"If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.' archaic punishments,,,but time and culture can (obviously) alter them following laws doesnt make people evil people, some laws have to be altered to catch up with a 'higher' spiritual or soical order Funny, but I kinda always thought that BEHEADING and PUTTING PEOPLE IN WOOD CHIPPERS was kind of 'archaic' and all that, but these Seventh Century throatcutters have no concern for what EDUCATED people in the Twenty-first Century see as 'archaic' ... they only see 'dhimmi' and 'Infidel' ... and if you ain't 'muslim', guess how they see you ... "higher spiritual or soical order" be damned ... They're not worried about the 'law' catching up - they ARE 'the law' ... I feel a connect to God , I feel empathy for those who dont have such a connect, but I dont hate them or see them as infidels in fact, I think the biblical name for those who refuse to accept the lord is 'fools'...but semantics aside I see people as human and their souls as equally significant. Thankfully, I dont have the amazing insight that others on these threads do to tell you how others feel about, think, or see me when I have never met them. You and I can both agree on that...God teaches us to hate Sin but not the sinner. I think the problem today is like the church in Florida that is burning Koran's and calling people "fagots" is that one can become confused as to whether or not they know the difference. you hit the nail on the head, my friend confusing the sin with the sinner and painting whole religions (and anti religions) black because of it So in light of that would you agree that both religions need corrective measures? Or should we make exceptions to the rule in the name of religious tolerance? your thoughts. I dont think its the religions that need correction so much as the cultures which interpret and apply them. Those cultures in islamic society which practice archaic punishment need to abide more by those lessons in the Quran which condemn violence. Those cultures in christian society which practice archaic punishment and unjust treatment should abide more by the lessons in the bible which encourage loving their neighbor. lmao...you should really consider running for office...that was the best political answer I have ever heard...please don't take offense I am only joking with you...but your response clearly shows that you want to separate bad religions from bad people. I guess in some psychological circles one could separate the two? I dunno. |
"If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.' archaic punishments,,,but time and culture can (obviously) alter them following laws doesnt make people evil people, some laws have to be altered to catch up with a 'higher' spiritual or soical order Funny, but I kinda always thought that BEHEADING and PUTTING PEOPLE IN WOOD CHIPPERS was kind of 'archaic' and all that, but these Seventh Century throatcutters have no concern for what EDUCATED people in the Twenty-first Century see as 'archaic' ... they only see 'dhimmi' and 'Infidel' ... and if you ain't 'muslim', guess how they see you ... "higher spiritual or soical order" be damned ... They're not worried about the 'law' catching up - they ARE 'the law' ... I feel a connect to God , I feel empathy for those who dont have such a connect, but I dont hate them or see them as infidels in fact, I think the biblical name for those who refuse to accept the lord is 'fools'...but semantics aside I see people as human and their souls as equally significant. Thankfully, I dont have the amazing insight that others on these threads do to tell you how others feel about, think, or see me when I have never met them. You and I can both agree on that...God teaches us to hate Sin but not the sinner. I think the problem today is like the church in Florida that is burning Koran's and calling people "fagots" is that one can become confused as to whether or not they know the difference. you hit the nail on the head, my friend confusing the sin with the sinner and painting whole religions (and anti religions) black because of it So in light of that would you agree that both religions need corrective measures? Or should we make exceptions to the rule in the name of religious tolerance? your thoughts. |
"If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.' archaic punishments,,,but time and culture can (obviously) alter them following laws doesnt make people evil people, some laws have to be altered to catch up with a 'higher' spiritual or soical order Funny, but I kinda always thought that BEHEADING and PUTTING PEOPLE IN WOOD CHIPPERS was kind of 'archaic' and all that, but these Seventh Century throatcutters have no concern for what EDUCATED people in the Twenty-first Century see as 'archaic' ... they only see 'dhimmi' and 'Infidel' ... and if you ain't 'muslim', guess how they see you ... "higher spiritual or soical order" be damned ... They're not worried about the 'law' catching up - they ARE 'the law' ... I feel a connect to God , I feel empathy for those who dont have such a connect, but I dont hate them or see them as infidels in fact, I think the biblical name for those who refuse to accept the lord is 'fools'...but semantics aside I see people as human and their souls as equally significant. Thankfully, I dont have the amazing insight that others on these threads do to tell you how others feel about, think, or see me when I have never met them. You and I can both agree on that...God teaches us to hate Sin but not the sinner. I think the problem today is like the church in Florida that is burning Koran's and calling people "fagots" is that one can become confused as to whether or not they know the difference. |
"If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.' archaic punishments,,,but time and culture can (obviously) alter them following laws doesnt make people evil people, some laws have to be altered to catch up with a 'higher' spiritual or soical order Well its 2010 and ever since the 6th century they have been practicing this law. So I agree....I think whats needs to be reformed about this religion is not our need for religious tolerance but moreover they need to stop practicing archaic evil traditions. |
Let us ascend past opinion. Can you live by Shiahira law? This is a predominant tenant in most Islamic nations. It is Theocratic authority imposed as law. With this in mind considering the amount of support for Shiahira law there is can you justify it? Religious freedom is one thing but what about when its basic tenants is in an infringement of our freedoms and safety? You my friend have hit the nail on the head. There is a huge difference between freedom of religion and what is acceptable human behavior. Let me illustrate. In 1621 Caspar Plautius visited South America and observed a native culture that practiced Devil Worship along with Cannibalism. Now according to the logic of many liberals who think that Shiahira law is acceptable because its part of the Islamic belief system....I pose this question to you...what if people today that practice the occult want to sacrifice humans or animals and eat their flesh? Is that acceptable? If you say there is a difference between cannibalism and Shiahira Law...I think many PETA and Human Rights activists would strongly disagree. Any religion that practices a social behavior that is unacceptable to the social norms of any society that does not preserve the sanctity of life and protect the rights of all living creatures both man or animal needs to be defined not as a religion but as pure evil. Now one may say that Shiahira law is not practiced to that extent in America....I have one thing to say to that...Not Yet Anyway. What needs to be the focus of this debate is what is the limitations of social norms say for example people that eat monkey brains...verses people that practice mutilation of their own family members. It all comes down to Human Rights...don't protect any religion that does not hold Human Rights as its highest moral responsibility. The Islamic faith at its very core is evil. IMHO. okay? Not sure if you in agreement with me or if you are missing the point that we are saying the same thing. Remember Shiahira Law practices mutilation. If a young girl is disobedient her ears, nose or other facial features are mutilated so as to teach her a lesson and to show publicly that she has caused shame and disgrace to her family. |
Let us ascend past opinion. Can you live by Shiahira law? This is a predominant tenant in most Islamic nations. It is Theocratic authority imposed as law. With this in mind considering the amount of support for Shiahira law there is can you justify it? Religious freedom is one thing but what about when its basic tenants is in an infringement of our freedoms and safety? You my friend have hit the nail on the head. There is a huge difference between freedom of religion and what is acceptable human behavior. Let me illustrate. In 1621 Caspar Plautius visited South America and observed a native culture that practiced Devil Worship along with Cannibalism. Now according to the logic of many liberals who think that Shiahira law is acceptable because its part of the Islamic belief system....I pose this question to you...what if people today that practice the occult want to sacrifice humans or animals and eat their flesh? Is that acceptable? If you say there is a difference between cannibalism and Shiahira Law...I think many PETA and Human Rights activists would strongly disagree. Any religion that practices a social behavior that is unacceptable to the social norms of any society that does not preserve the sanctity of life and protect the rights of all living creatures both man or animal needs to be defined not as a religion but as pure evil. Now one may say that Shiahira law is not practiced to that extent in America....I have one thing to say to that...Not Yet Anyway. What needs to be the focus of this debate is what is the limitations of social norms say for example people that eat monkey brains...verses people that practice mutilation of their own family members. It all comes down to Human Rights...don't protect any religion that does not hold Human Rights as its highest moral responsibility. The Islamic faith at its very core is evil. IMHO. |
19 months down, 29 to go time will tell I think the real unemployment rate of over 20% don't have that much time to wait. IMO. The only thing Obama can hope for if he makes it 29 more months...will there be enough voters left alive? I really dont think its that serious,,,,at most, standards might have to change and we may have to live with a little less excess and glutton,,,but we will survive just fine,,, Do you have stats to prove unemployment isn't that high or serious? And what is excess? Electricity, a home or apartment, Family, Friday night outings to McDonalds to share a large order of fries and water? wow, reading comprehension people,,,,!!! everything isnt proven with a STAT, especially OPINIONS my opinion about the seriousness was in reference to the idea that there might not be enough voters left 'alive' and my post said excess AND glutton, not excess OF glutton glutton: 1 : excess in eating or drinking 2 : greedy or excessive indulgence AS IN 1 in 3 americans are OBESE excess 2 : undue or immoderate indulgence AS IN most people now have to have an ipod, mp3, computer, television, cell phone, etc we may have to go back to simpler living to do it, but we will survive just fine with fewer fast food chains, fewer electronic gadgets, less make up and cosmetic surgery, maybe even more bikes to replace vehicles,,,etc,,, I personally think simpler is healthier, its just gonna be a hard road getting there I don't give opinions when I state statistics...in fact its actually 21.5% http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/the-real-unemployment-rate-215_07022010 The government is only giving you the BLS rate of unemployment which is no real reflection of determining the actual rate. Take a look at that link to learn the difference between what the government is telling you and what is reality. |
19 months down, 29 to go time will tell I think the real unemployment rate of over 20% don't have that much time to wait. IMO. The only thing Obama can hope for if he makes it 29 more months...will there be enough voters left alive? |
Edited by
Sun 08/15/10 04:08 AM
regardless of how it starts...its coming. Iran one way or another will be pushed into a war with either Israel or US. There will be a false flag pretense for this...to get the US to support it. We will board their merchant ships....somebody will get shot...or India will be the patsi....We will never leave the middle east. I just pray that Obama doesn't listen to Hillary and start pushing buttons. It will be the start of WWIII. But I assure you its coming...and its coming to a theater near you within the next 3 months. There is a big push right now to reopen the Gulf for oil production to resume. Why did Obama go down to the gulf to jump in the ocean? Really did anybody buy that PR stunt? They could care less about reopening the beaches....they just want to get the pumps a running. BP will pay their bill. Congress will make the safety adjustments...but it will take a least a year for them to become active. In the meantime the Whitehouse is gonna use the argument that the Gulf is loosing jobs...so we got to get the pumps a running. Mark my word...we will attack IRAN...some how, I just hope all these warhawks are ready? But in the meantime lets go kill some terrorists really. I'm sorry I ain't buying this terrorist campaign anymore. I think we should rename it THE CRUSADES PART II the only difference of course is we could care less what religion they are...we just want to kill em all and convert the rest into misplaced ideology of Global Domination. At least Hitler had the guts to honest as to why he wanted to conquer the world. Stop buying this WAR ON TERROR slogan.
that is actually doable First of all Solider let me thank you for your commitment to freedom, I will never argue against a true freedom fighter....My only prayer is I hope you have your gun pointed at the right enemy. I for one believe that 911 was an inside job...but that's a whole different thread. I just pray that you guys will stay safe and come back in one piece. The real enemy is alot higher up the food chain. As far as I am concerned with no disrespect we are shooting the creation of the CIA. Thanks for letting me share my opinion...now stay safe. AND YES GOD BLESS THE USA. |
Well, the race card fools Americans every time...works on both sides of the isle. Oldest trick in politics....just to show you how unconstitutional both parties are....here is an example...we have a democratically elected president who nominates an International Law Activist as SCOTUS to the bench who would love to do nothing more than to tear up the 2nd amendment, Bush in his days called the Constitution...."that damn piece of paper" and we have a republican senate that votes in KAGAN. So I am sorry, I am sick and tired of the Constitution being pulled out every time a DEM OR REP violates it...THEY BOTH DO IT. I can't keep score anymore. SO pick your poison, pick your favorite team...turn on your favorite channel and CHEER FOR YOUR TEAM. MAY THE BEST HYPOCRITE WIN. I say vote em all out send them back to 5th Grade Civics class and teach em the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and make em tear up their YALE AND HARVARD Law degrees...they ain't worth the ink. But until then...GO TEAM!
Edited by
Tue 08/10/10 03:23 AM
I like to call it good ole fashion Imperialism dressed up as a bird...with the wings being the reps and the dems. Either way they are still attached to the same bird. The two party system is nothing more than saying we have a choice....its like COKE AND PEPSI are a choice...its like McDonalds and Burger King are a choice....yup we have a choice alright. And the money we give the dems and the reps end up in the same pockets of the ones who own the Cokes and the Pepsi's....Its all Imperialism dressed up in a nice pretty corporate suit called capitalism. I ain't buying it...As soon as they burn The Federal Reserve ACT of 1913 and turn over the books and the keys to the government...I will start thinking we live in a capitalistic free society again. But until then...you guys keep call it socialism...there is nothing socialistic about it....THE BANKS OWN IT ALL and its going off shore....HOW is that socialism? WOW...Obama's cabinet comes straight off of wall street and people call this country socialism....wow. BUSH, OBAMA...COKE,PEPSI....you starting to see it? NO DIFFERENCE. I think as soon as we have ONE WORLD BANK...then you will see socialism...they gotta keep us alive to run their machines and take out their trash.
The disaster that never was
BP...oh you mean the company that Iran owns?
My dad once told me to marry a big woman...he said they can always get skinny and they will love you long time. So i did...well she stole all my money.
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Classified information is classified for a reason.Classified information often gives very detailed information including full names of those involved.Providing names of those involved(including informants and others who work undercover to help our military)to the enemy,results in a death sentance to those who's names are listed.Many people will die because of what this idiot did.This is no different than giving a hit man a list of the victims names he wants to find and where they live. I see this not as a freedom of press issue but as spying.Instead of this man giving 90,000 classified pages to the terrorist he puts them all over the world for everyone to see.Either way you are only helping the enemy.I will not be the least bit surprised if he is arrested and sent to prison for 35 years to life.Spying and espionage are both crimes punishable by death. I vote death. Now there is something you don't see very often...A pronounced Democrat in favor of the death penalty. |
Okay...people lets not get ahead of a story that is only 48 hours old. Lets realize this first of all....the 92,000 documents where not paper documents...they were in electronic format.....without a digital signature. That means they could be FAKE. Secondly....notice that this information was not leaked to the free world....it was leaked to 3 newpapers only. The Times, UK's The Guardian and Germany's Der Spiegel. The Guardian even stated that they verified this information? I want to know how in the hell they did that? Now I am sorry these newpapers have weak records on printing stuff without checking the facts. SO what if this is just a false flag to help the current administration with its exit strategy. Furthermore if you look at what is leaked....it freakin common knowledge....and it has been for a year. There is nothing in this report that even suggests to me that this information is even creditable....Oh and did anyone know that WIKILEAK is struggling right now financially? What did they have to gain from this? MONEY MONEY MONEY. What is the real value of what they are leaking? That we are killing civilians?....I think General McChrystal even told us this a long time ago.
I smell a rat...and this looks like more propaganda to save Obama's azz. |
Wikileaks should be shut down and the people running it thrown into jail and taken to court on charges of treason,abiding terrorism,posting classified documents,encouraging spying and sabatoge in the military,and supplying the enemy with classified military tactics. Wikileaks is a no good Pro terrorism,Anti military,piece of trash that serves no purpose other to find reasons to hinder,obstruct,weaken,and demoralize our military. Well I guess if we are gonna throw them in jail we better do the same with Richard Armitage, Karl Rove, and Lewis Libby....oh but of course Bush commuted Libby...thats right. I agree that we should not reveal classified information to the press...however we need to be careful that we hold all guilty "parties" to the same level of accountability. Its one thing when a news agency reveals classified documents but I guess its okay when Bush's administration does it? Do your homework before you make such judgments...remember Matthew 7:2. |
furthermore...we need war on terror...remember Terror is the Boogeyman. Its what feeds the machine so our government can continue to tax and kill this country. Its all about elimination of free states and total global domination of the resources. As soon as we have one government, one currency and no freedom....we will have PEACE. Now come on if you really want world peace...you better ask yourself if you are willing to give up your freedom.
War is one big crime. There is no way around it except be smart and not do it. Iraq was the biggest blunder since Saddam didn't do a damn thing to us. We basically invaded that country illegally. I don't know that much about Afghan but I imagine we were wrong there too. We have been wrong since 9/11 or before maybe. None of these illegal "military actions" are right by us. The soldiers cannot be held responsible for the mistakes of the politicians. But we are wrong. And us and them are dying in vain with these "excursions". i agree with you, but once they signed the papers, they don't have a choice at all. maybe we need to do something over here to help them, but i don't think anything is gunna change anything soon. the more i read about Afghanistan, the more i think it is about control over their resources. The war in Afghanistan is about resources alright....it has the largest lithium deposits in the world. The stuff our batteries need. Iraq was about oil and Afghanistan is about mineral deposits. Conducting war in the name of eliminating terrorism is the cover...realy we are there to steal their natural resources. Now come on do you really think they want Democracy? With all of the religious zealots over there I can't see them holding elections....that would be like saying Cuba is a democracy just because they hold elections. And once we have a foothold over there we are gonna set up big government contracts to mine the crap out of them and companies like Halliburton are gonna get stupid rich. |
A Death well deserved
Well since I believe that God is both the giver and the taker I would have to accept that He not only had a plan for my first breath but my last regardless of how or when it happened.