Topic: Overly Optimistic
Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/25/10 04:52 PM

We've all been told staying positive creates
positive events. We've also been told it's even
physically healthier to be positive.
Is 'seeing' the best and worst case scenario
putting doubts on our positive expectations?
Is is possible to be overly optimistic?

There is a difference between being careless and stupid optimistic vs. optimistic.

What do you mean 'careless and stupid?"

In an insane asylum, you might think that those people are very optimistic from all the smiles you get, but the real reason is insanity and unable to process simple thinking so everything seems to be funny and the sky is always blue.
Now take someone who is well aware of everything and despite hitting rock bottom and where others would have already quit, and yet stays optimistic.

Big difference.

Yeah, but I'm not referring to people in an insane asylum.
I'm referring to 'regular' people like all of us.
How does 'careless and stupid' apply to the everyday average person as far as optimism?

depends on what counts as "overly" optimistic in your book.

That's why I started the thread...what is 'overly optimistic' it possible to be 'overly optimistic'..

and what is careless and stupid optimism? When does it become careless and stupid...

Goatherding's photo
Fri 06/25/10 04:54 PM
Part of being aware is realizing that everything in life is a two sided coin.There is good & not so good repercusions in all things.Age & wisdom guide us through our decisions & fate does the rest.

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 06/25/10 04:57 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 06/25/10 05:00 PM

We've all been told staying positive creates
positive events. We've also been told it's even
physically healthier to be positive.
Is 'seeing' the best and worst case scenario
putting doubts on our positive expectations?
Is is possible to be overly optimistic?

There is a difference between being careless and stupid optimistic vs. optimistic.

What do you mean 'careless and stupid?"

In an insane asylum, you might think that those people are very optimistic from all the smiles you get, but the real reason is insanity and unable to process simple thinking so everything seems to be funny and the sky is always blue.
Now take someone who is well aware of everything and despite hitting rock bottom and where others would have already quit, and yet stays optimistic.

Big difference.

Yeah, but I'm not referring to people in an insane asylum.
I'm referring to 'regular' people like all of us.
How does 'careless and stupid' apply to the everyday average person as far as optimism?

depends on what counts as "overly" optimistic in your book.

That's why I started the thread...what is 'overly optimistic' it possible to be 'overly optimistic'..

and what is careless and stupid optimism? When does it become careless and stupid...

Ok, in my book "stupidly optimistic" is a person who is only happy because he or she doesn't know anything. It's sort of an ignorance. Ignoring the whole world and everyone around himself and doing his own business while not realizing that he might be hurting others at the same time, whatever he is doing. (or she).

Basically, these people aren't optmistic because he can just find something good in the worst of the times, but because he is unaware of the bad things. Basically being ignorant and rather not even acknowledge, that not everything is honey coated and vanilla ice cream.

If you want to find an optimistic person, that is someone who is well aware of all the problems beside all the good things and walk you through hell with a smile on his face and convince you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just have to walk the walk.

freeonthree's photo
Fri 06/25/10 04:59 PM
I think you must realize the negetive in order to appreciate the positive

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:04 PM

We've all been told staying positive creates
positive events. We've also been told it's even
physically healthier to be positive.
Is 'seeing' the best and worst case scenario
putting doubts on our positive expectations?
Is is possible to be overly optimistic?

There is a difference between being careless and stupid optimistic vs. optimistic.

What do you mean 'careless and stupid?"

In an insane asylum, you might think that those people are very optimistic from all the smiles you get, but the real reason is insanity and unable to process simple thinking so everything seems to be funny and the sky is always blue.
Now take someone who is well aware of everything and despite hitting rock bottom and where others would have already quit, and yet stays optimistic.

Big difference.

Yeah, but I'm not referring to people in an insane asylum.
I'm referring to 'regular' people like all of us.
How does 'careless and stupid' apply to the everyday average person as far as optimism?

depends on what counts as "overly" optimistic in your book.

That's why I started the thread...what is 'overly optimistic' it possible to be 'overly optimistic'..

and what is careless and stupid optimism? When does it become careless and stupid...

Ok, in my book "stupidly optimistic" is a person who is only happy because he or she doesn't know anything. It's sort of an ignorance. Ignoring the whole world and everyone around himself and doing his own business while not realizing that he might be hurting others at the same time, whatever he is doing. (or she).

Basically, these people aren't optmistic because he can just find something good in the worst of the times, but because he is unaware of the bad things. Basically being ignorant and rather not even acknowledge, that not everything is honey coated and vanilla ice cream.

If you want to find an optimistic person, that is someone who is well aware of all the problems beside all the good things and walk you through hell with a smile on his face and convince you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just have to walk the walk.

alright, thanks for the explanation. I wasn't tracking with you on I am.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:09 PM

Part of being aware is realizing that everything in life is a two sided coin.There is good & not so good repercusions in all things.Age & wisdom guide us through our decisions & fate does the rest.

So 'fate' is a factor? Hmmmmmmm. So then when you've stayed positive, pro-active and the outcome isn't what you had stayed positive and pro-active for then 'fate' comes into play...and it just isn't meant to be...

So then is 'karma' a factor?

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:16 PM

We've all been told staying positive creates
positive events. We've also been told it's even
physically healthier to be positive.
Is 'seeing' the best and worst case scenario
putting doubts on our positive expectations?
Is is possible to be overly optimistic?

Unrealistic optimism can be harmful to the optimistic one.

We can be positive without being unrealistically optimistic.

Balancing reality with optimism is a great talent to have.

The way I utilize my balance of this is: During the evaluation of the situation part of the decision making, I consider each choice and the possibility of the bad and good of each choice. During this process I can assess the possible negative results and if I can prepare in advance or preemptively stop the negative from happening. Then when I make the choice I also institute my preparatory determinations as part of my action. So when I take the action I feel very positive about it.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:18 PM

Always best to look for the positive but we must realize that at times the negative creeps in.

As far as too much positive sure it can happen if we put blinders on for within reality we will always have a bit of both in our lives... It all comes down to what we do with the negative that comes our way.... We must teach ourselves to see the good within and not let the negative take over and bring us down.........whoa

As they say no matter how bad we may have it someone else always has it worse be thankful for what you have and never regret what you don't have.....

So, it's not so much what happens, but how we deal with it. Do we stay optimistic during crisis or fall apart...

Would that fit into 'overly optimistic"...

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:24 PM

Always best to look for the positive but we must realize that at times the negative creeps in.

As far as too much positive sure it can happen if we put blinders on for within reality we will always have a bit of both in our lives... It all comes down to what we do with the negative that comes our way.... We must teach ourselves to see the good within and not let the negative take over and bring us down.........whoa

As they say no matter how bad we may have it someone else always has it worse be thankful for what you have and never regret what you don't have.....

So, it's not so much what happens, but how we deal with it. Do we stay optimistic during crisis or fall apart...

Would that fit into 'overly optimistic"...

A crisis is one of those times we have to wait for the outcome first then make the best of what we are dealt with in the end..... Not all things will always go our way but in the end it comes down to how we deal with it..

no photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:26 PM
It's all environment.. If your in a Concentration camp scheduled to be gassed.. Well your Screwed no matter what you think.. Unless God makes you feel you are a martyr..

If you are 3,000 miles away from someone you really want to spend your life with and its not possible.. again your screwed..

If your living next door to me..

Positive thinking will bring us both a big smile, and therefor a Positive attitude.


motowndowntown's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:30 PM
For every situation there is a point when things become truly hopeless.
Some people come to that point quickly. Others keep driving on till the point of self destruction. A person has got to know the limits of himself and the situation. There are times to keep betting and there are times to cut your loses, leave the table, and try another game at another time in another place. Knowing when is knowing yourself. Pushing on against overwhelming odds can be seen as heroic. But sometimes it's best to try a flanking maneuver.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:31 PM

We've all been told staying positive creates
positive events. We've also been told it's even
physically healthier to be positive.
Is 'seeing' the best and worst case scenario
putting doubts on our positive expectations?
Is is possible to be overly optimistic?

Yes. It's important to be realistic as well.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:40 PM
When one had done all they can, stayed positive, pro active and the end result isn't what they had in mind, is karma and fate somethings to be considered?

If you truly believe this 'thing' is there, or this 'thing' is going to happen and you've done all you can, detached from the outcome...stayed 'optimistic' and it just doesn't happen...are ya just 'unlucky?'

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:44 PM
Sometimes life is just a roll of the dice.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:45 PM
Naw not unlucky just the way it was meant to be.......

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:58 PM

When one had done all they can, stayed positive, pro active and the end result isn't what they had in mind, is karma and fate somethings to be considered?

If you truly believe this 'thing' is there, or this 'thing' is going to happen and you've done all you can, detached from the outcome...stayed 'optimistic' and it just doesn't happen...are ya just 'unlucky?'

No. Everything happens for a reason and it all has meaning. Sometimes it can be very hard to see that meaning, especially when you're close to the situation. But, it's there. Some of my worst outcomes have benefited me the most as a person.

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 06/25/10 06:19 PM

So, it's not so much what happens, but how we deal with it. Do we stay optimistic during crisis or fall apart...

Would that fit into 'overly optimistic"...

No. Period.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 06/25/10 06:26 PM

So, it's not so much what happens, but how we deal with it. Do we stay optimistic during crisis or fall apart...

Would that fit into 'overly optimistic"...

No. Period.

No to which statement? The 1st or 2nd

no photo
Fri 06/25/10 07:29 PM
The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 06/25/10 07:31 PM

So, it's not so much what happens, but how we deal with it. Do we stay optimistic during crisis or fall apart...

Would that fit into 'overly optimistic"...

No. Period.

No to which statement? The 1st or 2nd

2nd. What exactly is falling apart Lori?