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Topic: Which Culture Are You
GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 09/10/10 09:57 PM

RainbowTrout...I'm glad you are doing better today. I ended up going through Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome later in life and had flashbacks from my childhood....I stepped back into the scenes from my past and stood up to my Dad even more. I handed the "shame" that he inflicted on me as a child back to him...This definitely diffused a lot of my anger and gave me a stronger sense of power...I had some good years with my Dad before he died. He stopped raging at me because he knew that he could lose me if he tried to turn me into his scapegoat. We never had the kind of healing that I really wanted and we were never as close as I would have liked but we did okay together and this felt good.

Isn't it strange GreenEyes48 that we still love our fathers? At least I learned to love my father through the program. After I accepted, "But for the grace of God there go I" helped me to accept that he must have done the best that he could trying to raise my old sister and me. I mean how do you go from being a paid assassin in the military; Growing up through the depression And the to trying raise two children yourself after a divorce. I got to really know dad through rehab. I got to learn that he really was an alcoholic just like I was. But instead leaving his children with his wife like I did and not trying for custody he won custody. So I have no choice but to accept that he was a better man than I was. Like the poem by Rudyard Kipling, "You're a better man than I am Gunga Din". Dad was a man of principle and those principles were extreme. Stealing a penny was the same as stealing a million dollars to him. It wasn't the amount it was the principle. I always wondered how an Atheist father and Holy Roller mother had anything in common. It was that they were both extremist. Dad had extreme principles and Mom had extreme values through her faith. I asked mom why they broke up. I think every child of divorce wonders why they grow up with just one parent. Mom told me it was the alcoholism. She just couldn't take sitting in the car why he went into to drink with his buddies and play his guitar. Dad told me once that he had a chance to go to Nashville and play his guitar but chose the military instead. Mom told me that she always had to be ready for Army inspections and be ready to move when he did as he got shipped out pretty frequently to different bases and forts. I guess mom just got tired of being alienated from her own family and friends. I got to know dad early in life and mom later in life. It is weird growing up as a yo yo but you just learn to spring up where you are landed. Makes one real adaptable to whatever situation you find yourself into.
Thanks for sharing more about your life. Good that you have done so much healing through the years..I'm glad you had a chance to get to know your Mom later in life.... I didn't like or condone my Dad's behavior but I did love him. He had some "cute sides" too. Of course he could get a little obsessive compulsive at times. Thanks again for sharing so much. Glad you're doing so well today.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 09/11/10 06:31 AM

Thanks for sharing more about your life. Good that you have done so much healing through the years..I'm glad you had a chance to get to know your Mom later in life.... I didn't like or condone my Dad's behavior but I did love him. He had some "cute sides" too. Of course he could get a little obsessive compulsive at times. Thanks again for sharing so much. Glad you're doing so well today.

Oh, think nothing of it. I have the same gift of gab as my dad had but he was just better at it. Aw, my dad could get obsessive compulsive. Like for instance that time he wrote, "Hell No." eight feet high and eight feet wide on the living-room wall of the new house so that my third mother could see it. Thinking back now I would ask him if he were still alive if he was then trying to make a statement. Dad's third wife was two years older than me. Dad wanted me to respect her as my mother. But then he was jealous of me because of her. It didn't make sense to me. I have an uncle that is old enough to be my son and brother that is old enough to be my son. I have sisters that I helped raised that are young enough to be my daughters. I am having a good day and hope you are, too.

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