Topic: In Dietary Denial | |
I’ve heard it all now! “Doritos are nutritious because the chips are made from corn.” A friend of mine actually said this to me today …the same friend who had me over to advise her on healthier food choices. We were going through her fridge and pantry, pulling all the junk food she (as I like to say), “keeps therefore she eats”, when she laid this line on me. Has she convinced herself that it’s true? Why do people feel the need to justify their dietary choices? Why not just admit that Doritos are junk food, but they want to eat them, and intend to eat them anyway? Your diet is your choice! If you don't like your choice, does lying to yourself about it make you feel any better? |
To answer your question - yes.
Try lighting a Dorito or a Cheeto on fire some time. It's frightening how flammable they are. |
Denial is less painful than truth
people don`t/won`t realize how unhealthy junk food (and fast food, and frozen prepared food) is. all the salt and fat,,etc. why would they WANT to know,,they want to eat for pleasure, not for health.
I confess.
I am addicted to junk food. then I realized some of my meals were nothing but junk. so now I don't even taste a chip. only time I let myself eat junk; the weekends. ha. lets hope this is for the better. |
![]() ![]() that shiit will kill ya |
One thing that helps most dieters is GETTING OF THEIR FAT AZZES and exercising.
One 3 oz. bag of Doritos is not bad. A 1 pound bag though in one sitting? Shame on you! |
Edited by
Sat 07/31/10 11:34 AM
Any processed food, frozen, canned, milk, yogurt – even soy that is processed - is bad - even 3 oz. worth.
I'm off today so I won't go into my work-mode dissertation on fitness and nutrition. ![]() Don't eat anything from a bag, bottle or can. Fix only fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. Avoid carbs (no bread, pasta, etc). Find organic non-processed foods when you need beans, rice, milk, yogurt and whole grains. NO soda or purported sports drinks or juices with sugar; consume no more than 40g of added sugar per day. Edensoy is the best ![]() ![]() Happy Saturday! ![]() ![]() |
I thought Dorritos were one of the food groups?....
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I thought Dorritos were one of the food groups?.... ![]() You might be right. I heard they have a new salsa flavor. Salsa has vegetables, right? ![]() ![]() |
Doritos give my boys BO breath...
I like the jalapeno popper flavored. Have to get your veggies some how........
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I make pretty healthy choices most of the time, but I allow myself a treat now & then
My problem is that I live alone. I don;t eat breakfast usually, and it's 9 or 10 by the time I get home from the gym during the week - so I seldom have a planned meal. I snack instead therefore don't really keep very good track of things like portion size. There are no portions as there is no meal ![]() |
I thought Dorritos were one of the food groups?....
I like the jalapeno popper flavored. Have to get your veggies some how. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I love junk food and healthy food. I'm 39 yrs old and can decide what to eat. If I am in denial about be it. It's my denial and I will own it
Edited by
Sat 07/31/10 12:49 PM
A dear friend of mine is right now lying in hospital recovering from surgery he had yesterday.
He had a quadruple bypass last an obesity related diabetic, who smokes heavily, and will NOT exercise. He had a vein removed from one leg, and an attempt is being made to revive circulation to his other leg, by using the vein as shunt/bypass of the choked artery... which has zero pulse at the ankle.....his foot had turned from a strangled purple to tinges of black...with pressure blisters under his toes....yes the first stage of gangrene. Neither the bypass nor yesterday's surgery were something that was simply DECIDING he was worth it...he could be a vibrant healthy man... ....instead he chose to eat himself to an early death, and smoke himself into oblivion. ....he decided he wasn't worth respecting. ![]() |
I know I don't want anyone governing my food choices so I will allow others the same respect.
I eat healthier foods than some and not as healthy as others. I do what I do with the healthy food because I know that my quality of life will be effected if I choose badly all the time. People have the right to choose what they eat. I wouldn't touch a bug to eat but those who do, more power to them. I will not eat festering meat but those who do more power to them. Everyone seems to know what is best to eat but none of them have any rights to force their ideals on others. |
A dear friend of mine is right now lying in hospital recovering from surgery he had yesterday. He had a quadruple bypass last an obesity related diabetic, who smokes heavily, and will NOT exercise. He had a vein removed from one leg, and an attempt is being made to revive circulation to his other leg, by using the vein as shunt/bypass of the choked artery... which has zero pulse at the ankle.....his foot had turned from a strangled purple to tinges of black...with pressure blisters under his toes....yes the first stage of gangrene. Neither the bypass nor yesterday's surgery were something that was simply DECIDING he was worth it...he could be a vibrant healthy man... ....instead he chose to eat himself to an early death, and smoke himself into oblivion. ....he decided he wasn't worth respecting. ![]() so sad! |
it is sad.....and only because he is intelligent, articulate, a well travelled, and learned man...
He has spent many years in denial that what he puts in his mouth has a positive or negative impact on his quality and longevity of life. It is also sad to care more for someone than they care for themselves...and to allow them their process even knowing it is self abuse. ![]() |
I love junk food and healthy food. I'm 39 yrs old and can decide what to eat. If I am in denial about be it. It's my denial and I will own it I agree fully, but if you ask someone who eats healthy to show you how, why would you spend the consultation arguing and defending your food. Defend your taste or your choices...but the food will not change because you wish it to be healthier. ![]() |