Topic: Anybody else tired of these Anti-war cowards? | |
This is not protesting it is willingful destruction of public property.The usual suspects are the 18-25 crowd with no brains,who believe destroying public property somehow accomplishes something. For those of us who are educated in politics we know you accomplish far more with a pen and paper then a baseball bat and a can of spray paint.They will find this person and he or she will spend many years paying back the thousands of dollars to repair this monument.Justice will be served. I agree with you, Thomas. Also, you forgot to mention, that you can do even more damage with bullets and grenades than with a can of spray paint and with writing letters. Do you figure America will spend many years paying back the value of lost lives of people (theirs and foreigners') and repair the suffering Amys caused? Will America pay due homage in humility and true remorse to peoples whose lives they unilaterally destroyed, even if they did not kill them, but just killing their brothers and mothers? Do you think America is willing to, or will ever be forced to spend the money and and the respect to re-establish a few entire countries' infrastructure and humane living conditions? I suppose if you are going to fly airplanes into buildings and wage War with America then the blood on the hands of those killed is from your own actions.I know if I was living in Iraq and had a neutral view on the War I would have to think back why America was there in the first place and why they continue to be there.The body count keeps going up every day because those responsible for this War refuse to stop terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan.If the terrorist simply give up and surrender the loss of life will stop. The damage to innocent civilians,buildings,and loss of life by the United states military is pale in comparison to the daily terrorist actions around the world.Every day we read about how 50-100 people were blown up by terrorist bombs.And just because a civilian died does that mean they were innocent?I'm sure 99% of those innocent civilians would gladly have picked up a AK 47 and shot a American in the back if they could get away with it. My views on this War is that it is totally justified.I believe we didn't need any reason to go in there to wipe out thousands of terrorist who spread death and destruction around the world and keep women in slaverly.If I was the President I would have carpet bombed Iraq,Iran,Pakistan,and Afghanistan from border to border like they did in World war 2. You seem to forget that we were reacting to Japan's aggressions in Manchuria and their conquest of China. Japan was stepping all over our financial interests in the west Pacific and China. We refused to appease them but the League of Nations was hot to Appease Hitler. No matter what we were all headed to war! The invasion of Indochina was the last straw and breaking point. |
but isnt it odd that in a country where people believe in conspiracy theories where an entire government SYSTEM would forge and lie to create an 'illusion' of someones citizenship,,,that we so blindly believe and follow our governments justifications for wars?
I am anti war as well and I am not a coward. I would fight against any PERSON or PERSONS I know are trying to harm my loved ones, I am not so sure I would believe blindly a government telling me which persons these are though,,,and I certainly wouldnt be so amped up to risk the lives of innocent people over government claims...particularly those I consider unreasonable |
I have deleted several post within this thread some post did have some good points to them but were deleted due to they started off attacking. Therefore I deleted them instead of spending the time to edit them.
Please do not attack other members for their opinion as well as keep on topic.... Attacking is just as much when one questions ones intelligence. This forum is for debates not name calling or degrading others. Site Mod Kristi |
Today - at this moment, I can say, I'm proud to be an American and in the company of so many who have refuted the OP. Freedom means that all sides of any issue can be brought to light.
Sometimes protests become violent and both private and public property are harmed. But I agree with the several posters who have the intelligence to understand the difference between a willful act of violence and that of an emotionally charged situation. In these forums we seem to find a lot to disagree about, but its always nice to give credit to someone's thought process. So I'm including a quote I found especially credit worthy. BS. 1) associating the anti-war position with vandals is a guilt by association fallacy
2) assuming that a person who doesn't support the war is a causation fallacy-there are thousands of troops who are against the war, and it is not necessary to be a soldier to be against war (just as one doesn't have to be a republican to oppose "terror") 3) you also assume that standing armies=just war, but history past and present proves otherwise ("jus ad bellum" has not been observed for decades) |
Wow, im always proud to be an American.
After a war, a hero is just a man with one leg
After a war, a hero is just a man with one leg history is written by the winners , who almost always deem themselves heroes but I am glad we have men and women who are willing to take on the task of being on call IN CASE something happens(and accepting the real risk of being called to give their lives for whatever other reason their commanders give them) |
COWARDICE, n. A charge often levelled by all-American types against those who stand up for their beliefs by refusing to fight in wars they find unconscionable, and who willingly go to prison or into exile in order to avoid violating their own consciences. These 'cowards' are to be contrasted with red-blooded,'patriotic' youths who literally bend over, grab their ankles, submit to the government, fight in wars they do not understand (or disapprove of), and blindly obey orders to maim and to kill simply because they are ordered to do so—all to the howling approval of the all-American mob. This type of behavior is commonly termed 'courageous.'"
—Chaz Bufe, The Devil's Dictionaries ("American Heretic's Dictionary" section) |
Wow, im always proud to be an American. Then perhaps you havn't lived long enough yet, but I do wish you a long life, there is so much to learn. |