Topic: Where's Them Jobs At ... ?
no photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:25 PM

The President has to work with others in GOVERNMENT to affect change,, he is not going to singlehandedly do much of anything....

I dont see the eminent doom in anything that has happened in the past two years,, personally,,,

But the use of fear to win elections has been a successful strategy of right wing politics in western democracies, including Canada. Make us fear something that is really not all that scary and have Fox News, the network of fear, constantly barrage us with negative messages and lots of cleavage. I was amazed to learn how many people actually believe the rhetoric that Fox promotes.

I will resort to another quote here because I really love quotes but I think that John Adams would be sad to learn he was wrong when he said:

"Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it."

InvictusV's photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:30 PM

The President has to work with others in GOVERNMENT to affect change,, he is not going to singlehandedly do much of anything....

I dont see the eminent doom in anything that has happened in the past two years,, personally,,,

But the use of fear to win elections has been a successful strategy of right wing politics in western democracies, including Canada. Make us fear something that is really not all that scary and have Fox News, the network of fear, constantly barrage us with negative messages and lots of cleavage. I was amazed to learn how many people actually believe the rhetoric that Fox promotes.

I will resort to another quote here because I really love quotes but I think that John Adams would be sad to learn he was wrong when he said:

"Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it."

MSNBC does the exact same thing from the left wing perspective. The idea that winning elections based on fear being only a right wing thing is preposterous.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:30 PM

I watched a news segment last week that showed some of Obama's speech to Michigan residents touting the new car battery plants to make the future batteries for future electric cars. Obama praised what "he" had done and how much good the billions of dollars in federal grants were going to do for Michigan residents, America's future, etc. He went into great detail about how the grants were the way to end the recession and change the future of America.

I looked it up and the plant paid for by US tax dollars is owned by LG Chem, a South Korean company.

If the return on the invested capital goes to a foreign country, many of the benefits of the investment are lost to the US taxpayer.

same as the cash for cars deal he put out... 75% went to toyota, nissan and honda....

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:31 PM


no photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:38 PM
Edited by chris_pc on Mon 07/19/10 04:42 PM

The President has to work with others in GOVERNMENT to affect change,, he is not going to singlehandedly do much of anything....

I dont see the eminent doom in anything that has happened in the past two years,, personally,,,

But the use of fear to win elections has been a successful strategy of right wing politics in western democracies, including Canada. Make us fear something that is really not all that scary and have Fox News, the network of fear, constantly barrage us with negative messages and lots of cleavage. I was amazed to learn how many people actually believe the rhetoric that Fox promotes.

I will resort to another quote here because I really love quotes but I think that John Adams would be sad to learn he was wrong when he said:

"Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it."

MSNBC does the exact same thing from the left wing perspective. The idea that winning elections based on fear being only a right wing thing is preposterous.

Point taken and thank-you for pointing that out. You are right, the left uses it too and I did not say it was solely a right wing phenomenon, I said they use it more successfully. I see now how I made it look like only a right wing strategy. I also agree that MSNBC is the same as Fox but since I study American, British and Canadian politics I have seen the use of fear more predominately from the right, especially here in Canada.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:41 PM
I would like to see a form of fearmongering from say CNN. I have yet to see it.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:48 PM

The President has to work with others in GOVERNMENT to affect change,, he is not going to singlehandedly do much of anything....

I dont see the eminent doom in anything that has happened in the past two years,, personally,,,

But the use of fear to win elections has been a successful strategy of right wing politics in western democracies, including Canada. Make us fear something that is really not all that scary and have Fox News, the network of fear, constantly barrage us with negative messages and lots of cleavage. I was amazed to learn how many people actually believe the rhetoric that Fox promotes.

I will resort to another quote here because I really love quotes but I think that John Adams would be sad to learn he was wrong when he said:

"Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it."

MSNBC does the exact same thing from the left wing perspective. The idea that winning elections based on fear being only a right wing thing is preposterous.

Point taken and thank-you for pointing that out. You are right, the left uses it too and I did not say it was solely a right wing phenomenon, I said they use it more successfully. I see now how I made it look like only a right wing strategy. I also agree that MSNBC is the same as Fox but since I study American, British and Canadian politics I have seen the use of fear more predominately from the right, especially here in Canada.

Since Reagan the republicans have used a strong national defense mantra to win votes. I don't deny that. However, there is a difference between using that and outright fearmongering. The real problem is that the public in general is so uninterested in finding out the facts, that a soundbite or TV ad depicting the end of the world can be effective. That is more to the sheeple society that we have evolved into.. You would think that with the immediate access to information via the internet that would change, but I am afraid that old lazy habits die hard..

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:56 PM
Anyone who tries to make you afraid of something should be regarded as a manipulator and not trusted.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/19/10 04:59 PM

There is a big difference between being informative and being manipulative. Fox news station is the perfect example of the difference. It is so manipulative that is borders on ridiculous.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 07/19/10 05:14 PM

There is a big difference between being informative and being manipulative. Fox news station is the perfect example of the difference. It is so manipulative that is borders on ridiculous.

And so is MSNBC... It is ridiculous..

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/19/10 05:17 PM

There is a big difference between being informative and being manipulative. Fox news station is the perfect example of the difference. It is so manipulative that is borders on ridiculous.

And so is MSNBC... It is ridiculous..

I don't watch it so I cannot say one way or the other.

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/21/10 04:04 PM
Right ... fear mongering and news broadcasts ... hmmm

CBC does a fine job and CTV and Global ... not bad ...

more just information ... sometimes sucked into global propaganda like everyone else is by a good scam.

generally gets corrected in as quick a fashion as possible.

oH and what was the topic .... JOBs ... where are they ...

well ... if the Banks ... [not government] ... that got bailed out ... [by Bush] ... actually loaned the money out fairly to small business ... you would see some of them by now.

put blame where it belongs and stop believeing FOX news.

InvictusV's photo
Wed 07/21/10 04:52 PM

Right ... fear mongering and news broadcasts ... hmmm

CBC does a fine job and CTV and Global ... not bad ...

more just information ... sometimes sucked into global propaganda like everyone else is by a good scam.

generally gets corrected in as quick a fashion as possible.

oH and what was the topic .... JOBs ... where are they ...

well ... if the Banks ... [not government] ... that got bailed out ... [by Bush] ... actually loaned the money out fairly to small business ... you would see some of them by now.

put blame where it belongs and stop believeing FOX news.

well golly gee... Just throw around credit... sounds great until you remember that easy credit and over leverage got us into this mess in the first place..

credit is great everyone should have atleast 500% of their gross income..


mightymoe's photo
Wed 07/21/10 05:37 PM
the "fear" also generates dollars... anyone the lives by the coast knows how the news is when a hurricane is about 1000 miles away.. the stores run out of plywood at 45 dollars a sheet... batteries, bottled water, canned foods, the shelves are empty and the hurricane doesn't hit... not to mention the ratings they get for the commercials.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 07/21/10 05:38 PM

Right ... fear mongering and news broadcasts ... hmmm

CBC does a fine job and CTV and Global ... not bad ...

more just information ... sometimes sucked into global propaganda like everyone else is by a good scam.

generally gets corrected in as quick a fashion as possible.

oH and what was the topic .... JOBs ... where are they ...

well ... if the Banks ... [not government] ... that got bailed out ... [by Bush] ... actually loaned the money out fairly to small business ... you would see some of them by now.

put blame where it belongs and stop believeing FOX news.

well golly gee... Just throw around credit... sounds great until you remember that easy credit and over leverage got us into this mess in the first place..

credit is great everyone should have atleast 500% of their gross income..


it was obama, not bush...

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/21/10 08:41 PM
Edited by Thorb on Wed 07/21/10 08:49 PM

Right ... fear mongering and news broadcasts ... hmmm

CBC does a fine job and CTV and Global ... not bad ...

more just information ... sometimes sucked into global propaganda like everyone else is by a good scam.

generally gets corrected in as quick a fashion as possible.

oH and what was the topic .... JOBs ... where are they ...

well ... if the Banks ... [not government] ... that got bailed out ... [by Bush] ... actually loaned the money out fairly to small business ... you would see some of them by now.

put blame where it belongs and stop believeing FOX news.

well golly gee... Just throw around credit... sounds great until you remember that easy credit and over leverage got us into this mess in the first place..

credit is great everyone should have atleast 500% of their gross income..


nice sarcasm ... but its properly managed credit to support small business that I'm talking about.

nothing about personal ... I need an hd tv and iphone with unlimited access for 4 kids too. .. oh their own phones and tv's and cars ... b.s.

More FOX rhetroic on selective facts for a strawman argument.

it was obama, not bush...

Bush started the 700 billion bail out ... Oboma just didn't stop it. .. then economic advisors ... maybe partly corporate pawns ... but also academics which I know the right dispises ... decided with global confrencing to move on the further measures to stop a global implosion on an economic level that could have been ... but hey it didn't happen so who knows ... worse than the dirty thirties.

remember Academics write history ...
the rest of us just read and bytch.
and now think we are interactive through the internet mind meld.
so to lynk
breed like mink
ours don't stink
so as to ...
ingest all individualism

rah rah rah ... Corporate America Unite ...

Dragoness's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:04 PM
Correct Bush started the bail out.

Bush is still effecting us in large ways in this country.

Obama has tried to end the Bush blunders but he hasn't done it for some of them yet.

He keeps trying to be "bipartisan". I really wish he would stop it. They will not do it for him.

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:13 PM
Bailouts, unemployment extensions, things like this do not spark or stimulate growth in the economy. The problem in job creation is that it is more expensive to pay a US worker to do something that it is to pay a foriegn one. This makes foriegn goods cheap and thus discourages companies from making working class jobs in this country.

Now, to really stimulate job growth you have to increase tariffs on foriegn goods. This raises the cost of production and makes it more economical to just manufacture the products domestically. Unfortunately, in the short term, it raises the overall cost of living, but in the long run, with more domestic production comes more economic stability.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:30 PM

Bailouts, unemployment extensions, things like this do not spark or stimulate growth in the economy. The problem in job creation is that it is more expensive to pay a US worker to do something that it is to pay a foriegn one. This makes foriegn goods cheap and thus discourages companies from making working class jobs in this country.

Now, to really stimulate job growth you have to increase tariffs on foriegn goods. This raises the cost of production and makes it more economical to just manufacture the products domestically. Unfortunately, in the short term, it raises the overall cost of living, but in the long run, with more domestic production comes more economic stability.

unemployment extensions are not really economic stimulus, he's trying to keep people from losing their homes, and to pay utilities. and you can thank the unions for american workers making so much money, to me, the unions are what need to go. they were good for what they started for, but the government can monitor the companies better now.

Thorb's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:47 PM
Edited by Thorb on Wed 07/21/10 09:59 PM

Bailouts, unemployment extensions, things like this do not spark or stimulate growth in the economy.
correct ... they are social Band-Aids for parts of the economy and help to maintain cash flow in an average sector of the economy
The problem in job creation is that it is more expensive to pay a US worker to do something that it is to pay a foreign one.
that is not THE problem ... it is just A problem.
the man of the Last Century ... Henry Ford ...
realized you need to pay your employees well enough to buy your product if you expect to stay in business.
Another problem is the unwillingness of so many corporations to do that. [its easy if you only make breakfast cereal to say you do. but its missing the point]
This makes foreign goods cheap and thus discourages companies from making working class jobs in this country.

Now, to really stimulate job growth you have to increase tariffs on foreign goods. This raises the cost of production and makes it more economical to just manufacture the products domestically. Unfortunately, in the short term, it raises the overall cost of living, but in the long run, with more domestic production comes more economic stability.

true to some extent but tariffs have been tried and worked in various ways for ... ever. [taxes through extortion on trade routes] ... Towns in N.A. were founded to be self sufficient in the wilderness of the new world ... problem is ...
we changed ... grew over populated in cityscapes ... out ate our environment ... outsourced for just about everything.
focus has been on military production too much for too long with people in business thinking its a security blanket for all of their insured lives.

Tariffs are the major thing negotiated between nations ... the NAFT thing that Canadians and Mexicans have been botching about for years was an attempt at this mega corroboration global competition thingie that was believed by almost everyone in power as the way to smoothing the future ... has backfired into mega costs and mega debt.

A rethinking and reinstalling of a new faith in sustained growth [which in my opinion is insane] aspect of society to eventually include the globe is what is now taking place.

Decentralization is necessary for real success in the future.
the internet may provide a lifeline
it may also be corrupted and controlled
China is working on that and so is the FCC and other federal agencies.

Big Brother is fighting for his life with a few Big Cousins.

you can thank the unions for american workers making so much money, to me, the unions are what need to go. they were good for what they started for, but the government can monitor the companies better now.

the unions are checks and balances ... another piece of democracy.
no more corrupt than the government itself
no different than loby groups [which some would also banish]
one more step toward totalitarianism

unions do need to evolve ... but not be rid of ... in fact ... more people need to join and form unions and negotiate fair trade with all middlemen that are trying to skim too much off the top.