Topic: Tea Party Anger ... What's The Source ... ?
Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/05/10 10:43 AM

i can't see where it's illegal... BP did it without griping too much... if bush did it, would that of made you happy? just wondering

You either didn't read or didn't understand the distinctions I pointed out. Pity ...

maybe i didn't... but i do see you attacking a supposed "good thing" and then only naming black politicians that are trying to help...

" If you can tell me precisely HOW the 'Obama Shakedown' differs from the 'Sharpton / Jackson Shakedown',"

No, you've about saw the extent of our resident neocon chess piece's schtick. He pretty much only moves backwards and 10 spaces to the Far Right. He'll then assume the role of Mad Hatter at the Tea Party, trying to Sphinx you out with Tricky Dick Nixon commie talk.

What's really rich is the fact that the Tea Partiers have managed to get the one person on the planet who Harry Reid _can_ beat on the ticket in Nevada. In a lot of ways, the Tea Party is like those Sunday morning Get-Rich-Quick infomercials-- they have these pie-in-the-sky plans To Save Uh-merica(!) that won't work while their elite line their pockets at the expense of the rubes.

-Kerry O.

Harry reif can't beat Sharron Angle, no way. Hes 11% behind after spending 15,500,000 in negative p-ersonal attack add's. Harry's done.

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/05/10 11:00 AM

i can't see where it's illegal... BP did it without griping too much... if bush did it, would that of made you happy? just wondering

You either didn't read or didn't understand the distinctions I pointed out. Pity ...

maybe i didn't... but i do see you attacking a supposed "good thing" and then only naming black politicians that are trying to help...

" If you can tell me precisely HOW the 'Obama Shakedown' differs from the 'Sharpton / Jackson Shakedown',"

No, you've about saw the extent of our resident neocon chess piece's schtick. He pretty much only moves backwards and 10 spaces to the Far Right. He'll then assume the role of Mad Hatter at the Tea Party, trying to Sphinx you out with Tricky Dick Nixon commie talk.

What's really rich is the fact that the Tea Partiers have managed to get the one person on the planet who Harry Reid _can_ beat on the ticket in Nevada. In a lot of ways, the Tea Party is like those Sunday morning Get-Rich-Quick infomercials-- they have these pie-in-the-sky plans To Save Uh-merica(!) that won't work while their elite line their pockets at the expense of the rubes.

-Kerry O.

Harry reif can't beat Sharron Angle, no way. Hes 11% behind after spending 15,500,000 in negative p-ersonal attack add's. Harry's done.

its actually still close, so I would not say NO WAY...

from cbs news

'But Angle still leads Reid in the latest poll. A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows Angle leading Reid by 48 percent to 41 percent. Furthermore, a majority of Nevadans favor repealing health care reform, one of the most significant pieces of legislation Reid helped push through.

Yet while Reid is very unpopular in the state -- 49 percent give him an unfavorable rating -- nearly as many (47 percent) find Angle unfavorable. '

Angle is ALMOST as unliked as Harry, and he is the incumbent who people might be opposing because of his record,,,,,why would so many oppose Angle?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/05/10 11:04 AM
"A Rasmussen poll"

????what is that? sounds fishy to me...

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/05/10 11:20 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 07/05/10 11:21 AM

"A Rasmussen poll"

????what is that? sounds fishy to me...

lol,,dont ALL the 'polls' sound fishy,,,,

what are the odds, with all these POLLS going on, that I would not be asked to take part in even ONE in forty years? Whom are they 'polling' ? (shrugs)

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/05/10 12:05 PM

i can't see where it's illegal... BP did it without griping too much... if bush did it, would that of made you happy? just wondering

You either didn't read or didn't understand the distinctions I pointed out. Pity ...

maybe i didn't... but i do see you attacking a supposed "good thing" and then only naming black politicians that are trying to help...

" If you can tell me precisely HOW the 'Obama Shakedown' differs from the 'Sharpton / Jackson Shakedown',"

No, you've about saw the extent of our resident neocon chess piece's schtick. He pretty much only moves backwards and 10 spaces to the Far Right. He'll then assume the role of Mad Hatter at the Tea Party, trying to Sphinx you out with Tricky Dick Nixon commie talk.

What's really rich is the fact that the Tea Partiers have managed to get the one person on the planet who Harry Reid _can_ beat on the ticket in Nevada. In a lot of ways, the Tea Party is like those Sunday morning Get-Rich-Quick infomercials-- they have these pie-in-the-sky plans To Save Uh-merica(!) that won't work while their elite line their pockets at the expense of the rubes.

-Kerry O.

Harry reif can't beat Sharron Angle, no way. Hes 11% behind after spending 15,500,000 in negative p-ersonal attack add's. Harry's done.

its actually still close, so I would not say NO WAY...

from cbs news

'But Angle still leads Reid in the latest poll. A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows Angle leading Reid by 48 percent to 41 percent. Furthermore, a majority of Nevadans favor repealing health care reform, one of the most significant pieces of legislation Reid helped push through.

Yet while Reid is very unpopular in the state -- 49 percent give him an unfavorable rating -- nearly as many (47 percent) find Angle unfavorable. '

Angle is ALMOST as unliked as Harry, and he is the incumbent who people might be opposing because of his record,,,,,why would so many oppose Angle?

That's in accurate. I was at the local Centeral Committee Office and we pulled the polls it is %50-39, and that is before the negative ad's Reid put out. You also need to relaize that Reid has the biggest political mercenary in Nevada working for him who is the king of running a negative campaign, Sig Rogich.

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/05/10 12:38 PM

i can't see where it's illegal... BP did it without griping too much... if bush did it, would that of made you happy? just wondering

You either didn't read or didn't understand the distinctions I pointed out. Pity ...

maybe i didn't... but i do see you attacking a supposed "good thing" and then only naming black politicians that are trying to help...

" If you can tell me precisely HOW the 'Obama Shakedown' differs from the 'Sharpton / Jackson Shakedown',"

No, you've about saw the extent of our resident neocon chess piece's schtick. He pretty much only moves backwards and 10 spaces to the Far Right. He'll then assume the role of Mad Hatter at the Tea Party, trying to Sphinx you out with Tricky Dick Nixon commie talk.

What's really rich is the fact that the Tea Partiers have managed to get the one person on the planet who Harry Reid _can_ beat on the ticket in Nevada. In a lot of ways, the Tea Party is like those Sunday morning Get-Rich-Quick infomercials-- they have these pie-in-the-sky plans To Save Uh-merica(!) that won't work while their elite line their pockets at the expense of the rubes.

-Kerry O.

Harry reif can't beat Sharron Angle, no way. Hes 11% behind after spending 15,500,000 in negative p-ersonal attack add's. Harry's done.

its actually still close, so I would not say NO WAY...

from cbs news

'But Angle still leads Reid in the latest poll. A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows Angle leading Reid by 48 percent to 41 percent. Furthermore, a majority of Nevadans favor repealing health care reform, one of the most significant pieces of legislation Reid helped push through.

Yet while Reid is very unpopular in the state -- 49 percent give him an unfavorable rating -- nearly as many (47 percent) find Angle unfavorable. '

Angle is ALMOST as unliked as Harry, and he is the incumbent who people might be opposing because of his record,,,,,why would so many oppose Angle?

That's in accurate. I was at the local Centeral Committee Office and we pulled the polls it is %50-39, and that is before the negative ad's Reid put out. You also need to relaize that Reid has the biggest political mercenary in Nevada working for him who is the king of running a negative campaign, Sig Rogich.

well, different polls have different numbers I suppose,,which goes back to the point that 'polls' are fishy. What I posted was from Rasmussen, I am not sure what the committee office 'pulled' their polls from.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/05/10 12:45 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Mon 07/05/10 12:45 PM

i can't see where it's illegal... BP did it without griping too much... if bush did it, would that of made you happy? just wondering

You either didn't read or didn't understand the distinctions I pointed out. Pity ...

maybe i didn't... but i do see you attacking a supposed "good thing" and then only naming black politicians that are trying to help...

" If you can tell me precisely HOW the 'Obama Shakedown' differs from the 'Sharpton / Jackson Shakedown',"

No, you've about saw the extent of our resident neocon chess piece's schtick. He pretty much only moves backwards and 10 spaces to the Far Right. He'll then assume the role of Mad Hatter at the Tea Party, trying to Sphinx you out with Tricky Dick Nixon commie talk.

What's really rich is the fact that the Tea Partiers have managed to get the one person on the planet who Harry Reid _can_ beat on the ticket in Nevada. In a lot of ways, the Tea Party is like those Sunday morning Get-Rich-Quick infomercials-- they have these pie-in-the-sky plans To Save Uh-merica(!) that won't work while their elite line their pockets at the expense of the rubes.

-Kerry O.

Harry reif can't beat Sharron Angle, no way. Hes 11% behind after spending 15,500,000 in negative p-ersonal attack add's. Harry's done.

its actually still close, so I would not say NO WAY...

from cbs news

'But Angle still leads Reid in the latest poll. A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows Angle leading Reid by 48 percent to 41 percent. Furthermore, a majority of Nevadans favor repealing health care reform, one of the most significant pieces of legislation Reid helped push through.

Yet while Reid is very unpopular in the state -- 49 percent give him an unfavorable rating -- nearly as many (47 percent) find Angle unfavorable. '

Angle is ALMOST as unliked as Harry, and he is the incumbent who people might be opposing because of his record,,,,,why would so many oppose Angle?

That's in accurate. I was at the local Centeral Committee Office and we pulled the polls it is %50-39, and that is before the negative ad's Reid put out. You also need to relaize that Reid has the biggest political mercenary in Nevada working for him who is the king of running a negative campaign, Sig Rogich.

well, different polls have different numbers I suppose,,which goes back to the point that 'polls' are fishy. What I posted was from Rasmussen, I am not sure what the committee office 'pulled' their polls from.

We use several polls including Rasmussen, we also conduct our own internal polls.

no photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:20 PM

Where's all the cry's of racism we usually hear?

Racism is only one motivation, for some tea party enthusiasts.

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:28 PM

Where's all the cry's of racism we usually hear?

Racism is only one motivation, for some tea party enthusiasts.

lol,, well done

Thorb's photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:38 PM
Edited by Thorb on Mon 07/05/10 02:41 PM

Gee. It's so nice to see people of the same mind come together to ignore reality ...

Y'all ever consider goin' all 'WWF' and doin' 'tag team' matches ... ?

It's really great to see how every point in the post EXCEPT the THUG SHAKEDOWN of a PRIVATE BUSINESS is ignored. 'S okay, tho' ... some folks just can't focus.

of a private business ... sorry bub... its not private.

its public ... and its not American ... its Multinational.

and they are not in American Waters ... they are in International waters.

and more than Half of your original Tea party gripes have to do with **** that Bush and the Repuklicans did.

so I see the anger coming from bias and prejudice and propagandized misinformation.

As for thug politics ... isn't that what all multinationals use to deal with governments everywhere ... threatening job losses and tax revenue losses with p;ullouts .

tit for tat is only fare ... I salute Obama for getting BP to cave when legally they didn't have to .

no photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:51 PM

and more than Half of your original Tea party gripes have to do with **** that Bush and the Repuklicans did.

Yeah, the degree of partisanship we see just seems insane to me - and it cuts both ways. Some tea party members are well aware of what you say, and were equally opposed to Bush. Others are jumping on a bandwagon.

Personally, on some level I'm always happy to see any third party gain increasing popularity. I believe the harm done by our current form of the two party system is greater than the harm any third party could really do.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/05/10 03:39 PM
What unites Tea Party supporters is less their geography or demography than their policy views: a firm conviction that the federal government has gotten too big and too powerful, and a fear that the nation faces great peril. Nine in 10 are unhappy with the country's direction and see the federal debt as an ominous threat to its future. Almost as many say neither President Obama nor most members of Congress deserve re-election.

They are much more downbeat than non-Tea Party supporters, who by 21 percentage points are more satisfied with the country’s direction and by a yawning 49 points are more likely to say Obama deserves re-election.

The Tea Party supporters who were interviewed bristle at the suggestion that the group is extremist, and some distance themselves from rhetoric that seems to advocate violent revolution. "As with anything, there are some factions that wig out," says Bonnie Jones, 60, of Independence, Ky.

They deny that bigotry or rejections of Obama because of his race are part of the movement’s appeal, a perception fueled by YouTube videos showing racist signs at some Tea Party rallies. Even so, they do have a distinctive perspective on race.

Those who embrace the Tea Party movement are much less likely than others to see discrimination as a threat to the nation’s future and a hurdle for minorities. More than three in four say racial minorities have equal job opportunities; only half of non-Tea Party supporters agree. They overwhelmingly reject the notion that economic disparities between blacks and whites are mainly the result of discrimination.

Nearly half say blacks lag in jobs, income and housing "because most African-Americans just don't have the motivation or willpower to pull themselves up out of poverty." Only one-third of non-supporters agree.

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/05/10 04:57 PM

What unites Tea Party supporters is less their geography or demography than their policy views: a firm conviction that the federal government has gotten too big and too powerful, and a fear that the nation faces great peril. Nine in 10 are unhappy with the country's direction and see the federal debt as an ominous threat to its future. Almost as many say neither President Obama nor most members of Congress deserve re-election.

They are much more downbeat than non-Tea Party supporters, who by 21 percentage points are more satisfied with the country’s direction and by a yawning 49 points are more likely to say Obama deserves re-election.

The Tea Party supporters who were interviewed bristle at the suggestion that the group is extremist, and some distance themselves from rhetoric that seems to advocate violent revolution. "As with anything, there are some factions that wig out," says Bonnie Jones, 60, of Independence, Ky.

They deny that bigotry or rejections of Obama because of his race are part of the movement’s appeal, a perception fueled by YouTube videos showing racist signs at some Tea Party rallies. Even so, they do have a distinctive perspective on race.

Those who embrace the Tea Party movement are much less likely than others to see discrimination as a threat to the nation’s future and a hurdle for minorities. More than three in four say racial minorities have equal job opportunities; only half of non-Tea Party supporters agree. They overwhelmingly reject the notion that economic disparities between blacks and whites are mainly the result of discrimination.

Nearly half say blacks lag in jobs, income and housing "because most African-Americans just don't have the motivation or willpower to pull themselves up out of poverty." Only one-third of non-supporters agree.

yeah, the old bootstrap philosophy,,,,my elders used to say its pretty easy to believe it if you aren't the one with no bootstraps,,lol

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:25 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 07/05/10 05:25 PM

What unites Tea Party supporters is less their geography or demography than their policy views: a firm conviction that the federal government has gotten too big and too powerful, and a fear that the nation faces great peril. Nine in 10 are unhappy with the country's direction and see the federal debt as an ominous threat to its future. Almost as many say neither President Obama nor most members of Congress deserve re-election.

They are much more downbeat than non-Tea Party supporters, who by 21 percentage points are more satisfied with the country’s direction and by a yawning 49 points are more likely to say Obama deserves re-election.

The Tea Party supporters who were interviewed bristle at the suggestion that the group is extremist, and some distance themselves from rhetoric that seems to advocate violent revolution. "As with anything, there are some factions that wig out," says Bonnie Jones, 60, of Independence, Ky.

They deny that bigotry or rejections of Obama because of his race are part of the movement’s appeal, a perception fueled by YouTube videos showing racist signs at some Tea Party rallies. Even so, they do have a distinctive perspective on race.

Those who embrace the Tea Party movement are much less likely than others to see discrimination as a threat to the nation’s future and a hurdle for minorities. More than three in four say racial minorities have equal job opportunities; only half of non-Tea Party supporters agree. They overwhelmingly reject the notion that economic disparities between blacks and whites are mainly the result of discrimination.

Nearly half say blacks lag in jobs, income and housing "because most African-Americans just don't have the motivation or willpower to pull themselves up out of poverty." Only one-third of non-supporters agree.

yeah, the old bootstrap philosophy,,,,my elders used to say its pretty easy to believe it if you aren't the one with no bootstraps,,lol

i'm not sure, but the more the government gives people, the less they want to do for it...i think some things should be put on hold, just to give an incentive to get people to try harder. i think thats what they are saying...

KerryO's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:42 PM

Angle is ALMOST as unliked as Harry, and he is the incumbent who people might be opposing because of his record,,,,,why would so many oppose Angle?

She stuck her foot in her mouth a couple of times by speaking favorably of some of the 'treatments' offered by the Church of Scientology.

I suspect that by November, 'thetans' and 'L. Ron Hubbard' will be household words.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:48 PM
And BTW, isn't Sarah "Drill, Baby, Drill!" Palin sure keeping a pretty low profile since the BP debacle?

-Kerry O.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:58 PM

Angle is ALMOST as unliked as Harry, and he is the incumbent who people might be opposing because of his record,,,,,why would so many oppose Angle?

She stuck her foot in her mouth a couple of times by speaking favorably of some of the 'treatments' offered by the Church of Scientology.

I suspect that by November, 'thetans' and 'L. Ron Hubbard' will be household words.

-Kerry O.

No, 10 years ago people didn't realize that Second Chance was affiliated with the Church of Scientology.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:59 PM

Where's all the cry's of racism we usually hear?

Racism is only one motivation, for some tea party enthusiasts.

Being that a lot of leaders of the Tea Party movement are black?

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/05/10 06:00 PM

Gee. It's so nice to see people of the same mind come together to ignore reality ...

Y'all ever consider goin' all 'WWF' and doin' 'tag team' matches ... ?

It's really great to see how every point in the post EXCEPT the THUG SHAKEDOWN of a PRIVATE BUSINESS is ignored. 'S okay, tho' ... some folks just can't focus.

of a private business ... sorry bub... its not private.

its public ... and its not American ... its Multinational.

and they are not in American Waters ... they are in International waters.

and more than Half of your original Tea party gripes have to do with **** that Bush and the Repuklicans did.

so I see the anger coming from bias and prejudice and propagandized misinformation.

As for thug politics ... isn't that what all multinationals use to deal with governments everywhere ... threatening job losses and tax revenue losses with p;ullouts .

tit for tat is only fare ... I salute Obama for getting BP to cave when legally they didn't have to .

You realize the Dem's have been in control since 2006 right?

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/05/10 06:01 PM

And BTW, isn't Sarah "Drill, Baby, Drill!" Palin sure keeping a pretty low profile since the BP debacle?

-Kerry O.

Actually no shes not. I am constantly reading article after artice about her doing fundraisers for universities and speaking engagements.