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Topic: Anne Rice dumps Christianity
s1owhand's photo
Wed 08/11/10 11:38 PM

in modern world, politics and religion are intertwined,, with the US putting so much unconditional support into Israel, where jews are the only permissable citizens

many political issues have been born from that alliance

There is complete freedom of religion in Israel. Many faiths and
all are welcome. Your comment is a nasty slur!


of course there is a certain 'freedom of religion' but it is a state created for the JEWISH people,,, its nice that they are slightly willing to share but it still mixes politics with religion when set asides are given to a certain religous group

Israel is not a theocracy. There is COMPLETE FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE for any religion in Israel. Israel protects and honors access to all religious sites and welcomes all religions.

In light of the attempted extermination of all Jews in the world during WWII many of the remaining Jews wanted to preserve one place in the world to serve as a permanent sanctuary where they would be allowed to freely practice their religion and this place became Israel after the Jews who were already living in Israel welcomed any seeking sanctuary. This is why they are particularly careful to make sure that all religions are welcomed and respected in Israel. Compare this to Afghanistan, Iran or other Islamic countries or Islamic theocracies where Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews are NOT permitted to openly observe their religion and proselytizing or intermarriage is a crime! Israel on the other hand is much like the U.S. except in Israel Jews are in the majority.

I agree, except that the natives here were not part of any global ethnic or religious group, their resources were limited to this continent

the Arabs are largly muslim, the muslims largely will see attacks against other muslims as attacks against them (much like westerners see attacks on other western nations)

so, I think a more accurate analogy would be if the UN came in and said,,,,hey USA,Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and California are all originally spanish territories, so we are going to alot that land back to spanish control,,,,but you are free to live there

I dont think americans would take it any more lightly than arabs have, nor would their 'allies'

in this case, the territory was set aside based on religious categories instead of ethnic,,but its essentially tying up religion with politics and causing conflict based in religion

The other aspects you miss is that that natives were also Jews as much as anyone else and the size of Israel compared to the Muslim lands is much LESS than the size of the US Indian reservation lands compared to Arab or Muslim territory!

So your analogy is seriously flawed.

A better analogy is that the Israelis are the Native Israelites and the UN tried to set aside some "reservation" lands which are much smaller in size relative to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Algeria, Afghanistan, Indonesia (+all other Muslim countries) than the US Native American reservation lands divided by the total US area.

Of course instead of accepting the presence of a tiny reservation land for Jews in their native homeland, the Arabs attacked and attempted to take ALL the land leaving the Jews NO PLACE AT ALL!


Fortunately this massacre did not take place because the desperate Israelis were fighting for their very existence and ever since then instead of resettling the refugees and making peace the Arab countries have been bemoaning the loss of this tiny parcel of land and refusing to allow the Israelis to simply live in peace and security. Israel on the other hand has moved on and become a significant and growing democracy still preserving a free open press, equality for women, religious tolerance and all manner of benefits for its citizens - jews, muslims, christians, hindus, buddhists, bahai's, mormons, jehovah's witness, eastern orthodox alike...

read about it here:


no photo
Wed 08/11/10 11:42 PM
Edited by massagetrade on Wed 08/11/10 11:45 PM

I thought we were talking about a some chick that writes crappy books deciding not to go to church anymore?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

For like one or two posts!

Back to the OP...I think she's a bit confused about what Christianity, be definition, essentially is.

But she pretty much nailed the evils propagated by self-described Christians involved in 'Christian' politics.

Edit: It looks like the link provided doesn't give all of the public comments she's made on the topic, which was the basis for my comments above. I don't have a link, but if anyone cares its easily googled. She criticizes a variety of things, attributing them to "Christianity", but not all of them are really part of Christianity - rather they are right wing Chrisitian politics.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/12/10 12:02 AM

I thought we were talking about a some chick that writes crappy books deciding not to go to church anymore?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

For like one or two posts!

Back to the OP...I think she's a bit confused about what Christianity, be definition, essentially is.

But she pretty much nailed the evils propagated by self-described Christians involved in 'Christian' politics.

Edit: It looks like the link provided doesn't give all of the public comments she's made on the topic, which was the basis for my comments above. I don't have a link, but if anyone cares its easily googled. She criticizes a variety of things, attributing them to "Christianity", but not all of them are really part of Christianity - rather they are right wing Chrisitian politics.

Huh?! Oh yeah...Rice...she got new religion...yawn


She comes and goes. Started out Roman Catholic. Quit that when she became and adult at 18. Then came back to Roman Catholicism after the intestinal blockage and diabetic coma back in 2005.

This time she really did it though. Gone feral - whole hog.


No more half measures. I wonder if she'll come back....

no photo
Thu 08/12/10 01:35 AM

She comes and goes. Started out Roman Catholic. Quit that when she became and adult at 18. Then came back to Roman Catholicism after the intestinal blockage and diabetic coma back in 2005.

This time she really did it though. Gone feral - whole hog.


No more half measures. I wonder if she'll come back....

I don't think she's quit religion at all. I see that she thinks she has. AFAIK she still thinks Jesus is the son of God, and she still accepts him as his savior.

I agree with you - that the religious choices of a mediocre author makes me yawn yawn

What I find interesting here is the differing views people have as to what it means to 'reject (or embrace) Christianity'.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/12/10 04:28 AM

She comes and goes. Started out Roman Catholic. Quit that when she became and adult at 18. Then came back to Roman Catholicism after the intestinal blockage and diabetic coma back in 2005.

This time she really did it though. Gone feral - whole hog.


No more half measures. I wonder if she'll come back....

I don't think she's quit religion at all. I see that she thinks she has. AFAIK she still thinks Jesus is the son of God, and she still accepts him as his savior.

I agree with you - that the religious choices of a mediocre author makes me yawn yawn

What I find interesting here is the differing views people have as to what it means to 'reject (or embrace) Christianity'.

I just thought "rejection of Christianity" means the rejection of Christ as the messiah and the rejection of the divinity of Christ...

which is one step further than "refudiatin" Roman Catholicism.


not an atheist yet necessarily....wait for it....
could go either way!

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/12/10 10:36 AM
Israel was created in 1948, after UN Resolution 181 partitioned the territory of the British Mandate for Palestine into two states for Jews and Palestinian Arabs. At the time, there were approximately 1.2 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews in all of Palestine. The Arabs objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against it. The Arab side lost the war, and the Palestinian state never really came into being. The territory allotted to the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was taken over by Israel and Jordan. About 780, 000 Palestinians became refugees, many of them living in the Gaza strip as well as in the West Bank


I dont think californians would be all to happy to be forced to uproot their homes and hand it over to mexicans,,,that was the point of my analogy

UN interfered and basically supported occupation by jews , the reservations set aside in america werent set aside for jews and arent home to jews around the world,,,,,,

there are many arab nations which see our alliance with israel as befriending their enemy,,,,,

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 08/12/10 03:24 PM

Isn't it always funny to have one religious group dispute another, when they are all the same.slaphead

Egads, the mentality level to believe in all these fairyales shows how gullible religious people tend to be. They just skip over historical fact and accept the easy answer..Pol Pot was not acting out of his non-belief...tho~ Christians and other religions would rather judge the non-believers as "evil"...NEVER accepting that their religion is the #1 cause for all conflicts in human times...Hitler acted directly in the name of the Christian god. If they'd known that they'd NEVER have voted for the Dippic...or see: the meaning of insanity.

Funny, at work I told a coworker that I am an atheist...by the time it got around the office in a day I was tagged as an "anti-christ"...LOL. When I told another coworker about it she said, "Well you should have kept your mouth shut"...EXCUSE ME?

Is this really America? Really????

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/12/10 07:58 PM

Isn't it always funny to have one religious group dispute another, when they are all the same.slaphead

Egads, the mentality level to believe in all these fairyales shows how gullible religious people tend to be. They just skip over historical fact and accept the easy answer..Pol Pot was not acting out of his non-belief...tho~ Christians and other religions would rather judge the non-believers as "evil"...NEVER accepting that their religion is the #1 cause for all conflicts in human times...Hitler acted directly in the name of the Christian god. If they'd known that they'd NEVER have voted for the Dippic...or see: the meaning of insanity.

Funny, at work I told a coworker that I am an atheist...by the time it got around the office in a day I was tagged as an "anti-christ"...LOL. When I told another coworker about it she said, "Well you should have kept your mouth shut"...EXCUSE ME?

Is this really America? Really????

what is the name of your company...lol,,,

honestly , I get that EXACT stand offish attitude when I happen to own up to being christian(I am usually asked, never just volunteer), most co workers I encounter are into bar hopping, casual sexing, gossiping, getting drunk, and other things which they assume(correctly) I wouldnt be interested in. I feel like the odd one out plenty of times for being christian,,but it truly doesnt bother me because i am confident in who I am and why

no photo
Thu 08/12/10 08:58 PM

honestly , I get that EXACT stand offish attitude when I happen to own up to being christian(I am usually asked, never just volunteer), most co workers I encounter are into bar hopping, casual sexing, gossiping, getting drunk, and other things which they assume(correctly) I wouldnt be interested in. I feel like the odd one out plenty of times for being christian,,but it truly doesnt boher me because i am confident in who I am and why

I think there is a huge difference between (a) people assuming that you are a bore, because 'good Christians' don't do such fun exciting things as get drunk and have meaningless sex and (b) people assuming that I'm an evil person because I lack belief in their deity.

I'd be very surprised if you are being given the cold shoulder simply for being Christian...I think they are correctly reading into your words that you are a serious or committed or very sincere Christian. Statistically, most of those partiers are likely to consider themselves Christian as well.

ValentinaSS's photo
Thu 08/12/10 09:15 PM
<<<< dumping Anne Rice,,,oh wait, i was never a fan.
Of hers, or of religion in general.
I avoid church religiously
sorry, i love that line!!,,,think Chevy Chase said it in a movie waaay back

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 08/19/10 08:47 AM

<<<< dumping Anne Rice,,,oh wait, i was never a fan.
Of hers, or of religion in general.
I avoid church religiously
sorry, i love that line!!,,,think Chevy Chase said it in a movie waaay back

LOL...yeah I loved that one and of course the movie..

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