Topic: Top secret files on Afghanistan leaked, reveal war crimes
Atlantis75's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:54 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Mon 07/26/10 07:56 PM

If one US or Allied soldier, covert op, mission or civilian contractor is compromised because of this or if this causes death to any Soldier, US or Allied, contractor, various intelligence agents the website and the people behind it should be held criminally liable.

Also the person who leaked this information(who they will find, they always do. It might take some time like the helicopter incident, but he will be found) should be charged with many crimes, including treason with the Death Penalty on the table and pursued.

Also law makers should pass a law making it a crime to publicize classified or top secret information. If they are an American based company that publicizes the information they should be charged with treason.

People you need to write your Congressmen and Senators to get them to put together a law like this.

You need to chill out. There will be no death penalty. Just because you like wars and want the Middle East blown up because of your generalization of all Muslims are terrorists, you are still a minority (Thank God) with your ideas and you should realize what you are talking about anyway, you are da-facto anti-democratic "needs more laws" an punishment - person, who would be the first one to delete the freedom of speech out of the Constitution, because you just can't stand that others can also say whatever they want and just because the wars aren't going the way you like it and because nobody is killing the Muslims by the millions, just because you personally hate them, because you live in fear.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:58 PM

one thing people should remember about this, the first thing you see is TOP SECRET - anyone that publishes any form of top secret material should be punished. they made the term top secret for a reason, it is not for the public. the people that gave them the material, and the web-site that published it should be prosecuted.

Welcome to the information age. Nothing is secret anymore. Here is the thing, whoever publishes it little to do of what and how. You might wanna ask who leaked it or who didn't secure it right. The Pentagon didn't secure it right, otherwise it wouldn't have leaked out.

If someone steals my car, because I leave my ignition keys in it, guess what the cops gonna say?

thats still illegal...and that still doesn't make it ok. weather they are war crimes or a recipe for chicken soup, if they are stamped top secret that is what it means. IMO the website and the person that leaked it to the web site should be punished.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:18 PM

If one US or Allied soldier, covert op, mission or civilian contractor is compromised because of this or if this causes death to any Soldier, US or Allied, contractor, various intelligence agents the website and the people behind it should be held criminally liable.

Also the person who leaked this information(who they will find, they always do. It might take some time like the helicopter incident, but he will be found) should be charged with many crimes, including treason with the Death Penalty on the table and pursued.

Also law makers should pass a law making it a crime to publicize classified or top secret information. If they are an American based company that publicizes the information they should be charged with treason.

People you need to write your Congressmen and Senators to get them to put together a law like this.

You need to chill out. There will be no death penalty. Just because you like wars and want the Middle East blown up because of your generalization of all Muslims are terrorists, you are still a minority (Thank God) with your ideas and you should realize what you are talking about anyway, you are da-facto anti-democratic "needs more laws" an punishment - person, who would be the first one to delete the freedom of speech out of the Constitution, because you just can't stand that others can also say whatever they want and just because the wars aren't going the way you like it and because nobody is killing the Muslims by the millions, just because you personally hate them, because you live in fear.

If its not propoganda then he was a very foolish young man.

Aries151's photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:28 PM

You need to chill out. There will be no death penalty. Just because you like wars and want the Middle East blown up because of your generalization of all Muslims are terrorists, you are still a minority (Thank God) with your ideas and you should realize what you are talking about anyway, you are da-facto anti-democratic "needs more laws" an punishment - person, who would be the first one to delete the freedom of speech out of the Constitution, because you just can't stand that others can also say whatever they want and just because the wars aren't going the way you like it and because nobody is killing the Muslims by the millions, just because you personally hate them, because you live in fear.

Freedom of speech is one thing, but if you get someone else killed just because you want to be the one to break a story then I have a problem with that.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:47 PM
it,s freedom of the press, not free speech... but in this case, it should be freedom from the press... some things we do not need to know.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:53 PM
Classified information is classified for a reason.Classified information often gives very detailed information including full names of those involved.Providing names of those involved(including informants and others who work undercover to help our military)to the enemy,results in a death sentance to those who's names are listed.Many people will die because of what this idiot did.This is no different than giving a hit man a list of the victims names he wants to find and where they live.

I see this not as a freedom of press issue but as spying.Instead of this man giving 90,000 classified pages to the terrorist he puts them all over the world for everyone to see.Either way you are only helping the enemy.I will not be the least bit surprised if he is arrested and sent to prison for 35 years to life.Spying and espionage are both crimes punishable by death.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:59 PM

Classified information is classified for a reason.Classified information often gives very detailed information including full names of those involved.Providing names of those involved(including informants and others who work undercover to help our military)to the enemy,results in a death sentance to those who's names are listed.Many people will die because of what this idiot did.This is no different than giving a hit man a list of the victims names he wants to find and where they live.

I see this not as a freedom of press issue but as spying.Instead of this man giving 90,000 classified pages to the terrorist he puts them all over the world for everyone to see.Either way you are only helping the enemy.I will not be the least bit surprised if he is arrested and sent to prison for 35 years to life.Spying and espionage are both crimes punishable by death.

the website should be punished too... if they are based here in America, then they should have a responsibility to the American soldiers and the government. it is just sad that they would put ratings and money over human welfare.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:12 PM

Classified information is classified for a reason.Classified information often gives very detailed information including full names of those involved.Providing names of those involved(including informants and others who work undercover to help our military)to the enemy,results in a death sentance to those who's names are listed.Many people will die because of what this idiot did.This is no different than giving a hit man a list of the victims names he wants to find and where they live.

I see this not as a freedom of press issue but as spying.Instead of this man giving 90,000 classified pages to the terrorist he puts them all over the world for everyone to see.Either way you are only helping the enemy.I will not be the least bit surprised if he is arrested and sent to prison for 35 years to life.Spying and espionage are both crimes punishable by death.

the website should be punished too... if they are based here in America, then they should have a responsibility to the American soldiers and the government. it is just sad that they would put ratings and money over human welfare.

I agree 100%.It's stupid ideas like this one that can put the War effort in jeopardy.This could very well be the straw that breaks the camels back.I can only imagine every informant in Afganistan and Iran is going to go into hiding because he thinks his name is on one of those papers and is scared the terrorist will find out where he lives and kill him.

dec47's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:14 PM
Okay...people lets not get ahead of a story that is only 48 hours old. Lets realize this first of all....the 92,000 documents where not paper documents...they were in electronic format.....without a digital signature. That means they could be FAKE. Secondly....notice that this information was not leaked to the free was leaked to 3 newpapers only. The Times, UK's The Guardian and Germany's Der Spiegel. The Guardian even stated that they verified this information? I want to know how in the hell they did that? Now I am sorry these newpapers have weak records on printing stuff without checking the facts. SO what if this is just a false flag to help the current administration with its exit strategy. Furthermore if you look at what is freakin common knowledge....and it has been for a year. There is nothing in this report that even suggests to me that this information is even creditable....Oh and did anyone know that WIKILEAK is struggling right now financially? What did they have to gain from this? MONEY MONEY MONEY. What is the real value of what they are leaking? That we are killing civilians?....I think General McChrystal even told us this a long time ago.

I smell a rat...and this looks like more propaganda to save Obama's azz.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:16 PM

Classified information is classified for a reason.Classified information often gives very detailed information including full names of those involved.Providing names of those involved(including informants and others who work undercover to help our military)to the enemy,results in a death sentance to those who's names are listed.Many people will die because of what this idiot did.This is no different than giving a hit man a list of the victims names he wants to find and where they live.

I see this not as a freedom of press issue but as spying.Instead of this man giving 90,000 classified pages to the terrorist he puts them all over the world for everyone to see.Either way you are only helping the enemy.I will not be the least bit surprised if he is arrested and sent to prison for 35 years to life.Spying and espionage are both crimes punishable by death.

the website should be punished too... if they are based here in America, then they should have a responsibility to the American soldiers and the government. it is just sad that they would put ratings and money over human welfare.

I agree 100%.It's stupid ideas like this one that can put the War effort in jeopardy.This could very well be the straw that breaks the camels back.I can only imagine every informant in Afganistan and Iran is going to go into hiding because he thinks his name is on one of those papers and is scared the terrorist will find out where he lives and kill him.

i was just reading this... looks like they can't stop the website, just the people that give them the info.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:38 PM

i don't think war is supposed to be nice.

What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations.

Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler.

You misuse the word "liberated". Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are still under the boot of US rule (directly or through puppet governments). This "liberation" was not justified by any attacks. The attackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia, which means the US regime used the counter-attacks (Bin Laden considered 9/11 to be counter-attacks for US intervention and occupation).

(as an aside, Did you know that the "liberation" was so "successful" that the Taliban just reconquered a district?

I didn't say the US invasion has "anything to do with Hitler". I said they are Hitler-esque, and they are. Hitler invaded numerous small, practically defenseless nations like Poland in the name of German nationalism. The "War On Terror" is just as illogical and unjust.

They are not puppet governments at all. Hell, we dont even get along with the President of Afganistan.

Oh and that town the Taliban has taken control of, first of all isn't strategically important and has bounced between NATo control and the Taliban Control several time, with the Taliban only having control for a small amount of time.

Of course, of course, it's no big deal, nothing to see here, folks. Just State incompetence, move along, now. whoa

Apparently you have a different understanding of puppet governments than the rest of the world.
The Afghan puppet government is crumbling before our eyes. We must talk to the Taliban

Read more:

Even the Afghans know it's a sham.laugh

That's why there was a larger then expected turnout for voting this last election over there?

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:40 PM

one thing people should remember about this, the first thing you see is TOP SECRET - anyone that publishes any form of top secret material should be punished. they made the term top secret for a reason, it is not for the public. the people that gave them the material, and the web-site that published it should be prosecuted.

Welcome to the information age. Nothing is secret anymore. Here is the thing, whoever publishes it little to do of what and how. You might wanna ask who leaked it or who didn't secure it right. The Pentagon didn't secure it right, otherwise it wouldn't have leaked out.

If someone steals my car, because I leave my ignition keys in it, guess what the cops gonna say?

They are gonna say it's still a stolen car.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:43 PM

Okay...people lets not get ahead of a story that is only 48 hours old. Lets realize this first of all....the 92,000 documents where not paper documents...they were in electronic format.....without a digital signature. That means they could be FAKE. Secondly....notice that this information was not leaked to the free was leaked to 3 newpapers only. The Times, UK's The Guardian and Germany's Der Spiegel. The Guardian even stated that they verified this information? I want to know how in the hell they did that? Now I am sorry these newpapers have weak records on printing stuff without checking the facts. SO what if this is just a false flag to help the current administration with its exit strategy. Furthermore if you look at what is freakin common knowledge....and it has been for a year. There is nothing in this report that even suggests to me that this information is even creditable....Oh and did anyone know that WIKILEAK is struggling right now financially? What did they have to gain from this? MONEY MONEY MONEY. What is the real value of what they are leaking? That we are killing civilians?....I think General McChrystal even told us this a long time ago.

I smell a rat...and this looks like more propaganda to save Obama's azz.

I think all we need to know is that there were 92,000 pages of classified military documents related to a War that is still being fought.They are not fake because they have already been verified to be authentic by the DOD and most likely stolen by that traitor who released those other videos.As someone who has been in the military I already know that you don't classify documents unless they hold important information.Even when you are in the military you are not allowed to even open a folder that says classified on it unless you are authorized to do so.Getting caught doing so is a serious charge and can get you thrown into prison for many years.

No matter what comes out of these papers the damage is already done.It demoralizes both our military and our allies fighting this War.People will be less willing to help us knowing they may be killed because our government can not protect their personal information.How would you feel if you were undercover working for the FBI as a drug smuggler and the FBI told you "sorry but some A-hole stole 92,000 classified pages about us and some of those pages were about your mission,who you really are,where you live,your tactics,your past missions,etc.But we want you to keep working undercover like nothing happened".Are you kidding me?I would resign faster than that ink could dry on my resignation paper.

I heard this Wikileaks founder is in hiding right now.I say give this coward a taste of his own medicine.Let's post his address,what kind of car he drives,his license plate number,his family names,where he works,and where his is likely to be found and let's see how he like's his personal life open to the whole world like he did with our military.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:45 PM

If one US or Allied soldier, covert op, mission or civilian contractor is compromised because of this or if this causes death to any Soldier, US or Allied, contractor, various intelligence agents the website and the people behind it should be held criminally liable.

Also the person who leaked this information(who they will find, they always do. It might take some time like the helicopter incident, but he will be found) should be charged with many crimes, including treason with the Death Penalty on the table and pursued.

Also law makers should pass a law making it a crime to publicize classified or top secret information. If they are an American based company that publicizes the information they should be charged with treason.

People you need to write your Congressmen and Senators to get them to put together a law like this.

You need to chill out. There will be no death penalty. Just because you like wars and want the Middle East blown up because of your generalization of all Muslims are terrorists, you are still a minority (Thank God) with your ideas and you should realize what you are talking about anyway, you are da-facto anti-democratic "needs more laws" an punishment - person, who would be the first one to delete the freedom of speech out of the Constitution, because you just can't stand that others can also say whatever they want and just because the wars aren't going the way you like it and because nobody is killing the Muslims by the millions, just because you personally hate them, because you live in fear.

First of all, I am all for freedom of speech as long as it doesn't trample on the rights of others or put others in danger. Second of all I don't like war, but it is necessary. Third of all im not a da-facto anti democratic being I have worked on several campaigns for local Democrats. Fourth, I don't live in fear/

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:47 PM

Classified information is classified for a reason.Classified information often gives very detailed information including full names of those involved.Providing names of those involved(including informants and others who work undercover to help our military)to the enemy,results in a death sentance to those who's names are listed.Many people will die because of what this idiot did.This is no different than giving a hit man a list of the victims names he wants to find and where they live.

I see this not as a freedom of press issue but as spying.Instead of this man giving 90,000 classified pages to the terrorist he puts them all over the world for everyone to see.Either way you are only helping the enemy.I will not be the least bit surprised if he is arrested and sent to prison for 35 years to life.Spying and espionage are both crimes punishable by death.

I vote death.

dec47's photo
Mon 07/26/10 09:54 PM

Classified information is classified for a reason.Classified information often gives very detailed information including full names of those involved.Providing names of those involved(including informants and others who work undercover to help our military)to the enemy,results in a death sentance to those who's names are listed.Many people will die because of what this idiot did.This is no different than giving a hit man a list of the victims names he wants to find and where they live.

I see this not as a freedom of press issue but as spying.Instead of this man giving 90,000 classified pages to the terrorist he puts them all over the world for everyone to see.Either way you are only helping the enemy.I will not be the least bit surprised if he is arrested and sent to prison for 35 years to life.Spying and espionage are both crimes punishable by death.

I vote death.

Now there is something you don't see very often...A pronounced Democrat in favor of the death penalty.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/27/10 05:51 AM
realy like the victims of US war crimes dont allready know all the information in the wikileaks? The only ones who dont know about all this are the american tax payers. Hats off to wikileaks

no photo
Tue 07/27/10 06:42 AM
This thread has had one positive effect:

It has - to use a term - 'self-outed' all the folks who belong to the 'Blame America First!' crowd. For those folks, one question: If it's such a terrible effin' place, why don't you leave? We won't miss you. Oh - when you go, take Hussein with you, okay ... ?

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/27/10 06:51 AM

This thread has had one positive effect:

It has - to use a term - 'self-outed' all the folks who belong to the 'Blame America First!' crowd. For those folks, one question: If it's such a terrible effin' place, why don't you leave? We won't miss you. Oh - when you go, take Hussein with you, okay ... ?

Love it or not, it's no crime to point out the flaws in a country. It's also no crime to protest or to believe in things that others do not agree with. It's not even a crime to be unpatriotic.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 07/27/10 04:40 PM

This thread has had one positive effect:

It has - to use a term - 'self-outed' all the folks who belong to the 'Blame America First!' crowd. For those folks, one question: If it's such a terrible effin' place, why don't you leave? We won't miss you. Oh - when you go, take Hussein with you, okay ... ?

Because I am smart enough to distinguish between the Regime and the country. The country's just fine-it's the Regime that's the problem.

FYI, This "blame America first" nonsense is just an empty pejorative used by neoconservatives and poseurs who don't want to actually argue the issue.