big deal? I don't need Eharmony just b/c I have criteria.. Perhaps you'd be better off with "Adult Friend Finder" if all you're looking for is sex...

I also think that the people putting stuff in their profile about what they want and who they are, are trying/hoping to attract a certain kind of person... Those are probably the profiles that contain too much substance and you should move past and look for the ones that state "intimate encounter"...

Attacking us and being rude to us b/c we responded with our thoughts and why or how we do what we do with our profiles isn't cool.. People are different b/c we don't want what you want doesn't make us Nazi's or Wiccan's or anything else that you want to consider derogatory...

Oh and I don't watch Oprah, can't stand the show AND I'm single b/c I choose to be and will not settle...

her is the thing Princess.

Just this morning there was a segment on the CNBC news. The segment was about. How on average, women in our generation are starting to make more money than the men thier age.

I commented to my father, brother and his wife. That the problem is, that 90% of those women are still looking to date men who make more money than they do.

ALSO, they showed a map of the country. Poitning out Major Cities where this trend is the strongest. And i can tell you for a fact. That all of the cities where this was true. Women making more money than men. Those particular cities, have a HUGE sub culture of Feminization, Cuckolding, and Female domination.

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:13 AM

I'm single b/c I choose to be and will not settle...

IndnPrncs, say it isn't so. frown
I didn't know that you were such a heart-breaker.


no photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:15 AM
Here in Johnstown,PA. The university of Pitt has a campus. The sororities on that campus. Tell thier sisters to WEAR FAKE WEDDING RINGS. When they go out to local bars. So that local guys will not bother them.

in My expirence, throughout my 20's. Young women whom I have met. Who were big on education and careers. Were, apprehensive about starting relationships. because they did not want to get involved incase they had to move away for grad school or a promotion.

At the same time, most of those girls. Were in fact looking for pruely sexual relationships.

JamieRawxx's photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:19 AM

Here in Johnstown,PA. The university of Pitt has a campus. The sororities on that campus. Tell thier sisters to WEAR FAKE WEDDING RINGS. When they go out to local bars. So that local guys will not bother them.

in My expirence, throughout my 20's. Young women whom I have met. Who were big on education and careers. Were, apprehensive about starting relationships. because they did not want to get involved incase they had to move away for grad school or a promotion.

At the same time, most of those girls. Were in fact looking for pruely sexual relationships.


EquusDancer's photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:27 AM


Considering the fact that Wiccans are Pot heads. And burn a symbolic man in effigy once a year in the desert. I understand completely why you are taking shots at me.

WOW! First, I am not Wiccan - I am Pagan.

Secondly, people of all religious sects may or may not smoke pot. I for one have never done drugs or smoked a cigarette. I have zero tolerance for those activities.

I am not taking shots at you. I don't know where you extracted that idea from my postings. All of my replies are speaking in general terms and situations. If you happen to fall into any of the situations I speak of then it's purely coincidental. I don't know anything about you, right? I am a bit of a smarty pants; however, I mean no harm.

I thought we were having an adult conversation; I am not using disparaging remarks. I am just speaking sincerely.

You seem frustrated at the replies. Members are just adding their feedback. You may not like the feedback you get but you did post on a public internet forum. You have to expect a plethora of opinions - not all of which you will agree.

Relax and have fun. You don't have to defend everything you say. What ever reason you are on Mingle - own it!

The cool thing about Mingle or any dating circumstance is the fact there is always something for everyone. If you don't vibe with a person you can easily move on rather than analyzing what makes them tick. I love the "next" button! laugh

Live and let live, right? drinker

Perhaps and I was stereotyping. most the Wiccans i know are ALL POT HEADS! And like it or not, "The Burning Man" Celebration. Is a female led culture buring a symbolic man in efigy. That is what the movie Wiccar Man with Nick Cage was about. Wiccans believe that men should serve them as slaves.

But then again a couple of you were stereotyping me. because of the fact I am unemployed, and only looking for sexual relationships.

Maybe if you looked into the actual history of the burning man effigy, rather then Hollywood's version of it, you might find it was a basic sacrificial thing rather then a "pick on the poor men".

That said, what makes it any different then the whole wafers and wine (body and blood), that the Catholic Church is known for? And we won't even get into the sacrificing of Jesus to save one from sins, when Jehovah could have just wiped the slate clean with a word, rather then a bloody sacrifice.

I know FAR more non-Pagans who smoke pot then those who do. I also know far more potheads who don't work, and don't care. That's why I won't date one.

So, many guys gripe about how they aren't dating, because they don't have jobs. Most women actually don't care about who makes more. They also wouldn't care so much if the guy didn't work, so long as he kept the house clean and cooked while the women worked. Instead, those guys want to whine about how badly they're treated, and sit on their butts and do nothing. The woman comes home from work, and still has more work to do. At least if she is single, the place doesn't get as messy, and the meal is far smaller. Who wants a useless baby, taking up space, and making a mess. (At least the baby grows up and can be trained to be a functional adult). We want a man who is a partner in all things, including doing laundry, cooking, and running the vacuum.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/06/10 09:50 AM

We want a man who is a partner in all things, including doing laundry, cooking, and running the vacuum.

I meet those qualifications. Where/how do I apply for the job?