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Topic: Oh The Horror! (Discuss anything horror related)
no photo
Sun 08/29/10 04:58 PM
And chihuahua piranha crossbreeds!

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/29/10 05:12 PM

And chihuahua piranha crossbreeds!

yea, i hate those things...

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/29/10 05:12 PM

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/29/10 06:00 PM
this aint horror, but i didn't want to start a separate forum for it, so i'll post it here... for any star trek fans

So most of you know that Edward James Olmos almost ended up playing Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I get why he would've been on the short list for that role; it makes some kind of sense. But Wesley Snipes as Geordi La Forge? Willy Mays Hayes? Shadow Henderson? Frakkin' Blade as Geordi La Forge? It sounds crazy, but it almost happened.

An internal Paramount memo that details the front-runners for the lead roles for The Next Generation has surfaced online, and it's full of wonderful surprises. The fact that Snipes was considered to play Geordi, and probably auditioned for Gene Roddenberry, is probably the biggest surprise. But it's also interesting to note that Yaphet Kotto was considered for the role of Captain Picard and Denise Crosby, who played Tahsa Yar, almost landed the role of Deanna Troi.

theres more about it here, with a link to the original site

SexiLuvinGirl's photo
Sun 08/29/10 06:18 PM
Um? How are you getting pictures loaded into comments?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/29/10 06:58 PM

Um? How are you getting pictures loaded into comments?

you cant load them from your comp, you have to post them at a site like photobucket.com... but you can get them off the other websites, like i did with these pics and posters.

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 07:06 PM
Moe, you could have posted it in Ruth's scifi thread...just sayin'. Wow, Yaphet Kotto as Picard. And Snipes, haha- Geordi would have done some major azz kickin'

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/29/10 07:09 PM

Moe, you could have posted it in Ruth's scifi thread...just sayin'. Wow, Yaphet Kotto as Picard. And Snipes, haha- Geordi would have done some major azz kickin'

i didn't even think of that...i just thought it was kinda cool.

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 07:13 PM

Moe, you could have posted it in Ruth's scifi thread...just sayin'. Wow, Yaphet Kotto as Picard. And Snipes, haha- Geordi would have done some major azz kickin'

i didn't even think of that...i just thought it was kinda cool.

It is, I love that kind of trivia. Olmos did go on to play a famous star ship capt...er...admiral.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/29/10 07:20 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Sun 08/29/10 07:21 PM

Moe, you could have posted it in Ruth's scifi thread...just sayin'. Wow, Yaphet Kotto as Picard. And Snipes, haha- Geordi would have done some major azz kickin'

i didn't even think of that...i just thought it was kinda cool.

It is, I love that kind of trivia. Olmos did go on to play a famous star ship capt...er...admiral.
did you read the intire list? the also had reggie jacksons name for geordi too
here is the original site with the whole list

wux's photo
Mon 08/30/10 08:14 AM
Edited by wux on Mon 08/30/10 08:18 AM

Um? How are you getting pictures loaded into comments?

I was ready to welcome you back to the site, SLG, in a personal note, but when I clicked on you, a screen told me you've been deactivated... were you an operative? or radio-active?

Anyhow, your comment on this thread was left yesterday... and your profile today is deactive. Is it me, or are you truly deactivated, or I am blocked by you? I don't know, I am not making accusations, I am really curious, becasue this is bizarre.

wux's photo
Mon 08/30/10 08:17 AM
Edited by wux on Mon 08/30/10 08:21 AM

most aliens have big teeth too

I just hate it when they dribble their saliva on my car upholstery.

wux's photo
Mon 08/30/10 08:32 AM
Edited by wux on Mon 08/30/10 08:36 AM

Aliens have much higher and technologically more developed societies than man. Case in point: their oral hygiene is more advanced than ours.

No aliens ever have teeth with cavities, they don't suffer from mandibular joint misalignment, or from gingivitis.

Even Tom Cruise and Angelina Gottweiler have a couple of feelings in their mouths. General McNamara had false teeth, and Marshall Schwartzkopf, chronologically the latest US general to equivocally win a war fair and square so far, has two tooth implants and a root canal on his D4.

And we want to convince the American people we can truly defend our race and our planet against an alien invasion? WITH OUR BAD TEETH?? Bah! Humbug. We don't have a snowball's chance in Satan's mouth.

no photo
Mon 08/30/10 09:53 AM
Edited by Torgo70 on Mon 08/30/10 09:53 AM
Speaking of Alien...Has anyone else seen the ultra violent Italian Alien ripoff/unofficial sequel that came out in 1980? Alien 2: On Earth


My favorite Alien ripoff is Galaxy Of Terror from 1981. What a cast- Robert Englund, Sid Haig, Zalman King, Taaffe O'Connell, Ray Walston, Grace Zabriskie, and lets not forget Erin Moran from Happy Days.


no photo
Tue 08/31/10 04:03 PM
The Future Of Madman Marz

Joe Giannone’s Madman (shot in 1980, released 1982) has experienced a resurgence with slasher fans in recent years similar to the Sleepaway Camp movement. Yet this has all been contrary to the increasing rarity of the film since Anchor Bay’s DVD went out of print.

But that’s about to be remedied as Code Red DVD prepare to release their own special edition into the marketplace come September. Writer/executive producer of Madman, Gary Sales, recently spoke with Retro Slashers about what’s planned for the trusty camp slasher.

“The DVD’s almost done and it’s coming with an hour+ featurette – The Legend Lives: 30 Years of Madman, by horror filmmakers, Victor Bonacora and Dave Beinlich.” Sales tells us. “Lotsa interviews and never before seen images. Just interviewed Deron Miller of CKY, who was inspired by Madman to write Escape From Hellview, the band’s 3rd most popular song on YouTube. In addition, we caught Carl Fredericks (now 84), who played Max. Sorry, Gaylen Ross won’t go on camera. But Paul “Madman” Ehlers is there. There’s also a trip back to Fish Cove, the old location where Madman was shot.”

Sales has really taken Madman by the belt-buckle and secured its mass-availability long into the future across several formats. He informs us “We’re also now on YouTube Rental and heading for PlayStation, & Hulu. We’re also in iTunes review mode now and should be live there before Halloween.”

No talk of an old slasher movie resurfacing would be complete without bringing up the possibility of another Madman movie. Sales enthusiastically outlined to us what he refers to internally as the Madman Marz 3D Re-Imagining Project. “I’m in talks with studios and foreign buyers for a release in 2011. The script has been written by Paul “Madman Marz” Ehlers, his son Jon (born during production) and myself. It’s killah! Really killah!” We’ve also heard that it could function as a dual reboot/sequel similar to Friday The 13th (2009) but plan a follow up conversation with Sales in future to address this.

Not simply forward-minded, Sales is happy to look back to yesteryear and take stock of what Madman really meant to people: “Many of our fans are from back in the day and Madman was one of the first horror pix they ever saw (many were underage and got to see it in the early days of VHS while their parentz weren’t home or thru an older sibling.) But many young horror fans missed the first run and weren’t around in the early 80’s and are just discovering the cool slashers we made back in the day.”

- http://retroslashers.net/the-future-of-madman-marz/

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOarNNUHs9A

no photo
Tue 08/31/10 04:04 PM
I already own the Anchor Bay release of Madman which I was lucky enough to get before the price skyrocketed...I might actually double-dip this one.

no photo
Wed 09/01/10 09:16 AM


Other monkey/ape horror:

Link 1986


Monkey Shines 1988


Shakma 1990


no photo
Thu 09/02/10 06:04 AM
Stand-Up Comedian Tells Jokes in Traffic for 50 Cents Apiece


Bernie Mac learned the fearless stage persona that made him famous while slinging jokes on the streets and subways of Chicago for spare change. Don Hepner is taking a similar path -- an off-ramp in Iowa.

For 50 cents, the "Gong Show" veteran will yell a joke into your car window as you sit at a stoplight.

"I'm always doing crazy things," Hepner tells us over the phone while standing at his off-ramp. "Tomorrow morning I'm performing in a donut shop."

He admits the highway has been his most successful gig, but he also performs in grocery stores, Chick-Fil-As, coffee shops and bars. McDonald's, however, turned down his offer to perform.

"I read an article about how fast food chains are trying to get customers to stay in their restaurants longer," Hepner says. "So, I approached a McDonald's with the idea, but they didn't go for it. I guess they hadn't read the same article."

Hepner began performing during the stand-up boom of the 1980s and spent 13 years on the road. As clubs closed down, he took a job managing a theater in California and focused on his acting career. You may recognize him as Dr. Reynolds in the low-budget slasher film "Final Exam." No?

After being let go from his theater job, Hepner started looking at other options, which weren't plentiful in an area that he says has about "18 stand-up comics" and no comedy clubs. Then he learned that it's legal to panhandle in the city of Bettendorf if you have a panhandler's license, which is free and easy to get.

"I saw these guys at off-ramps hassling people for change -- and they don't even tell them a joke!" he says.

The stoplight stays on red for just 30 seconds, so the only jokes Hepner can tell are one-liners. For example: "My wife calls me her little lava lamp -- interesting to watch but not very bright."

"Normally, when I'm performing I'll do longer material," he says. "I have stories about teaching school and being married four times. But you can't do that here."

The response has been surprising. He has made up to $20 an hour and media outlets as far away as England have run stories on "The Off-Ramp Comic." Still there are haters who love to hate.

"Some people heckle as they drive by," he says. "Usually they're already gone, but I'll yell something back like, 'Oh yeah, well you're driving a Toyota' or 'You're a pulmonata.' Those are snails who mate alone, so it's a clean way of saying, 'Go eff yourself.'"

skyweezy's photo
Thu 09/02/10 06:34 AM


What's the COOLEST weapon that's been used in a horror movie?

Im not sure but the all time great carcrash pile-up is the blues bros to this day they hold the record

you got that right that movie made me want to drive through a mall

skyweezy's photo
Thu 09/02/10 06:38 AM
the most used weapon in horror movies is fear
fear killing stupid teenagers who willingly walk into danger since 1944

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